Gossip King

Chapter 1121: Exchange with the entire Huantai

Gao Leng stood up, put his hands in his trouser pockets and smiled: "I have nothing to say. You hold your annual meeting. As for the media reports and publicity, leave it to my team."

The same profession, strong, and full of charm.

Jian Xiaoshan looked at Gao Leng and Su Su, who had great disparity in their strengths, but also showed their leadership qualities. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart that people really are divided into ranks, social ranks, charisma ranks, and wisdom ranks.

There is a category of people who are inherently smarter and wise, and can often throw away ordinary people with the same effort. Su Su and Gao Leng obviously belong to one country, while Jian Xiao simply belongs to another country.

"Very good." Su Su clearly believed in Gao Leng's determination. She thought she would have another meeting on the annual meeting propaganda. Now it seems unnecessary. Everything is under Gao Leng's grasp. Waved his hand: "The meeting is over."

It was past nine o'clock when everyone had dispersed. Su Su stretched out her hand and rubbed her temples. She was a little tired, she hadn't been jet lag and hadn't rested much on the plane.

"President Su, the mayor of French city A has arrived at our hotel and hopes to meet with you to discuss." A capable employee walked over and said softly.

"It's too late today, and I will meet him at 8:30 tomorrow morning." Su Su waved his hand after a little thought, making the Mayor of City A wait.

"The mayor of city B is here too, also for that project. What time is it scheduled?"

"City B?" Su Su seemed to be more interested in City B, and put her temple-hands down to check the time: "Please come in, the mayor." As she said, she nodded at Gao Leng: "Thank you. Now, go and rest."

Simply admiring Su Su, who flew over from the empire, he had almost no rest and even had a few meetings. Now he still has to meet the mayor of City B. You must know that brainstorming is the most important thing. tiring.

In terms of work intensity, I am simply ashamed.

"The mayors of the two French cities in AB are looking for her." When Jian Xiaodan followed Gao Leng and walked out of the yard, he happened to see a government car driving towards the parking garage. It must be the mayor of French city B. Xiao Shan's voice is full of admiration, and she can only look up at the height of a woman like Su Su.

"Huantai Group has a factory to be moved to France. Now it is making the final choice in the two cities of AB. The mayors of course followed closely. This is a big achievement. Once the talks are over, it will benefit the local area for at least ten to twenty years. "Gao Leng turned his head and looked, only to see a few French men in suits and leather shoes got off the commercial car, tidyed up their clothes and walked to the door.

The vast number of seven or eight people shows that they value it.

Su Su is in France. What's the point of the mayor's visit in person? During the EMBA study in Gao Leng, I saw the mayor of a certain city in the United States come to the college to take a certain giant from get out of class. Hearing that the giant said that the US mayor came to the empire in person three times, moved him, and finally he chose to stay here. The mayor’s area settled in and opened a branch.

The cities in the United States can fly directly to the Empire to negotiate with the giants, not to mention the weak economy in Europe. How many jobs can be solved by the settlement of a large factory in Huantai? How much tax can it bring?

In fact, it is not that foreign mayors are so considerate of the people. Basically, politicians under the world will be full of enthusiasm for giants to settle in their own turf. It is the same in the Empire. As long as we get news that a large company like Huantai wants to open branch factories, all prefecture-level cities or provincial capital cities that are suitable for opening large factories will become active. Huantai needs a large area of ​​land? No problem, vacate the ground immediately and need electricity? No problem, I have enough power here, need enough water? I have it here too.

For large factories to settle in, land, water, and electricity are hard conditions, and they must also be considered by the factory. This has nothing to do with unspoken trading or trading. If the hard conditions are not met, they will never settle down. After all, it will affect the next ten years. Operation.

As far as the government is concerned, once large enterprises have settled down, they will stay in this city for at least ten to twenty years. Within ten to twenty years, they can bring tangible and tangible jobs and taxes.

This is a visible and transparent performance.

The mayors will warmly entertain entrepreneurs and give favorable policies, such as how many years are rent-free, how many years are free water, how many years are free electricity, or how many years a certain type of factory will not be built in the surrounding area, in short, they can fully cooperate with you , First get you over and take root.

Once rooted, this political achievement will be obtained, and the surrounding economy will develop.

But after taking root, how many policies can be fully implemented one by one is not necessarily true.

The headquarters of Sany Heavy Industry has been in Changsha for so many years. Changsha has given generous policies and has collected considerable taxes for many years. However, the president of Sany Heavy Industry suddenly angrily announced that the headquarters will be moved out of Changsha a few years ago, and made high-profile complaints to the media. A brief draft informed the world in a high-profile manner: I, Sany Heavy Industry, will withdraw its headquarters from Changsha within two months!

The table of the boss of Sany Heavy Industry shook the mountain, and in a high-profile manner announced a complete break with the Hunan government.

This is a major financial event of the Hunan Government of SANY Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. which is famous in the past few years, and CCTV news has been reported for a while.

It is possible that Sany Heavy Industry, which has been in Changsha for so many years, can move its headquarters to the media's high-profile Propaganda Department and shout out such harsh words as "move out of Changsha within two months", which shows that there has been huge friction with the local government.

