Gossip King

Chapter 1196: Man's spine!

"Got it." Gao Leng nodded, and the man's instinct told him that this Ouyang really cares about Jian Xiaodan, and it is the kind of care that men have to women.

After Yang Guan went out, Gao Leng went to work again. He didn't want to call directly and ask to come back simply. Although he was upset in his heart, it would be too childish and not eager for a while.

He thought of one thing, a person, and quickly opened the mailbox and read one by one.

"Almost missed his film." Gao Leng breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Qiu Jian's e-mail. The man who knew Qianlixunzi in the northwest hadn't forgotten that he had to see the effect of the small film he arranged.

This Qiu Jian is a graduate student in the Directing Department. He has been looking for since his son was lost. He has given up everything to make people move. Gao Leng admires his tolerance for not soliciting donations or selling hardships, unlike most people. He cried and cried, did not give up in despair, but stood up his spine and never gave up.

The keen sense of smell tells Gao Leng: This person is available.

Sure enough, the small film he was asked to shoot was extremely exquisite, impeccable whether it was a technique or a professional editor.

"It's a pity, this is a talent." Gao Leng was lost in thought after watching the film.

When Starlight Group enters the film and television industry, it must have its own filming team, at least to assist the filming team. There are three or four hundred staff members in a film crew, and as many as thousands of epic masterpieces. If a film and television company Without his own filming team, I don't want to say that I have a lot of attention, and I have to be fooled.

Hiring a mature filming team is too costly for the current Starlight Group. In the industry, hiring a mature team is divided into 30%, 30%, how much can you earn? So it is most important to train your own team.

Qiu Jian is obviously a seed, but how can he join the Starlight Group? The child is lost, he puts everything down, and the high salary cannot attract him.

Whether it’s cooperation or hiring, Gao Leng had a plan to figure out what the other party needs most. He picked up his mobile phone and called Qiu Jian directly, and then he picked it up after a bang. He does not want to miss any call, any call may be hope.

"I'm Gao Leng." Gao Leng smiled and said, "I received the video you made, and it was very good."

"Mr. Gao, hello." Qiu Jian's voice was full of vicissitudes. He said: "You gave one hundred thousand yuan, which is really too much. Naturally, I have to do the things you give me."

"That's it, I need your help now." Gao Leng stood up, took his mobile phone to the French window door, looked at the tall buildings outside, and admired Qiu Jian with great admiration for the vast empire, he looked for Zixun hasn't given up for so many years. This is the power of father's love.

Like a mountain, like a tripod.

"What's the matter, you say." Although Qiu Jian is now down, he is an intellectual. His words reveal the qualities of senior intellectuals: "You order."

"I want to make a movie about lost children. It will start shooting this year. I will find someone to write the script and set up a working group in the next few days." Gao Leng paused, holding a mobile phone in one hand, and instinctively in the other. It hits on the outside of the leg. This is a film he has been thinking about for a long time, but it takes risks in terms of employment.

"The child is missing?" Qiu Jian became interested when he heard this. His voice was obviously much louder, and even a little trembling: "Great...it's great that this kind of film is rarely made in China. "

"There will be three real prototypes as material, one that was successfully found, and two were not found. One of them will be your child's prototype." Gao Leng continued.

Suddenly there was silence on the other side of the phone, silent for dozens of seconds.

"Of course, if you want, I think it will definitely be beneficial for you to find a child, and the actual adaptation is more touching."

There was still no word on the phone.

"I will ask domestic first-class screenwriters to write this book. Children’s loss is worthy of attention. I want to do such a thing. The initial investment in this film is estimated to be 70 or 80 million, which is not a lot, but it is not a small amount. Join?" Gao Leng clearly threw an olive branch.

Qiu Jian on the other side of the phone sniffed.

"Of course I do." His voice was shaking, and when he heard it, he tried his best to control his emotions. He took a deep breath: "The film spreads so strongly, and my child is more likely to be found. You want me I am willing to do anything."

"Well, I want you to be the assistant director of this film, and I must shoot me with my sincerity, using your painstaking years of finding a son, and using your constant hopes and disappointments for so many years to make a high-level film. A documentary masterpiece of finding sons, if it is not photographed, it is not my Gao Leng's friend." Every word in Gao Leng is like a bell and drum beating this Qiu Jian's heart.

Over the years, those sufferings, those self-blame, those powerless that Qiu Jian has experienced on his path to find a son...

No one is more suitable to be an assistant director than Qiu Jian, who graduated from the Department of Director, to control the soul of this drama.

"Associate... Associate director?" Qiu Jian couldn't believe it, he almost swallowed.

