Gossip King

Chapter 1144: Su Su's strength swept the high cold

There used to be a literati who said that the channel leading to a woman's heart is below. Although this is not enough to cover all women, after all, society is now open, and many women can separate their bodies and minds just like men. But it is the most appropriate to describe a woman who loves a man.

Women in love have a strong desire to be protected and possessed by others. This is the opposite of men. Most men have a strong desire to conquer and possess.

So when a woman loves a man, the time she loves her most is the moment when she is immersed in bed. Well, there is no doubt about this, but she is not among them.

This was Mu Xiaolen's most proactive one so far.

Even at the top, she would cover her face shyly, but this time she stretched out her hand to embrace Gao Leng's neck, seemingly wishing to blend herself with Gao Leng completely.

At this time, it was the safest time for Mu Xiao Leng to forget all worries. There was only high cold in her body, high cold in her body, and high cold in her heart.

"Do you love me?"

"Love you." Gao Leng pressed her down: "I love you too."

He didn't know why Gao Leng loved Mu Xiao Leng. Perhaps he likes such a dependent woman from the bottom of his heart, or perhaps Mu Xiao Leng can give him the feeling of a stable home. Although she can't help Gao Leng in work, she can do well in life.

Even if there is a housekeeper at home, there is no appetite for Gao Leng for Mu Xiaolen's meals.

Even in bed, although there is no sense of challenge and conquest that a coquettish woman can bring to men, Xiao Leng’s impeccable body is completely high cold, even if she is shy, and many postures will not cooperate, but high Enter whenever you want to enter, enter when you want to enter, enter how you want to enter. Xiao Leng's face is always filled with satisfaction.

The sense of satisfaction and worship that is particularly willing to be occupied by Gao Leng makes Gao Leng deeply infatuated.

It was just Gao Leng sadly discovered that a woman could not satisfy him at all, especially Mu Xiao Leng, a delicate woman who couldn't stand the toss. After several times, he was reluctant to ask her for it again, feeling the turbulent desire in his body, suppressing it.

"You rest." Gao Leng touched Mu Xiao Leng's blushing face.

"No, I will sleep only after I feed you." Mu Xiaoleng shook her head, she slipped into Gao Leng's arms: "Seeing the satisfaction on your face is my happiest thing."

Many men think that the happiest time for a woman is when she reaches the top. In fact, for a woman who loves a man deeply, the most sexually blessed thing is when she sees the excitement on the man’s face in the final sprint stage. Self-controlled expression of satisfaction.

Especially a woman like Mu Xiao Leng.

She opened her eyes slightly and looked at Gao Leng on her body, trying hard to cooperate with him for the first time. He also tried her best to cooperate with all the postures he wanted, just to see how satisfied Gao Leng was on her body. The more satisfied Gao Leng is, the happier Xiao Leng feels.

One night, during the process of being repeatedly possessed by Gao Leng, Mu Xiao Leng's mood became calmer and more secure. When she fell asleep, Gao Leng couldn't bear to toss Mu Xiao Leng again. This physique couldn't hold even a hungry mature woman like Lin Zhi and Yuzhi. Although he hadn't released it completely, he resisted the surging heart. , Gently helped Mu Xiao Leng cover the quilt.

Gao Leng, who had not been fully released, tossed and turned all night, and simply slept, Gao Leng sat on the bed and stretched out his hand to gently stroke Mu Xiao Leng's head, and began to plan for her future. After all, she will spend the remaining two years in school and will have to work in the future.

Try to minimize the influence of others on her.

And Uzhi and Lin Zhi were also tossed and turned.

Lin Zhi is okay. Apart from the physical desperation of Gao Leng but begging for it, he has to be a little disappointed. He has long known that Gao Leng has no love with her. But the arrogant Yu Zhi was different. She watched Gao Leng enter Mu Xiao Leng's room and never came out again. Even if she took the initiative to show her good, Gao Leng was unmoved.

Yu Zhi suddenly realized that in order to get a man like Gao Leng, money, power, and status are not important. The important thing is to really get into his heart. Otherwise, even if the excitement on the bed makes him crazy, it will only be limited to the bed.


After the establishment of Starlight Group, the work continued as usual, except that there were a few more group meetings on Monday and Tuesday. Gao Leng and Su Su’s affairs were different from his own hands. He only came out to give advice at critical times, and most of the things were left to To his trusted subordinates.

Most of his energy was put into the preparation of "Jianguo Diye".

Ten days later, for the fourth preparatory meeting of "The Founding of the Empire", Director Zhang brought a few right-hand men to the meeting. Director Zhang was not idle during this period. The book was set, and some first-line stars and other actors he wanted to hire The deputy director also contacted them. Some of them were out of schedule, some of the same type of film on Mr. Su's side, and some of them came to shoot on behalf of Director Zhang.

Actors are still easy to find. After all, Director Zhang's influence is here, and the pay is also considerable, but compared to Su Su's recruitment of actors, the Gao Leng side is weak.

