Gossip King

Chapter 1014: A simple lifelong dream

"Why do you always feel a little weird today?" Gao Leng, who was about to go out, suddenly stopped. He moved his neck and looked around: "Did you bring your ID card or something?" Then he took out himself Looked at his wallet, the ID is inside.

"What's wrong, Mr. Gao?" Yang Guanguan asked when he saw his expression a little strange.

"I don't know what's going on." Gao Leng frowned: "I always feel a little strange, and I feel restless."

"Uneasy?" Yang Guanguan felt that suddenly, this word didn't seem to appear on the man whose career was soaring, she didn't understand. Don't say she didn't understand, Gao Leng didn't understand why she suddenly became flustered.

"Well, I'm a little flustered, I always feel that something is going to happen." Gao Leng put down the box and walked to the computer to turn on the computer, and then looked at the mailbox: "No important mail." When he went out, he hesitated. This is the first time. You must know that he was very agile every time he went out before.

"General Manager Gao?" Yang Guanguan also rarely saw Gao Leng so slow, looking at him strangely.

Gao Leng laughed self-deprecatingly. After checking the time, he picked up the box again: "Let's go, it's too late for a while, I'm afraid of traffic jams at this point."

At the door, Gao Leng glanced at the office again when the door was closed, always feeling that something was wrong, Gao Leng closed the office door suspiciously, and strode towards the elevator.

"Isn't it because Jian Xiaodan had something wrong?" Gao Leng stopped suddenly, with such a sentence in his mind, he quickly took out his mobile phone: "She's a novice driver, won't she crash again?"

Ding Ding Ding, Gao Leng, who was about to call, heard a ringtone from the office behind him. He put down his cell phone and turned to the office. He opened the door and walked to the desk. The phone on the table rang frantically.

"Hello?" Gao Leng picked up.

"Congratulations! Congratulations! Mr. Gao!" There was a congratulatory voice with a strong celebration: "My side is Director Wang of the Propaganda Department. Your series of reports on carrion, as well as your subordinate reporter on electric shock treatment The unannounced interview reports of Internet addiction have been selected as the best report in the Empire News' annual selection, and have been selected for the Taofen Award, the highest award in the Empire News industry!"

"Oh, it's the Propaganda Department? Thank you." The coldness who knew the news a long time ago was not unexpected, but he smiled happily. He was naturally happy to hear that Jian Xiaodan was also selected. The call was from Imperial Capital Propaganda. unit. This kind of large-scale news awards are generally received by the local propaganda department first, and then the reporter will be notified directly, or the propaganda department will notify me.

"Now that the selection results are out, you and Reporter Jane were both elected as journalists of the year and won the Taofen Award!"

Gao Leng was slightly stunned, Tao Fen Award...

Although it sounds like a dung prize...

But this is the highest award in the Empire for journalists, and some journalists have not received this award in their entire lives. It can be said that as long as you get this award, it means that you have achieved the ultimate in the journalist industry and this position.

"Thank you." Gao Leng suppressed the joy in his heart. It is not surprising that he won the Taofen Award. After all, the Carrion Case was the most sensational report on people's livelihood this year, which shocked both home and abroad. And Jian Xiaodan was pleasantly surprised when he won the Taofen Award.

He seemed to be able to see how Jian Xiaodan, who knew the news, would jump for joy, raising her somewhat proud little head, like a peacock.

"Our award certificate will be accompanied by the reporter's feelings. Everyone's feelings are within 50 words. Please prepare."

After hanging up the phone, Gao Leng let out a long sigh of relief. He smiled: "I said, why do you feel weird today? It turns out that there is such a big happy event!"

Two reporters from a private media won the Tao Fen Award. This is unprecedented in the history of the empire. It will also be a great honor for Xingsheng Magazine. This is a great event that Xingsheng Magazine deserves to be awarded.

Celebration banquets or awards banquets are indispensable, and such great news always requires a conference. Mr. Lu jumped up happily. He spent his entire life running the Xingsheng magazine. This is the first time that a reporter has won such a reputation.

Yes, the Taofen Award is a high reputation for a journalist and the highest praise for a journalist.

"Call Jian Xiaodan, it is estimated that she will be busy for a while." Gao Leng took out his mobile phone and called out.


Jian Xiaoshan walked towards Santana with a porcelain gift bag in his hand, and Santana slowly moved backwards and drove in her direction.

Ding Ding Ding, suddenly, her mobile phone rang, she stopped and picked up the phone, and saw that Gao Leng quickly answered, "What's the matter?"

"Good things, good things." Gao Leng's joyful laugh came from the phone.

"What's the good thing?" Jian Xiaodan stood there listening to the high cold laughter and couldn't help laughing: "What did you do again?"

She instinctively felt that Gao Leng's career should take off again, and her face was filled with the joy of replacing Gao Leng from the heart.

"It's not me, it's you." Gao Leng paused: "No, it's us both."


"Taofen Award, you and I have both won the Taofen Award, congratulations, simple."

The high cold voice remembered in Jian Xiaodan's ear for a long time. She opened her mouth wide in surprise, and froze in place for a while, a little at a loss and disbelief. She seemed a little excited for two or three seconds.

Santana has driven to about thirty meters.

"Really...really?" Jian Xiaodan's eyes were red, and his voice trembled.

"Really, when did I lie to you." Gao sneered, and his laughter was a little spoiled. The simple and honest voice at this moment sounded like a few children. Acting like a baby, it seems like a kindergarten child asks the teacher's tone.

High cold understands simple simple.

If Gao Leng's ambition is to shine in the media industry, his ambition is even more magnificent. Then Jian Xiaodan's ambition is much smaller. Her ideal is to become an excellent journalist, and the Taofen Award has undoubtedly realized her dream in life.

"Wait." Jian Xiaodan put down the phone, took a deep breath in one hand and covered his chest, tears in his eyes were about to fall.

Santana has driven more than ten meters.

"Okay, I see. I have a meeting in a few days to talk about this, or should I ask Mr. Lu to preside over the meeting and announce the good news tomorrow?" But a few seconds to calm herself forcibly, but she was holding the phone The hands were shaking badly.

"You can post a company-wide email early in the morning to talk about this. The meeting can be held tomorrow. You can arrange it. I can rest assured." Gao Leng said slowly: "But you have to prepare a feeling within the five crosses. What you said should be included in the annals of news history after the Taofen Award certificate."

Fifty words, the record entered the archives of outstanding journalists in modern times in the empire, and this honor fell to Jian Xiaodan and Gao Leng.

"No need for fifty words." Jian Xiaodan laughed: "My words are very simple: try to be a useful person to society."

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