Gossip King

Chapter 1211: No problem, no problem, there is a future!

Along the way, Lao Diao reported on many important issues of green agriculture. With the blessing of venture capital, the people underneath are also active in their work. Coupled with the guarantee of Huantai Group's business, green agriculture is progressing smoothly.

"Boss, I think the more I follow you, the more I feel that there are people outside the mountain." Lao Diao exclaimed, "I used to think that you were the general manager of Xingsheng Magazine. But there is always a well-known magazine in China. Later, you actually got the land, and you became brothers with Brother Biao. Oh, my god. I really admire you! At that time, I thought it should be. It’s almost there, right? I didn’t expect that it became popular and established Starlight Group, and now I am still playing in the film and television industry! But I did not expect that when I came here today, good guys, the people in the film and television industry are too rich, right?!"

When I was a paparazzi, I felt that it was too great to make a headline. Now that I have a group in my hands, I feel that I am insignificant. Not only is it an old man, but Gao Leng also deeply understands it, especially when facing Ouyang. .

"I think Mr. Ou must be interesting to Xiao Shan." Old Diao said.

Gao Leng didn't speak, and nodded, he had already noticed this.

"Ou is really good, worth tens of billions. I used to think that the people who opened factories and companies were very rich and never knew any invisible rich people. I heard this term, but I didn't really know it. Today is considered to be I've seen it. Tsk tsk, it's awesome." Lao Diao talked all the way. He has been busy with green agriculture these days and hasn't chatted with Gao Leng so easily for a long time. Gao Leng smiled and listened.

"Boss, you know that at the beginning, you had a sentence that really moved me. At that time, I felt that if you can make friends with my old man, it would be a blessing to my old man."

"What are you talking about?" Gao Leng was very emotional when he saw Lao Diao, a little curious.

"Let’s go and take the photo together. I drove the car. At that time, we were not very familiar. After getting out of the car, you met a friend. He pointed to me and asked, "Who is this." You said, "This is me." Colleague, friend." Lao Diao put out the cigarette **** and spit out a long smoke: "You know, I used to go out with other reporters, and they all said,'This is the driver', or'This is my man' . Only you are talking about "friends" and "colleagues"."

Gao coldly smiled, this is true, not only to the old man, whenever he goes out with other employees, when introducing each other to others, unless the other person has already said it, otherwise he will say "This is me Colleagues", there is no leadership.

"Do it well." Gao sneered and turned his head to look at the old hanging. He saw his brand-name clothes. Now it is natural to wear him: "There are people outside the mountains, and we can go as far as we can. You can climb as high as you can. You used to be a driver, but now you are the boss of green agriculture. In the future...by the way, what kind of person do you want to be in the future?"

"Future? What kind of person?" Lao Diao squinted slightly, thinking very seriously.

The car drove forward steadily, Gao Leng did not interrupt his thoughts, at least five minutes later, Lao Hao smiled embarrassedly: "I haven't read any books, and I don't know how to say those unique literary words. And I’m very content, now my salary has far exceeded my previous wishes. What did I think for running around in the city before? The purpose is to go back to my hometown to build a good house and save some money. Now these are all Realized, this future...I think as long as my wife and children are happy, it will be fine. Peace is a blessing.

The simple wish is similar to the wish of too many wage earners who work outside. I just came out of society in the first two years, and I always felt that I could make a great deal of earth-shattering. After being tempered for a few years, I gradually recognized myself. I found that this earth-shattering and earth-shaking couldn’t be broken. After working for a few years, I returned to my hometown to buy a house and a car to live a small life.

What is a small day? For ordinary people, adding new things to their homes every day, so that their families can live a better life. When a disaster encounters a disaster, it is a small life.

This is also the best day Lao Diao ever wanted.

"But after achieving this level, my thinking has changed a bit. I bought a house in my hometown and I also bought a car. My wife also bought a small shop in my hometown and rented it out. According to our view, there is It’s the little boss who has just finished the facade.” The old lady laughed happily: “Our facade is not expensive. We bought more than 800,000 yuan and borrowed the money. Now it’s safe to eat and drink. As for me, actually There has always been a heroic dream."

"Heroic dreams, the young man Zhang Xuelong said, he said he wanted to be a hero, is that the same for you?" Gao sneered.