"Jianguo Diye has contacted 14 well-known actors who can come to film. I estimate that the salary will be 200 million, not counting the other seven or eight starlets." The deputy director looked at Gao Lenghui's report.

"Where is President Su?" Gao Leng asked.

"There are more actors on Mr. Su's side. They pay more for the big names than us, but the little stars on other lines are basically paid zero. Now fifty stars, big and small, are determined to participate. Oh, the star effect alone is incredible, and the box office is definitely high. The most important thing is that the investment is less than ours." Zhang Dao said as he took a stack of newspapers and magazines: "They put more money into The publicity is on, this is the paper media, you should have seen it in the online media."

Only a few first-line celebrities are paid, and other artists are basically paid nothing. The money is used for the blade: the promotion is very powerful.

In the past few days, most people are not quite aware of Huantai Group’s investment in making films. Their focus is not on this, but they almost all know that several major domestic brands are going to film "Empire Great Efforts", which is currently in the preparation stage.

"Aren't we publicizing it yet?" The deputy director looked a little anxious. He filmed a bunch of materials: "The names of our two films are very similar. Without publicity, no one on the market will know us."

Director Zhang, who knows the cold steps, is not as anxious as the assistant director. He is anxious on the other side.

"The five first-tier stars we contacted have agreed to come to shoot, and they are currently in the shifting period, but these big names require 50% of the film pay in advance." Zhang Daotan opened his hands and calculated: "The first-line stars are at least Bring eight people, assistants, make-up artists, and so on. These people have to pay them in advance for their expenses during this period. Those second-tier stars demand 30% of the salary in advance, which adds up to three hundred million. "

Three hundred million, Jian Xiaodan clenched his fists slightly.

The current Starlight Group has just been established, with three hundred million yuan, this capital chain is a bit unable to work.

"Also, the money for this book and the up-front costs of our film crews have to be paid first. The book is full, and the IP is now cheap, only one million. The up-front costs of our film crew are a bit expensive. There are many venues. To rebuild, about three hundred million."

Three hundred million and three hundred million, that is six billion.

"I can't take it out now." Jian Xiao Shan said softly.

I can't get it now, but I have to ask for it now. The money in the film and television industry is very profitable, but it is indeed the money that the funder can make. It is a big investment, not to mention the large-scale political film made by Gao Leng, which is the money.

At this time, Su Su's advantages are thoroughly reflected, whether it is funds, resources, or appeal. Compared with Gao Leng's situation where big stars and small stars have to give money, besides paying a few big stars, her total investment is much less than Gao Leng.

Moreover, Su Su is not bad for money, but he is cold.

This is a game between ants and elephants. Winning can only be done by coincidence, even by gambling.

"The cost of shooting can be granted in batches, but the costs of these artists can't be dragged off. The Star Group filmed the film for the first time. These big-name artists were very cautious in taking the show. Once they find that the money is not in place, the agent will definitely ask them to withdraw. Director Zhang said it is not unreasonable. The more big-name artists, the more they want to read the book, and then talk about the price. The book and the price must be two points. If there is one point, they are willing to rest.

"Three hundred million." Jian Xiaodan sighed slightly with a sad face. The movie started to worry about money before filming, and Su Su's strong crush made people feel that there was no way out.

"Mr. Su is really cruel. If she doesn't shoot our same type of film, the reward won't be so high." Director Zhang frowned and hammered the table severely. Gao Leng signed the cooperation agreement, and he withdrew it a long time ago. He withdrew when he saw that Su Su was about to make another type of film.

Huantai Group is enough to make people frightened.

"I heard that Mr. Su used to be a food company to compete for the puffed food market. She also used capital to crush competitors. When the opponent produced this product, she also produced this. When the opponent's product entered the supermarket, she also went in, and the price was higher than that of the opponent. It’s much lower, and the profit to the dealer is double that of the other party. It took just one year to forcefully squeeze the opponent down. I had heard that she was ruthless before, but I didn’t expect it to be so ruthless.” Zhang Dao appeared on his forehead. Dense beads of sweat, he has been in the film and television industry for a long time. This is the first time he has seen President Su's cold-blooded methods.

"This method is exactly the same as when she crushed other companies. As soon as she heard that we were going to make this film, she immediately decided to follow up. She clapped it at the dinner party, and the report came out the next day. The speed was not at all. Give people any room to breathe." The deputy director said bitterly: "She made it clear to raise our investment quota!"

When Huantai shoots the same type of film, these high-cold soliciting big names will definitely take the opportunity to shout high prices. They are all smart people, and they know that they are doing it at a glance. Generally speaking, you must choose Huantai. Since your Little Star Group wants me to shoot you, you have to pay a high price.

Double the remuneration, this is the price.

When a big-name remuneration increases in price, other big-name remunerations also have to increase, and the artist’s remuneration is doubled.

For the Starlight Group, which cannot get enough funds, this is an even worse blow.

The moment the lion rushes out of hunting, will it give the prey time to breathe? will not. Su Su never gave his opponent any breathing time, including high cold.

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