Gossip King

Chapter 1178: Embarrassed Murong Yuyan

"I heard from the agent that you helped me keep the role." As soon as he got on the phone, Murong Yuyan thanked him and said with some embarrassment: "I also just learned about it. I heard that many Xiaohuadans thought about my role. Yes. The agent said that Mi Ruan, KIKI, and Weak and others want them all."

"No thanks, I should." Gao Leng smiled lightly.

To do good deeds, you have to secretly help, especially to do good deeds to beautiful women.

"Thank you, would that make you more embarrassed? These few people are quite popular." Murong Yuyan asked.

"No, after all, I invested in the film. If you want another character, tell me and I'll change it for you." In the end, it is a film that I invested in myself, and Gao Leng is quite emboldened.

"So..." Murong Yuyan hesitated for a moment.

"Do you have any friends who want to act?" She felt Murong Yuyan's emotions when she was cold.

"Um..." Murong Yuyan became more embarrassed, and said: "Now next to me, she is not popular yet, but she has great potential. It would be nice to be able to go up and show her face. The last time I filmed Xianxia I had a scene with her at that time, and then the relationship was very good... I just don't know you..."

Taking advantage of Murong Yuyan's introduction there, Gao Leng quickly picked up the list of actors and took a look. He immediately ticked a character and interrupted her: "Why don't you give her a character next to you? But It's a small character, and you can play against you. Would you like to see her?"

Murong Yuyan seemed a little surprised and didn't speak for several seconds.

"If I don't want to, I'll switch to another one. Now I have more roles..."

"No, no, yes, but she is not popular yet. Will there be so many robbing roles now..." Murong Yuyan is obviously very happy, her tone is much higher, and there seems to be a girl around her who is very excited and excited. He didn't dare to shout, but a suppressed scream.

"I'll arrange it." Gao sneered, "Is there anything else?"

The most taboo thing about helping beautiful women is that after you help, you still babble and constantly emphasize that you have helped. In this regard, Gao Leng is a master.

"Uh..." Murong Yuyan was stunned again. She didn't expect Gao Leng to give to the character so readily, and even to the character without seeing anyone. Such a big favor would give it just a few words, for a while. I didn't know what to say, but after a while, he said, "Thank you."

"No thanks, I have always wanted to help you. Call your friend when you come to set up your makeup. I will say hello here. I'll be busy first." Gao Leng smiled and hung up after speaking. .

It’s not Gao Leng’s wish to help Murong Yuyan since she was a child. When she saw Murong Yuyan on the screen when she was a child, she didn’t even dare to dream that she could help her. When he was a teenager, Murong Yuyan became more and more popular, while Gao Leng's family became poorer and poorer.

When I was young, I thought it would be nice to see Murong Yuyan in reality one day, but I never thought about it when I was an adult.


This kind of goddess can be seen on TV, so how dare you to get to know her and become friends?

But now, it is Gao Leng's wish to help Murong Yuyan, and it can be realized.


In Murong Yuyan's boudoir, she was sitting on the bed in a pink pajamas, while her best friend looked at her excitedly.

"Mr Gao agreed to give me a role?!"

Murong Yuyan nodded.

"He doesn't even know my name! Is this agreeable?!"

Murong Yuyan nodded again.

what! ! ! The girlfriend screamed and jumped from the ground to the bed with excitement and hugged Murong Yuyan: "It's great, great! It's great to be able to bring a camera in Jianguo Diye!"

Murong Yuyan smiled embarrassedly and then lay down on the bed with some worry, turned her body, tilted her feet high and put her on the wall, half-stand. Female stars often do this action, long-term persistence can make their legs look better.

The pajamas slid down after putting their feet on the wall, revealing the same pink panties. I have to say that Murong Yuyan is really white, the whole person is like white soft tofu, it seems that she can crush it with a single pinch.

"I was also very surprised. It is understandable for him to keep my role. I have a good relationship with him, and he has a good relationship with my cousin Su Su. But I gave you the role without saying anything. This is so big It's a favor." Murong Yuyan seemed to be a little worried. After thinking about it, she said: "It should be better to thank you in person."

"Yes, invite him to dinner tonight. I will treat him and thank you in person." The girlfriend said with bright eyes, took out her mobile phone and waved: "Let me tell my agent, good news!"

"Hey, Aunt Liu, I have a role in Jianguo Diye. Well, I play a friend of Murong Yuyan's side, with camera and camera, um, there should be lines, yes, it was introduced by Murong Yuyan, Mr. Gao I agreed without saying anything! Yes, yeah..." The girlfriend said after the phone call with a smile, "My agent said that I will invite Mr. Gao to dinner at night, you... will you invite me for it?"

Murong Yuyan put her legs down and nodded: "Yes, I forgot to thank him in person just now. I'll call him first."

Gao Leng was working on business, and seeing Murong Yuyan called again, he thought he had other needs, so he answered quickly.

"Are you busy?" Murong Yuyan said with some embarrassment again.

"Not busy," Gao Leng said.

"My friend, thank you for giving the role, I want to invite you to dinner..." Murong Yuyan said.

"Oh, busy." Gao Leng said.


After Murong Yuyan coughed twice, he said weakly: "I want to invite you to dinner too..."

"I'm not busy," Gao Leng said.


Murong Yuyan became more embarrassed.

"Let me say a few words, I thank him." Her girlfriend's voice came.

"My friend said something to you. She is very grateful to you and wants to thank you." After Murong Yuyan finished speaking, she handed the phone to her girlfriend.

"Hey, Mr. Gao, thank you so much! I...I'm still a rookie, thank you for giving the opportunity, I am a good friend of Murong Yuyan, my last name..."

"You are Murong Yuyan's friend. Since you are her friend, I should give you a role. No thanks." Gao Leng interrupted her and said, "I am very busy now, then..."

"Okay, then...then don't bother." Murong's best friend saw Gao Leng coldly, so he said quickly. As soon as his voice fell, Gao Leng hung up the phone.

"He's so cold..." Murong's girlfriend bared her teeth, and sighed with relief after covering her chest, "I thought it was a big warm man. After all, he was so happy to give the role, but he was so cold to me... My name I haven't finished talking. But he said I am your friend and it is right to give me a role, tusk tusk..."

With that, the girlfriend looked at Murong Yuyan with gossip and envy: "Are you...huh?"

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