Gossip King

Chapter 1132: A contest that opened the curtain

Politics is always a point to pay attention to when doing culture. The book that Director Zhang was killed was not a bad shot, but it touched politics.

It is said that the empire is a very political country. When you are at the bottom, you can't wait for the world to be in chaos, and all the officials are brain-dead; when you are young, you see that the empire is always upset here and there. The news is not transparent enough, I think why leaders can’t really be elected by the people, and why sensitive films and books are banned.

And when you reach a certain level, when you can overlook most of the people, you will find that in today's empire, we must talk about politics, and we must talk about politics.

Regardless of whether the two systems are superior or inferior, the multi-party rule in European and American countries has only developed and emerged in the past few hundred years. Will it be suitable for our country?

South orange and north orange, not necessarily.

The country that has been talking about politics for thousands of years is also talking about it now.

Politics, this is the status quo. If you don’t talk about it, it’s not going to work, especially those who work in the media can feel this feeling: the people of the Empire are really more likely to be led by the media.

Director Zhang wants to make a film in a sensitive age. The Radio and Television Association will review it more strictly than others, because his appeal lies here. As soon as his film goes online, many people watch and discuss it, even if he had a bad film before. The film, purely for the bad investment of the investment business circle that he has always invested in two literary films, has been watched and discussed by countless people, and the box office has broken 300 million.

This kind of director has to make sensitive films, and the chance of passing the trial is much smaller than that of ordinary directors. This may be the trouble of celebrities.

"My book looks really sensitive, but it's actually okay." Director Zhang looked indignant, and the general literary youth would always be a bit angry: "The point is that I was killed in a few sensitive films before, and now I am a new one. Radio and television leaders don't believe me very much."

Director Zhang took a sip on the ground: "Fuck, it's too political, I can't do this job."

Gao Leng didn't answer, he glanced at Director Zhang. To be honest, even Gao Leng didn't believe that his scene was really not on the line, but Gao Leng captured the two key words in it: new appointment and politics.

There was an idea in my mind.

He didn't say any more, just drank wine with Director Zhang on one and the other, and Director Zhang seldom talked to Gao Leng again, instead chatting with several other colleagues sitting nearby.

At this time, it is definitely not a big deal to talk to Director Zhang for cooperation.

In Zhang Dao's eyes, although Gao Leng is a bit famous in the circle, he is a posterior, and the investor and producer Fang Hai he knows has gone, and any one of them is more experienced than Gao Leng. Besides, he came here to run Su Su.

Gao was so cold that he waited for Director Zhang to hit the wall at Su Suna before he shot.

"Old Zhang, I think you have to reassure the newly appointed radio and television leader before you go to make a literary film. You said that when he took office, you just passed a sensitive film. Who criticizes you?"

"That's right, what the new appointment wants most is stability. You are the director's handle. At this critical time, you want to shoot sensitive scenes. I guess no one will give you money."

"Huantai's first entry into the film and television industry will definitely not make sensitive films, and will rush to grab the market. All four films will be commercial films."

Several colleagues chatted with each other. Director Zhang's expression was obviously not very good. He put the wine glass down and muttered: "When she is free, I will talk to her again. Mr. Su is young and young people will be a little bit young. Artistic pursuit, how about angry young man, angry young man? I think she should be interested in literary and artistic films. This has nothing to do with making money, it has to do with ideals."

Talking about ideals with young people is a good topic.

Young people like to discuss poems and distant places.

Talk about money in one film? Talking about the box office? Vulgar.

"Director Zhang, are you still drinking?" Su Su's voice was heard at this time. It seemed that she had been idle for a while. After walking in, she looked at Gao Leng and then at Director Zhang, only Gao. Sitting coldly next to Director Zhang, he understood something in his heart.

"No, I'm waiting for you to finish." Director Zhang saw that Su was here, and quickly filled a glass of wine with a gesture: "I want to talk to you about the drama."

It seems that Dao Zhang is unwilling to change, but still wants to grind Su Su to invest him in that literary film.

"Of course I will vote for Director Zhang's play." Su Su raised a toast and took a sip, "But the literary film..."

"If my literary film really passes the trial, it will definitely win international awards, and the film that won the award will definitely have a high box office." said the guide Zhang.

"Director Zhang, I am going to enter the film and television industry, but I still have some understanding of this aspect. Films that have won awards abroad can't be broadcast more domestically." Su Su frowned and treated Director Zhang as her. The layman seemed very dissatisfied.

Indeed, how many literary and artistic films that have won awards abroad cannot be broadcast in China? It was a loss-making business, and the winner was only the director.

"This..." Director Zhang was a little embarrassed. He raised his glass and drank: "I think, since Huantai is going to enter the film and television industry, Mr. Su, you don’t need money, so you have to make a literary film. The grade on the film, right? My literary film will definitely not step on the line, really."

Su Su did not speak, as if thinking about something.

"Look at, what movies are the big media tycoons investing in every day? The little fresh meat made a splash of water bounced on the big screen twice, and several hundred million yuan came in. Is that a movie? Huantai If you want to do it, you have to make a truly level movie!" Director Zhang said so much, he took a few shots on the table: "Artistic movies are real movies."

"Yes, nowadays movies are not called movies at all, they are called celebrity play, which is like monkey play. It requires acting skills but not acting skills but has no scripts."

"Yes, President Su, since you want to enter the film and television industry, you have to make a film that can win international awards. Although many international award-winning films do not make money, they earn fame!"

"Yes, when people say that the movies produced by Huantai are absolutely high-quality and high-level! This reputation is more important than money."

Several colleagues helped, and Su Su was surrounded by a toast and lobbying.

This is the rationale. Today's movies are indeed mixed, with too few high-quality ones. To enter the film and television industry, Huantai really needs high-quality movies to live up to its value.

Gao Leng didn't speak, but just held back a smile and looked at Su Su. He knew her too well, and this woman was not as foolish as this group of masters thought.

"I plan to cast a literary film." After a group of people lobbied, Su Su seemed relieved.

"That's great..." Before Director Zhang finished speaking, Su Su shook his head.

"But not now. The first time you enter the film and television industry, there will be many unfamiliar places. The possibility of a literary film hitting the bottom is too great, I will not consider." Su Su said decisively, she looked at Director Zhang and smiled. "Although I also like to pursue art, I also think that the quality of the current movies is indeed not very high. I also hope to make a particularly good literary film for the Empire, but now, I personally invest in four movies this time , Just one purpose."

Su Su squinted at Gao Leng and smiled.

The purpose of Huantai's entry into the film and television industry is naturally to expand its business scope, and Huantai's boss Su Su personally worked on this project for one purpose: to crush the high cold and make the high cold lose convincingly.

"What's the purpose?" the others asked.

"Discharge the fire film and occupy the market." After Su Su finished speaking, he raised a toast to Director Zhang: "Director Zhang, if you have a fire film book, hand it to me. I will definitely invest in you. If it is not fire film, Then we can only cooperate next time."

Fire movies are high-grossing movies. To put it bluntly, what Su Su wants is to occupy the market, which is the most tacky box office in Zhang Dao's eyes.

The bet between Gao Leng and Su Su is comparable to the box office.

The contest kicked off.

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