Gossip King

Chapter 1110: Su Su's strength

"Awesome..." Su Su got up endlessly, Gao Leng could understand that she came to this dinner today not to support herself at all, but to tease herself.

"President Su, hello, I'm from Shengkai Media..."

"Hello." Su Su politely raised a toast from thousands of miles away.

Many people came to Su Su, but after they came, they found that it was much more difficult than expected to get close to the famous female president of the empire. The smart Su Su seemed to have guessed it after hearing about the company that others had revealed. She just dealt with the other party's intentions indifferently, glanced around the field and touched Gao Leng's arm: "I said, did you fall in love with Uzhi?"

Gao Leng did not speak but turned his head to look at her: "Have you ever loved others?"

Su Su was surprised by the sudden problem of high cold.

"I don't have love in my heart. If everyone is looking forward to love, then my love is Huantai." Su Su said lightly and raised his glass, the direction of the glass toward Yuzhi: "I am different from Yuzhi. Unlike your little girlfriend, Su Su has never been bound by a man, nor by so-called love."

"You more than love is Huantai, and your entire life is Huantai." Gao Leng looked at Su Su with his head slightly raised. He understood her gossip. Although this woman enjoyed the huge Huantai Group, she was one of the best in the empire. President, but her life is too simple, as simple as business.

After all, she is only twenty-four or five years old.

The life of a girl in this time period should be colorful, and should not be full of business experience. Except for the little gossip of my girlfriend Yuzhi, which can make her look like a little girl, Su Su in other days is also arguing with Gao Leng. When there is a lively side.

"You will." Gao Leng seemed to say this to Su Su, but he said it more to himself.

He naturally doesn't love Yuzhi, and the chances of that kind of throbbing appear too little. It is Xiao Leng and Murong Yuyan who can make Gao Leng throb, and Murong Yuyan's aura is gradually being taken by Yuzhi. Covering, these two cousins, who are so similar in appearance, have completely different personalities.

Obviously, Su Su has a more appetite for Gao Leng.

In that SPA room, Gao Leng was shocked by Su Su under the tulle, and his most direct instinct was: I must have her.

"Humph." Su Su sneered disapprovingly after listening to Gao Leng's words. She put the glass down and then let out a sigh of relief: "Is there anything else you have? I'll leave if it's okay. It's boring here."

"I have something to ask." Gao Leng thought for a while and pointed to the vacant position: "Sit down. Recently I am planning to set up a group. You are an expert in this area. Please ask for advice."

The establishment of a group is indeed a veteran for Su Su. The Huantai Group is the largest group she holds, while the other seven or eighty-eight smaller groups have seven or eight in her hands, including large and small companies. There are hundreds of them, of course, almost all of them have developed under the business line of Huantai. It has to be said that although the sudden death of President Su shocked Huantai's shares, it was only that. After Su Su became a strong leader, the development has been extremely smooth, even rapid.

In this regard, Gao Leng is indeed a student before Su Su.

"Okay, you show me the information." Su Su sat down. Although she looked very arrogant on her face, in fact, as long as she believed that the other party was a friend, she was still very enthusiastic to help.

Gao Leng put the materials that he had prepared long ago in front of Su Su. This was not a few materials, it was a whole pile.

"Are you afraid that I won't be able to finish it?" Su Su stretched out his hand and patted the pile of materials. Gao Leng nodded to the bodyguard. The two immediately stood low-key ten meters away from Su Su's position. It's a dinner party, so naturally you can't obstinately stop others from coming, but some of these materials are top-secret, and people come and go.

"I naturally know your abilities." Gao Lengdid smiled.

Su Su's abilities are naturally fine. The information is mainly based on the key points. The key points are correct. If you control the general direction, there will be no big mistakes. Gao Leng asks Su Su for advice.

"Do you need to go to the room?" Gao Leng looked around, and it was indeed noisy.

"No." Su Su buried her head and stretched out her hand and waved: "Don't bother me, work." As soon as these words came out, her face immediately turned into a serious expression, as if all around her were knotted for a moment. On ice.

Su Su's personality is indeed much more withdrawn than Gao Leng.

Gao Leng is very serious at work, but he has many friends. He is very approachable when facing friends. He can live well and make friends. But Su Su was different. The sense of distance on her made Gao Leng, who was still in a good relationship with her, felt like she didn't dare to approach.

"The relationship between President Su and President Gao is very good."

"Yes, this should be the important information for Mr. Gao, it is really not easy to be able to make friends with Mr. Su."

"It's good for this woman to cooperate, but don't be the enemy, she is cruel."

"It's pretty, but it's too cold, it's cold and feminine."

In the distance, several media CEOs were drinking and chatting. The most eye-catching person was Su Su. Almost all the men's eyes never left her, and the second most eye-catching was Yuzhi.

Uzhijian Gao Leng walked over after talking with Su Su, picked up the cup and lifted it up: "Congratulations, Mr. Gao."

"Thank you." Gao Leng touched the glasses, and the lipstick on her red lips couldn't tell that the swelling of her mouth had not disappeared. For a while, Gao Leng didn't know how to face Yuzhi, and he suddenly felt guilty in his heart.

He doesn't love Yuzhi, the emotion is far inferior to love.

But after all, Yuzhi is the first-line actress of the empire, and she is also an innocent mushroom girl.

"You don't need to care what she said." Uzhi seemed to see Gao Leng's embarrassment and whispered softly: "I'm an adult now, I don't regret it, I miss it very much." At this point, she stopped talking, just smiled. Raise the cup: "I am here today to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart, nothing else. Gao Leng, are we still friends?"

"Of course." Gao Leng raised his glass: "Is there anything I can do for you, a word."

"If you need my platform, that's just one sentence." Yu Shang stepped closer to Gao Leng: "I'll just be your confidante, a little more than friends, okay?"

"Does Yuzhi and Gao always stand a little closer?"

"I also think they are a bit ambiguous, but it's a pity that Yuzhi has a strong background, and it's useless to ask people to follow him."

"Hey, this guy is young, handsome and rich, and his ability lies here. Of course, the little girl jumped up. Look at us, a bunch of old bones are not the same as a bunch of little mushroom girls?" Although the boss of Xian said he was an "old bone", the beautiful girl beside him looked at him in admiration.

But the words are still envious.

Everyone knows that Yuzhi is a first-line actress, and many media who come here to join in have never invited Yuzhilai on the cover. The cover of a good magazine is rushed by celebrities, and the cover of an ordinary magazine is to invite actresses to come.

"Gao Leng, you actually stared at the same piece of meat as me." Su Su suddenly raised his head and looked at Gao Leng and said, eyes flickering, holding up one of the materials: "I want to eat this piece of meat, too. I'm sorry, but I will take away this business, you should develop something else."

Confident and arrogant, like a wolf, Su Su put the information aside.

The prey that the wolves fancy other wolves would never want to get involved. This belongs to Su Su's strength. Obviously, Gao Leng and Su Su have fancyed the same project.

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