Gossip King

Chapter 1129: The inside story of literary and New Year films

Huantai’s annual meeting was luxurious and warm.

Is it not welcoming to reward executives with more than a dozen BMWs in one go?

Xingsheng Magazine and Xingfengxing both sent teams to interview, and Su Su packaged the operation rights to Gao Leng. No matter how many media were invited to come and promote it, which media reported afterwards, they were all handed over to Gao Leng to operate.

The price of a package is not expensive, thousands of dollars.

It’s really not expensive, but it includes the prices reported in other financial media, and also includes the price of Weibo popularity. You must know that the popularity of Weibo will increase for one day, and the fifth hot position will be discounted for one day. It was 180,000, not to mention the headlines of other financial web pages. Just like Zhuo Wei posted a push on Tencent today, it took a long time for the homepage of Tencent Entertainment Edition to go up. The morning to afternoon stage is relatively cheap. The general content is: I secretly filmed and didn’t make much money, and the article derailed. Earned thousands of dollars.

is it? Although the location of his news is not in the prime time of the evening, he still needs 280,000 advertising expenses for most of the day. Is this money borrowed?

Thousands of propaganda package prices, high-coldness really won’t make much money. Several major media will spend almost the same after posting it. What can be earned is the exclusive report of Huang Cong’s birthday dinner after the exclusive report of the Huan Thai annual meeting. right. It laid the position of Xingsheng Magazine in the financial world.

There will be many big bosses at the annual meeting, and Xingsheng can also follow up interviews. The interviews with high-end personalities in the next two months are full. And what high-end interviews bring is advertising performance.

The annual meeting was held in Su Su’s own manor. A dedicated team made the manor noble and majestic. The season in France is similar to that in the Empire. It is winter, but the swimming pool is open, and graceful models are swimming in the hot pool. They are the models who have spoken for several clothing companies under the Huantai Group, and some people on the shore are drinking red wine. These are all outstanding employees of Huantai Group.

Gao Leng did not take the method of carrying a camera to take pictures, but placed cameras around 360 degrees in advance without blind spots, so that it can capture interesting pictures: for example, the Huantai employees who were invited to participate in the carnival held it. For red wine, the gaze stays on the enchanting model; for example, the shots of Huantai employees and the bosses of other companies standing on the lawn drinking; such as the shots of Huantai employees taking a hot spring in the manor’s internal room together.

These shots can make people feel envy.

Envy is right.

Just like the propaganda drafts of foreign companies, the young people of the empire were envied and yearned.

Romantic France, the powerful Huantai Group, their employees not only have BMWs but also supermodels, and they can appear in the same lens with other empires. This kind of envy brings admiration and worship of Huantai's strength. .

And worship eventually transformed into the soft power of Huantai Group.

Don't underestimate soft power. A company with strong soft power can recruit the best talents when recruiting in colleges, and whoever can **** talents in this century will win.

And talent is only a part, and the bulk is in the stock market.

Soft power can make stocks rise slightly. What is the annual investment of more than tens of millions? As long as the publicity is good, stockholders will feel relieved to buy when they see such news, and several hundred million will come.

What is bought is never refined. Empire’s large companies have now begun to learn from foreign companies and have developed soft power. Gao Leng was particularly concerned about Su Su's affairs. He personally watched the cameras buried in the entire manor, and he also called three golden pens from Xingsheng and Xingfengxing to write.

Needless to say, the writing style of the golden pen, this promotion started as soon as the manor was set up in Huantai.

An aerial camera flew in the sky, and after the annual raffle and live performances, they all played casually. Gao Leng picked up the wine glass and walked over to the several big directors who had just left the VIP seat and planned to enter the VIP room inside the manor. Although the cut under the camera showed the public that the employees of Huantai and the big bosses gathered together, in fact, after watching the performance, they went back to each house to find each mother.

Big guys have VIP rooms for big guys.

Even if the employees of Huantai Neng are the backbone of elites, most of them are only senior part-time workers. Except for a few well-known CEOs, there are other entertainment venues.

Su Su made more detailed arrangements. She specially arranged rooms for the big brothers in the film and television industry. Not long after the news of Huantai Group's entry into the film and television industry was released, several famous directors of the empire received the invitation letter from Huantai's annual meeting, and they naturally got it.

Whose film can be invested by Huantai, then the money will be worry-free during the whole shooting process.

Gao Leng walked into the directors' room, and there were also a few other media leaders. Now the media players all know Gao Leng, and they have toasted each other as they knew each other. After a glance, the five famous big-screen directors of the Empire all arrived.

The big screen director is the one who makes movies.

A few TV drama directors have come here. I don’t know if they plan to enter the big screen, or Huantai also invests in TV dramas. Nowadays, those who can be directors are all familiar customers who are very familiar with each other, sitting together drinking and chatting. It is very harmonious.

"Director Zhang, why did you make two bad movies this year." Director Li took a puff of cigarettes and was puzzled: "Don't you like to make literary movies? Why do you start to line up new year's movies?"

New Year films are a trend in the empire. Almost every director has made New Year films. New Year films are very profitable. But in the literary circle, whoever makes more money does not mean that he has a high status. In terms of status, it is the status of literary films.

There are many international awards for literary and artistic films. Have you heard that New Year's films have won international awards? No.

"Hey..." I have been making literary and artistic films. The famous domestic director Zhang shook his head and performed this fluent Beijing film: "I **** have someone to give me money to shoot!"

"Why don't you have to invest money? The money for you is gone." The others laughed.

As soon as Director Zhang shot, he invested a lot of money for him.

"You can pull it down. In the past ten years, I have made five literary and artistic films, all of which are meticulously crafted, and none of the special ones have been approved. The money has been lost. Now it is clear that the money was given to me. : If you are making a literary film and not casting it, I will vote for you when making a New Year’s film."

They all hope to invest money to make money for Mr. Zhang to make New Year's films. Who will cast literary films these years?

Director Zhang likes to say swear words. The tune of the Beijing film "Fuck, you shit" opens his mouth. He is still very addicted to cigarettes. When he talks about it, he doesn't get angry.

"The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television said, if you shoot me four New Year films, I will let you make a literary film, so I shot a bunch of rubbish." Director Zhang sighed, "The box office was pretty good. Those buddies who invested in me are happy to ruin."

Director Zhang's Lunar New Year films are good, and several of them have won awards in China and received rave reviews. But he has a higher pursuit, and he always makes New Year's films to make him feel price drop. But he couldn't help but listen to what SARFT said.

Gao Leng sat next to Zhang Dao. Zhang Dao looked at him diagonally and didn't care. It is normal for the big-name Zhang Dao to not recognize Gao Leng.

"I have to talk to Mr. Su for a while. I have to ask Mr. Su to invest in me to make a literary film. If Huantai shoots, then I have no worries about this film." Director Zhang rubbed his hands and again. After taking a look at Gao Leng, he said, "Young man, let me sit here for a while."

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