Gossip King

Chapter 1179: A sense of crisis that Gao Leng never had

Murong Yuyan's face blushed.

"Where? Just ordinary friends." Murong Yuyan turned her back and stood up and walked to the bathroom, intending to change her clothes.

"Can an ordinary friend give a character so happy?" The best friend leaned to the bathroom door and continued to tease: "I don't see it as an ordinary friend. Although my character is a small character, but a small character is also grabbed by many people, this film is defined by the radio and television. Gift films, almost everyone in the entertainment industry has come to join in the fun, and I am not popular. If it weren’t for him to raise his hand, I would do a group show at best, but now I can play against you. Your show is a good show. If I can play against you, my next film will be much easier!"

The best friend said in one breath, the more she said, the more she envied it.

"Lele, in fact, you don't need to worry so much. Sometimes you only need one character to get angry." Murong Yuyan smiled after entering the bathroom. A warm clothing for inner wear was already in the bathroom, and she took off her pajamas. When she came down, her whole body was white and shiny, and her long soft black hair spread out very beautifully. She bent down slightly and stretched out her hand into the underwear to draw her chest, standing in front of the mirror and looking left and right.

She has a nice figure and her underwear is well outlined.

Lele outside the door did not answer, but gave a wry smile.

"You still have to practice your acting skills. After a few years of practicing your acting skills, you will become popular when you meet a good character. This kind of thing can't come." Murong Yuyan took a piece of clothing hung there and put it on while wearing it. He said.

Lele pursed his mouth and said in a low voice, "I am not like you. You have had resources from your parents since you were a child. Can you get a good character so easily? A lot of people grab good resources, and I don’t care. What is it for me?"

Murong Yuyan opened the door and walked out. At this time, she had changed her clothes, with a pair of light-colored jeans under a creamy white sweater.

"Wow, limited edition..." Lele reached out enviously and touched Murong Yuyan's white sweater. There are many imitations of this white sweater on the Internet, but the original is the original. It looks like a cute toy when worn, and the texture is different.

Stars also need packaging, and beauty also depends on clothing.

Murong Yuyan's seemingly simple clothes are expensive.

"Don't be discouraged. You will have a chance to hone your acting skills slowly." Murong Yuyan said with relief in a soft voice, opened the door of the room and walked towards his dressing room, opened the door of the dressing room, and looked at enviously. The room was full of clothes, and she carefully reached out her hand and gently touched some of them.

"Do you like it? Give it to you." Murong Yuyan turned her head and took off the suit she had touched: "The tags are all there, and I haven't worn them. If they pass through, I will be ashamed to give it to you. ."

"Thank you." Lele quickly took it over, quickly took off her clothes and put on this one, then turned around in the mirror to look at herself.

"It looks good." Murong Yuyan took a look at it and walked to the accessories area and took off two necklaces and walked to Lele's side. After the comparison, she hung one of them on her neck: "It looks better with this one. ."

"This... is expensive." Lele touched the necklace carefully.

"Fortunately, you can give it to you if you like it. Wear it on the day you set your makeup." Murong Yuyan said, hugging Lele: "Come on, I have a friend who is looking for the heroine of the MV, I can recommend you go with."

"Thank you." Lele looked at herself in the mirror. As expected, people depended on their clothes. After changing them, they were completely different. She stretched out her hand to hold Murong Yuyan's hand: "I was just a small group acting, and I accidentally took it that day. The props hit you on the head, don’t you blame me for not telling me, and you treat me as a friend, you are so kind."

Lele met Murong Yuyan while filming, and after a year or two, they gradually became friends. After becoming friends with Murong Yuyan, she was recommended by Murong Yuyan from time to time. From group performance to slowly beginning to take on some small roles, Lele's acting skills have been worse.

"Shall we invite Mr. Gao to dinner?" Lele looked at herself in the mirror, as if her self-confidence had grown a lot, she asked.

"He has been very busy these past two days. So many big names are fighting for face and grabbing those roles. It's not good to offend anyone. It's better not to disturb him at this point."

"No matter how busy you are, you have to eat! Don't you? You don't have to delay eating a meal." The best friend squeezed her eyes to Murong Yuyan's side and said: "Ask if his secretary has any social meetings at night, if not, Just invite him to dinner. I must thank him in person, and you have to thank others, right? I heard that Mi Ruan committed suicide and went to his office. He didn't give the role to Mi Ruan. "

Murong Yuyan nodded in approval.

Gao Leng is thankful for this favor.

"It's better to hit the sun if you choose a day. You can find out if he has socializing in the evening. If not, let's go now." Lele ran back to the bedroom and took Murong Yuyan's phone and handed it to her: "Call it."

Murong Yuyan thought about it for a while, anyway, if you want to eat, this kind of favor does not come to thank you.

I asked Yang Guanguan, and found out that Gao Leng not only did not entertain, but had to work overtime tonight. Director Zhang would come to Starlight Group to try his role in the evening.

