Gossip King

Chapter 1163: I thought about it for a long time...

"Hello, I am a reporter and this is my friend. I can go up and help her get something home, okay?" Gao Leng handed over his business card and press card, and Aunt Su Guan swept Mu Xiao with a blank face. Take a cold look, then look at Gao Leng.

"Reporter? What have you reported?" Aunt Su Guan was still a little surprised when she heard the word "reporter". After all, this type of work seems to be seen on TV, newspapers and magazines, and is relatively rare in real life. So he asked casually.

"The Carrion Case."

The legendary serious auntie Su Guan is indeed only the legend, not serious at all.

"The Carrion Case!" Aunt Su Guan almost bounced from her chair, and she walked out of the room and held Gao Leng's hand tightly: "Comrade reporter, you have done a good job in the Carrion case! Those corrupt officials should be killed. !" As she said, there was something in her words and gave Mu Xiao Leng a cold look.

Don't say that the auntie is bullying Mu Xiaoleng. For ordinary people at the bottom, her reaction is very common. The lower the level, the more disdainful of corrupt officials, but when the corrupt officials have not fallen, they will behave submissively, once they fall.

Mu Xiao Leng was the one who affected the pond fish.

This is the state that Mu Xiaolen will most likely encounter in the days to come: being ridiculed by others. Her face flushed again.

"Corrupt officials are corrupt officials, and children are children." Gao Leng became serious and corrected: "Auntie, you are right, but you shouldn't look at Xiao Leng that way. It's unfair to her."

"Yes, yes." After all, Aunt Su Guan has social experience. She looked at Gao Leng admiringly. The reporter who can expose the carrion case is awesome for her, so she said with a smile: "It's okay to get something. Today Friday, many local parents went upstairs to get something for the students."

On Friday, the management of the dormitory was a little looser, not to mention the person in front of me is a celebrity that I don't see on weekdays. The carrion case has a high status in the minds of the general public, especially the people at the bottom.

"I'll register, you can go up." said the auntie.

Mu Xiao Leng walked in front shyly, Gao Leng followed behind, and as soon as he entered the corridor that the auntie could not see, Gao Leng reached out and held Mu Xiao Leng's hand, and some girls looked over.

This is the first time Gao Leng has entered a female dormitory.

"Who is that? The one holding Mu Xiaoleng."

"I don't know him, he looks very tall and mighty, handsome."

Mu Xiao Leng lived on the fifth floor. Some people noticed them from the second floor. This is not how high Leng is. The more reason is that Mu Xiao Leng is enough to make them gossip: school girl, daughter of corrupt officials, boyfriend.

On the fifth floor, a few curious people protruding from the corridor looked at them and pushed away from her dormitory. A woman's slightly praised voice came from inside: "Ah, Mr. Gao, why are you here."

It was the two who gave their business cards downstairs to warmly welcome, and immediately a few girls walked in in the dormitory next door.

"He is the boss you met just now?"

"At this young age, there are two magazines, Xingsheng and Fengxing? Really?"

Obviously, these two girls must have shown off after they came up just now. Although they seemed to sneer at power after Mu Xiaolang fell lonely, they just didn’t get the power. Now Gao Leng gave them a business card, but it’s not a good idea. show off?

She also became enthusiastic towards Mu Xiao Leng.

After a while, more than a dozen girls came to the dormitory.

Gao Leng looked around the dormitory. This is a four-person dormitory. The bottom bunk is a bed. Some cabinets are made on the bed. Clothes and textbooks can be placed on the bed. The desks are placed in the middle of the dormitory. There are four desks. Put them together neatly. He recognized Mu Xiaolen's bed at a glance. She likes little rabbits. The sheets are covered with pink little rabbits, and the bed also has decorations similar to the rag rabbit dolls at home.

"General Manager Gao, Xingsheng Magazine really belongs to you?" A girl looked at Gao Leng timidly and admiringly.

"Of course." The other girl immediately took the conversation proudly and waved the business card in her hand: "It's all written on Gao's business card."

Their eyes fell on Mu Xiaolen, with envy in their eyes, but more envy.

"Xiao Leng, is this your relative? Or a friend?" a girl asked.

"I'm her fiancé." Gao Leng raised and held Mu Xiao Leng's hand with a smile, Xiao Leng's face turned red.

"It's time to eat. I invite everyone to eat." Gao Leng said, and looked at the dozen or so girls who came around the dormitory: "Which ones are from Xiao Leng's dormitory?"

Three of them raised their hands, and immediately moved to the side of Mu Xiaolen.

"That's OK, I don't have much money with me, you will just eat." Gao Leng took out his wallet, but fortunately, he went to the bank temporarily when he came here today, thinking that many stalls near the school can't use Alipay. So he took out more than 5,000 yuan.

He drew out a pile, without counting, and directly handed it to one of the people in her dormitory: "Let's go eat together. Today I have something to do with you. I will ask you to eat well next time."

The girl took it, a thick pile, there were no four thousand but more than three thousand, so she said, "So many..."

"If it's not enough, call me." Gao Leng smiled apologetically: "I usually bring less cash. Are you all Xiao Leng's classmates? Let's go eat together. I will eat with Xiao Leng today. "

"It's dinner anyway, let's get together."

"Yes, let's go together. Our teacher has a special class to introduce you. After your carrion case was exposed, you won the reporter's highest award."

Hearing that Gao Leng and Xiao Leng were about to eat too, the eyes of a few girls flashed, especially those girls who seemed to be in good condition at home. One of them came over generously and stretched out his hand: "Hi, Mr. Gao, My father is the boss of Solomon Enterprise. Let’s have dinner together tonight. Maybe my father has cooperated with you."

After that, the girl looked at Mu Xiaolen with a smile.

Those present would feel that Xiao Leng had lost his luck, and that the daughter of a corrupt official still had such a handsome pursuit. Those girls with good family conditions naturally started to have some ideas.

"No, on Fridays and weekends, I will accompany Xiao Leng, and in the evening we will go to the cafeteria for dinner." Gao Leng stretched out his hand and shook the girl's hand coldly. He didn't look at her much, then looked at the phone and wrinkled. Frowning and said: "So what, can you leave for a while? I answer an important phone call. I'm afraid the call in the hallway is..."

"Okay." The girls nodded when they heard an important call, turned around to leave, and Mu Xiaolen followed them.

"Xiao Leng, you don't have to go out. We are both old and old. Thank you classmates. I will finish the call soon." Gao Leng grabbed Mu Xiao Leng and waited for the girls to leave the dormitory. Close the door.

The girls looked at each other ambiguously and jealously.

"You said, is he really answering the phone? Will it... kiss?" A girl with a silly eldest sister's temperament smiled.

"Why is Mu Xiaolen's life so good? My father is a corrupt official and can still find such a handsome boyfriend." The entrepreneur's daughter was coldly treated by Gao Leng, and she was very angry. She raised her head and straightened her chest: "I see. , Break up sooner or later."

"Aren't you calling?" Mu Xiao Leng stood shyly at the door. Seeing that Gao Leng didn't even mean to call, she was familiar with the smirk at the corner of her mouth, so she lowered her head and said shyly and somewhat scaredly. : "Don't mess around, this is a dormitory."

"Don't call." Gao Leng shook his head, bent over and hugged Mu Xiao Leng and went straight to the bed, and gently put her on the bed: "I want to come to your dormitory. I have been thinking about it for a long time."

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