Gossip King

Chapter 1065: Can we only part ways?

Gao Leng was stunned. He never expected that President Lu would refuse this agreement.

Ding ding ding, the cold phone rang.

"Mr. Gao, I have tracked Bloodmaw and Quezi. Bloodmaw is in a sewer. Quezi is now in the alley at No. 69 Xikai Road." The call from the East Gang showed excitement: "You are offering so many rewards. The two groups of Eastern brothers who had captured their whereabouts were excited, just waiting for your order, should they be captured alive or..."

Gao Leng looked at Lu Yajun and walked a little farther, and said in a low voice, "Catch it alive."

Lu Yajun's expression changed slightly when he heard these two words. He looked at Gao Leng. Gao Leng just put down the phone. Mr. Lu asked with a calm face, "You made the heat on Weibo? Which one offers a reward of 100 million to protect employees. The heat."

"Yeah." Gao Leng nodded honestly.

"Gao Leng, it's a big deal for President Jian and the others to be followed by a killer. It's a big event for Xingsheng. You should report it to me as soon as possible." Mr. Lu turned black and patted the table heavily: "Instead of using a gangster! I I don’t want Xingsheng to have anything to do with the gang!"

Gao Leng hesitated for a moment and then sat next to President Lu to explain in detail: "Mr. Lu, the Eastern Gangs are not gangsters. They used to be gangs, but they have been engaged in the gaming industry permitted by law for more than ten years and opened in the mainland. It's also a winter worm..."

"Don't fool me." Mr. Lu waved his hand dissatisfiedly: "I have been out to do things for twice your age. They are now whitewashed, but they have no other illegal methods?"

This is true.

Although the East Gang has been operating legally for a long time, the blood of the gang is still in the bones. How can such a sensitive business as the gaming industry go through legal channels? To do a gambler’s business sometimes requires other means.

"Mr. Lu, is all your first pot of gold clean and there is no one who walks on the edge of the law?" Gao Leng asked rhetorically, and sneered: "Could it be that Xingsheng today doesn't have a slight swim. Things that are on the edge of the law?"

Mr. Lu choked, he cleared his throat and drank his saliva. Now Gao Leng, who has been the general manager of Xingsheng for half a year, has naturally seen Xingsheng's bank water before. Early Xingsheng tax evasion or buying black materials was common.

Today, this tax can be sold as a package. Build a better relationship with a certain leader of the tax bureau. They will not check it carefully if they package millions of dollars in taxes a year. This is a common method used by many companies, and Xingsheng also operates in this way.

This kind of tax avoidance is not illegal, but it is absolutely illegal, and it is on the verge of the law.

"Anyway, you can't kill people, right?" Mr. Lu frowned, "The first time it should be the police."

"The situation was dangerous at the time. If the Eastern Gang arrived in time, Jian Xiaodan would have died." Gao Lenghan looked at Lu Yajun with a face. The moment Mr. Lu heard this, his heart jumped.

Xingsheng has never had a reporter's death. Although his paparazzi has been interrupted before, but following the star is not a murderous event.

Fighting and being killed are two things.

"Since Xingsheng Magazine has a column for unannounced visits, it needs some gray or black snobbery to protect it. This is no way." Gao Leng calmly explained to Mr. Lu patiently, this one who has been busy for most of his life The boss has always been elegant, and the development of Xingsheng Magazine has exceeded his previous setting.

"I know this." Mr. Lu nodded, "Xing Sheng is different now, and it is much better to have the Eastern Gang to take care of him."

Obviously, President Lu was not very disgusted with the East Gang, and it was easy to persuade him. He quickly agreed with Gao Leng's approach.

"Next, you can only hand it over to the police. You can't kill." Mr. Lu looked at Gao Leng and frowned: "It is illegal to kill. If you can catch alive, you can send it to the police. Since these two people are sent by someone else The killer, there must be a murder case on his body, and there is no escape, you don’t need to kill with your own hands."

"I don't know how to kill." Gao Leng shook his head: "Don't worry, I will never kill. This is illegal. I know. They must be handed over to the police. But in my opinion, they must live. , Otherwise, **** a hundred people?"

Lu Yajun was silent.

For a long time, he slowly said: "As long as you don't kill, you are the general manager of Xingsheng Magazine. I don't allow our magazine to have such a serious crime as murder. As for the others, you can handle it. After all. Unannounced visits to this kind of work are indeed dangerous, and I don’t want my employees to experience accidents."

As he said, he picked up a cigar and burned a cigar, and took a heavy sip: "Think about it now, in fact, my ambition is not that big. The former Xingsheng can do it. I will shoot entertainment stars. The magazine is in the entertainment magazine. China is also very famous. We old guys have lived a lifetime without worrying about food and clothing, and are contented to be happy. Now that the company has grown, there are more things to worry about."

The moment Gao Leng finished these words, Mr. Lu suddenly understood a truth.

This principle is the most essential reason why he and Mr. Lu's style of doing things are drifting apart: different ambitions and different dreams.

Mr. Lu’s ambition is nothing more than a mature company, enough to allow his family and his old guys to live a wealthy life. It is enough to be famous in the entertainment magazine circle. He is old and he no longer cares about how much he makes. Money, but friendship.

In Lu Yajun’s view, the ambitious Gao Leng turned this entertainment magazine into a comprehensive magazine in just one year. At first, he was happy and enthusiastic, and he promoted himself with the correct vision. Rejoice.

But now I find that the higher you stand, the more complicated things you have to deal with.

The young Lu Yajun is not afraid of complexity, he is as ambitious as Gao Leng, but the old Lu Yajun is most afraid of complexity, he is not willing to tear his face with his old guys for money.

Obviously, Gao Leng almost smashed his hand at Lao Yang, and Lao Yang said that he was going to retire. Even though they were opponents before, they both quit the arena and hope to sit down and have a drink when they see each other. Tea, a game of chess.

However, Gao Cooling directly wanted to knock down Lao Yang's popular magazine, and Lu Yajun, who worked so hard to beat the Xingsheng Magazine, understood Lao Yang's sadness at this moment, and he was unwilling.

He has made enough money. What he wants is respect from society.

Obviously, Gao Leng's decisive method of hollowing out the opponent's talents would make him worry about the people in this circle, especially the old man poking his spine.

"Gao Leng, if you make Xingsheng bigger, will you buy other media of the same type?" Mr. Lu asked.

"Of course." Gao Leng said positively.

"Then do you know that if it is to acquire other media, just like you want to acquire Fengxing Magazine, this is okay, but what you have is that you destroyed a thriving magazine with insidious tricks, you are destroying It won’t work if you lose him instead of Fengxing Magazine itself. You can buy it again. There is an essential difference between the two, right?” Mr. Lu said very heavy.

"Yes." Gao Leng nodded.

Acquisitions and mergers and acquisitions often occur in a company that is on the verge of bankruptcy. At this time, if a company is willing to acquire itself, everyone is happy. In this case, no one will point fingers.

Destroying a company directly and then buying it again will definitely cause a sensation in the financial world, and many financial reporters will verbally criticize it. Once everyone knows that Xingsheng Magazine actually paid out 200 million to hollow out Popular Magazine, then many people in Lu Yajun's circle will poke his backbone.

Let me just say: That old Lu, when he is old, his methods are so vicious. They are all old friends. If you eat your meal, can I eat mine?

And this violated Lu Yajun's taboo: what he wants now is not money, but social status.

It seems that we can only part ways. Lu Yajun looked at the ambitious high cold in front of him, and said something in his heart.

Can we only part ways?

The high cold at this moment also made such a sentence in his heart.

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