Gossip King

Chapter 1101: The annexation is popular (2)

"General Manager Gao is here." The old butler bent over: "See you? He also brought a lot of people. That scene, tsk tsk."

Old Yang's face sank, and the corners of his mouth trembled with a sneer. He stretched out his hand to support his body and sat up from the bed. Probably he got up in a hurry, and suddenly he coughed violently. The housekeeper hurriedly walked to the bed and stretched out his hand to gently pat him on the back. With the other hand, he passed the tea ceremony skillfully: "Drink some, the weather is not good. It takes a few days for the cold to get better."

After the cough subsided, Lao Yang's complexion was still not so good. These days, there has been a major landslide. He has not experienced such a drastic personnel decline in many years. The collective resignation of deputy managers has made Lao Yang too much for the veteran. He didn't sleep well, and his face was a little pale.

"30% of the shares dare to come to my house? When what am I!" Lao Yang snorted and pointed to the hanger. The butler quickly put the woolen coat on him: "Tell him to wait, Bring me the soup, I’ll have a soup."

Lao Yang has been busy all his life, what's the picture?

Two words: Confucian merchants.

It is a Confucian businessman, not a declining businessman who was annexed.

Standing up again but still satiated. He has been a man for a lifetime. When he was aloft, he was said to be a Confucian businessman Yang gifted. Now it is sunset.

Even if the sunset is over, he wants to save face, what about 30% of the shares? His Lao Yang and Yang Peng's stocks accounted for more than 60%, and his Lao Yang family has the final say on the future of the company.

"Yes." The butler understood what Lao Yang meant, and first had a soup slowly. As for Gao Leng, let him wait first.

"President Gao, welcome." The butler walked to the living room and bends towards Gao Leng's group with a smile on his face: "Wait a minute, Mr. Yang is still drinking soup."

Gao Leng smiled lightly, and the group of people sat down on the sofa in the living room. The butler bent over and said, "You are free." Then he walked out.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Lao Diao frowned and said, “I don’t even pour a glass of water. This Lao Yang is enough for small belly chicken intestines.”

"Yes, is there anyone who treats guests like this?" The fat man agreed, feeling a little awkward. The other people who followed were very capable in suits. One of them seemed to be in his early forties and looked extremely stable. People who were not from Xingsheng Magazine had trouble talking, but his expression was not very good.

This is clearly a closed door.

"It's okay, to Mr. Yang, we are not guests." Gao Leng smiled disapprovingly and stood up: "The house is well decorated. Are the paintings authentic? Mr. Liao, you know calligraphy and painting, can you take a look?"

The middle-aged man called Mr. Liao stood up and walked to Gao Leng's side. The two of them started to discuss the painting.

Twenty minutes later, Lao Yang still did not come out.

At this time, the complexion of the people on Gao Leng's side was not so good, no one came out, and the tea was not served. It seemed that waiting like this was not a solution.

"Boss, I think we can tell the steward directly, and we can't let him eat this closed door." The fat man's voice did not deliberately lowered, but raised it loudly, as if deliberately wanted to tell the people in the Yang House.

Gao Leng glared at the fat man, and he closed his mouth quickly.

"Be forgiving and forgiving." Gao Leng patted Fatty's shoulder and pointed to the sofa: "Sit down, Lao Yang is a senior, and I am a junior. This junior should wait for seniors."

"Cut, what the younger generation, the winner is the king, the loser is the Kou." The fat man was obviously dissatisfied and muttered, but even though he muttered so obediently, he walked to the sofa and sat down again, only his head tilted and his heart stuck. Have to panic.

Lao Hang didn't speak any more, just sat quietly. This living room didn't even have an ashtray. He had already been addicted to cigarettes and crushed the pack of cigarettes in his hand.

"Mr. Gao, you are giving the face of Zu Lao Yang." Liao is always a sensible person giving a thumbs up: "It's really rare to have your heart after winning."


"President Gao and they are waiting in the living room." The butler said after finishing the soup bowl.

"I can read the newspaper." Old Yang took the newspaper in his hand and read it: "Did you pour tea for them?"

"No." The butler pursed his lips and smiled: "I didn't even take the ashtray. I see a few of them who are addicted to cigarettes, their expressions are not very good."

"Look at you." Lao Yang seemed to complain, but he seemed very happy and said: "At least give someone a cup of tea. It's been half an hour." Then, he looked at the courtyard and pointed: "I'm going to read the newspaper in the yard, don't let them bother me."

"Boss, look." The fat man pointed angrily at the yard across the floor-to-ceiling windows, and saw Lao Yang sitting in the yard with his legs up and holding a newspaper, very uncomfortable.

"It's a bit too much." Mr. Liao, an outsider couldn't help but said.

"What to do, Boss." Old Hang suppressed his anger and asked.

Gao Leng turned his head and looked at Lao Yang, who was reading leisurely in the yard, and smiled: "Wait another half an hour." As he said, he looked at the housekeeper meaningfully. It gives you enough face, but there is a time limit for pretending to be forced.

"Will he meet us?" the old man asked.

"Yes, definitely." Gao Leng was very sure: "Otherwise, he can just drop off the guests directly. There is no need to go to the yard to read the newspaper in the winter, and it is not too cold. It is nothing more than just trying to save face. He is a senior, and I should give him some face as a junior."

"Huh, everyone in the circle knows that he is a defeated player, what kind of face is there?" The fat man snorted.

"Because of this, I must give him this face." Gao Leng stretched out his hand and patted the fat man's shoulder again: "I promised Mr. Lu that he won't be too cruel."

When it comes to a certain level, it is not who is strong, but who is broad-minded.

Sure enough, twenty-five minutes later, there was a sound of footsteps in the living room. Following the sound, Lao Yang still came. Although he walked out in his pajamas with a woolen overcoat, he seemed indifferent, but after all coming.

"President Yang." Gao Leng stood up and stretched out his hand.

"What's the matter, let's talk." Lao Yang didn't stretch out his hand for a handshake, but directly sat down after a wave, and then nodded to the housekeeper. The ashtray was then placed on the coffee table and lit up. He took a sip of a cigar, and his words were cold and cold.

Gao Leng looked at Old Yang with a faint smile and said, "Naturally it is a matter of Fengxing Magazine."

Hahahahahaha, Lao Yang laughed loudly after listening to it, his eyes narrowed, he did not look at Gao Leng, but looked up at the butler standing next to him, and after a long laugh, he stretched out his hand to wipe Wiping the corner of his eyes, it seemed that tears were bursting out of laughter.

"This is the funniest joke I've ever heard this year." Lao Yang stood up: "Fengxing Magazine is my magazine, it's your turn to talk about it? Hahahaha, it's ridiculous."

As he said, he spit out smoke: "High cold, let me tell you clearly, I know that you have 30% of the shares in your hand, and you are the majority shareholder of Fengxing Magazine, but the majority shareholder does not mean that it is Fengxing Magazine. The boss, the boss, it’s still me. If I want to sell, I’ll sell it, I don’t want to sell it, I don’t want to sell it, I sell it to whomever I want. Let me tell you the truth, I won’t sell if you double the price for me Here you are, if I file for bankruptcy, I won't sell it to you, understand?"

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