Gossip King

Chapter 1219: Is it a joke or black humor

"Heartbeat is normal."

"Blood pressure is normal."

"Good risk. Fortunately, all data on my side is normal."

"It's a miracle!" Ten minutes later, the doctors in the emergency room let out a sigh of relief, looking at each other with disbelief and pride, and everyone's faces were full of smiles. As a medical staff, I am proud to be able to pull people back from the line of life and death, and to win against the **** of death when fighting against the **** of death.

I don't know if it was rescued properly or because the vitality of the old man was extremely strong. His vital signs suddenly stabilized. Although extremely weak, he survived the catastrophe just now.

"Also observe. It is fairly stable for the time being, but it is indeed a miracle of life for him to survive just now." The doctor was obviously a bit hard, but his expression was obviously much more relaxed. He reached out to Gao Leng and said, "You are Mr. Gao. My name is Li, and I am the patient’s attending doctor. I have been rescued just now before I have time to say hello to you..."

Gao Leng hurriedly stretched out his hand: "Thanks to Dr. Li."

"President Deng has already called me. Don't worry, I will try my best to treat as long as it is a patient, let alone a friend of Dean Deng." Dr. Li took off the mask. This is a man in his forties. The doctor in, he was very wise at first glance. He turned his head and said to a nurse: "Help patients reserve a intensive care unit."

In this hospital, there is a special care ward on the first floor. There are not many rooms, about a dozen or so. The emperor is both a political capital and an entertainment capital. Sometimes sensitive people such as political elites or superstars will be admitted to the intensive care ward when they come for treatment. This kind of room is very, very rare. It can be said that no matter how rich you are, you cannot get it without a background.

After receiving Gao Leng’s phone call, Wang Hui, the vice president of the business association, contacted many people, and Sister Cai also used a lot of relationships. Dean Deng of this hospital received a call from two or three important people in person. After greeting the old hanging phone, take extra care.

Otherwise, it would be almost impossible to get an intensive care unit with Gao Leng's current status. This would be the use of personal connections to help the emergency.

Personal connections will play a role at critical moments, and these are all favors, favors are to be repaid, perhaps expensive, but for Gao Leng, as long as he can save the old man, he will not hesitate to owe any favors, great favors, He also carried it.

"To be honest, Dean Deng made several calls to ask us to do our best to help. At first we thought it was a national politician, but we didn't expect it..." After Dr. Li said this, he realized that he was talking too much, so he stopped.

With such a big fight, only an ordinary person was saved. Especially after seeing the hanging wife, the doctor was even more surprised.

"This patient and you are..." Dr. Li asked tentatively.

"My dear brother, dear brother." Gao Leng didn't even want to blurt out.

"Oh, no wonder, no wonder." When Dr. Li heard that his expression became more and more important, although the patient is just an ordinary person, but President Gao is not an ordinary person. It is not offensive to let Dean Deng make so many calls to supervise him, although he said Doctors treat people equally, but this is the ideal state, how can it be treated equally? The ability to have several major experts from the hospital come to the meeting at once is not equal.

It is not the same for all major departments to treat each other.

We often say that people must know a teacher, a lawyer, and a doctor. This is also the reason. This has nothing to do with medical ethics, but with the culture of the empire.

"It seems that Mr. Gao has worked hard. To be honest, our hospital is looking for a lot of acquaintances. After all, this is the boundary where a telegraph pole can fall down to kill eight directors. The intensive care unit is not everyone. You can get it, not to mention that Dean Deng personally called for concern.” Dean Deng has long retired and has not asked Jianghu for a long time. Several people in the hospital are now promoted by him. He calls so concerned. The nature underneath is especially valued, and Dr. Li implicitly said, "You are so kind to this brother, have you really worked hard?"

It can be seen that a lot of work has been done in a land boundary where a telephone pole can smash to death eight directors.

A telephone pole smashed down and killed eight directors. This is a joke that the political circles of the imperial capital know, and it is also a joke that the press often teases on the wine table. The emperor is the political center of the empire, with as many powers as a cow, and there are countless high officials from all over the country. This joke comes from the fact that the director of the health bureau of a small county went to Beijing to work. As a result, the driver violated the traffic rules and the traffic police came to demand a fine. The director's driver rolled down the window and pointed to the back seat: "Fine? This is our director's car! XX County Health Bureau director's car!"

The traffic police took off his sunglasses and looked in, smiled and pointed to the telephone pole on the side of the road: "Did you see that telephone pole?"

"I saw it." The driver was inexplicable.

"The telegraph pole fell down and could kill eight chiefs, do you know? Fine! Fine according to regulations!" the traffic policeman angered.

