Gossip King

Chapter 1138: Mu Zhengtang’s sentencing, Xiao Leng’s fate

"It's delicious." The little witch took a bite and nodded very satisfied: "Um... it's delicious."

At this time, a few actresses in the showbiz walked by the little witch, and the little witch’s plain face easily crushed the delicate makeup of these actresses, not to mention her perfectly proportioned figure, her eyes revealed The wildness was so sultry, the eyes of the young man staring at the little witch not far away shone more and more.

Human women can't be compared to the little witch in beauty. Whether it's the face, figure or skin.

"Hello." The young man walked up to the little witch and raised a toast: "My last name is Li, it's..."

"I don't like you. Don't strike up a conversation anymore. I will blow up the bridge of your nose again." The little witch did not give him a chance to say anything next. She just filled her mouth with delicious food, and took a sniff and looked arrogantly. This rich man who has always been invincible in front of women.

Li Gongzi didn't expect that he would be rejected so quickly, and soon he was rejected before he even showed good intentions.

Without him speaking, the little witch has read his consciousness: This girl is so beautiful...

"Uh." Li Gongzi was a little embarrassed, but it more aroused his desire to conquer. He laughed and stretched out his hand: "Beauty, you think too much, I just want to make friends. Get to know me. Called Li..."

At this point, Li Gongzi didn't say anything, and turned to leave awkwardly.

Because the little witch has already raised her fist, she hasn't followed the human routine in the slightest, so you shook her hand for a few words, no, just raised her fist to respond to you.

"Bring something to Xiao Leng. He is Gao Leng's favorite person. You must share such delicious food with her." The little witch picked up some things and walked to Gao Leng's room. She was thinking about Mu Xiao Leng.

At the dinner, Gao Leng was in a good mood while holding a glass of wine, and received a call. This call made Gao Leng hurt his bones, and he wanted to see Mu Xiao Leng.

"President Gao, I heard a message that should be fairly accurate, and Mu Zhengtang's initial sentence came out." A steady voice came from the phone, and Gao Leng picked up the phone and quickly raised a toast to everyone and walked away. When he reached the corner of no one, he said grimly: "You said it."

A few months have passed since Mu Zhengtang’s embezzlement, and the procedure has come to the end. The sentence for him will be announced in the next few days. Of course, he may not accept it and continue to appeal.

"The amount involved is extremely huge, the social impact is huge, and there is a suspicion of wanting to abscond to overseas, but after Mu Zhengtang returned to the case, Nian had a good attitude and repaid the country's losses, and handed in all the embezzled property, so the sentence is not too serious."

Gao Leng wiped off all the dirty water that others spilled on Mu Zhengtang, and the national loss he caused was also handed in compensation. In addition, he passed the anger with Mu Zhengtang, and asked him not to worry about Xiao Leng’s safety. To help protect him, he does not have to be afraid of being persecuted after being released from prison or being persecuted in prison. Some officials who can shake can be shaken out, and reporting others can reduce the penalty.

After Mu Zhengtang learned the news, the accomplice who had shaken with confidence came out, greatly reducing the sentence.

"It's not too serious, but it's quite serious, and the death penalty has been escaped."

If the amount of corruption or bribery is particularly large, the circumstances of the crime are particularly serious, the social impact is particularly severe, and the country and the people’s interests are caused particularly heavy losses, the death penalty may be imposed. However, those who surrendered, made meritorious service, truthfully confessed their crimes, sincerely repented, actively returned the money, or avoided or reduced the occurrence of damage results, etc., do not have to be executed immediately, and the death sentence may be sentenced to a two-year suspension of execution.

If Gao Leng did not make a move, then Mu Zhengtang was a proper death sentence.

A pile of black pots were pushed on him. "Negligence of duty" alone was enough for him to eat a pot. Gao Leng pushed the pile of black pots. Who should carry it? The crime of negligence is considered light, but secretly. Letting my wife take over government projects is impossible.

Gao Leng lowered his voice: "How many years?"

"Twenty years, Mu Zhengtang expressed that he would obey the state's judgment and would not appeal."

For twenty years, Gao Leng's heart shook, and the losses were repaid. Several problematic projects that Mu Zhengtang had in his hands were also cleaned up by those people who had planted them, and the sentence was still twenty years.

But it is also true. How many punishments are less than fifteen years when a senior official has been dismissed? The country now fights corruption very harshly. If you make a mistake, you will be punished. If you break the law, you will be punished.

"Where is her mother." Gao Leng asked.

"Her mother's side is lighter, Mu Zhengtang took all the stalls over, that is, she didn't report and accepted bribes. The sentence for accepting bribes is not heavy. Her mother is five years."

After hanging up the phone, Gao Leng stood in the corner of the dinner. There was a pine and cypress planted there. They all said that pine and cypress symbolize steadfastness, and pine and cypress also symbolize the tomb. The cemetery is generally planted with pine and cypress. Into the grave.

Twenty years ago, he was an old girl, but he will be old when he comes out 20 years later. The country has reached a conclusion, and it is impossible to play tricks before the law. Gao Leng has done his best.

If Mu Zhengtang can be punished in prison to cleanse his sins, then the most painful thing is that Mu Xiao Leng is suffering. In a few days, the news network and major official media will report this matter. If some villains in the school may have said something about Mu Xiaoleng secretly before, then the people of the whole country will begin to curse corrupt officials.

And she is the daughter of corrupt officials.

This label will accompany her throughout her life.

All her advantages in the past will become disadvantages. She can dance well in ballet, and the graceful swan on the stage will be laughed at. You see, the money to learn ballet comes from corruption.

She cooks good dishes and posts her bread and desserts on Weibo and WeChat from time to time. You see, the daughter of a corrupt official has a leisurely mind to deal with this.

She can paint well, play the piano well, and smile as pure as a fairy. All of this will be linked to the word "greedy". The better you are, the more you will be attacked: Isn't it because your dad took the taxpayer's money to train you to be so good? The daughter of corrupt officials!

And Mu Xiao Leng couldn't refute it, because it was true that the expensive education she received was embezzled by his father.

If there is no corruption, how can she receive one-on-one training from top domestic ballet teachers? If it wasn't for corruption, how could she have the money to go to Japan to study painting? Mu Zhengtang is a high-ranking official and possesses a strong salary, and can learn these courses for Mu Xiaolen, but it is definitely not enough for her to enjoy top-level courses in everything.

The stain of Mu Zhengtang's corruption began when he took the first sum of money, and it fell on Mu Xiaolen, who was still in elementary school and didn't understand anything.

This is probably Mu Xiaolen's destiny, and he has been labelled as "the daughter of a corrupt official" since elementary school.

"Okay, I see." Gao Leng hung up the phone.

"Boss, Mr. Lu is calling you to come over. Several big guys over there are full of praise for you, saying that they must have a drink with you." The fat man ran over happily, his eyes full of worship and confidence, for possession Proud of such a boss.

Rise in one mind, fall in one mind.

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