Gossip King

Chapter 1139: High cold’s biggest weakness, exposure

"Okay." Gao Leng raised his head and looked at the direction of his room. At this time, Xiao Leng might be sitting in bed watching TV or playing on his mobile phone. Although Mu Xiao Leng is having a good time these days, he has always been thinking about this. She also made bad plans.

But if she really wanted to face this, it was still desolate.

A few old friends of Lu Yajun came over. He should have specially called for Gao Leng to join in. These two are the top giants in the film and television companies, and because these two people came, they also attracted a large number of directors. To join in, the director came and attracted a group of stars.

It can be said that even if a large-scale party is held by another company that has grown several hundred million yuan a year, there may not be as many celebrities as the high-cold party hosting a dinner. This chain reaction is extremely normal in the media circle.

Those who do media have their unique advantages in doing media.

"Xiao Gao, I did a good job. If you have any words for help in the future, if you can help, we will help." The big man raised his glass, Lv Yajun nodded at him, Gao Leng quickly took a drink. And all: "Thank you, Teacher Guo."

If you call someone a teacher, then you will be a disciple, and you will be considered a person in this circle in the future. This is also one of the reasons why Lu Yajun invited film and television bosses.

A lot of representatives of the entity companies came. The CEOs of smaller companies came in person, and the larger ones sent a vice president or CEO to cheer. An influential media can connect with any major domestic company.

Any super large company will have a department called the planning department. The boss or second child of this department is often a former media player, and the salary is second only to the director of the business department. Any company needs media promotion, especially large companies, especially when there is negative news, it needs people who understand media routines to plan tactics. If it is not arranged in the planning department, it must be an important position such as the chief assistant.

Among the top ten highest paid gold CEOs in the world announced in 2015, media professionals accounted for six. That is to say, six of the ten most profitable CEOs employed by companies in the world are for media. It can be seen that as long as you do a good job in the media, you are so expensive in the market. The reason is that you have a lot of resources in the media.

Take a small daily newspaper in a prefecture-level city. The relationship between reporters who run a little better can extend in all directions, from high-ranking officials to the people of dawn. Not to mention the reporters of the news group, which are the reporters of the daily newspaper or TV station who go out to meetings and film with people such as the secretary of the local city party committee. These reporters have even more resources.

For example, at a meeting, officials discussed how to develop a certain area. You can go there to buy a piece of land at a low price when you get the news the first time. The golden pen in the editorials of the prefecture-level city daily newspapers does not sound like an official title like the director of the important news group. In fact, it's a little bit to survive, and it's easy to get millions of foreign water every year. This is not about corruption, or being hired as a military adviser for a certain company.

Don’t look at the prefecture-level cities under the second and third-tier cities. There are many small cities and there are many gods everywhere. There is a reporter from the news group to provide you with some news. If you encounter something, walk around the upper-level leaders. Thing.

Even if you are an ordinary journalist, you are in a bad way and have no connections, and it doesn't matter. At the very least, your children don’t have to worry about going to school, because you have colleagues who run in education, and they are married to the Education Bureau. There is no pressure to go to school. how? Buy a house? Naturally, there are also internal listings. As long as you are not very picky, even if you are not very picky, you can ask reporters who run the real estate to sell your personal feelings even if the price is clearly marked. The real estate agent must give you the lowest discount.

As a media, even if you are an ordinary reporter, as long as the media you work in is good enough, then you are backed by your media. Compared with other civil servants, you will have too many contacts.

Reporters from the prefecture-level city's important news group are all in this city, not to mention the current high temperature. Xingsheng Magazine and Xingfengxing are well-known magazines in China. They are both old magazines in the past ten years. There are countless companies and celebrities in photosynthesis advertising, and a huge network of relationships will be spread out at the dinner. Now, what Gao Leng has to do is to include all the relationship between Lu Yajun and Lao Yang.

"Gao Leng, I just learned a piece of news from Mu Zhengtang." Lu Yajun pulled Gao Leng aside and whispered, "Do you know the news?"

Gao Leng nodded.

"Mu Zhengtang is a tricky matter. Even if he performs well in prison, you will try to reduce his sentence outside, so you will have to stay for eight or nine years, ten years. Mu Xiaolen is your daughter again. Friend..." Lu Yajun took a deep sip of his cigar and smiled: "I heard she came today too?"

Gao Leng nodded again.

"It's right for you to be affectionate and righteous. But..." Lu Yajun frowned slightly, and pointed to the two big men he invited over to sit down: "Mr. Guo just asked me and said that he heard about Mu Zhengtang's daughter and When you talked about friends, I made a haha ​​and didn’t give details, but when the news is broadcast, the public will not know who Mu Xiaolen is, but people in the circle know, I am afraid it will affect you, especially the future The company goes public."

Although Mu Xiaolen is Mu Xiaolen and Mu Zhengtang is Mu Zhengtang, it can be said that it is still difficult to distinguish under the national conditions of the empire. Mu Xiao Leng is the daughter of corrupt officials, and Gao Leng is the son-in-law of corrupt officials.

This will also be a problem facing Gao Leng.

"Of course, there is nothing wrong with you now. Others will not pull Mu Zhengtang out, but once something happens, this point can easily be pulled out and hyped. You said that the boss of a listed company is actually a corrupt official. Son-in-law, who would dare to follow up?"

Starlight Group is still small and has not made many enemies. But once it gets bigger and makes more enemies, there is bound to be vicious competition. Lu Yajun's reminder is not unreasonable.

"You have to rest assured about this. I read the internal documents you sent. You and Director Zhang have very good intentions. If someone else follows up and shoots exactly the same thing as you, then you have an opponent. If the opponent takes Let me give you a stir about leaving Muzhengtang..." Lu Yajun frowned and looked at Gao Leng, without saying the second half.

Needless to say, you also know that as long as you hit the bar, Mu Zhengtang will be a bomb, which will explode at any time.

If Gao Leng is an ordinary enterprise, it's fine, but what he does is the media, and the other party will also do the media. The media is the best at exposing this kind of thing in a critical moment.

That's right, Mu Zhengtang is Mu Zhengtang, and Mu Xiao Leng is Mu Xiao Leng.

If Gao Leng wants to make a film similar to other film and television elders, you only need to expose it when it is released. People will definitely not choose to watch Gao Leng's film. Who will watch the film of the corrupt official's son-in-law?

And it's particularly difficult to cleanse, after all, Mu Zhengtang is currently closed, and one pass will be closed for so many years.

If Mu Zhengtang was still awaiting trial before, he will soon be sentenced, and the national media will broadcast the matter. And Mu Xiaolen slowly walked into everyone's field of vision.

Gao Leng brought her to such a large-scale official dinner party established by her own Starlight Group, which is tantamount to telling the world: this is my real girlfriend.

Everyone has weaknesses, and the weakness of the corrupt official's son-in-law has become Gao Leng's greatest weakness, and it has been exposed to the eyes of these shrewd media people and rivals.

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