Gossip King

Chapter 1052: Four tough battles

"President Gao, your small goal is terrible. There are only a few months left this year. You want to earn more than one billion yuan?!" Yang Guanguan picked up a set of clothes and walked in. He heard her as soon as he entered. Tsk exclaimed: "This kind of private jet actually has such a big bathroom..."

Obviously, she was making a small joke about Gao Leng's small goal.

Gao Leng refused to answer, but smiled.

"Mr. Gao, what do you need to drink?" Like a normal first-class airplane, a pushing trolley is full of food, and a sweet-looking girl in a Japanese cartoon uniform smiles with a unique style.

"A cup of coffee." Gao Leng opened the curtains and took a look. The plane hadn't taken off yet, but only slowly adjusted its direction to taxi. He picked up the phone and glanced at a text message, which was sent by Mr. Xiao from KD Investment. The information is very simple and clear: Mr. Gao, our KD Investment Company is willing to spend 3 billion yuan, with an initial investment of 1.5 billion yuan, and an additional 1.5 billion or more than 1.5 billion yuan in the later period, and we will withdraw after double the profit.

This Xiao has always learned to talk business with Gao Leng straightforwardly. Although I don't know if this is his real final hole card, the current card situation shows that the trend is very beneficial to Gao Leng.

The investment of 3 billion yuan flattened the total investment of OMSAS Muge, and the initial investment of 1.5 billion was a full 500 million more than the initial investment of OMSAS of 1 billion.

It can be said that KD Investment Company vomited blood this time.

"Please send me the cooperation plan." Gao Leng nodded in satisfaction and replied a text message. At this time, Yang Guan came out and changed to another dark green professional suit, still wearing a white shirt and black legs. Socks, as always, walking in the style of a **** and capable female secretary.

"Open the notebook." Gao Leng looked up and down for a few seconds and then nodded in satisfaction: "KD Investment Company has an initial intention of 3 billion yuan, you write a meeting notice."

"Three billion!" Yang Guanguan was surprised and shocked, covering her chest: "Wow, it's the same as OMSAS Investment Company, three billion!" She quickly turned around, took the notebook and opened it: "What notice?"

"Notify President Jian, the personnel department, and the finance department to meet at eight tomorrow morning."

"What's the general content?"

"I want them to report on Xingsheng and Fengxing Magazine's personnel situation." Gao Lengyin thought for a while, and the knife hung on Fengxing's head did not know how many results were stained.

"Yes." Yang Guanguan's hands began to tap on the keyboard.

"Before ten o'clock, report to me the preliminary situation of the five headhunting companies Du Fengxing Magazine."

"Yes." Yang Guanguan quickly wrote it down.

"Hold a meeting at 10:30 to write a notice on the green agriculture side."


"Eleven o'clock..." Gao Lenghan laughed: "The two killers should be caught at eleven o'clock... The news department manager-level meeting is held at 11 o'clock, and every manager must be there."

"Yes." The keyboard snapped back to the high sky in the middle of the night. It was almost ten o'clock at this time. This day was too exciting to make Yang Guanguan's physical strength a little bit exhausted, but it was the first time that Mr. Gao came out to work hard In terms of vision, she dare not neglect the job at hand and is extremely serious.

"All managers' meeting is held in the afternoon. The content is the summit deployment. President Jian must attend. You draw up a simple outline on cooperating with Yuzhi to develop a charity column."

"Yes..." Yang Guanguan was obviously a little scared. Gao Leng's work intensity was something she hadn't expected before. She used to hope that Gao Leng could reuse herself every day. Now the boss finally takes herself to work, but she didn't expect it. The intensity is so great.

In the past, I always felt that although Jane had the ability, he was also touched with a bit of cold light. Now I want to come to others to do what others can't. I have to write so many things in just one day. How can Jane always hold on? Yang Guan thought caringly, and took a deep breath.

"At night..." Gao Leng looked at Yang Guanguan, who was a little pale, and smiled: "I'll deal with the two killers at night, so take a good rest."

Yang Guanguan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Can you keep up with my rhythm?" Gao Leng asked. If the tasks he assigned to Yang Guanguan were given to Jian Xiaodan, she would have done it easily. After all, she was a veteran, and Yang Guanguan, a recruit, was obviously a little scared. Arrived.

"You will work hard." Yang Guanguan nodded firmly: "Besides, Mr. Gao, your work intensity is much more than mine. I am just writing an outline, and you want to preside over the meeting and make decisions."

When someone reaches a certain position, there are often many meetings.

These meetings must be held. After all, when you reach a certain height, you don’t need to do some detailed work. The main task is to dispatch troops and generals, and you must also tell these soldiers how to fight this event. What's more, Gao Leng fought four battles at the same time: venture capital, killer, downfall, and summit.

"I'm busy too." Gao Leng pointed to his bag: "Take out my notebook, and send Wang Shao a thank you first. Although this private plane is going to sell the favor of Cai Zong, thank you is necessary. ."

"General Manager Gao." Yang Guanguan raised his head and looked a little scared in his eyes: "That killer... are you going to kill him?"

Gao Leng looked at Yang Guanguan with a faint smile: "The less you know about some things, the better. I can only tell you that I will ensure the safety of everyone who follows me."

"Yeah." Yang Guanguan pursed his lips and his eyes revealed worship: "When you were meeting with the Eastern Gang, you were domineering and leaking."

Gao coldly smiled.

"Can I ask you a business question?"


"KD Investment Company has paid so much money, are we cooperating with them?" Yang Guanguan looked at the work that he had just recorded: "You have a meeting for Green Agriculture at 10:30. Who do you work with? Three billion yuan? This green agriculture is so profitable... I think you said that you will make more than one billion yuan this year. Do you mean this green agriculture?"

Gao Leng smiled slightly. He looked at Yang Guanguan deeply: "It doesn't necessarily have to cooperate with KD, nor does it depend on green agriculture to make money. Green agriculture will lose at least three years."

"Losing for three years?" Yang Guanguan was very surprised: "Will you lose if you invest so much? Then how can you make more than one billion this year?"

Gao Leng pushed the fruit on the table in her direction: "Did you roll a snowball?"

Yang Guanguan nodded.

"When the snowball is rolling, when the snowball is very small, it won’t get a lot of snow when it rolls, and the bigger the snowball, the more snow can be rolled with a slight roll. Green agriculture is just a springboard. As a springboard, three billion will be just drizzle."

Yang Guanguan tilted his head and couldn't understand, "Didn't you say that green agriculture is at a loss?"

"I told you, you don't understand it now. Follow me slowly, and soon you will see a huge snowball." Gao Leng smiled confidently and then became serious: "Go ahead, these few Once the tough battle is over, you will see a different situation, a brand new situation."


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