Gossip King

Chapter 1130: For the first time in the film and television industry, grab meat

Gao Leng sat next to Director Zhang. Director Zhang had asked him to move a position. He wanted to keep Su Su in this position.

This is embarrassing.

Gao Leng stood up and sat down next door.

"You are Mr. Gao from Xingsheng Magazine? This annual meeting of Huantai is your exclusive promotion." A producer next to him handed over his business card: "Knowledge, we have a few dramas to be on recently, and we will promote it by then. I also hope my brothers can help. We met at Huang Cong’s birthday dinner last time. There were so many people at the time that we did not exchange business cards."

There are too many people, but at the time I felt Gao Leng was not qualified to exchange business cards.

Director Zhang on the side turned his head and looked at Gao Leng again when he heard this. After thinking about it, he took out a cigarette and handed it over: "Xiao Gao, here's a cigarette."

Xu felt that it was a bit of disrespect for Gao Leng to let go. Huang Cong and Su Su’s banquets were actually won exclusively by him. Thinking that this young man is still a personal character, it is all from the media circle. I'm sorry.

Face, you have to fight on your own. If you have the ability, Director Zhang will give you this face.

"Thank you." Although Gao Leng didn't smoke, he also accepted: "Director Zhang wants to make a literary film?"

"Well, I want to shoot." Director Zhang took a breath of cigarettes and vomited heavily: "I have held this literary film in my hand for several years, and I have always wanted to make it. The problem is that I failed to pass several films in the past few years. The review cost a lot of money from those big guys. No one is willing to invest money for me to make a literary film these days. No, I came to Su Su to beg for money."

Nowadays, the big director’s life is getting better. When the celebrity director shoots, even if it is a bad film, a bunch of big names are rushing to shoot, especially the small meat and flowers. The box office appeal of these meat and flowers is amazing. There is a box office, and there are producers. It makes money, and because Xiaohua Xiaoxianrou has cooperated with the big director, the grade is also high.


The only thing that does not win is the audience, because it is a bad film.

Therefore, the life of a big director is easy, if you just want to make money.

However, big directors who are a bit pursued have not had a good life. For example, Director Zhang, he is a must for New Year films, but he despises New Year films in his bones. People who are young and literary do not like New Year films, and think that it is nothing. Grade, too, have you ever seen a New Year film win an international award?

Winning an internationally influential award is the last pursuit for a top director like Zhang, who has been famous for a long time in China. I have been filming for decades. People in their sixties no longer want to make commercial films for the money and box office.

To win an international award is the biggest wish of Director Zhang.

If you can win international awards, then you have to fight for literary or lifestyle films. The country is afraid that you will make literary and lifestyle films. Look at the types of foreign award-winning literary films. All rural dramas filmed satirize this and that. of.

Even Mo Yan, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature, why did he win? His content is also satirical.

Don’t talk about Li Ang. It’s true that his films always win prizes, but people are not imperial nationalities at all, they are American nationalities. It is of course much easier for American nationals to win Hollywood awards. This is the same as that of American students who are admitted to Harvard University. American students have far more admissions than the Empire; Beijing students' admission to Peking University is much lower than those of other provinces. meaning.

The people from the SARFT are also very familiar with these big directors. It is reasonable to instruct these big directors to make less satires and to make more New Year films that can stimulate consumption and stimulate the box office.

Do you think the big director can shoot whatever he wants?

It's too simple to think.

"The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television wants you to make four commercial films, so let's make one literary film. You are only shooting three commercial films now." Gao Leng asked.

"Yes." Mr. Zhang took a puff of cigarette sadly: "I thought about it this way. A commercial film was filmed in two months. I would just ask my assistant to shoot and put my name on it. Literary films, I’m old, this literary film is one of my few hopes."

Gao Leng nodded and didn't speak any more, just raised his glass to drink.

In the upper right corner is a documentary director who is quite famous in the domestic documentary circle, but his face is full of loneliness. Documentary? What good documentaries have the Empire produced in the past ten years? It's just "China on the Bite of the Tongue", and the second part has changed.

A documentary needs the right time and place, and it takes several years to shoot to truly record the real life. There is a particularly famous documentary in Singapore. The director installed a 360-degree camera in a kindergarten, and a whole dozen teams tracked and filmed in the camera room, locking seven children in a class for five years.

How much does it cost?

Not to mention the editing in the later stage of the film, the three-year expenses of these photographers are enough.

In the end, this documentary made a sensation in the entire education industry. There were ten episodes. From kindergarten to the pre-entry period of elementary school, the entire growth of these seven children was recorded. Parents know, it turns out that the first one every day will be picked up after school. Question, the last one to pick up every day, the child will have mental illness after a long time. The teachers know that if the mediation made a mistake during the children's fights and blamed the good child, it is likely to affect her subsequent development.

This is a successful documentary, at least one or two billion, and it took several years.

What about unsuccessful documentaries? There are countless documentaries that have not produced any good things after spending money, and there are even more documentaries that have produced good things but are not selling well overseas. Few of the empire’s bigwigs are willing to invest in documentaries.

No one has voted for literary and artistic films, let alone documentaries that pit money.

A high-cold look fell on the face of the documentary director. He drank alcohol alone and heard other directors talking about the box office. His face occasionally showed contemptuous sneers, lonely but arrogant, and a typical literary youth.

On the other side, there is a new and energetic director. Director Li specializes in commercial films. Nowadays, many commercial films are made. Stars, writers and hosts have all made commercial films, and some have returned from studying abroad. Rich and knowledgeable rookie directors have also joined the ranks of commercial films. It is not easy to break out of a world in commercial films. And this director Li is obviously the leader in commercial films.

"Director Zhang, I think this literary film you want to make will be rejected in all likelihood. You are stepping on the thread." Director Li handed over a cigarette: "Not to mention that you have not finished making a commercial film. Well, Mr. Su is very sophisticated. I think she must first be auctioned if she is involved in the film and television industry. You, no show."

They are all competitors, and the directors think their books are good.

Focusing on this piece of fat Su Su, she is the gold master, she is the producer, and she chooses the producer and director.

Gao Leng looked at these directors. These directors were all rushing to Su Su, but he was going to grab meat from Su Su.

Which piece of meat to grab?

Literature, documentary or commercial?

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