Gossip King

Chapter 1027: Xiao Yang, you've grown up

"I didn't help people to go to the media." Behind him, an old lady's dissatisfied voice came over, everyone turned their heads, and Yuzhi's mother came.

Yang Peng held back a smile and watched the show, well, I won't learn your column anymore, and the old lady's face turned green, he thought.

"Hello, I am Gao Leng from Xingsheng Magazine." Gao Leng stretched out his hand and was not anxious: "Looking up to your name for a long time, the industry calls you a good sister, a good man."

Although Yuzhi’s mother is rarely seen in the newspapers for charity, she is well-known in the upper class. It is not surprising that one person does charity once, and it is not difficult to do it for a year. But like her, she does it for more than ten years without paying back Yes, there is no other word to describe except the word "good".

After doing charity for a long time, people call her a good sister.

"It's useless to just flatter, buddy, my father and sister are world friends, she must go to me at the summit." Yang Peng leaned in front of Gao Leng and said in a low voice, patted Gao Leng on the shoulder, just like his big brother.

"It's useless to rely on friendship alone, Xiao Yang, you can't rely on your father for a lifetime, you have to grow up." Gao Leng also patted Yang Peng on the shoulder, a mouthful of "Xiao Yang" and old-fashioned like an elder educating a junior.

Yang Peng's face was blue and staring coldly, "Then just wait and see."

Both of them are to invite good sisters to the summit, you are fighting for me, and everyone else looks like a mirror in their hearts.

"Sister Shan, my dad brought you..." Yang Peng greeted him with a smile.

"The reporter Gao who exposed Carrion?" As soon as Gao Leng reported herself to her family, the expression of this slightly angry woman eased too much. The carrion case was very familiar to the common people. Not to mention the upper class. She watched Gao Leng completely ignore Yang Peng who came by: Most of the companies and officials involved in it were friends with whom they met on weekdays.

"Yeah." Gao Leng nodded.

"Sister Shan, this is what my dad brought to you..." Yang Peng inserted in and continued to try to bring him back to the battlefield.

"Young man, awesome!" Sister Shan still watched Gao Leng stretched out her thumbs to praise: "It's dangerous to make unannounced visits?" Yang Peng responded, "Oh, Xiao Yang, I've grown up so old." ."

Yang Peng looked embarrassed. Sister Shan's tone was exactly the same as Gao Leng's. The elders saw the tone of the younger ones. Also, although Shan Sister and the old Yang family know each other, they don’t really interact with each other on weekdays. The last time I saw Yang Peng was at least ten years ago. After ten years, isn’t it because the children have grown up?

"Xiao Yang has indeed grown up." Gao Leng echoed.


Yang Peng almost choked to death. Sister Shan looked at him like a child, and the attitude of watching Gao Leng is obviously an adult's attitude. He suddenly realized the meaning of Gao Leng's phrase "It won't last long on your father".

"It's a bit dangerous to make an unannounced visit." Gao Leng immediately pulled the topic to himself after concluding a sentence, smiled and replied while holding Shan Jie's hand.

The carrion case is related to the people’s livelihood. It is something that the ordinary people and the nobles have to talk about. Not to mention the exposure of ordinary people to the carrion case is very popular. Like Yuzhi’s mother who often does good deeds, he is sordid with that kind of carrion Things are even more disgusting.

"Awesome! Young man, great." Sister Shan couldn't help but praise her, and she looked up and down Gao Leng, completely ignoring Yang Peng who was standing aside: "You just said you want to get a column for Yuzhi? Charity? Yes? Auntie has been doing charity for so many years, I really didn't want to expose it, you think about it again?"

People are like this. If you have a good impression of another person, everything will be polished up, and even things you don't like will become much easier. From being unhappy at the beginning to being polite nowadays, Sister Shan's attitude towards Gao Leng has changed drastically.

"Yes, Sister Shan is not doing charity to promote herself, Gao Leng, you are too high-profile, no way." Yang Peng finally found the topic and hit the subject again, he smiled and reached out to Sister Shan: "Sister Shan, I made a summit..."

"The summit your dad did? I know." Sister Shan said.

"It's me." Yang Peng patted his chest: "I mainly hosted this summit. I want to invite you..."

"It's the last time your father retired to host an event, I know." Sister Shan interrupted Yang Peng and reached out and touched his head: "I haven't seen you in ten years, your little **** has really grown up. Well... can you help your dad now?"


This is really not a matter of relying on his own father to do things, Yang Peng felt a little bored, thought.

"Yes, I want to invite you to participate in this summit hosted by my dad." Yang Peng had no choice but to admit that his dad was mainly responsible for the summit and he was just a layman. If you should bow your head and get the good sister to yourself The summit is king.

The good sister represents all the Kuo wives team in the North China area of ​​the empire. By then, the donation will be less than 50 million or at least 30 million. This is a large sum, but money is a small matter. The most important thing is that this group represents the empire. A group of entrepreneurial wives or older generations of entrepreneurs who are low-key media.

This represents identity, status, and gold content.

These three are always more important to your circle than money.

If it is said that the stars are helping out donations on the live broadcast, so that the people know the vigor, that is a kind of public charity, which the people love to watch. For your circle, low-key donations represent status.

If the benevolent sister is there, she called on the wealthy wife charity group of the empire to join the Hong Kong and Taiwan charity group to form a group. Although it will not be broadcast in the media, this is the gold content and status of the summit in your circle.

Renyi said: Good sisters, they all went to this summit to donate money. This summit is really good. It has not only served as a platform for trade contacts between entrepreneurs, but also made a real donation.

People will also say: The charity summit that the good sisters have gone to is definitely not a fake charity? !

"Our summit has now invited many front-line actresses to help out. It is the first economic summit in the inland region, gathering first-line enterprises in the inland region. One of the links in the summit is to help poor children who are out of school. We sincerely invite good sisters to participate. "Yang Peng went further and said, "You can rest assured that your charity team’s donation will be handled by yourself, and we will not be so smoggy. Please keep a low profile first, and we will keep a low profile."

Yang Peng looked at Gao Leng when he said "smoke and miasma".

"So many celebrities help out, the excitement is lively, but it is inevitable that there will be a lot of naked donations, besides, so many celebrities, why are you charity low-key?" Yang Guanguan took the conversation, although he was smiling, but every word : "Now that the summit hasn't started yet, many female stars are broadcasting live and asking fans for money."

"How can you tell me to ask for money?" Yang Peng became unhappy.

"Yes, yes, I can't ask for money." Yang Guanguan waved his hand quickly: "It's charity..."


Yang Peng blushed and looked at Gao Leng's secretary roughly. Gao Leng smiled lightly and looked at Yang Guanguan. As expected, the girls are very good at bickering.

Shan Sister heard Yang Guanguan say this, her face was very subtle, she did not answer Yang Peng's words, but looked at Gao Leng, the older generation like her is more inclined to Gao Leng where the regular economic summit. .

"Let's not talk about the summit, Sister Shan." Unexpectedly, Gao Cooling would not take her to the summit, but instead shook his head.

Not talking about the summit? Yang Peng was very puzzled, isn't he here just to bring sister to the summit? What medicine is sold in this cold gourd?

What medicine? Gao Leng smiled mysteriously.

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