The director of a county may be a high official in the county, but when it comes to the border of the imperial capital, it is a bargain that can be killed by a telephone pole. Although this joke is a bit exaggerated, it clearly shows that the emperor is a politics. The current state of the capital.

This joke has always been circulated on the dinner table of politics and the press. It can be said that as long as you are in the imperial capital or the press, you must have heard this joke.

"Brother, it's not that I don't help you, it's that my position is too low, and one telegraph pole fell down and killed eight people. I am one of them!"

"I really can't get through this relationship. What kind of land is the emperor? This is the land where a telegraph pole came down and killed eight chiefs. It's not comparable to the cities below, this is the imperial capital!"

This joke is a must-have paragraph when it comes to decline and is widely used.

This is not so much a joke as it is a kind of black humor in the brutal competition against the imperial capital.

And Gao Lengneng had to hang Lao in the intensive care unit in the imperial capital with many connections, and allowed Dean Deng to call in person several times to urge him. Dr. Li was a sensible person. The young man in front of him had done a lot of hard work. He didn't dare to neglect and continue: "Patients have to stay in the ICU for a period of time, close observations and do not dare to slack, there are still many life and death barriers to break, and when they can get out of the ICU, they will directly enter the intensive care unit. Each room in the intensive care unit has three nurses alternately 24 hours a day. You can rest assured."

As he said, he looked at the sister-in-law who was standing behind Gao Leng. The woman in front of him was neatly dressed, but at first it was the posture of a rural woman, silent but listening carefully. Sister-in-law did not dare to interrupt the doctor. Although there were many questions that she wanted to ask, she did not dare to disturb the doctor's communication with Gao Leng. She only stood behind Gao Leng, rubbing her hands and listening nervously.

"This is my sister-in-law." Gao Leng stretched out his hand to put his hand on Diao's sister-in-law's shoulder.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry." Dr. Li quickly reached out and shook the hand of the sister-in-law, softly relieved: "This first pass has passed. Dean Deng has taken special care of it. We will hold a joint diagnosis and treatment meeting soon. Experts from eight different departments will join together to see a doctor. They will gather the most superior medical force in our hospital and do their best.” Dr. Li relieved and pointed to the other end of the corridor: “A joint treatment meeting is about to be held soon. You have to participate, Mr. Gao, you can also participate, and the patient's situation will be reported to you."

"Thank you for your hard work." Gao Leng stretched out his hand to hold Dr. Li's hand and said sincerely.

"Then I'll go and prepare first. The meeting will be held in fifteen minutes." Dr. Li hurriedly left. Although Lao Diao passed the first stage, damage to multiple internal organs would be dangerous at any time, and there was no delay.

"General Manager Gao." Sister-in-law Diao turned her head to look at Gao Leng, and tears flowed down. The Sister-in-law who hadn't cried all of a sudden burst into tears: "Thank you...He broke through...So many experts came to give it If he sees a doctor alone, he will definitely be well and will be well. Without you, ordinary people like us would not have been treated like this, thank you, benefactor, thank you."

The sister-in-law, who had never shed tears, couldn't stop her tears after hearing the doctor say that Lao Diao had passed the first level. And although she didn't know what power and favors were used, she also knew that she had worked hard in the cold, moved the adults' connections, and owed them favors.

If it is not high cold, how can the hospital give the old intensive care unit? And in such a short period of time, so many experts have come for consultation.

The sister-in-law knows that there is all the force from the high cold.

"Thank me for what I did? This is what I should do." Gao Leng quickly helped her to sit on her seat, and sighed guiltily: "If you didn't follow me to do things, maybe..."

"This is an accident, and it has nothing to do with you." Sister-in-law Gao Leng did not expect Gao Leng to blame herself for this accident. She quickly raised her head and looked at Gao Leng: "This is an accident. Before, his life was nothing more than firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar tea, which could feed his family, but after getting to know you, he said he lived like a man."

Sister Diao wiped her tears and cried: "Really, Mr. Gao, we used to live like dogs. After doing things with you, we really look like individuals, upright people. Thank you, thank you, the old man will definitely not die. , He said, he said he wants to do things for a lifetime with you, run a lifetime of legs, although he has never read a book, but his words have always counted, so I know he will never die, his son has not yet gone to college , He will never die!"

The cold Adam's apple moved up and down.

"He is my brother, I just ask him to be safe."


"Strange, why is there a pool of blood here?" A nurse pointed to the ground in the corner: "Still new blood."

In the corner of the emergency room, a pool of red blood was particularly conspicuous, but the blood was darker than usual, and thicker, emitting a strong **** smell.

"Yes, it's weird, why is there so much blood." The nurses gathered around. The blood was in the corner behind the door. It stands to reason that it is absolutely impossible for the patient's blood to splash there, let alone such a large pool. .

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