Gossip King

Chapter 1064: Mr. Lu turned his face

"The initial investment of 500 million yuan will be divided into five times. It should be enough for you to buy back the original shares from other shareholders at a high price, if they want." Gao Leng put this agreement into the hands of Mr. Lu: "If they don't Yes, I have other ways too."

"You..." Mr. Lu choked. He didn't say a word for a full minute. He just looked at Gao Leng. The page of the agreement in his hand was trembling slightly in the air. Mr. Lu understood that Gao Leng is Use his agricultural projects to benefit him.

Use 10% of Gao Leng's own agricultural projects and lost 2 billion investment to benefit Lu Yajun.

But the expression on Lu Yajun's face was very subtle, and he didn't seem to be moved too much.

"It's enough for you to manage Xingsheng very well." Mr. Lu handed the agreement to Gao Leng, feeling very heavy: "You have made Xingsheng shine this year, you don't need to lose so much to make money for me. What? I have enough money, and Xingsheng has you to take care of me and I feel relieved..."

In the current situation, although Mr. Lu cannot enjoy Xingsheng alone, there is no problem with old-age care and life is comfortable.

"But you are still restricted by other shareholders, aren't you?" Gao coldly smiled: "What you just said, Xingsheng is not yours alone, so you have to take care of other people, and you have to worry about some things. a lot of."

"No, no, no." Lu Yajun shook his head and pushed the ashtray aside. He sat down in Gao Leng's side and stretched out his hand to pat his leg: "I'm serious, I promote you just for work Yes, I’m very accurate. I can only promote you when I see that you can do well. You don’t need to lose your own interests to get me any benefits. I’m serious.”

After a pause, Lu Yajun looked at the agreement again and reminded: "Moreover, even if they invested 500 million in Xingsheng in the early stage, the money was also invested in batches. According to my experience with venture capital companies, their A batch investment It should not exceed 50 million. The other three shareholders hold 30%-40% of the original shares, and 50 million can't buy them so many shares."

Venture capital is a very attractive investment, but also very cruel.

Any project, especially a project that has just started, is eager to get venture capital. Once you get venture capital, it means that you have a lot of money to operate. Venture capital is not as easy to take as expected.

Even if you get venture capital, such as Gao Leng, he has received 3 billion investment from OMSAS Investment Company.

How to invest this 3 billion?

Invest 1.5 billion in the early stage, a lot, right? There are indeed many. It's just that the 1.5 billion in the early stage will be invested in batches, A batch, B batch, C batch and so on. Batch A will give you 100 million, and then check your project operation a quarter later to decide whether to invest in batch B.

A large number of projects only get the A batch of money, because the operation is not good, the subsequent investment will disappear.

Lu Yajun is a veteran. He immediately judged that they had given Xingsheng at most 50 million in the early stage, and the 50 million was all higher. If you know that OMSAS itself is not willing to vote for Xingsheng, they are optimistic about green agriculture.

50 million, what can you do? It is simply not enough to win the original shares of those shareholders. The original shares will not be easily sold, especially Xingsheng is currently on the rise. Whoever sells it is a fool, unless you double the price, the high price .

And these shareholders themselves are not short of money. To put it bluntly, they will not sell them at high prices.

"I can be sure that those old guys of mine will definitely not sell the original shares, they are waiting for the shares to provide retirement." Lu Yajun sighed and smiled: "Xingsheng will never be mine, especially you. How can they give up their shares after obtaining venture capital?"

Who will let go of making a big profit?

"Furthermore, Gao Leng, I have to tell you clearly about one thing. I came to you today not for venture capital, not for money." Lu Yajun's expression changed and became serious: "Gao Leng, you are so With great effort to hollow out the people of Popular Magazine, you are hurting others. If your media group wants to benefit others by hurting others, I don't agree."

Mr. Lu has never done projects that harm others and benefit himself.

It is said that he is not ruthless enough, so his career has not been popular. Now it seems that only powerful characters can survive in this mall.

"Although you are using your own money, two hundred million, you use your own money to do things. It stands to reason that my old fellow shouldn't be arrogant, but I pulled it up with one hand. I must tell you something. , I strongly disagree with this kind of people who hollowed out the other company's company."

Gao Leng's face changed.

"I know that there are many similar cases overseas. The fighting between competitors is very cruel, but I am from the Empire, and I pay attention to a'human harmony' in everything." Mr. Lu looked at Gao Leng seriously, his face was angry. It means that Gao Leng has never seen it before: "Lao Yang is my old buddy. If you want to win against them, you should win openly, not secretly. Gao Leng, you have developed too fast, you are coming soon. Forget what our empires should do? Multiple friends are always better than one enemy."

Lv Yajun stood up and looked at Gao Leng with an elder's attitude, and said very forcefully: "Lao Yang from Fengxing Magazine has been fighting with me for most of his life. We are opponents, and they often pry. We are in the corner, robbing us for life. On weekdays, you dig me. I dig yours. You grab my material. I grab your material. Of course, we also used many unspeakable methods to suppress each other. , Is indeed the enemy. But I am old, and he is also old, I don’t want to be old, so to harm his interests. Gao Leng, you are still too young, I advise you, a project that hurts others and hurts yourself. If you do, you will be condemned by God."

After that, Mr. Lu stepped forward and looked at the young Gao Leng. He carefully looked at Gao Leng’s face. The young man in front of him was no longer what he was when he was promoted. At this time, Gao Leng was full of confidence. Wisdom and invincible victory.

I have to say that this boy has the shadow of him when he was young, no, he was more strategizing when he was young.

However, in Lu Yajun's opinion, his confidence is too unruly.

Xu Ye has never lost it. From an intern reporter to the general manager to the second-in-chief of the East Gang, to the investment of billions, all this is too fast and too fast.

Soon enough, he could shoot 200 million, just to knock down a competing company.

This approach is disdainful by Lu Yajun.

"Gao Leng, the matter of Fengxing Magazine, you use your money, so it’s okay if you don’t report to me, but Xingsheng is mine. If the future development of Xingsheng needs to rise through your way, then I think , It’s only a matter of time to fire you.” Lv Yajun took the venture capital contract on the coffee table, took the stroke of Gao Leng’s sentence "Invest one billion in Xingsheng", and handed it to Gao after he finished writing. Leng: "Your kindness, I take it with my heart. But for money, I hope it was earned by standing upright, not sneaky."

Gao Leng didn't speak, but looked down at the line that Lu Yajun crossed out.

"Sorry, as the largest shareholder of Xingsheng Magazine, I told you that under such circumstances, Xingsheng Magazine rejected the investment of OMSAS Investment Company and ordered Gao Leng, the general manager of Xingsheng Magazine, to stop complaining to Fengxing Magazine. All attacks, otherwise, you will get the notice of revocation of the general manager position ordered by me."

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