Gossip King

Chapter 1028: Why is the role of the media missing?

"Leave aside the summit, Shane, let's talk about the column Yuzhi opened in Xingsheng Magazine." Gao Leng smiled at Yuzhi: "I told Yuzhi before I came here. Coming here not only hopes that you will support my summit, the most important thing for me to come here is to cooperate with Yuzhitan."

"Please tell me, I will listen carefully." Sister Shan said.

"I know you want to do charity silently and do good deeds in a low-key manner." Gao Leng smiled and explained earnestly: "And I think that in addition to speaking for the government and satisfying the people's desire to read, the media should also undertake to help the people. It’s such a duty. Now too many media focus on celebrity news...Many national media focus on celebrity skirts..."

With that said, Gao Leng gave Yang Peng a meaningful look...

Yang Peng's face blushed and white, and his popular magazine was a magazine that only wrote about entertainment.

"After we hold the summit this time, we will join the financial column..." Yang Peng, who will explain at this moment, obviously lacks confidence.

"Come on." Gao Leng encouraged with a smile. This smile is like a knife... Encouraging the juniors to deepen the hidden irony, he patted Yang Peng on the shoulder: "Xiao Yang, the media must take care of it!"


Yang Peng looked at Yang Guanguan, and then at Gao Leng. He couldn’t wait for it, but couldn’t fight it. Yang Guanguan’s poisonous tongue was released outside, and it was very aggressive to say it directly, while Gao Leng’s poisonous tongue was restrained. It seems that polite is actually a knife.

"Yes, there are too many gossips now, there is no positive energy at all!" Shan Jie agrees with Gao Leng's words: "You said that if you spend so much time reporting on a star, you can't report on those who need help. Can’t you report on scientists or something? Although my own daughter is a star, the news is so messy that I don’t even read it!"

Sister Shan is in the pit.

The column she was talking about happened to be the column Gao Leng wanted to do, but Gao Leng had an extra "Yu Zhi" title.

In Gao Leng’s view, as a national newspaper, magazine and magazine, in addition to reporting the gossip of celebrities, there should also be reports on finance and people’s livelihoods, and more importantly, charity. The views are surprisingly unanimous.

"So, I want to cooperate with Yuzhi to organize such a column, one issue every month, and four veterans in need of help in each issue." Gao Leng reminded.

Sister Shan slowed over, squinted her eyes for a moment and shook her head: "Mr. Gao, if you really have the media to take care of, then you can just open a column like this, and write about it every issue to help the poor. That’s all right? Why do you want to name Yuzhi?"

"That is, if you talk about media responsibility, I still want to make money." Yang Peng knows the difficulties of the media operation, and he can be regarded as a bite: "Gao, if you have such a media role, why don't you just open a column to help the working people? A column is so stingy. A big magazine like Xingsheng is worth investing in a cross-page dedicated to people's livelihood!"

Yang Peng, who is well aware of the difficulties of the media, has a thorn in his words. He knows that the pages of people's livelihood are at a loss. This media charge requires money to carry it.

Nowadays, most people say that the media is not responsible. The entertainment page is updated so quickly every day, occupying a large number of pages, and the news of helping the poor cannot keep up with one-thousandth of them. They all criticize why they pay attention to the actors and not the people?

There are news that pays attention to the common people: social news, but at least half of the social news is going to be curious about things like the uncle next door cheating on the sister-in-law, and the news about helping the common people only come out in ten days and a half month.


Is it because these reporters have no morals and no media?

Gao Leng sighed and explained: "Sister Shan, you also know that our Xingsheng Magazine is a privately-run magazine. It is undeniable that we want to make money. Let alone make money for this kind of charity column, it is difficult to recover the cost. Look, there are three or four veteran reports every month. How much space does this take? If the Xingsheng newspaper is to advertise one page per day, it will cost half a million, a day."

Gao Leng raised a finger: "This is still a discounted price for old customers."

"Xingsheng Magazine only publishes once a month, and it is more expensive. Last year, the annual advertisement bid by Xingsheng Magazine was as high as 300 million. The magazines are of high grade, but the pages are expensive, and the salvage column is calculated based on the advertising price. More than three million yuan, and the actual operating cost is far more than that. You have to know that if it is advertising, it is simple. Ask the company where to put the advertising map, but if it is a report? Then you need to invest at least five The cost of journalists, the lowest total investment for the whole year, is more than 4 million yuan."

Sister Shan said that she thought about it, asking for a profit-oriented private media to earn four million less every year. It is indeed a bit difficult for others.

"What's more, I want to focus on this column. What does it mean to focus on promotion? It means that we have to open a channel for this column on Xingsheng's official website. At least a dozen pages need to be implanted. This requires a group of people to do it. ; To apply for official Weibo and WeChat specifically for this column, and push new reports daily, this requires a group of people to do it; to advertise on other media, this investment is at least tens of millions."

Shan Jie's face changed. This is more than just making Xingsheng Magazine earn 4 million less each year? This is to make them lose tens of millions every year...

Now the official media, which holds the state's annual funding, can't do it, let alone Xingsheng. It's no wonder that the media and entertainment pages now account for the bulk. Everyone likes to watch celebrities. The advertising fee on this page is the most expensive, and it is the most important part of a media's annual economic operation.

Today is a market economy. Everything depends on the market. There are advantages and disadvantages. Why is the role of the media gone? After all, it is still a word of "money".

"Charity requires money, and it is not impossible for a media to promote charity without making money, but to do it once and do it for a few years? It is absolutely impossible." Gao Leng stretched out his hand and held the good sister tightly. Hand: "Sister Shan, I really want to run such a column for a long time, so I need Uzhi's star halo."

"You continue talking." Shan Jie apparently recognized Gao Leng's idea very much.

"If I simply open up a column for charity, it will definitely lose money, but if I formally establish a column linking stars and charity, it will be different. This is the first charity column named after a star in the empire. , And the title of Yuzhi is of course, behind her is your donation. This column will be created as a boutique by Xingsheng Magazine. Those old war veterans are worthy of Yuzhi’s attention and more worthy of being reported.” Gao Leng reached out his hand Holding the good sister's hand: "I know that you have a kind heart. Our report is not about who has donated. We are reporting on every funded Anti-Japanese War veteran. Give them an exclusive interview. Don't they deserve special attention? Reporting? Are only stars worth it?"

This remark even touched the heart of the good sister. She nodded repeatedly: "Yes, a report for the veterans of the war of resistance we funded will truly warm people's hearts. They shot down this great society and it deserves to be recorded!"

Before she knew it, Shan Jie blurted out "We sponsored", but she was so cold that she could talk to her heart.

"So, I would like to invite Shan Jie and Yu Zhineng to take action. We will set up a charity column, and let these celebrities who have made a lot of money but are not good at follow suit, and let the media who shoot celebrity skirts every day just for money. Learn to learn...especially those female celebrities who ask fans for gifts during the live broadcast, and claim that they are doing charity, let them learn to learn..." Gao Leng said here, and once again gave Yang Peng a meaningful look...

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