Gossip King

Chapter 1143: Mu Xiaolen's first initiative

If Gao Leng hadn't exposed the carrion case, perhaps Mu Zhengtang could escape abroad, and things would be different.

Mu Xiao Leng shook her head, but sighed softly, "I am worried that my identity will affect you." She didn't think of herself at all, but was the first to think of Gao Leng.

"As for what you said that others would laugh at me and exclude me, I don’t care. I know that you will definitely find a way to reduce the damage to the country caused by his corruption and reduce my father’s sentence. I don’t worry about these. I am most worried. ......" Mu Xiao Leng lowered his head as if he did not dare to look at Gao Leng, but his hands firmly grasped his clothes, reluctant to let him go.

"What I am most worried about is my identity, will it affect you." An inferiority complex rose up, this is the gray that Mu Zhengtang has repeatedly appeared on Xiao Leng since the accident.

Even if her eyes are still like a child, even if she never resents anyone.

But she has low self-esteem.

"No." Gao Leng said affirmatively: "If this can affect me, then I am too incompetent."

"Yeah. You are the best." Mu Xiaolen said softly, without approval or affirmation. She just said lightly. It seems that she thinks Gao Leng is the best instinct.

"You don't need to worry about me, I won't care what other people say." Mu Xiao Leng raised his head to look at Gao Leng and smiled gently, but the low self-esteem hidden in the smile lingered.

Gao Leng reached out and touched her head. The phone rang, urging him to entertain the guests.

"You go." Mu Xiaoleng gently pushed up Leng.

"You go with me." Gao Leng was worried about Mu Xiaolong's low self-esteem. In this case, he was originally bringing her here, and his girlfriend is Mu Xiaolong. What happened? High cold is not afraid.

"I'm tired." Mu Xiaocooling gently shook his head and lowered his head, not looking at him: "I am not in a good mood now. I want to stay alone by myself. Go and work." "You..." Gao Leng wanted What to say, Mu Xiao Leng raised his head and looked at Gao Leng firmly: "Go, don't worry, I am not afraid of anything with you. I believe in you, and only believe in you. I really just want to take a break. Will you come back soon?"

Believe in you, and only believe in you, Gao Leng is heaven to her, this is Mu Xiao Leng.


The banquet lasts until the early hours of the morning, and ordinary people's wedding banquets will be exhausted, let alone a banquet with big coffee. Jian Xiaodan is indeed a high-cold right-hand man, able to do well in the crowd, decent and generous.

Lao Diao has also grown up. He no longer feels obtrusive when he wears a big-name brand. Apart from the hearty laugh, he can't tell that he was just a driver before. He has been a driver after being cold for so long and has handled so many cases and projects. More experience means more experience.

Fatty is considered to have thoroughly demonstrated his ability to love making friends. The representatives from the advertising companies of Xingsheng and Xingfengxing are basically respected by him and have a harmonious conversation, except for occasionally sneaking in the female celebrity’s ditch. Outside the eyes, everything else is remarkable.

"When President Su just heard that we were shooting "The Founding of the Empire", she immediately said that she wanted to make an "Empire". It was the same model as ours, "The Founding of the Empire", and it was also filmed in the same period. You said Say, what is this?" Director Zhang took the wine glass and walked to Gao Leng's side with anxiety.

"Sure enough." Gao Leng had obviously expected it a long time ago. He looked at Su Su in the distance: "Which director did she arrange for this film?"

"Director Lu," said Director Zhang.

"Yeah." Gao Leng smiled slightly and patted Director Zhang on the shoulder: "Director Lu is an offspring in front of you, what are you worried about?"

"Of course I'm worried, do you know that Mr. Su made four films, as long as she filmed her "Empire Great Cause"..." Director Zhang heard that Gao Leng was so underestimated, and quickly told Gao Leng what had just happened.

"Now a bunch of agents say they are willing to star in her film for zero pay. I see, tomorrow they will promote this film with great fanfare. This shows that it is coming for us."

Gao Leng smiled slightly, not surprisingly.

Director Zhang pulled Gao Leng aside again, and took the wine glass in his hand and set it aside: "You tell me why we don't promote it now? You said that after 12 days, what opportunity are you waiting for?"

"Because the promotion is useless now, can our Starlight Group promote the Huantai Group to win?" Gao Leng asked back, and Zhang Dao nodded after dumbfounded for a few seconds. Also, if it is better than propaganda, Huantai's capital is strong, and public opinion can properly crush the Starlight Group.

"As for twelve days later, it will be closely related to you." Gao Lengzi said something in Director Zhang's ear.

Director Zhang's face suddenly became serious, and after being serious, he showed a slight smile. He took out his cell phone to check the date and checked the file in the mailbox, then suddenly nodded.

"I will indeed participate. I received the documents a month ago, but I don't know which day it will be, but the calculation time is indeed about twelve days." Director Zhang still felt a little nervous after pondering it for a while: "Man, You are a little brave."

"These days, the courageous will die, and the timid will starve to death, aren't they?" Gao sneered.

There was some sweat on Zhang Dao's forehead, and he bit his teeth: "Yeah!" After speaking, he let out a long sigh of relief. After Gao Leng talked to him, he seemed to relax, and he seemed to be more nervous, and left. Gao Leng walked two steps, but his legs softened and he almost didn't fall.

The dinner did not end until the early hours of the morning. The important guests had already gone to the room to sleep. After the staff of Starlight Group also ended one after another, Gao Leng and Jian Xiaodan walked into their rooms. Today Gao Leng has just established Xingguang. The group, when you can't be the boss, you have to stare at everything, tired is a bit tired. However, his physique was different from ordinary people in the first place, but it was okay.

Back in the room, the light in the room was still on, and Mu Xiao Leng sat up from the bed as soon as he saw him coming. He obviously calmed down a lot and showed his favorite smile.

Gao Leng took a shower and got into the quilt, pulling the quilt and his heart jumped.

Mu Xiaolen's blush reached the roots of her ears, but she looked at Gao Leng with a very firm attitude. She was naked and curled up because of her shyness: "I..."

Gao Leng pressed down and kissed it. After a long kiss, he let go. Mu Xiao Leng under him closed his eyes and said softly, "I'm a little scared. I believe in you, and I only believe in you, so I believe in everyone around you, but if you believe it means believing, I am still afraid."

As Mu Xiao Leng spoke, she stretched out her hand to wrap Gao Leng's neck. This was the first time she had been so active.

"When I was the only person in me, I wasn't afraid at all, I didn't think about anything..." She said softly, still shyly not daring to open her eyes, her legs are tight, this is Mu Xiaolen's first Take the initiative.

"Separate." Gao Leng said.

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