Gossip King

Chapter 1051: Set a small goal...

"Please." The elevator went straight to the top floor.

Is it? Gao Leng understood what. Others also understood something, and their faces showed joy.

Shikai Hospital has a huge top floor. This top floor is specially built for rescue helicopters, but it has never been activated... Almost every large hospital has such a rooftop, but it is rarely used.

You can say that this is just image engineering. No wonder, after all, there are very few hospitals with helicopter assistance nowadays. They will only be used when important people are sick and need emergency assistance. Private use will charge a rent of two thousand...

Sometimes I rent one or two when filming.

To put it bluntly, this is a life-saving channel for the rich, not for the poor. Only emergency patients who have received media attention will use this rooftop.

Boom boom boom, a helicopter flew in the distance, Gao Leng was a little surprised: "This helicopter can't fly to the imperial capital..."

"Can't it? It's huge..." Others looked at the helicopter approaching enviously, and the wind grew stronger.

"No." Yang Peng shook his head affirmatively: "It should just take you to another place where there is a private jet parked."

"It's a pity, I haven't seen a private jet yet!" A group of ground snakes watched the flying helicopter land accurately and slowly, and quickly came down from above. One man lowered his head and quickly ran to the entrance of the rooftop: "Which one is taller? total?"

"Me." Gao Leng reached out his hand.

"Walk, you can't stop here for a long time, go up and say it! Sister Cai wants me to pick you up! The private jet is waiting for you!" The man said and ran to the helicopter, looking at Yang Guanguan coldly. At a glance, Yang Guanguan hurriedly followed. He turned around and waved to everyone: "Brothers, goodbye!"

"Boss Gao, goodbye!"

"Go tall, boss tall, goodbye!"

"It's an honor to know you, a good journey, oh, bah, a safe journey!" It's best not to wish people a good journey by plane, and they will turn over. The group watched with envy and admiration as Gao Leng turned and left and boarded the helicopter.

"I, I, I." Yuzhi got anxious, but looked helplessly as Gao Leng got on the helicopter, he didn't even say "goodbye" to her.

"I want to go too..." At this time, Yu Zhi understood why Lin Zhi followed Gao Leng every time, inquiring about Gao Leng's whereabouts in order to have a pretended encounter. However, she only understood half of it. She thought it was just that Lin Zhi was infatuated with his charm like her.

Uzhi, who had never tasted a cold body before, did not understand that once he tried it, it would be more difficult to control himself than it is now.

Once again, Yu Zhi, who was left out in the cold, had completely lost his previous arrogance, but still didn't let Gao Leng look at him. Even if he didn't look at him, it seemed difficult to show himself first. It was much harder than she thought before.

I thought that no matter what man was in front of her, Yuzhi would come and go, but I didn’t expect...

Yu Zhi's eyes watched the helicopter take off, carrying Gao Leng into the air and disappearing in a blink of an eye.

"I really want to take a helicopter..."

"I want to take a private jet. Helicopters can be used in many foreign attractions, but private jets are very difficult..."

"If only I had a private jet in the future..."

A group of people on the rooftop waited for the high cold to disappear and were reluctant to leave. The helicopter came too suddenly and walked too quickly, they hadn't recollected it yet. Uzhi pouted, her tears were almost coming down, and she wetted her eyelashes that she had just touched up in the bathroom.

Being left out of the cold, this word appeared for the first time in the haughty Uzhi's life.


The helicopter flew to the airport where the private jet was parked, and when I clicked the helicopter, I saw a small private jet, about half the size of a 300-passenger airliner of the Mozambican Civil Aviation, and as soon as I went up, I saw seven or eight seats similar to first class. The only difference is that there is a small living room with a table fixed on the plane.

"Welcome, hello, I am the captain of the owner of this plane." A man about fifty years old in the captain's uniform walked over and enthusiastically held the cold hand, while the one who got off the helicopter He was politely bent towards the captain.

"Hello, Captain." Gao Leng stretched out his hand.

"This is Mr. Wang's private jet. Mr. Wang of Haitian Group, do you know that?" The captain was polite and elegant.

Who doesn't know about Haitian Group? This is a well-known large enterprise in the empire that is as famous as the Huantai Group. If you want to say what this group is mainly doing, you really can't say it. It seems to do in all fields. But now the projects are all done overseas, and domestic projects are mainly in charge of processing.

"President Wang, is it the old manager or who is the younger one?" Gao Leng asked.

"It's Shao Wang's plane," the captain said.

The Haitian Group's situation is more complicated. The four sons of the Wang family have different talents. The most capable is the second child of the Wang family. This son is not like other brothers who grew up abroad when he was a child. He was born in China after finishing high school, so he admires imperial culture in his bones, but he can adapt to overseas culture very well. Therefore, Wang's Haitian Group's domestic projects are mostly managed by him, and the projects abroad are also under his jurisdiction.

It is not known who will be at the helm of the complicated Haitian Group in the future. It is also the family business that the financial media likes to chase the wind and write some gossip. Gao Leng naturally knows, especially this Wang Shao, and other Shao Dongs will use their real names, and this is the only one. The second son likes to ask men to call him Wang Shao and women to call him Wang Lao Er...

The most rebellious.

Also the most bothersome.


Gao Leng nodded. Obviously, this prestigious and capable but extremely unruly Wang Shao was not on the plane. If he were there, there would be no other woman. Every time he was photographed in the newspaper, there were women around him, different women.

"Sister Cai came to the northwest as well. I haven't left for the plane yet. I'm here to take you to the Imperial Capital." The captain politely arranged everything and turned and left. The plane took off soon.

"This private plane looks much smaller than a passenger plane, but it's so comfortable." Yang Guanguan's eyes wandered around, holding the phone in his bag, Gao Leng knew from a glance that this woman wanted to take a photo and send it to Moments.

After all, not everyone has the opportunity to ride a private jet.

"If you want to take a photo, please take a photo." Gao said coldly. As soon as his voice fell to Yangguanguan, he jumped up and took out his mobile phone to take pictures everywhere. While taking pictures, he said: "Fortunately, Mr. Gao, working with you is really exciting. It’s fun again! I can actually take a private jet! Oh my God! If I had such one, it would be great!"

The plane flew up into the sky and climbed all the way to high altitude, Gao Leng's eyes gleaming.

"General Manager Gao, do you want a private jet?" Yang Guanguan asked when he approached Gao Leng.

"Of course." Gao Leng nodded affirmatively.

"I want it too, but I don't dare to think about it..." Yang Guanguan took a deep breath: "This kind of rich son is really good. How much money is such a ride, I will tell you secretly that I want , I dare not say to others..."

Some dreams are so big that I can't even think of them.

"Why don't you dare to say." Gao smiled coldly: "If you want, just buy it."


Yang Guanguan swallowed her saliva, she couldn't say that, she just bought it if she wanted it, it was that simple.

"A private jet is expensive, isn't it?" Yang Guanguan stretched out his hand and touched the leather sofa: "Moreover, he has to hire airports and maintain them. The assets are at least several hundred million."

How can a few hundred million be enough? There are too many hundreds of millions of people. There is nothing to afford a plane, and it has to be affordable. Moreover, this long-distance model is very expensive. Whether it is purchased or maintained, it cannot be supported without a billion.

"Then set a small goal." Gao Leng nodded: "Within this year, first make a billion yuan."

Yang Guanguan's mind was obviously not on this, she looked at the direction of the bathroom and pursed her mouth: "I'll go there to see... hehe, just change to a set of clothes..."

If you are curious about what the bathroom of a private jet looks like, just say it, and change your clothes... This excuse is really good...

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