"Yes, deputy director." Gao Leng was very sure.

This is an exceptional promotion. It is a dangerous move to promote a person who has never really made a large-scale film as an assistant director. For such an important position, not to mention Qiu Jian is unbelievable. Even Gao Leng himself knows that this is a dangerous move.

But in his opinion, Qiu Jian is the most suitable candidate, just like Lu Yajun promoted him back then.

Bold, but also steadily steadily arranging whatever position is suitable for any person, this is what Gao Leng learned from Lu Yajun.

"I...I'm afraid..." Qiu Jian had no idea. This is a 70-80 million big production. The middle-aged man who has been looking for children for many years trembles badly.

"I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of." Gao Leng laughed and said, "You are the most suitable candidate. You assist the director to shoot this movie to the depths of the soul. Looking at the country, there is no associate director with your experience. You have personally experienced that no one is more suitable than you."

Gao Leng said absolutely, since he decided to use Qiu Jian, he had to give him confidence.

"It's so decided. A meeting will be held in a week. You go find three prototypes and bring the materials. I will call the screenwriter to come over." Gao Leng seemed a little afraid of Qiu Jian, and directly clapped him.

To find a prototype, Qiu Jian is the most suitable. After so many years of searching for children, he and several large groups of people in the country have almost become relatives. He knows countless cases, and the people he knows are even more. It is countless.

"Thank you." This is probably the "thank you" that Qiu Jian said most cautiously. Only those who are in it can appreciate the weight of his "thank you". Once this film is released, his son's affairs will spread all over the country, which will greatly increase the chance of finding him, and he will also have a career. It is no longer enough to describe Bole's help to him, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he has reborn parents.

"Get ready, by the way, are you in the imperial capital now? I rushed to Dao Zhang's studio in the afternoon to watch the makeup." Gao said coldly, and hung up the phone.

Qiu Jian, who put down the phone, did not speak for a long time.

He was sitting in a rudimentary rental room, with a steamed bun and a few white wines, a tattered but clean clothes, and white hair on one end. He was only in his thirties and he was old enough to seem to be sixty eyes. .

In the eyes full of despair, hope blossomed.

He picked up the chopsticks and put some peanuts into his mouth. Before he started chewing, the tears slipped down, from his eyes to his nose and finally fell on the table.

It's like when he went to the south to find a son, it rained heavily. The night he spent under the bridge was da da da da.

It looked like he had received a message from the Xunzi group, thinking that he had found his son, but when he found out that he was not his son, he turned away in despair, the tears, da da da da.

It looked like the night when his wife was overwhelmed and hanged herself. From then on, his wife's high-heeled shoes repeatedly sounded in his mind every night.

Shouting like his son's little hand clapping; Dad, hug, step on the little shoes on his feet, da da da da.

Qiu Jian’s tears were silent, he had cried too many times, desperate, disappointed, self-blaming, and helpless. In the first few years, he could cry as he walked on the street. come out.

Later, crying became numb and stopped crying.

Suddenly raised his head, the liquor was down.

Qiu Jian gritted his teeth tightly until the entire spine was shaking. A man's spine was difficult to control because of the surging emotions.

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu suddenly came out of the rental room, Qiu Jian bit his lip to control it, blood seeping from his lips, he stood up crouched and looked towards On the wall are pictures of his son and his wife, and a family portrait.

"Wife, our child found it, it's hopeful." Qiu Jian reached out to the picture and touched it.

He couldn't control it anymore. He squatted on the ground and grabbed his hair with both hands and started crying. Finally, he knelt on the ground and banged his head towards the phone.

Thanking Gao Leng in person, he couldn't say it, this man who had been carrying a heavy load for too long really couldn't say it.

This was his greatest hope for finding his son, and Gao Leng gave him the greatest hope.

I'm running out of life for this film, and I want to make it well and make it a household name! Qiu Jian secretly swore that his kneeling body was shaking slightly with crying, telling the sad path of finding a son that others could not realize for so many years.

I hate Jian, if I ran out of life, I must shoot it! Qiu Jian raised his head, looked at the phone on the table, and said every word like a mountain, like a deep sea. No one, no one in the empire, wants to make this film more than him.

Qiu Jian stood up from the ground and quickly changed his clothes. He was going to participate in Director Zhang’s makeup setting in the afternoon. He couldn’t delay a minute. He must do his best to study every minute. Every minute is a step closer to his son .

Step by step.

The man's spine was not crushed by his wife's ion.

Gao Leng saw his spine and stretched out his hand. For Qiu Jian, this was a noble man and benefactor for a lifetime.

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