Gossip King

Chapter 1140: It turned out to be this film

When Lu Yajun said this, he didn't go any further, and saw that Director Zhang came over and exchanged a few words before leaving. Mu Xiao Leng is Gao Leng's girlfriend. This is Gao Leng's family affair, but it is not a family affair when it comes to Starlight Group. After all, everyone is a grasshopper on a vine and has shares.

But just click and stop. The previous Lu Yajun could order Gao Leng to do something, but now Lu Yajun cannot. He is not the kind of ruthless and unjust temperament that Gao Leng directly abandons Mu Xiao Leng. .

This matter is tricky, he can just call it by an outsider, and how to solve it depends on Gao Leng.

"Mr. Gao, did I read the book for your movie?" Director Zhang walked to Gao Leng's side and pulled him aside and whispered, "The shooting team still uses my old gang of old guys, and the producer uses what I am used to. How about the deputy director who has been released? By the way, you see who the producer decides."

"The producer is Starlight Group, the producer, I will do it myself." Gao Leng said.

"That's OK, you're not saying you want to hire a first-line actress from Yishui'er, you really have to take part in such a big battle." Director Zhang took out a cigarette and smoked himself, dealing with Gao Leng so many times. I knew he didn’t smoke for a long time, so he was no longer polite: “I said, next month we will start planning in all aspects. Today there are so many media and showbiz people here, don’t you announce what we are going to shoot? ?"

Director Zhang did not understand why Gao Leng wanted to keep it secret.

"Wait, it's not time yet." Gao Leng took out his phone and checked the date: "It's still about twelve days away."

"Twelve days?" Director Zhang became a little confused. After twelve days, it is a fairly normal day. Does it have any special significance? But even the best auspicious days are not as good as being made public soon.

“In fact, it’s useless for us to keep secrets. After all, I’ve been looking for people to write books everywhere, and I told the assistant director and the people around me who want to work with us on filming. This circle is so big. By the way, the people on Mr. Su’s side were just next to me When I heard that I was discussing this with the deputy director, there is no way to hide it, and there is no need to hide it."

"It's not a lie, but it has not yet reached the best time officially announced." Gao Leng said after a pause, "Title...You give twenty titles, I think the third one is the best."

"I also think that "The Founding of the Empire" is magnificent." Director Zhang smiled: "There are many stories in this history. You can make a blockbuster movie with a single battle. Now it has to be condensed to less than two hours. It's not easy to write."

It turns out that the political film Gao Leng said was to film the stories before and after the founding of the empire. Next year is the anniversary of the founding of the country. Such gift films can often take the lead and policies. It is indeed much better than other films.

"Now a lot of people have turned in the books and they are all in this type of filming. As far as I know, there is one filming the Eight-Year Civil War, one filming the Anti-Japanese War, and another filming the director." Director Zhang spit heavily. Yan: "They are all established producers, and they have a very good relationship with the Radio and Television."

The veteran producer naturally has more relationships than the novice Gao Leng, and the type of filming is similar to Gao Leng's. Whether it is the civil war, the anti-Japanese war, or the story of the director, it is more likely to get the policy.

"But you have to spend so much money, invest so much, a bunch of stars squeeze there, the appeal is different, the possibility of getting the policy is equal to them. Of course, my old Zhang will also use some contacts. It doesn’t matter, can’t you let your money go for nothing?” Director Zhang smiled so that his eyes were narrowed. If Gao Leng had just told him to invest in his literary films, he was still skeptical. It is even more unbelievable to say that you want to invite a vote of first-line celebrities to make political films. But in the past few days, the Starlight Group has held so many meetings and the contract has been signed. Director Zhang is very impressed with Gao Leng.

There are not many people who can push the entire Starlight Group up to make a film, and they are the gold masters the directors most want to meet. Because you have put everything on it, you will go all out to invest money well. It will not be like other producers who will reduce investment when the situation is not good. Finally, you have to ask your grandpa to ask your grandma for money.

When Jane walked over, she had a sad face. Director Zhang liked to press the whole starlight up to make the film, but Jian Xiaoshan didn't think so. It was related to the interests of many people. She was worried that Gao Leng had taken the wrong step. It's an abyss.

"If you think about it again, the investment in this film should be at least one billion, and at least 800 million. It won't make any money back at all." Jian Xiaodan persuaded him to wait for Director Zhang to leave. The Starlight Group has all overwhelmed, and if I know it, I will definitely oppose it. Anyway, I am the first to oppose it."

Jian Xiaoshan saw that Gao Leng hadn’t spoken and continued to persuade: “Furthermore, it’s not just ours that makes this kind of gift film. Many of them do it. Why do we spend so much money to invite so many stars to make a movie? We don’t make money. What about the movie? The cost and income are basically..."

"Who said it would cost so much money?" Gao Leng gently patted her back to soothe her excitement, leaning against her ear and said, "If the operation is good, it will probably only cost ten to twenty million. No more than 50 million. This depends on a gamble."

"How is it possible." Jian Xiaodan's eyes lit up and she looked at Gao Leng: "The country can't give you such a big support, and there are so many stars in your plan to participate, I see Director Zhang submitted it. In the book, there are only seven or eight first-line stars. Take a gamble? This is the entire Starlight Group. The bet is too big!"

"What if they are rushing to film this movie with zero pay?" Gao Leng's hand tapped on the side of his leg.

"Others also shoot similar gift films. Why don't you let them all come to the show without spending money? How is this possible." Jian Xiaoshan stretched out his hand and pulled on the cold clothes, worried: "Small film and television companies will not say anything. Now, three established film and television companies have already made gift films. They are the old dough sticks of the film and television circle. They are better than you by playing publicity and public opinion. You..."

"Twelve days or so, I will do it. That time is the most critical time. Stay calm and wait."

About twelve days? What day? Jian Xiaodan will not be able to turn his mind for a while, but what she turned to was about Mu Zhengtang's affairs. She pursed her lips: "I heard about Mu Zhengtang's affairs. It will be announced in the media in five days. I'm afraid someone will take this..."

"I have no action now, they don't have to offend me."

"But sooner or later, you will have big moves in this movie. Those three big media are similar to yours. If they attack you with Mu Zhengtang's matter... Your movie is so invested..." Jian Xiaodan The more I think about it, the more I worry.

"I know it in my heart. Go busy." Gao Leng stopped the simple words, put away his smile and put on a serious face: "You have to mediate the bunch of entrepreneurs, hold the resources in your hand, and go to work."

Right now, the tone of command can make Jian Xiaoshan shut up.

Gao Leng's waiting for that opportunity is not so much a wait as a bet.

He looked towards the direction of Mu Xiaolen's sleeping room. This film is not just a bet with Su Su that he must win, but a bet with a woman will lose the entire Starlight Group? That's not a cold temper. Regardless of whether Su Su bet with him or not, he will do it. He just wants to convince this woman by the way.

This is a long-planned film, a film that quickly gained a foothold in the film and television industry, and a starting point.

Sometimes, a high starting point depends on gambling. These years, the courageous will die and the timid will starve to death.

In a period of about twelve days, a day that no one paid much attention to is an important day and an important opportunity that will determine whether Gao Leng's "Jianguo Diye" can break out of the siege.

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