Gossip King

Chapter 1109: Uzhi and Su Su’s boudoir secrets...

This is the biggest difference between male buddies and female girlfriends.

The best friends who really have a relationship must share their privacy. Put it this way, if you don't share your privacy, you are destined to become a girlfriend. This is like two girls in the early days of establishing a friendship. Girl A said: My mother had hemorrhoids. Girl B patted her thigh: My mother had it too!

OK, this can continue to talk, the deeper the conversation, the stronger the relationship.

On the night in the college dormitory, if a dormitory has a good relationship, you will definitely talk about boys, but you can't be an absolute good girlfriend. Boys can talk about it at most: A said, XX chest muscles are quite developed, have you seen it?

B said, I saw it, and I have a good body when playing basketball.

Talking about this level, it means that it is just a good friend or a good relationship, and it is definitely not a really good girlfriend. What level should a good girlfriend talk about?

C said, let's pull it down. I was blinded by the tendons, and it was gone in two minutes. Fortunately, I broke up.

Talking to this level means that you are a good girlfriend who says nothing.

Boys and girl girlfriends will share privacy. This privacy includes sexual privacy. It has nothing to do with age. It is shared by good friends in their 30s and 40s. This is determined by the nature of women. Obviously, Uzhi and Su Su are such good girlfriends.

Last night, in Yuzhi's room, Su Su blinked her eyes and looked at her slightly swollen mouth with a thief and smiled: "Did he really do it?"

Uzhi proudly stretched out his hand to pull out all the hair behind his back, shrank into the quilt, and stretched out his hand to snap his fingers: "Of course, the man I like to Uzhi can still run?"

"Hey tut tut tut..." Su Su's face was full of gossip, and the noble and indifferent that was at work disappeared. She was full of gossip curiosity, she reached out and poked Yuzhi's chest: "Isn't it cool to be cold? Dead? Your figure...tsk tut."

"Of course." Yuzhi continued to be proud. If it weren't for her slightly red lips to remind her, it was not that she had done Gao Leng, but Gao Leng had done her harshly, and when she begged for mercy, don’t want me. After that, I repeated her again and again, if there were no red and swollen lips, Uzhi's show off in front of Su Su would be more arrogant.

"How is it?" Su Su swallowed, "Hey, better than your first love..."

Su Su knew Yuzhi's first love.

"It's not a grade, don't mention that bad guy." Yu Zhi frowned slightly: "That can be called a man?"

Many men think that women will always remember the man who took them for the first time, and will always remember their first love. Yes, women tend to have a hard time with the first man who took away her for the first time and gave all her body and mind, but you have to know, no matter how much love, the job is not good.

The reason why I can't forget it is that I haven't met something better than before. This is the truest idea of ​​a woman.

It is said that women are more ruthless than men, so ruthless is here. A woman’s affection towards a man is overwhelming. No matter how much she loves the first man, once she breaks up, no matter how heartbroken she is, as long as she meets the second one that really touches her, all of a sudden, the second one Cover the first one.

Yes, women are ruthless. They are not as fragile and need protection as written in many literary works. They are just appearances. If a woman is very affectionate, it must be that the man has occupied her from the body to the spirit.

Occupy firmly, the woman will be affectionate.

It's that simple.

And physical capture is a must. If your woman has little experience and has never seen the outside world, then it is likely to say: I don't care about that. But as long as she has a good girlfriend, and she feels that there is a gap when sharing privacy together, then she lays down hidden dangers. Once she tries better, especially on the body, she tries to get a better one, and the coverage mode starts.

Obviously, Gao Leng has covered Yuzhi's first love, covering it until it disappears without a trace, and covering it even makes Yuzhi feel unlucky and regretful: Why should I meet first love? How good is it to be with Gao Leng directly?

The physical contrast is fatal, especially for women's emotions.

"It's too big..." Yu Zhi pursed his mouth, stretched out his hand and gestured.

Su Su took a breath of air, and his eyes were so startled that they flew out and looked at Uzhi's hand: "My God...really?"

"What did I lie to you?" Yu Zhi rolled his eyes: "And it's too bad. I know that there is a press conference outside. We are in the dressing room of the dressing room. He actually speeded up the speed...I almost didn't hold back. To live and yell, it's really a matter of life and death."

"Ah..." Su Su covered his mouth and looked at Uzhi nervously: "That soundproofing isn't good, right?! Hurry up, continue talking, how is it going."

"I'll endure it." Uzhi turned his body: "I won't tell you, it's so private..."

"Let's talk about it, I'll talk to you in the future..." Su Su was already curious about not wanting it, and she spoiled her with Yuzhi.

"Tell me about you?" Uzhi turned his body again and smiled contemptuously: "You know how long you old maiden will break her life, and tell me... Besides, if you are politically married, what is there? Thought to say."

To share this kind of privacy, you must be very enamoured with that man, otherwise you will say a little: justsoso.

"My god! You are so brave to be at the press conference..." Su Su stretched out his hand to remove Yu Zhi's pajamas, and sneered: "The battle is as fierce as being chewed by a dog. "

"We're still on the dragon chair." Yuzhi said that she didn't share it, she was just doing something. Su Su's good girlfriends and high cold are enough to show off. Naturally, she wants to say, her eyes are shining: " It's really the happiest moment in my life. It feels so good to be conquered."

Su Su closed her eyes and wanted to blend in with Yuzhi's emotions, but regrettably realized that she couldn't blend in. She tilted her head and said, "I don't like the feeling of being conquered."

Su Su has never been conquered. Whether it is emotional, physical or shopping, she will always have the upper hand. Although Gao Leng crushed her IQ several times, she didn't like the feeling.

Suddenly before her eyes, when Gao Leng went back to his residence to take Tai Sui for the first time, the situation of Gao Leng pressing on her when the two people were fighting.

No wonder I felt hard at the time. It turned out... Su Su's face blushed when she thought of this place. She put away her imagination and said, "I don't like being conquered. What is good about liking someone? Take the nose, if you like him so much, then be together."

"He has a girlfriend." Yuzhi actually showed a hint of inferiority.

"So what?" Su Su didn't care and rolled his eyes. "I'm not married. If I like it, who will not care so much."


Uzhi let out a long sigh.

"Sister Yu, is physical enjoyment really that important?" Su Su asked: "You are not just obsessed with his body, are you?"

"I'll know when you taste this..." Uzhi sighed again: "This is the most unique experience in my life. Of course, it's not just a fascination with the body, but he is very attractive in itself. Don't you think? "

"It's okay." Su Su shrugged: "But he is my friend, you know, I have no other good friends except you, Gao Leng is my first good male friend, his business Anyway, I'm quite happy to help."

Su Su, who has no friends, looks high and cold at this time, it is only the level of friends, perhaps she herself thinks it is only the level of friends. At least when she listened to the secret history of Uzhi and Gao Leng, she was not at all unhappy.

It's hard to talk about liking without possessiveness, so she joked with her coldness all the way, teasing him like a buddy.

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