Gossip King

Chapter 1076: Who came

"Boss, I toast you a glass. No, no, you are free to do it." The brothers of the East Gang toasted Gao Leng one by one. It is their blessing to be able to toast the boss.

Gao Leng raised his cup and drank it, making them even more overwhelmed and moved.

It's okay to take a sip, even if it's just a toast, they are honored. After all, it's not a class. It's okay to take a sip, and the leader can drink as much as it wants.

But I didn't expect Gao Leng to do it cleanly.

Even if the brothers drink between them on weekdays, it is indispensable to block a few glasses, and the cold one is not blocked, which gives them enough face. In their opinion, a superior leader could actually give them the face of their little brother, and the group was indescribably moved.

For Gao Leng, drinking is one of the reasons just like drinking water, and the most important reason is that Gao Leng has never regarded himself as a superior leader. He was born in a poor family. If he hadn't been born again, he wouldn't be one-tenth the identity of the dozen or so brothers in front of him, so what's so superior?

The so-called education means treating everyone equally. In the eyes of this pedestrian, this kind of equal treatment is in his bones.

This money is even hotter in your hand.

"Boss Gao, we will follow you in the future."

"Yes, Boss Gao will definitely do more inland business than Brother Biao in the future. We will follow you. We will be a cow and a horse, and we will die!"

"This time, nearly three hundred brothers from the Eastern Gang provided clues. No matter what happens in the future, we will listen to Boss Gao."

After drinking to the rise, the group took advantage of the wine and said, full of pride.

The three hundred brothers of the Eastern Gang all listen to Gao Leng, so Gao Leng, the second-in-command gifted by Brother Biao, has real power.

But Gao Leng's expression changed as soon as he heard it, he put the wine glass on the table and became serious. After scanning around, the group of brothers from the East immediately looked at Gao Leng with a straight face.

"You can't say that." Gao Leng said coldly: "You are from the Eastern Gang. You were originally following me. As for the distribution of personnel, it depends on Brother Biao."

Gao Leng never thought of seizing power, never. Naturally, other members of the East Gang could not have any such thoughts. His voice was extremely harsh and even criticized.

The group was silent, knowing that they had said something wrong.

After drinking half of the wine, Gao Leng got up. He knew that this group of people would have to go all night tonight. They were more or less unable to let go of him here, so he left after drinking almost, and the brothers of the East Gang naturally followed him. , Thank you again and again and say goodbye.

"The next time I can drink with Boss Gao, I don't know it will be a year of the monkey."

"I'm afraid there is no chance. We and him are not at the same level. This time it is a godsend!"

Sending Gao Leng away, watching his car left, the Dong Gang returned to the dinner and continued to drink. Although they said that they would be a lot more relaxed without Gao Leng being present, they suddenly felt that they didn’t have much energy. Seven Mouthful with regret.

"Hey, buddy, come over for dinner, where are you coming? I'll tell you, do you know who I just ate with? You can't guess it!" A buddy called, he raised his eyebrows and proudly. The people laughed together.

It’s really hard to have this kind of honor in the future to be able to have a meal with Gao Leng, a well-known reporter in China, the general manager of Xingsheng Magazine, the top domestic entertainment magazine, and the second in command of the East. Once in place, Gao Leng's worth and status will have to rise.

Gao Leng drove the car in the direction of home. He was a little worried about Little Witch’s injury. In addition, Jian Xiaodan and Mu Xiao Leng might still be a little flustered. He had to go back to stabilize his military spirit. He was driving, suddenly Xing Sheng There was a call from the office of the magazine, and she was talking to a little girl in the office: "Mr. Gao, there are two people here who have been waiting at the gate of our Xingsheng. Ask them who they are looking for. They said they are looking for you. I will tell them. You got off work. I went to the garage just now, but I found these two people squatting in a corner of the garage. After a while, I saw them both getting on the elevator. I'm afraid they are at the gate of Xingsheng again. I felt something was wrong, so I reported. Director, the Director wants me to call you right away."

Xingsheng Magazine has a rule that, if it is not for official business, there is no reason for such an office commissioner to give high cold calls, especially private calls.

"Oh? Two people?" Gao Leng was a little strange, but he was not afraid of danger. Now the East Gang has set up a special place near Xingsheng Magazine. At this juncture, if you dare to attack him, it is really looking for death. But who is it? Waiting in the middle of the night and waiting in the garage is too strange.

The front of the car immediately turned around, and Gao Leng drove in the direction of Xingsheng Magazine, not far away, and he reached the garage in twenty minutes. As soon as the vehicle drove into the garage, Gao Leng's eyes immediately looked around, and it seemed that there was no abnormality. He parked the car aside and looked around again, still not seeing anyone approaching.

If you know me, the car should show up, Gao Leng thought, and got out of the car decisively and walked towards the elevator. He was at the general manager level, but the special elevator he took did not choose to go directly to the 18th floor of his office, but chose The 14th floor at the entrance of Xingsheng Magazine. From the 14th floor to the 18th floor are Xingsheng, a stranger can only think of the cold office through the 14th floor and then up, unless he has a special elevator card.

With the ding of the elevator doorbell, there were not many people working overtime in the already night Xingsheng magazine. The gate was closed, and fingerprints were needed to enter the door. Two people squatted at the door. .

Gao Leng stopped walking, a little strange. He didn't know the two of them. They looked like they were in their fifties. One man and one woman looked vicissitudes of life. The woman was still wiping tears and whispering in her mouth, and the man's eyes were red. He squatted down there, mumbling something in his mouth. The two raised their heads after seeing Gao Leng coming.

The moment they raised their heads, Gao Leng became even more surprised.

Looking at their eyes, they clearly don't know themselves.

Did it come to me to break the news for help? Gao Leng thought to himself that since Gao Leng's reputation has become more and more popular, more and more people all over the country are looking for him to break the news. To be honest, many people don't know what a reporter is in charge of what news. Regardless of the three or seventy one, when you hear that it is a reporter, everything will explode. Zhang's parents and Li Jiadan are here. The high-cold hotline is exclusively in charge of a department. Only when it encounters news of great social value will it send a team. Door-to-door interview.

The two watched Gao Leng not speaking, and Gao Leng didn't speak to them either. It was really out of sight that he was paying attention to them. He stretched out his hand and swiped his fingerprints, and the glass door opened.

"Good Mr. Gao." The front desk immediately stood up and bends over respectfully to greet him. He also looked at the two people outside the glass door, and said reproachfully: "The two people just won't leave. The outside is a public place. It doesn’t belong to our Xingsheng, and I’m not good to interfere.

As soon as the two people outside heard Gao Leng's name, they stood up, looked at each other, and immediately stepped forward to block the closing glass door.

"The boss of Xingsheng Magazine, Gao Leng?" The man drew his hand into his bag.

Who is coming? Gao Leng instinctively took two steps back, staring at the man's hand that reached into the bag.

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