Gossip King

Chapter 1029: Triumphantly

"Yes, good sister, and for Uzhi, it will greatly improve her social status. Who says that an actor is an actor? A person who has made contributions to society and has been working hard for a veteran, can you criticize her as an actor?" The agent always cares about her own artist, she raised her hands in favor.

Everyone likes good people. The aura of this good person can give Yuzhi a lot. Behind the good people, Yuzhi's mother has given so many years of selflessness and should be commended by the media. Since she personally does not want to be publicized, she is commended to the entire charity team: in the future, everyone she will donate will have a story for people to read and save.

And the veterans, when they are old, the loess is half buried. If someone can fill them with food, I will give them an interview for the rest of their lives, thinking that they will be crying.

"After this column is focused on building and promoting, I am convinced that other stars will follow suit. Yuzhi named the column himself, and also paid for the rescue by himself. Other stars will bite the bullet and get a column by themselves. Sponsorship. As long as they follow suit, even if they are showcasing, then why not? It also helps those in need."

Listening to Gao Leng’s words, Shan Jie fiddled with the prayer beads in her hand and fell into deep thought. After a while, she raised her head questioningly: “Even if I come to fund these veterans, your family of magazines without state funding is still losing money for this kind of column. Yeah? So many pages are like giving away for nothing..."

"I just do what I want to do. I lost a few years. As long as I can guide other stars to follow the example of similar charities, my goal will be achieved." Gao Leng smiled and said, "I think this is the responsibility of the media. Within the scope of my rights, if Xingsheng suffers a little loss, the charity will last a little longer. Yuzhi's star halo is here, and this column will have companies investing in it."

Gao Leng didn't fool her with this. He wanted to focus on creating this column, and it would cost a lot of money to promote it in other media. He was at a loss for this column, and he had to lose money for a period of time, and it would only make a profit after it successfully operated.

"That won't work." When I heard Gao Leng would still lose money, Shan Jie shook her head decisively: "How can I make Xingsheng lose money with such a young man in charge of the media? Are you the hired general manager? If it’s a project that loses money, your boss will think that you are not good enough, no good, no good."

She looked at Yuxia and decided: "Since it is the column titled by Yuzhi, we bought the layout of this column. You can quote me at the price of the annual advertisement."

The annual advertising price, three veteran interviews per issue, even if discounted, is at least 4 million per year. This is not a small amount, plus she also subsidizes the reported veterans, which adds up to a large number.

"No need, it's a win-win situation, I can think of ways to make money in the future..."

"No need to discuss." Sister Shan scowled and interrupted Gao Leng's words: "It's only three or four million. My family Yuzhi made a dozen episodes of TV series. She made so much, and she did something good. Give other artists an example too! If you postpone it any more, there is no need to discuss this cooperation! Besides, since our Jia Yuzhi is an example of a celebrity doing charity, then we have to show an example!"

If the money is not taken, there is a tendency that even friends will not have to do it.

Only when the business is for this purpose can it be called competence.

Yang Peng on the side was so envious that his saliva was about to fall, and a new column was added. Not to mention, he could still earn the price of advertising fees. Where can I find such a good thing?

This high-cold ability is indeed much stronger than me, even stronger than my father, so I have to take it. Yang Peng thought to himself, his face was not so hostile: convinced.

This good sister is also right. The price of one episode of Uzhipai TV series starts at 700,000 yuan, and the money for a dozen episodes of TV series will be paid back. The agent grumbled his eyes, took out his mobile phone and turned on the computer for a while, and then nodded wildly in agreement: "Yes, yes, this is based on the civilian use of the people. Yuzhi started filming the War of Resistance. My home, now we should also do something for the elderly in the War of Resistance against Japan, I support! Support!"

It's not how righteous the agent is, but this kind of column is extremely important to Yuzhi's improvement. What kind of film is the most profitable these years? Filming state-supported anti-Japanese war dramas is the most profitable. She has this column added, and the chance of receiving such dramas is getting bigger and bigger, which is only a few million dollars.

"The good sister, we will have many poor children at the summit..." Seeing Gao Leng finished talking about this column, Yang Peng continued to talk about his summit, he looked at Gao Leng, and thought, since you are talking about the column , It's impossible to have people go to your summit, right? !

"Your summit..." Just as Shan Jie was about to ask Yang Peng, Gao Leng laughed and interrupted what he was about to say. There was confidence in the laughter, and there was also a chess that was about to die.

"You...what did you laugh suddenly? It frightened me." Yang Peng faintly felt that something was wrong.

"It's nothing, I'm afraid Sister Shan won't be able to go to your summit." Gao Leng apologized solemnly.

Yang Peng was stunned, his legs trembled uncontrollably, and he was really afraid of the man in front of him after so many rounds with Gao Leng.

"At the summit, we will announce the birth of this charity column, and at that time, we will invite sister Shan to come and cut the ribbon for us. By the way, Wang Hui, vice chairman of the Business Association, will also cut the ribbon for the new charity column." Gao Leng said.


Did Nima make a mistake? ! Column cutting ribbon announced at the summit? ! Yang Peng's eyes almost didn't pop out, Gao Leng swept away without even leaving him any scum.

"Well, then I will definitely get the show. The new column will cut the ribbon." Sister Shan laughed and stretched out her hand to hold Gao Leng's hand: "What day of the summit? Ask your secretary to notify me in advance. I won't go up and cut the ribbon. Uchi cut the ribbon. The vice chairman of the business association has changed? Your summit is grand enough."

"Who cuts the ribbon on your behalf, this is up to you." Gao Leng stretched out his hand to hold Shan Jie's hand: "The economic summit of government cooperation, of course, is magnificent. Since it is an economic summit, it must be aimed at stimulating the development of internal regional enterprises. Lord, with charity as a supplement, Yuzhi has already rescued five or six veterans. We will also invite them to the scene. Then, we will ask the good sister to help raise some charity funds. This will not be the focus."

"Yes, we won't get some celebrities to overwhelm the guests. The most important thing is to promote the development of enterprises in the inland areas." Yang Guanguan answered the words perfectly, matching the high cold. Yes, Yang Peng's summit is too vulgar in comparison.

Yang Peng on the side was speechless, watching Gao Leng forcefully take away Good Sister.

This high coldness is really great, I am not an opponent, really not an opponent... Yang Peng thought to himself, with a drum in his heart, he was defeated, he really realized his ability and high coldness, it would be like you are a Dapeng Golden Winged Bird , I am a little sparrow.

"What are you doing here? I ordered a meal at the hotel and went to eat together." The assistant director came over cheerfully.

Yang Peng stretched out his hand, Gao Leng also stretched out his hand.

"Mr. Gao, I have to talk to you about the Dongbang. I really have something to ask for your help." The deputy director directly held Gao Leng's hand and greeted him with enthusiasm and smile. Yang Peng, who stretched out his hand, quickly put it back.

"Brother, I told you everything, if you have anything you need to do with the Dongfang, just say it." Gao Leng took his arm, naturally also passionate.

"It's a tricky thing. I heard people say that you are now the second in command in the East. I don't know... I don't know if you have any contact information for Brother Biao? When will I ask Brother Biao for a meal?" There is something in the assistant director's words, and he dare to believe that he is not too cold, and wants to ask the big brother Biao to come forward.

Also, the Eastern Gang was defeated by Brother Biao, and no one knew whether Gao Leng had any authority in the Eastern Gang.

Zi Zi Zi, the phone in Gao Leng's trouser pocket vibrated frantically. This time it was not a text message but a phone call.

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