Gossip King

Chapter 1164: Run between women

As Gao Leng said, he saw a small box beside the bed. When he opened the box, there were small grids inside, and each grid was neatly rolled up like a small cloth ball.

Gao Leng stretched out his hand to pull the little cloth ball, and Mu Xiaocooling shyly stretched out his hand to block it. Gao Leng pretended to look at her angrily. She blushed and gently removed her hand.

Gao Leng pulled out the small cloth ball to see that it was small underwear.

It turned out to be a small box for underwear. For the first time, Gao Leng knew that girls had special boxes for underwear. When he saw the boxes full of cute underwear, he couldn't help but throbbed.

Mu Xiao Leng sat on the single bed full of white rabbits, shy and frightened. She looked at the closed door, then at Gao Leng who was watching her, and finally closed her eyes with shame: " Don't..."

"Where did you think about it? I just want to kiss." Gao Leng teased: "Sister who thinks too much."

Mu Xiaolen's face blushed too much.

Gao Leng bends over and kisses, first slowly, after her emotions have slowly relaxed from tension and stimulation, he kissed again hard and violently, not hurriedly or slowly.

There were two girls lying on their stomachs at the door, and behind them was a bunch of girls.

"Kiss... kiss!" The girl who was lying at the door opened a little gap in excitement, turning her head and whispering: "Gao is so domineering to press her on the bed, kiss!"

After all, this girl studied media, and she was full of drama. Can't wait to lie on the bed is herself.

"Hmph, I'll fight for a man after I'm done, shameless." The entrepreneur's daughter became more jealous after listening, and turned to leave with a grunt.

"Cut, isn't she also the old man?" A girl cast a blank glance disapprovingly.

"If you are like this, they will be more jealous." Mu Xiao Leng sat on the bed and squeezed her mouth that was bitten and swollen. It was different from the usual Gao Leng who was very beast when he started. He didn't touch everywhere, just kissed for a long time.

Gao Leng naturally knew that maybe the wall had ears, and it was in the school. If it was too much, Mu Xiao Leng would be a girl and it would be unpleasant. And kissing is not in the way, and nowadays college students fall in love more often.

Gao Leng seemed to know that there would be ears on the wall, he deliberately kissed slowly, and told several people outside: This woman is my cold woman.

"What happens if you are jealous?" Gao Leng sat on the bed and asked her.

"You are so good, you kiss me so in the dormitory, they can guess it, my father was kind to me before, and the school was kind to me, they wouldn't say anything in person. But now something happened to my father, they...you are different, My dad is a corrupt official. They said I'll just go, but you are on your own, and you are the object of admiration by our journalists. I am the daughter of a corrupt official. You kissed me so in the dormitory... They..." Mu Xiaolen seemed a little incoherent.

In the incoherent language, in addition to low self-esteem, there is also fear that his identity hurt Gao Leng.

"They will be jealous, and jealousy will slander. I am nothing. I am afraid they will slander you." Mu Xiaolen said softly, lowering his head.

"Do you think some female students can slander me? I can't beat them?" Gao Leng asked back.

Mu Xiaolen choked for a while, and she shook her head quickly. In her heart, high coldness is the existence of heaven. Her heaven can beat anyone, and she is the best in her heart. When Gao Leng was a paparazzi, Mu Xiao Leng thought so, but now Gao Leng is the boss of Starlight Group, she still thinks so.

"Then you think I am inferior to your father and can't protect you?" Gao Leng asked again.

Mu Xiaolen shook his head immediately: "No, you are better than my father."

"Then what are you worried about?" Gao Leng smiled slightly, reached out his hand and touched her head: "Did they bully you these days?"

"No." Mu Xiaolen lowered his head, afraid to look into Gao Leng's eyes: "They didn't bully me."

"Good." Gao Leng understands the woman in front of her. She is kind in her heart. In her eyes, these are not bullies. She cleans the dormitory voluntarily. She cleans the toilet on her own initiative. Even the clothes of other people in the dormitory are also her willingness. Scrubbed.

Doing this can make Mu Xiaolen feel a little peaceful and make herself feel that she is washing away some negative comments for her father.

"Leave it to me." Gao Leng stopped talking, but stood up and took her hand to the door. He didn't do much to kiss this time, and was strategic. The first thing to be solved is the squeeze out of these girls. It is useless to squeeze out Mu Xiao Leng. It is useless to greet the school leaders and contact a good internship unit to resume her internship.

In a dormitory, under the eaves, to solve the crowding of women, you have to use some means.

As soon as he opened the door, the piles of girls who had been piled up at the door were gone. It was seen that Gao Leng came out with Mu Xiao Leng's hand and quickly came around.

"Go for dinner. If you don't have enough money, call Xiao Leng, and she will transfer it to you through Alipay. Don't save money for me." Gao Leng smiled and raised his wrist to check the time: "I will experience the food in your school cafeteria in a moment. It’s about to go to the group, Yuzhi and the others are waiting there."

"Uzhi! Is it the shadow queen Uzhi?"

"Nonsense, of course it is Yuzhi, the actress, this is Mr. Gao!"

"Wow, what about the stars..."

A few girls flashed their eyes at once, and the big star was waiting there to get cold, which in their opinion was simply out of reach.

"Well, I recently prepared "Jianguo Diye", I am busy, I will invite you to dinner next time I am not busy. Xiao Leng, let’s go, don’t you like Yuzhi very much? You can play with her after dinner. , Yu Zhiren is pretty good, and I am very familiar with it." Gao Leng took Mu Xiao Leng's hand through the middle of the girls, said softly, and walked to the stairs.

""Jianguo Diye"! Is it the one named by the chief?"

"Yes, I have been watching reports these days, and the two idols I like are competing for roles in it."

"I heard that this drama will definitely include people in the entire entertainment industry! This drama was actually prepared by Mr. Gao! Oh my God!"

The girls whispered to each other at once, and the envy in Mu Xiaolen's eyes was so strong that it turned into jealousy. The men around Mu Xiao Leng were not comparable to their boyfriends, let alone they could touch them in normal times.

If you are more jealous, but find that you can't compete, it will turn into envy, helpless envy.

"By the way, I still want ten students to go in for internships in this film. Internships such as directors and cameramen can be considered for you." Gao Leng stopped suddenly, turned his body and said, "You are Xiao Leng's classmates. Are they good friends again, right?"

"Of course."

"Yes, we have a good relationship with Xiao Leng."

Everyone nodded their heads, and the words were extremely hot and cold with Mu Xiao. All fools know what it means to be an intern in such a blockbuster movie. Whether you have a relationship at home or not, having such an internship experience will be icing on the cake.

Not to mention maybe you can see a lot of stars.

"Then... let's talk about it then, I will discuss with Xiao Leng and say hello to the school, but I think the two girls who just helped Xiao Leng clean up are fine." Gao Leng pointed to the building. The two girls I met next.

Those two girls who said triumphantly that "the daughter of corrupt officials should clean up."

When the two girls heard it, they were so excited that they were about to cry. They nodded and walked quickly towards Mu Xiaoleng's place, and stretched out a hand holding Xiaoleng's hand: "Go, let's clean the dormitory, we are good friends Well."

"That's right, I slept on the right bed with you. It's cold. Would you like to add an extra dress? Don't freeze." Another girl said softly with a smile.

Runs between women can only be resolved by profit.

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