Gossip King

Chapter 1133: What routine does Gao Leng play?

Su Su is a decisive person. She refused to make a literary film this time, and she refused completely. Zhang Dao's heart was completely cold.

"Gao Leng, one of my four films is too bullying for you, so let's do it, as long as you win the box office of any of my four films, even if you win it all." Su Su turned his head and said softly to Gao Leng. She drank some wine, and her face was slightly flushed and very beautiful.

But listening to these words made Gao Leng uncomfortable.

"No, you can compare all four of them with me. I will convince you to lose." Gao Leng spoke with confidence, and his attention became clearer when he looked at the depressed Dao Zhang from the corner of his eye.

"Why, did you make his literary film?" The smart Su Su noticed Gao Leng Yuguang staring at Director Zhang, and smiled: "No matter how good a literary film is, it is difficult to get a good box office in the Empire."

This is true, the box office of the best literary film is not as good as the box office of those junk films that invite popular little fresh meat.

Gao sneered and didn't answer. He just got close to Su Su's and reminded: "The contract for betting with you has been written out, remember to sign it."

Su Su disagreed. After drinking for a while, he got up and left to greet the other guests. Although Director Zhang had a lot of criticisms about the young man Su Su who did not pursue art and pursued the box office, he did not show it on his face. Polite. Everyone knows that since Huantai Group intends to enter the film and television industry, then the film and television industry will definitely do well in the future, after all, the abundant capital lies here.

Su Su cannot be offended by this kind of gold master. Besides, it is understandable that Huantai entered the film and television industry for the first time not to invest in art films.

"Fuck, you can't shoot labor-management movies that play politics." When Su Su left, there were only a few people left in the room, and Director Zhang cursed.

Politics, Gao Leng shook his glass in his hand, seeming to be watching the fineness of the red wine, and he seemed to be thinking about something.

"No one wants to be taken advantage of by you, or do you find the buddies who invested in the past?" This is a good statement from the peers. Whoever voted for director Zhang’s literary film is the wrongdoer, and the box office won’t get back. If you are abroad If he wins the prize, the director still gets a voice. If he doesn't win, then the money has been thrown into the water.

"My buddies have voted for me several times. I'm sorry to find them again. Fortunately, these commercial films have earned them some money." Director Zhang shook his head.

Don’t blame some famous directors for making bad films, especially those directors who like to make literary and artistic films. They always make commercial films. In many cases, they are not exhausted. Just because literary and artistic films are invested, it is a loss. You let them support you. How can your investment buddies just lose money? They have to make some money no matter what.

People who love each other must be careful at any level of the empire. Therefore, it is necessary to shoot a few commercial films to make investors make money, and also to explain to the radio and television.

"I'll vote for you." Gao Leng said suddenly, and Dao Zhang turned his head to look at him.

"You vote for me?" Obviously, Director Zhang didn't believe it very much. He raised his glass and smiled: "Young man, thank you, I know you young people still support literary films, but once my literary film starts, It takes at least a year and a half to shoot, even if the investment is hundreds of millions, it's hard to tell at the box office. It's a loss-making business. It's purely for art."

Purely for art.

This is somewhat true and somewhat false.

If the empires want to win a film internationally, they have a higher chance of winning a film made in a special era. To put it bluntly, Europeans and Americans set the rules for awards, and they like to watch films made in a special era.

Purely for art? If it’s purely for the sake of art and there are more good books, there is no need to choose a literary film of that special age. Director Zhang is not purely art. He is looking for a funder and is willing to lose money to let him shoot this foreigner. The content of the literary film that he loves to watch, and then let him win an international award.

Not only for art, but the ultimate goal is to have a perfect ending for my artistic career.

Of course, the audience also benefits, after all, good art films are really good-looking.

Find a fool to invest money and realize Zhang Dao's dream. Will this fool be the young man in front of him? Director Zhang naturally didn't believe it. He patted Gao Leng's shoulder: "Young man, I understand what you like."

After speaking, he turned his head and continued to chat with those colleagues.

"Director Zhang, several hundred million." Gao Leng asked.

"Huh?" Director Zhang didn't expect Gao Leng to be very serious. He couldn't help but put away the smile of chatting with other people, and turned around to look at Gao Leng: "You really want to vote?"

"Yes, I voted." Gao Leng nodded affirmatively: "Several hundred million?"

"Two...two hundred million." Director Zhang said conservatively. Seeing Gao Leng's seriousness, he instinctively became serious: "If this film wants to enter the overseas market, it will be very expensive to promote overseas."

It is said that it is two billion, but in fact, it should need more. Two hundred million is just a big head. Later, I will definitely ask other investors to invest some. The overseas publicity fee is big money, and the domestic publicity can't make the box office. This is really a book to be invested by a fool.

"Yes." Unexpectedly, Gao Leng nodded affirmatively. He looked at Zhang's words without ambiguity.

"You..." Director Zhang was a little unbelievable. Two billion is not a small amount. The key is that the money is likely to be lost.

"I can give you the money at the end of the year." Gao Leng silently estimated that the largest amount of venture capital money must be spent on green agriculture. By the end of the year, Xingfengxing and Xingsheng's profits can be settled. One hundred million can be taken out.

As soon as he heard that money was so reliable, Director Zhang became more serious. He looked at Gao Leng seriously and stretched out his hand: "You guys have a big tone, you, you... are you the general manager of Xingsheng Magazine? "

Gao Leng stretched out his hand to hold Director Zhang's hand. After drinking the wine for so long, Director Zhang didn't even think about getting to know him in depth. This is really looking at Gao Leng.

Still the same sentence, the face is one's own dispute.

"I am the general manager of Xingguang Group. There are Xingsheng Magazine and Xingfengxing Entertainment Company under the subsidiary. Xingfengxing is Fengxing Magazine. You should know. I also have a green agricultural company and a high-end elderly care base under construction. "Gao Leng naturally understood that Director Zhang wanted to understand himself seriously, so he briefly introduced himself.

"Oh..." Director Zhang dragged his voice, and to be honest, although this qualification is great, it can only be regarded as average among the investors he knows. You must know that Director Zhang has made friends with media tycoons in China. , And when pushing their own films abroad, they are even more media predators, and Gao Leng can only be regarded as a shrimp by comparison.

It is said that there is no free lunch in the sky. Director Zhang, who has been around Vanity Fair for a long time, naturally understands this truth. He smiled: "Then what are your conditions?"

"I don't have any conditions for this literary film. I will invest as much as you say. You can make it as much as you want. I won't interfere." Gao Leng said.

"Oh?" There was a hint of suspicion in Zhang's eyes. You should know that the producer usually intervenes in the filming, either by ordering a hostess by himself, or planting some friends' advertisements. No matter how bad they are, they have to monitor how the investment money is spent. of.

Just invest money and don't care?

No way to play.

"I don't really interfere." Gao Leng saw the hesitation in Zhang's eyes, and he said with certainty again: "You don't need to tell me anything about this literary film, you just need to take the money to shoot it."

"It's going to lose money, it's very likely..." A colleague next to me was a bit shocking listening to the movement here, and couldn't help but interject.

Even if this kind of literary film really wins an award, it’s impossible to have a good box office in the country. It’s hard not to lose money. This is why no one voted for the literary film. Several directors gathered around and watched like a fool. With high cold.

I have never seen anyone willing to lose money in vain.

Naturally, no one is willing to lose money for nothing.

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