Gossip King

Chapter 1102: Annex popular (3) one stick and one candy

Lao Yang has been alive all his life. In this media battle, he was beaten up by a young man and lost his face. If Gao Leng is allowed to swallow the wind again, where will he put his old face? !

Gao Leng looked at the angry and arrogant Lao Yang without answering.

After Lao Yang finished speaking, he didn't walk away, but waited for Gao Leng to answer. He didn't expect Gao Leng to look at him like a dumb, and was a little embarrassed for a while.

You are saying something, so that we can continue the discussion, Old Yang thought.

Apply for bankruptcy or sell it to Gao Leng? To put it ugly, can the popular magazine now file for bankruptcy? Besides, as a major shareholder holding 30% of the shares, Gao Leng has the right to speak. Lao Yang's trick to scare others is fine, but it is weak to scare Gao Leng.

Gao Leng is not an expert in this aspect. After all, he has never acquired a company. If he has some skills, then he called Su Su yesterday to consult some details. Legal matters cannot be communicated in a day or two. So He brought a strong general: Mr. Liao.

Mr. Liao, the boss of a well-known law firm in the imperial capital that closes the door to attack corporate property, does not want to ask him to spend a lot of money, but it depends on the relationship to ask him to accompany him to the side of Lao Yang. Wang Hui, the vice president of the business association who has been close to Mr. Liao for many years, personally invites him to make this face.

"That's not right." Mr. Liao saw that Gao Leng didn't speak, and waited dozens of seconds before Lao Yang felt embarrassed before speaking. He was really an old hand. He stood up and nodded towards Lao Yang: "I It's the old Liao of Liao's Law Firm, Jiu Yang. Mr. Yang, what you said is not in line with the current law. This is an opinion letter issued by Mr. Gao on the next personnel appointment of Fengxing Magazine. Please have a look. Mr. Gao holds 30% of the shares, and he is still the original shares bought and sold. According to the law, he has the right to appoint several important positions."

Old Yang held out his hand with a sullen face and took the submission.

"This is Mr. Gao's requirement for Fengxing Magazine to issue detailed rules on earnings over the years." Then Mr. Liao took out another document, still smiling, but there was a knife in his smile: "As a 30% shareholder A major shareholder, and a new shareholder, has the right to request a look at the profitability of Fengxing Magazine. Please issue it within a week."

Old Yang Tie accepted the document.

"This is Mr. Gao..." Mr. Liao took out another document, Lao Yang's face was iron and steel. He looked at Gao Leng, and saw Gao Leng sitting leisurely on the sofa with a slight smile looking at the courtyard, admiring him. Looking at the beauty, it seems that all this has nothing to do with him.

"Enough." Lao Yang threw these documents on the coffee table and said impatiently: "Gao Leng, your heart is too cruel!"

Su Su told him this gameplay. At that time, Su Su said: "Mr. Gao, my method is more aggressive. You have to stand the other's anger and frustration."

At this moment, Lao Yang was a little frustrated. He pointed his finger at Gao Leng: "I will never sell Fengxing to you!"

Gao Leng stood up with a smile, he stretched out his hand, Lao Diao quickly handed him a pile of documents, Gao Leng handed it to Lao Yang.

"Huh." Lao Yang sat down, instead of reaching out to receive the information that Gao Leng handed over, he stretched out his hand and hit it: "Hold your stuff and **** off!"

"You!" Seeing that his boss was coldly received, the old man couldn't help but want to say something. He looked at him coldly and hinted that he should not get angry. The old man resisted his anger and endured very hard, while the fat man was even more angry. They are all red.

"This is 30% of the shares. I bought it from your managers, and I'm returning it to you now." Gao Leng said softly, handing one of the documents to Lao Yang. As soon as the voice fell, Lao Yang didn't respond for a long time. Coming over, he looked at Gao Leng in astonishment.

"You...what did you say?" Lao Yang obviously didn't believe it.

