Gossip King

Chapter 1195: Yuyan, I want to order you!

The high-cold hand held the steering wheel and slowly started the vehicle. The traffic was driving slowly. Murong Yuyan said this very seriously. Also, she is an innocent girl and a big star. Coupled with a good family background. With this look, figure, background and personal status, what kind of boyfriend can't you find? She Murong Yuyan said that she wanted to find a boyfriend, and only those rich second generations could line up from Beichengmen to Dongchengmen.

If Gao Leng hadn't accidentally watched her in the locker room before, and then teased her from time to time for a long time later, Murong Yuyan would not be so docile today. For women, the heart always follows the body.

And it is understandable that a woman wants a status and a promise.

It was actually the first kiss, and the corners of Gao Leng's mouth could not help but raised slightly and said: "First kiss..."

Murong Yuyan turned her head and looked at Gao Leng deeply, and nodded affirmatively: "Well, so you think it over, give me an answer."

Gao Leng knew in his heart that he would never give up Xiao Leng, and there was a little witch in the family. If he wanted to give up both of them, he wanted Murong Yuyan... He shook his head inwardly.

"I will." Gao Leng stopped the car, reached out his hand and gently touched her head: "Don't worry."

If you follow the woman's thoughts, you must give an answer tonight. This kind of thing cannot be led by a woman's nose. It is dominated by high coldness. He chose to drag it first.

When will it be delayed?

I've touched it all, is it far from getting it all?

Really got it, these are not problems, he Gao Leng has not seen a woman who can leave after getting out of his bed.

Murong Yuyan nodded and blushed. She lowered her head and smiled suddenly. She seemed to be talking to herself and she seemed to be talking to Gao Leng: "I haven't kissed for the first time. I have a boyfriend. It's really unexpected, but But I don’t think it’s bad. In fact, I thought you were particularly attractive a long time ago, but I haven’t reached the level of a boyfriend. I didn’t expect you..."

Unexpectedly, Gao Leng would kiss her directly, locking her heart.

Gao Leng suddenly felt a trace of guilt in her heart. If it weren't for being too selfish and greedy, Murong Yuyan should be able to find a man to love her, but when she thought about it, she found a man to love her and squirmed crazily on her that night. It was another man. The hands covered by the indescribable softness every night were the rough hands of another man. It was another man who admired Yu Yanjiao's gasping voice.

Thinking of this, Gao Leng shook his head decisively.

Be selfish. Anyway, Yuyan can only be herself, and she can only be herself or her own children.

Relying on the high-cold city mansion, it is easy to appease a Murong Yuyan in the district. After a few moments, she smiled and smiled in the car. Murong Yuyan was smiling, Gao Leng realized that she has always been very cold on the screen. She is actually very cute in private, much more lively than on the screen.

More than an hour later, Murong Yuyan fell asleep in the co-pilot. She didn't know what dream she had, her mouth twitched and her face was sweet. It is said that the woman in love is the most beautiful, but it is true that Gao Leng turned his head and looked at Yu Yan while waiting in the parking lot, his heart surging.

I saw Yuyan closed her eyes on the co-pilot, with long eyelashes, baby-like skin, and her appearance is self-explanatory, but beauty is just a beauty, and Murong Yuyan is more than just a beauty. All the sexual fantasies of adolescence.

I still remember the first time Gao Leng flew a plane, she was thinking of her in her mind. If there were a few idols that she had chased when she was young, then Yu Yan is definitely a highlight of her cold adolescence.

Hum the songs she sings, watch her TV shows, and write her name in the notebook.

Gao Leng stretched out her hand and gently picked up her hair, sniffed it, smiled slightly, the taste was almost the same as imagined, no, it was more throbbing than imagined, and his eyes moved to her lips. The scene in which she just closed her eyes and let herself attack in the back seat of the car just appeared in her mind. Gao Leng couldn't help turning her head and looking at the back seat of the car, and laughed from the heart.

His eyes moved to her chest, and the surging in her heart became stronger.

It's fuller and more volatile than imagined, and Yu Yan is more jerky than imagined. Gao Leng loves to death this jerky, the kind of jerky that is both nervous and shy, and caters to but does not know how to cater.

Gao Leng imagined it ten thousand times, but never got it so suddenly as it is today.

He stretched out his hand and leaned in from under her clothes. As soon as he touched her soft skin, Yu Yan woke up, suddenly opened her eyes and immediately blocked his hand with her hands. In less than a second of panic, she turned her head. After seeing the cold, two smears of red clouds flew on his cheeks, then closed his eyes shyly, and released the blocking hand.

I never thought that today I could let Yu Yan willingly let her hands drift free.

Gao Leng swallowed her saliva, leaning her hand down, Murong Yuyan's hand blocked it, and she opened her eyes again, begging for mercy: "Don't..."

Gao Leng nodded and pulled out his hand. He smiled and touched her head. He didn't want Yuyan to be here. Although he wanted to do it physically, it was not realistic right now. If you open it, Yu Yan is really not ready yet.

I will want you, and I will make you wear the clothes in the ancient tomb, with exactly the same makeup, lying on the bed willingly, wanting you, be regarded as the nostalgia and finishing touch for my puberty, since I will live again, it will not be in vain In this life, Murong Yuyan, I want to fix you. Gao Leng thought.


The next day or two was extremely busy. Since Gao Leng also had a role, and he was still an amazing role, he also had to take time to fix his makeup. I didn't know if I didn't mix in this industry before, I thought it was the same for celebrities in filming. Once I got in, I found that it was really troublesome. Just fixing makeup is a lot of things.

"General Manager Gao, you have to arrive at one o'clock this afternoon." Yang Guanguan reminded.

"So early?" Gao Leng was a little surprised: "Isn't it just a makeup?"

“Well, it’s estimated that it will take eight hours to put on make-up and try on clothes, and I have to be busy until the evening.” Yang Guanguan said with a curious smile: “I have never joined the crew before I know that setting makeup is so complicated. Several celebrities also set their makeup, and Ouyang is also today, so I look forward to..."

Yang Guanguan couldn't stop his yearning and admiration for Ouyang.

Gao sneered and nodded.

"By the way, I will go to Miss Mu's school to give a speech the day after tomorrow. These are related materials." Yang Guanguan put a pile of materials on the table.

"This is the big deal." Gao Leng took the information and looked through it carefully. Yang Guanguan's information was prepared in great detail, because she knew that as long as it was Mu Xiao Leng's matter, Gao Leng was the first priority. .

Gao Leng this person, Huaxin is Huaxin, but he is very good to his own women. I sincerely hope that they are good, good in bed, and good in life.

"Mr. Jian went to the makeup site in advance." Yang Guanguan said.

"Why? She doesn't want to act." Gao Leng raised his head sensitively and asked.

"This..." Yang Guanguan was embarrassed and smiled ambiguously: "This is President Jian's personal business. I heard that Mr. Ou has already sent a car to pick her up."

right now? Gao Leng looked at the time, and it was only after nine o'clock in the morning, and the set makeup didn't start until one in the afternoon.

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