Gossip King

Chapter 1077: Kneel to the sky, kneel to your parents, and you

"What's wrong with me?" Although Gao Leng took two steps back and became alert, he didn't feel the half-dead and dangerous aura. He quickly looked at the two of them. Although the clothes worn by the two were worn, they were decent and clean enough. . She looks a bit old in her fifties. The woman's hands are holding the back of the man's clothes, her eyes are swollen, and she has been crying for a long time. It should be the man's wife, and the man's waist is straight. There is something indescribable. temperament.

"You...you are the reporter of Xingsheng Magazine, the reporter who exposed the carrion case, Gao Leng?" The man stepped forward to block the glass door that was about to close. When he said this, tears flowed down.

Gao Leng rarely shed tears when he saw his uncles staring at him. It was a little unnatural for a while, and some were not used to being called "you" by an elder.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Gao Leng pushed open the glass door to let them in.

With two plops, the two of them knelt to the ground and cried. The crying was uncontrollable. On this night, the front desk of the office where there were not many employees working overtime seemed exceptionally loud, and some of my colleagues walked to the front desk curiously. .

"Second, if you need an interview with us, just register with me." The front desk quickly walked to the two elders, a little panicked, she gave Gao Leng a self-blaming look. A similar situation is not surprising to reporters. Too many people who are wronged or need help will always beg for help after seeing the reporter, and a few fierce ones will directly kneel down.

But I don’t know that reporters also have requirements for publishing articles.

The front desk obviously regarded these two people as ordinary people who came to ask Gao Leng to come forward for an interview. Their howling and crying here would obviously affect the work of the employees inside, so they immediately stopped and took a notebook to record that they wanted to report. Things.

Kneeling in front of a reporter, or kneeling to others under the camera, this is too much for reporters, but for Gao Leng, he was shocked. He never thought that one day he would be the same age as his parents. The elderly kneeled to himself.

Moreover, under the eyes of everyone, this made Gao Leng's heart violently shake.

"No, we don't need to report." When the man saw the front desk saying this, he immediately realized that the two people's cries affected the overtime employees. He quickly stopped the voice but couldn't stop the tears. He took up his sleeve and wiped it, while the woman He stretched out his hand and bit his arm and tried not to make a sound, but the tears couldn't stop falling.

"What's the matter?" Gao Leng knelt down and wanted to help the two kneeling people: "What are you doing on your knees? Tell me if there is any difficulty, let's see if we can help you." He said, Gao Leng reached out his hand to support them.

"You are our benefactor. I, Zhao Zhiqi, kneel down to the ground and kneel down to my parents. I will not bend my knees for other things, but you are my benefactor. Kneel down to the ground and kneel down to my benefactor!" He just finished speaking, his head suddenly Face down.

Three muffled bangs.

There are three more muffled sounds.

The kowtow of men and women silenced reporters who were still talking about it. Such a strong kowtow is not a show, it is a real kowtow.

This made Gao Leng feel a little uncomfortable. He immediately stretched out his hand to block the two of them pretending to be angry and raised their faces on the floor: "If you have something to say, I am not a Bodhisattva. Why?"

Um, the woman's uncontrollable cry sounded again. The man named Zhao Zhiqi glared at the woman. The woman quickly suppressed her crying, but she lowered her head and covered her face. The seemingly depressed mood finally To get catharsis, you can't control it.

Oh, the sound rang again.

Gao Leng's arm slightly lifted Zhao Zhiqi up, and then stretched out his hand to help the woman up: "What's the matter?"

"We are... the family of Xiaoyan who was killed by Bloodmaw, Zhao Yan, a graduate student of X University." As soon as Zhao Zhiqi said this sentence, Gao Leng understood immediately, the victim's family.

"Zhao Yan, the one who was raped and then killed by the perverted killer?"

"Does it have anything to do with Mr. Gao? It is the female graduate student whose head was cut off after being trapped for days and nights?"

"It seems that Mr. Gao must have helped catch the murderer. No wonder that Gao is always a benefactor. That perverted murderer is really terrifying, and that girl died terribly."

My colleagues didn't know the inside story after the East Gang came forward to arrest the murderer. As soon as they heard the name, they fry the pot. Most people have heard of this big case, and even reported it back then.

"It should be." Gao Leng said in a low voice, and walked into Zhao Zhiqi to remind in a low voice, "Don't make such a thing public, and cooperate with the police."

Zhao Zhiqi stopped his tears as soon as he heard it. He glanced at his wife in a flustered look and got confused and quickly explained in a low voice: "I, I, I, I didn't think so much. Today happened to be our Yanzi’s birthday. Thinking of receiving news from a group of people today that the murderer had caught it, I..."

"Well, it was really caught, and we sent the blood throat to the police station. I heard they said it was arrested by someone you arranged. Xiaoyan happened to have her birthday today. We looked for it for a long time before we found it. Xing Sheng, thinking that the child’s birthday would happen to come here to see us from the underworld, he came to the benefactor’s place, and wanted the dead child to kowtow to you and want her to bless you."

In the countryside, there is always one way or another about the dead. The most widely spread among the people is the first seven. On the seventh day after death, the deceased will come back home to see their relatives for the last time. Obviously the folk customs of these two people are the dead. The spirit will appear on her birthday, so I was reluctant to leave Xingsheng today, wait for the child to appear at 12 o'clock, and tell her: Gao Leng is a benefactor, and you must bless him.

The two of them didn't think much about it. They didn't think that the police station would protect whistleblowers or arrest people. Hearing Gao Leng's words, they panicked and became nervous.

"It's okay. Come, I'll take you home." Gao Leng checked the time and then looked at the two people. That's it. It's more appropriate to send them home.

"Benefactor." Zhao Zhiqi stretched out his hand to hold Gao Leng's hand, raised his eyes to look at the tall Gao Leng, how could the sadness dissipate all over his body: "We thought we would never catch a murderer in this life, but I didn't expect..."

"We are just such a child, we were killed like this, just like this, I really don't know how to thank you, how to thank you!"

The death of the only daughter was full of bitterness, the murderer was stunned by hatred, and the grievances have come from it.

Sincerely kindness, kneel down and thank you!

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