"President Lu has the kindness to support me. Although you have been fighting with him for so many years, he doesn't want to see you..." Gao Leng didn't go any further, but just stuffed the information into Lao Yang's hands: " Of course, this 30% share is not just the love of Mr. Lu, I hope that through this incident, you can see clearly and see the faces of the managers you have been supporting."

As he said, he pulled out another piece of information: "This is the list of job-hopping personnel reported by the headhunting company. There are more than 40 deputy managers and supervisors who have switched jobs. In less than a week, more than 40 people have signed with the next family. The line is ready, ready to leave at any time."

Lao Yang frowned and looked at the long list with a headache. Seven or eight managers who betrayed him made him traumatized.

"There is him?!" Lao Yang's voice trembled, and the information in his hand also trembled: "These two people actually sold shares too!" Although it has already been known that 30% of the shares must come from the manager's hands, I also figured it out. By the time one or two of them must have sold their shares.

But when Lao Yang saw a few names he had never thought of, the shock was huge.

He picked up the 30% share gift agreement that Gao Leng said.

"I will return the shares to you. I have already signed it." Gao Leng turned to the last page and pointed, only to see that Gao Leng's name and personal seal had indeed been signed on the page.

"You can't give it away for free, right?" Although Lao Yang's tone was not very good, he obviously had no longer the grievances he had just now. His voice was a little tired. His eyes remained on the names of the managers who had betrayed him, revealing the sunset. The sadness of Xishan.

"Of course." Gao sneered and turned to one of the pages: "I hope Fengxing Magazine will be under the command of Xingsheng."

Lao Yang glanced at the page he was referring to and sneered: "After all, you still want to swallow the popular." The arrogance on Lao Yang's face filled up again, letting a young man swallow his own business, and he was saved. Can't wipe it out: "Will you hit a stick first and then give me a candy?"

First, Yi Shui'er's legal information was too late for Lao Yang to poke his hands, and then he gave out 30% of the shares to sweetness, the purpose is still to swallow the popularity.

"No, I didn't swallow Fengxing." Gao Leng shook his head and took out the last page in his hand: "I sincerely invite Fengxing Magazine and Xingsheng Magazine to join forces for a better tomorrow. This is my yesterday. The report is ready to be sent to the media."

"Mr. Gao of Xingsheng Magazine visited the door, and Mr. Yang, the veteran of Fengxing Magazine, was finally willing to carry out his younger generation..." Old Yang said, reading this, he paused and seemed to be emotionally fluctuating, and then continued to read: President Yang of Fengxing Magazine made a decisive move, slashed the worms of the magazine, and exchanged a large number of blood to make a breakthrough.

The large loss of personnel in the popular magazine was written as Lao Yang's own decisive change of blood. The large description made Lao Yang extremely wise and generous.

"President Gao came to visit, hoping that Mr. Yang will lead his younger generations to form a family. Xingsheng Fengxing will marry and create a better future. Mr. Yang has agreed to cooperate with younger generations regardless of the predecessors..." Mr. Yang's voice echoed in the living room, and the housekeeper on the side couldn't help but turn towards Gao Leng cast an admiring look.

When a person wins, he can save face to his opponent. This kind of atmosphere is respectable.

"And get venture capital of 100 million..." Lao Yang raised his head: "Venture investment?"

"Well, as long as you are willing to cooperate with me, all the venture capital for Xingsheng Magazine will be invested in Fengxing." Gao coldly smiled: "Of course, Fengxing must be under the jurisdiction of Xingsheng, otherwise the venture capital will Bian will not agree."

"Fengxing is under the jurisdiction of Xingsheng?" Old Yang frowned.

Going around, it is still annexing.

"What if I disagree?" Lao Yang asked. He looked at Gao Leng who was used to seeing the blood of Shang Zhan: "What if I still disagree with this? What will you do?"

Hahaha, Gao sneered, the laughter was unpredictable.

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