Gossip King

Chapter 1103: The annexation is popular (4) No toast and fine wine

Gao Leng brought the imperial capital's famous chief Liao, who specializes in corporate property, to come together, so naturally he was not here to display it. There is also a letter of opinion on the appointment of Fengxing Magazine by Gao Leng as a major shareholder, and a document on the profitability of Fengxing Magazine in recent years required by Lao Yang.

Personnel appointments are terrible, and important positions must be filled with people. In the past few years, Fengxing Magazine's profitability has been even more terrible. Fengxing has some tax evasion, not to mention, usually dividends to fool the group of managers. Mr. Liao dignified, that is unlikely.

This President Liao can definitely give full play to the rights of the major shareholder, digging three feet to lift the profitability of Fengxing Magazine in recent years.

There are tricks and huge dividends: the profit of 30% of the shares is really enough for Lao Yang.

"You gave me so much, wouldn't you just be a good person? What about returning 30% of the shares to me again? Didn't you finally want to swallow all of them?" Lao Yang's eyes were indistinct, he said. Put the pile of information aside, light a cigar, take a deep breath, and sneer: "Gao Leng, you are very powerful and powerful. I will ask you this sentence. If I disagree with this, don't you 30% of the shares, do not accept your purchase or contract merger with Xingsheng, what will you do?"

There has never been warmth in business wars, and Lao Yang understands this.

"Will you place important people to my popular positions and seek power step by step? Or use the profits of these years to report my tax evasion to the government?" Although Lao Yang spoke very aggressively, some timidity was fleeting in his eyes.

These two points are painful, and Lao Yang knew in his heart that he was also a little afraid, but he tried his best to be not afraid.

"I won't." Gao Leng shook his head decisively.

"No? Huh." Old Yang sneered at the cigar. "No, what did you do with these two files? Gao Leng, do you really think I believe you? Give me 30% of the shares, and risk. Investors, to put it bluntly, if I disagree with the annexation, there will be no shares or investment."

"I will not put anyone in your post, nor will I report it." Gao Leng stood up and walked towards Lao Yang looking down at him sitting on the sofa. Lao Yang suddenly felt that there was a cold wind blowing from behind. , Chilly.

"Mr. Yang, do you think you have other options besides cooperating with me to make Fengxing Magazine a better tomorrow?"

The prey Gao Leng is eyeing, others want to get involved? difficult.

If Lao Yang agrees to cooperate, Gao Leng returns 30% of the shares as a sign of goodwill, and then buys 70% or 60% of the shares from Lao Yang at the original price to achieve absolute control.

In other words, the returned shares are just a cutscene in the hands of Lao Yang, and Gao Leng will eventually buy it back, only for 30% more money. The president of Fengxing Magazine will change hands and he will no longer be Lao Yang. It won't be Yang Peng, it must be high cold.

"Why, I don't sell you, can you still use a knife to force me?" Old Yang asked back.

Gao Leng glanced at Lao Yang for the last time and then looked at the courtyard: "If you really disagree, Mr. Yang, you can only continue to compete."

Continue to compete, Fengxing will hold the summit, and Xingsheng will also hold the summit; the next step Fengxing talks about advertising cooperation, Xingsheng will lower the price to grab the advertisement, and Fengxing interviewed the star, Xingsheng also followed up.

The summit will begin in five days. Now that even the middle-level personnel have gone 80% of the popular, how can they withstand the cold and deliberate killing?

Sharpen it with one knife. Obviously, the knife of Xingsheng Magazine is much more profitable than the popular knife.

In this way, the bankruptcy of Fengxing Magazine will only be a matter of time.

"Bankrupt, Lao Yang, is the bankruptcy of Fengxing Magazine what you want? Except for the managers you care about, so many employees, they dedicated their youth to Fengxing, and Fengxing didn't give them room to rise. Under the digging of headhunters, those loyal and righteous employees chose not to change jobs during the trough period, and Mr. Yang, you are actually willing to give up Fengxing Magazine for a better future, and you choose to go bankrupt with me and let those employees feel disheartened? ?"

Gao sneered, and stopped talking.

The silence speaks.

There are only a handful of middle-level members left by Feng Xing, and those who are really willing to follow Lao Yang to fight the country. In the end, those who really fought with him fell into bankruptcy and dispersed, but those white-eyed wolves exchanged their shares for wealth.

This is definitely not what Yang always wanted.

What does Mr. Yang want? It is a Confucian businessman, a Confucian businessman whose employees can say "This boss is really good", and a Confucian businessman who doesn't leave during the downturn can say "Mr. Yang is really good".

Lao Yang was lost in thought.

"Mr. Yang, in fact, from a different perspective, what are the things that are leaving now? I left early and good." Lao Diao opened his mouth and shook his head as soon as he opened his mouth, apparently sneering at the managers who bought and sold shares: "Especially those managers who sold my shares are rushing to throw out the shares. If you look at them, what kind of wolves are all these? I feel chilled when an outsider sees it. This time it happened to be liquidated. Let's talk about it. , You are going to retire, and they all say that it is easy to fight the country and it is difficult to keep the country and the country is difficult. Yang Peng wants to keep the current trend, do you think it is possible?

Although the old man is not very pleasing, it is true.

Gao Leng's tossing with headhunting, the people in Fengxing Magazine can use those people, and it's clear at a glance.

Lao Yang frowned. Yang Peng was his son. He was incapable of being said by the old man. Yang Peng was also a graduate of a prestigious overseas university, and he also successfully operated a small company overseas. It all depends on his son. Okay, this old hanger made him unhappy.

But when Lao Yang set his gaze on Gao Leng, he couldn't help but sighed.

Indeed, Yang Peng is definitely not a cold opponent.

"You said that you sell Fengxing to others, not to mention whether others are willing to take over the stall now. Who can give Fengxing a better development now? Who will take over for a while? There are five days, only five days for the summit. It's about to start, time waits for no one, Mr. Yang." Lao Diao continued to ask. Today's Lao Diao already has the courage, and his words are very calm.

The summit is about to take place in five days, and now he doesn't even have the staff to hold the summit.

Lao Yang fell silent, reaching into the pocket of the windbreaker and clenching his fists.

"Mr. Yang." Gao Leng stood up and looked at the time: "Then let's go first. If you think about it, it's up to you whether it's just hostility or cooperation." Gao Leng nodded to Liao, and Liao took out. A folder, this folder is obviously very important, gently placed on that pile of materials.

"After reading it, I think it's OK to call me. The summit has only been five days, so I have to hurry up." Gao Leng turned and walked towards the door after finishing speaking. Others also got up and followed him.

Lao Yang looked at Gao Leng's leaving back with complicated eyes, who didn't know what he was thinking.

His gaze fell on the document, which was sealed in a leather folder, and it said: Top secret.

"Boss, do you say that Lao Yang will agree to cooperate? I think his bones are hard." asked Lao Diao after he left the door.

"He will, he will." Gao Leng sneered coldly: "Because he has no other way out except for cooperation. Fengxing is his child, and he won't watch Fengxing go bankrupt."

Either cooperate or go bankrupt. If you don't have a toast, then you can eat fine wine.

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