Rumors are closely related to Zoomlion, a company of the same type rooted in Changsha.

After you have taken root for a long time, the local area has started to wrestle. In addition, there is a similar enterprise Zoomlion in the same circle. Once the smoke of competition spreads, the government's bias will affect the operation of the enterprise. Today's headquarters of Sany Heavy Industry has moved away from Changsha, and the Beijing government has given a much more favorable policy than Changsha to draw the headquarters of this large enterprise to its own boundaries.

The shock of the relocation to Hunan is obvious. Hunan originally ranked first in the national construction machinery industry. The Sany Group, founded by Liang Wengen, has more than 58,000 employees, and its revenue as early as 2011 reached 80.2 billion yuan. The profits and taxes paid exceeded 16 billion yuan.

16 billion yuan in taxes, what a great achievement! Not to mention that his two listed companies (Sany Heavy Industry and Sany International) have a combined market value of more than 150 billion yuan. This is the leading enterprise of Hunan Heavy Industry. If it is lost, Hunan has lost its leading position in the domestic construction machinery industry. It will be a major mistake by the local government.

This is also the reason why Sany Heavy Industry has been able to openly fire on the Hunan government: my company is strong enough to drive the economic growth of a city.

With such a big political achievement, Changsha will naturally start to pull back, and Beijing will definitely not let the cooked duck fly. The two governments start a tug of war.

SANY Heavy Industry's pull to its own territory is equivalent to taking away huge taxes and tens of thousands of jobs, not to mention the stimulus of the company to the surrounding economy. With so many employees moving, the surrounding properties will skyrocket.

It can be seen that if your company is large enough, the local government will welcome it with a smile and treat it favorably.

But it can also be seen that when you make the decision to settle down, you must be careful to see if the local government will implement the policies one by one after you settle down. This requires vision.

Su Su has a big factory that has decided to settle in France. This is another big move of Huantai Group in Europe. The big move naturally attracted governments from all over France to rush to grab it. At first, seven or eight cities competed for Huantai resources. One after another fell.

In the end, Su Su’s eyes fell on the two cities AB, and the final tug-of-war began. The mayors rushed to the villa within two hours after she got off the plane. It is foreseeable that they will use all their means and give generous The conditions attract Huantai to settle in its own jurisdiction.

What Su Su had to do was two things: first, talking about more favorable conditions, and second, choosing a city.

The initiative is in her hands, and she is the gold master for the mayors.

"The mayor of City B has been invited to negotiate, but the one in City A will hang out until tomorrow. It seems that President Su tends to be with City B." Along the way, Jian Xiao looked a little excited. In the end, he is both an empire and can see When the French government treated the imperial enterprises so favorably, a sense of honor was born.

"Not necessarily." Gao sneered, "Su Su is tricky."

"Boss, will you do the same someday?" Jian Xiaodan pointed his thumb backwards: "Our group will also expand overseas when it grows up. Let these politicians run after you."

"There will be this day."

"This overseas investment... Will President Su be pitted?" Jian Xiaodan looked a little worried, and sighed after a few sighs: "She is one or two years older than me, so capable! Huantai! , She has Huantai in her hand! My God, she is the highest-ranked female entrepreneur in the corporate house of the empire, isn’t she? She has been so stunned overseas at such a young age, these mayors all come to visit. Tell him to see you tomorrow and see you again tomorrow, tell him to come now, people will come right away."

The status brought about by power makes Jian Xiaoshan, a bystander, very happy.

It is said that Su Su is very difficult to get close to.

She was always aloof, her position was on the top of the imperial business circle, when other women were 24 or 25 years old when they were house slaves, when other women were still bending over Wudoumi at this age, she She already has the title of the first female president of the empire.

She can have breakfast in Paris in the morning and afternoon tea in the UK at noon. She can buy a house wherever she likes to live, and buy any bag she likes in all colors.

The empire she owns envy others.

"It's hard to tell whether it's a pit or not. Looking at her eyesight, her ability is because she has a high starting point, and she can't pay for it even if she pays." Gao Leng said that he didn't go down here, after walking dozens of steps. He shook his head: "Actually, what she has now may not be what she wants. There is no family, no relatives, only Huantai. This kind of life is really going to endure."

Simmering days, a word "boil" exhausts its central sourness.

If you can choose, Su Su should be willing to exchange the entire Huantai for a home, a home with old parents and friends, instead of working hard for more than a dozen hours and having to cheer up to deal with the French city B experience The rich mayor, to measure, to judge, to take responsibility for the establishment of Huantai's branch in France.

Intrigue to prevent being pitted.

If it is really possible to exchange the whole Huantai for the warm life of an ordinary girl, I do not know whether Su Su is willing.


"President Su, are you inclined to City B? I see you drying City A." The assistant asked, and the beaming mayor of City B approached him and stretched out his hand from a distance.

Su Su didn’t answer, just smiled slyly and greeted him, and he blurted out fluent French. Needless to say, it would take more than an hour to end the meeting. The secretary had already served the espresso coffee, and the one he brought back There are piles of information.

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