"No, no, no." The old crane laughed and waved his hand. An overtaking car drove next to him, turning left and right like a lion dance. The old crane slowed down and let the car pass first. He was this person. He has a calm personality. Although his driving skills are very good, he still doesn't drive rashly. He waited for the car to stabilize and continued: "The hero of Chengda is a young man's idea. I have no such ambition. I watched a movie that day. My father is a child’s hero. I think I’m working hard to become the hero in the minds of my two children, the kind of upright hero. By the way, as you said, I have to stand and earn money. Kind of hero!"

Lao Diao has accumulated a lot of social experience in the long and flowing years, and he has gradually realized a lot. In just one year of working hard with the high cold, the sudden broadening of his vision and network made him realize a lot.

Some people are in chaos and do not want to make progress in their lives, while others are more and more exciting in their lives slowly and continuously.

Lao Diao’s life has become more and more exciting. He is no longer the former working-class driver. He is Master Diao and Chief Diao. Many people see him and must first pass a cigarette.

"Become a hero in the eyes of children, um, not bad." Gao Leng gave a thumbs up, Lao Hang's dream is real and great.

"Just dream like this. I recently learned a very literati saying, "The wind blows him in the past, there are still dreams that have not been realized, there is no problem, no problem, and there is a future!" Isn't that true?"

Gao Leng couldn't help but patted Lao Hao on the shoulder: "Brother, you're not bad, you can chant poems!"

"Hey, I learned from President Jian. He is a literati who makes tea. He reads these all the time. I don't remember the others. I remember this sentence. I think it is very good. No problem, no problem, and The future. I have to pass this sentence to my son and tell him, your dad, I have come here because of hardship. It's okay, as long as I work hard, there is a future!"

The wind blows his past,

There are still dreams not realized,

No problem, no problem, there is a future.

Gao Leng said this sentence in his heart, and the days before rebirth appeared before him, the mountain village, those relatives, those relatives who refused to borrow money when their parents were buried, and the one who took out the only 800 yuan he had. Uncle who came out.

The high cold at that time, there were dreams in his heart, but it was difficult to realize it. Just when he reached the age of dreaming, he was killed again. But it was indeed no problem, he was reborn, and he had such a bright future.

"It's really good." Gao Leng's eyes suddenly moistened, and he looked out the window.

When would you go back to your hometown, he thought.

Back then, I wanted to return to the hometown, but now I am regarded as returning home.

"Hey." The old man was very chatty today. He glanced at Gao Leng: "Boss, when do you have time to go to my place for a drink? My wife talks about every day, she does a good job of cooking."

"Okay, call Fatty and them another day. Our brothers have a good drink. At any rate, we have established the Starlight Group. Just our brothers have a drink. Happy!" Gao Leng nodded, and the old man smiled. It is a pleasure to talk freely.

Soon I arrived at the hotel entrance. When Gao Leng got off the car, Lao Diao winked his eyes: "Presidential C99 suite, Murong Yuyan."

"Sure enough, you understand me." Gao sneered and asked casually: "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to the South Fourth Ring Road, this car needs maintenance, and I will meet a friend there, there will be other cars to pick you up in a while, don't worry, I have arranged it." The old man looked at Gao with a sneer:" Let’s drink if we have time these days."

Gao Leng nodded: "Go, just tomorrow, and ask my sister-in-law to prepare something good. I'm upstairs."

Murong Yuyan lives in the presidential suite. This hotel has a total of three-story presidential suites. Today, I live in all. The high-end hotel near the filming site is very good in terms of privacy. Gao Leng looked outside and found out Several paparazzi cars.

No matter how well the privacy is done, the paparazzi must follow.

Gao Leng was born as a paparazzi. Knowing their hard work, they are also in order to make a living, and most of them are made by the boss. Just like the old people in the past, it’s okay for paparazzi to take pictures of others, but it’s hard to take pictures of high-coldness. This connoisseur is naturally superior.

Gao Leng has nothing to shoot?

Gao Leng and Murong Yuyan are together, that is the headline.

On the presidential suite floor, there were some people coming in and out. They were all entertainers who had just drunk. Yuyan’s room was in the middle, with the door closed and the opposite door open. A very familiar agent came out, far away. Several people came over there.

"Master Gao."

"Drink too much, see you later, Mr. Gao."

All of them had just drunk. The door to Yu Yan's room was open. Gao Leng looked in and saw a male artist doing makeup. It seemed that he was active nearby, so they greeted each other at will.

"General Manager Gao, do you live on this floor?" A person passed by and asked casually.

"No." Gao Leng shook his head and rang the doorbell of Murong Yuyan's room in front of these people.

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