Gossip King

Chapter 1212: Rejoice (1)

"I'm looking for Murong Yuyan, maybe it's about work." The male artist's agent quickly whispered to the male artist who is making up: "If the Star Group only shoots fine products, look at the book, we can also compete. "

"What kind of boutique Starlight Group can shoot? Jianguo and the founding of the party can make some money, but without the aura of the radio and television, I think this boutique is difficult to shoot." The first-line male artist waved his hand proudly: "Say. It’s ugly. I have more assets than him. How much cash can he turn around every year for filming? With such a small amount of money, I can only shoot fine products, ha ha."

Whispering here, Yuyan's door opened.

"Mr. Gao." The assistant of Murong Yuyan who opened the door seemed to let out a long sigh of relief when he saw Gao Leng. Several people came in the corridor, all of whom were at the start-up ceremony, so they nodded politely.

"Mr. Gao, I'm tired now and don't talk about work." Murong Yuyan didn't come out, but his voice swayed out, with a consistent arrogance. This tone is exactly the same as her cousin Su Su. She was still angry, so many people offered to send her off, and they were not alone.

The goddess was accustomed to being aloof, accustomed to other people's flattery, suddenly someone who did not flatter came, and this non-flattering kissed herself, Yu Yan's heart was blocked.

A few people walking down the corridor heard it, and stopped slightly, turned their heads and smiled, and the door of the male artist's room who was about to close was not closed, and they all looked over here.

Murong Yuyan's voice was quite loud, with obvious rejection and even a hint of anger.

Love to hear, see the goddess rejecting others.

It depends on the excitement, and the goddess that you can't chase refuses others.

"Who said this is talking about work with you." Gao Leng smirked and directly stretched out his hand to push the door open. Before the assistant could react, he was pushed out of the door by Gao Leng.

With a clatter, the door closed.


There was silence outside the door, a dumb-faced assistant, and a group of people who watched the show turned into dumb-faced melon-eating people...

"What's going on? This..." The male artist at the door couldn't believe his eyes, and subconsciously got up from the chair.

"Hey hey." The makeup artist who was also watching the excitement, didn't notice the artist who stood up, was drawing the inner eyeliner on him, and all of a sudden, he made the artist's face. Yes, there is a black line on the face of the beautiful man who has just turned "natural beauty in flourishing age".

"Murong Yuyan is the only one in the room. Those people just went out. The assistant and her who stayed in are the assistants. Now the assistants have also come out..." The gossip heart of the male artist agent ignited. Take two steps to the door and pay close attention.

"You are a gangster, this is, I guess it will be repaired in a while, Murong Yuyan will dare to come hard?!" Several people in the distance were whispering.

"It could also be in love."

"How is it possible? Isn't Mr. Gao having a leg with Lin Zhi? Is he still having a leg with Yu Yan? Absolutely impossible."

"Yes, it's impossible. Who is Murong? His father has money, his uncle has the right, and there is a cousin Su Su who has the Huantai Group. Can he catch it up?!"

For a while, the people eating melons outside the door quietly waited for Gao Leng to come out. Either the assistant called for the bodyguard to stand out, or he came out with a sullen expression, while Yu Yan's assistant stayed in place after a full minute. .

Am I going to knock on the door? She thought, and then shook her head. She is Yu Yan's personal assistant. Although she didn't say anything wrong, she could feel it.

Mr. Gao and Murong must be in love. Didn't I get sick when I knocked on the door and went in? The little assistant made up his mind, but looked around embarrassedly. Although the crowd of onlookers didn't come around like the ones on the street, their eyes drifted to this side.

If I don't go in, will there be a scandal? The little assistant covered his chest and had no idea.

"Strange, her assistant didn't respond."

"Yeah, why is her assistant so calm, fuck! Really has a leg!"

"Impossible, I still can't believe it, this is Murong Yuyan! I don't believe it."

Seeing the assistant standing at the door, neither knocking nor leaving, the people eating melons were once again amazed.

"You, you, you..." Murong Yuyan in the room just took off her makeup and was about to change into the exquisite clothes at the start-up ceremony. Half of her clothes were taken off, and she was holding the comfortable pajamas in the other hand. When Gao Leng came in like this, she was shocked, and was about to call the assistant's name: "Little..."

Only the word "small" appeared in the name.

Where's the assistant?

BIU was pushed out of the door.

With a click, the door closed...


It's just like this assistant.

Gao Leng walked in. This presidential suite is not too big. There are two rooms, the room at the door is for the assistant, and the room at the side is for Yuyan. Yuyan walked to the door long ago. Just come in and meet.

High cold heartbeat speeds up.

Every time he sees Murong Yuyan, his heartbeat speeds up uncontrollably. This is a heartbeat that even Xiao Leng can't bring him. It’s not easy to move your heart. This is Murong Yuyan, not to mention Murong Yuyan who only wears underwear...

"You, you..." Murong Yuyan quickly covered her chest with her clothes, the dress slipped down, and her slender and well-proportioned body leaked out behind the covered clothes.

"What are you doing here!" Murong Yuyan was relieved, and hurriedly sat on the bed in a hurry, so as to cover it more tightly.

Gao Leng smirked and walked over and pressed her to the bed. He lowered his head and kissed her. It seems that there is still ten thousand years of free time, even if Murong Yuyan is struggling with no possibility of escape under her body. Next, Gao Leng still kissed unhurriedly.

She didn't touch her hands everywhere, but her body was tightly pressed against her.

I don't know how long it took to kiss, until Murong Yuyan stopped resisting and started to cooperate, Gao Leng then let go.

"Why don't you come, just come and see you." Gao Leng looked at Murong Yuyan under him, and saw that the lightness and indifference on her face disappeared. Instead, he shyly did not dare to look into his eyes, but Still a little stubbornly turned his head to the side, biting his lip.

Gao Leng sat up slowly. He didn't know where the clothes he was blocking had been thrown away. Yu Yan, who was wearing only her underwear, reacted abruptly, and instinctively pulled the quilt to cover her body.

Gao Leng has seen a lot of women with good health, but Murong Yuyan's body is different. Gao Leng had to admit that Yuyan had fantasized countless times in his youth, and he did not have such a good figure.

"Someone was outside just now..." Murong Yuyan murmured, her whole body shrank into the quilt, so embarrassed that he didn't even show his head, and his beautiful body was also retracted into the quilt.

"What's the matter with someone." Gao Leng smiled lightly, but his eyes stayed in the open closet. A set of clothes inside attracted his attention: "This is..."

"This is Dragon Girl's clothes." Murong Yuyan said.

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