"Then I'm going even more. It just so happens that Director Zhang is also there." Lele's eyes burst with excitement, and she grabbed Murong Yuyan's sleeves and begged: "Go go, I'll touch you too. The light, I have never seen Director Zhang in such a quiet distance."

"Okay." Murong Yuyan couldn't help Lele begging, thinking that it might be an opportunity for Lele, and agreed. She lowered her hair and sent a text message over: "I will treat you to a potluck tonight, are you free?"

"Yes." Gao Leng simply replied.


As night falls, Starlight Group is still brightly lit, especially the newly established film and television department is bustling.

"Now that the roles are almost booked, it is difficult to deal with these seven roles at the moment." Director Zhang took out a form, his voice was a little dumb, and frowned, said: "These seven roles are really all seven. If someone can summon a demon, a bunch of big names are fighting for it. They are fighting for face and it is difficult to do."

Gao Leng took the form and looked at it and frowned slightly.

If you just make a stylish movie, it doesn't matter so much, but making such a gift film is extremely troublesome. In the empire, the hardest thing to do is the matter of connections. The people of the empire have a good face. You have connections, and I have connections. It is not good to offend anyone.

The film you invested in, the role you want to give to whom?

Please, this is a gift film. This kind of scene that can command any big name with money can only appear in brain-disabled novels. The real reality is that all aspects of preparation are extremely troublesome.

The emperor can't do whatever he wants, let alone an investor.

"These two are rivals. They fight for this role. Who will give it to? The other is definitely going to make trouble. Both are big guys in the show business circle. This media circle has connections. It's easy to get a negative news. There are also these three. Don’t think they are a combination and fighting inwardly! If these three buddies don’t handle it well, they will be even more irritating. They are Hong Kong and Taiwan stars. Let me explode one or two insiders. Our play is a negative one."

Director Zhang was holding a cigarette, hoarse his throat, and pointed to the screening area: "Assistant, let's release the network map of these people. We must decide on the role these two days, and we must ensure that these people do not harm each other. "

A map of connections more dense than a spider web was shown in the screening area.

Yang Guanguan, who was about to drink, almost didn't choke to death.

Star A’s uncle is from the military, Star B’s father is the offspring of a veteran from Hong Kong and Taiwan, but Star B’s ex-girlfriend is Star A’s current girlfriend, Star C’s current girlfriend is also Star B’s early...D Star She is the cousin of Star E, and the friend of the former ex-girlfriend of Star E...

As soon as the messy network of relationships was revealed, everyone present wailed.

"They are all on the front line of battle-tested battlefields. They have a lot of connections. They are all human beings and have a huge fan base. You have to deal with it well. It's a bad thing not to deal with it." Director Zhang dropped his pen on the table. After frantically scratching his head, he looked at Gao Leng desperately: "Anyway, I am out of trouble. They all said they gave me the director's face, but the problem is that no one can guarantee that they will have moths in their backs. They are all rushing. As for the role, whoever doesn't rush to lose face, what will he do if he loses face? It's a big deal to think about."

"Only seven roles can only be assigned to seven people, but if a dozen people grab it, it will always offend others." Jian Xiaoshan also became embarrassed and said.

Zizizi, her mobile phone vibrated, and after listening, she stood up and walked to the door: "Oh, Mr. Ou, yes, I am in the group now."


Gao Leng instinctively guessed that Ouyang should be on the other end of the phone, and took the initiative to send an email to Jian Xiaodan who wanted to make a friend.

"Really? Oh, yes, of course, welcome." Jian Xiaodan turned back as soon as he was about to leave the room. After putting down the phone, he said to the director: "Ou Yang will come here soon."

"Huh? He took the initiative to come over? Okay, that's great, I'm looking for him." Director Zhang let out a long sigh of relief when he heard Ou Yang come over, he patted the cold shoulder and said: "Ou Yang He has a very good relationship with Star D and Star E. He makes peace with him, and it may make us less messy."

"Now we can only let these big names slowly withdraw one by one. If you can make a peace, you can make a peace. There are only seven characters and a dozen big names. There will always be someone who is very strong. Okay.” The director’s assistant also let out a long sigh of relief. He suddenly looked at Jian Xiaodan with some doubts: “No, Ouyang is coming to Starlight Group to see Director Zhang. He should call Director Zhang directly. President Jian, you called?"

Jian Xiaoshan smiled embarrassedly, sat back in his seat and said, "I have a good relationship with him."

Good relationship? !

These words shocked Gao Leng.

How long has it been, it's only a day and a half since the email was sent to her? Does this matter?

That's not right. This day, I have been working in the company for half a short time, and Ouyang didn't come. How could the relationship be good?

Gao Leng's posture was a bit stiff, he looked at Jian Xiaodan, and saw Jian Xiaodan lower his head and smile lightly, the kind of smile he had never seen before.

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