Gossip King

Chapter 1220: If not as good as before

Ding Dong, the doorbell of the high-cold room rang.

"Here." Gaofu housekeeper Zhao Zhiqi hurriedly ran out of the study room to open the door, while Zhao Sao was busy in the kitchen. She only poked her head out and took a look, hanging in the hospital. If you want to eat, although you can call for takeaway, how can takeaway be nutritious? Lao Diao was hospitalized for not one or two days. It was not very good for Diao Sao and the others to eat takeaway. Naturally, Zhao Sao would make and deliver it.

In the study, one of the old hanging children and one girl is looking at the story book, and the other is writing homework.

Don’t say, there is an old family like a treasure. Since Zhao Zhi got up and Gao Leng’s family, the family has indeed had Zhao Zhiqi. Every time I go to work and go home, I can eat hot meals and work overtime at night. , Zhao Zhiqi personally took the insulated box to deliver the food to the Star Group, even Zhao Sao was not relieved to send him.

Zhao Zhiqi, who lost his son, has already regarded this place as his home.

As soon as the door was opened, Gao Xiaowei was standing at the door.

"Child, you...what's wrong with you?" Uncle Zhao was taken aback. Gao Xiaowei's face was pale, and he seemed to be unable to stand firmly while holding on to the wall.

"It's okay, I want to sleep." Gao Xiaowei forced a smile, grinning as he bent down and took off his shoes.

"What...what?" Seeing that Xiaowei, who has always been extremely healthy, looked wrong, Zhao Zhiqi was very worried. He looked at these children every day. He knew Gao Xiaowei's physical foundation. He wore it when he saw her several times. I watch TV on the sofa in my thin pajamas, and sometimes I wear thin clothes when I go to the community, and I don’t even bother to put on my coat.

The winter in the imperial capital is very cold, she is like a okay person.

"It's okay, don't disturb me, I'm sleeping." Gao Xiaowei gritted his teeth and flashed to the room and locked the door directly. Zhao Zhiqi didn't notice her under her long dress, her trouser legs were full of blood.

Ouch, it hurts me to death. As soon as I entered the door, Xiaowei covered her **** and shivered with pain. Then she took off her clothes. The whole pair of pants was full of blood. She quickly found a plastic bag and put it in her other hand. I took a piece of clothing and pressed the bleeding lower body, glanced at the bed, and wanted to lie down directly on the bed, but after thinking about it, she opened the cabinet and spread a piece of unworn clothes to the bottom of the cabinet.

After all this, she showed a prototype.

The door of the cabinet was closed, and a little squirrel whose hind limbs were all blood shivered in the cabinet. The tail had been broken near the root. The blood spurted out suddenly after the prototype appeared. She hurriedly pressed the tail dock on Under the body, let the blood not spray all over the cabinet.

"It hurts..." The little squirrel made a low whimper, tried to suppress his painful groan, stretched out his tongue and licked the broken tail, boned.

"It hurts me..." The little squirrel was trembling all over, and his tongue quickly licked at the dock, and a lot of blood flowed out.

"My beautiful tail, it's good now, I'm the ugliest one." Squirrel curled up with an inferiority expression on her face. She glanced at it: "Fortunately, there is one last bit, otherwise it will be dead. , Now it's okay, I'm a waste squirrel."

Inferiority was shown on Squirrel's face, tears fell from her eyes, and her whole body was shaking uncontrollably because of the pain.

"Xiaowei, what's the matter? Tell Uncle Zhao, if I feel uncomfortable, I will call a doctor, or we will go to the hospital now." Zhao Zhiqi knocked anxiously at the door. The cabinet door opened a little bit, Xiaowei turned into a human body, and she saw that her muscles were trembling, and there was no blood on her face, and the purple-black purple-black lips and the always bright eyes became eclipsed.

"It's okay, I... I have that, my stomach hurts, and I'm sleeping." In a hurry, Xiaowei answered implicitly. When Zhao Zhiqi heard it, what about that? I understood it at a glance. My daughter's house must have been uncomfortable for a few days every month, dysmenorrhea, so her face was a little red and she didn't ask any more, but she turned back to the kitchen and asked Sao Zhao to cook one more black chicken.

"Get Xiaowei a black chicken soup, this kid has a stomachache."

"Dysmenorrhea, right? She is still suffering from such a good body, so she needs to make up. These are all packed to the hospital. Don't worry. I coax the two children from the old hanging family to sleep. Xiaowei is an adult. Wait until you feel comfortable. I'll bring the chicken soup in for her if I have more."

The two old people were very busy in the kitchen. There were more patients in the house, so there were more things. They didn't think much about Gao Xiaowei's abnormality.

After opening the cabinet door and saying a few words, some blood was accidentally thrown out of the cabinet and splashed on the wooden floor. The lower body of the tall and small tail that turned into a human form was all blood dripping to the floor.

"Oops, it will be found." Xiaowei pouted his butt, reached out his hand to press it down with his clothes, and hurriedly tore off another piece of clothing to wipe the blood from the ground, and it became more and more everywhere.

"Now I don't even have the ability to get blood. I'm a squirrel whose tail is almost gone, the ugliest one." Xiaowei cried her face, and quickly stretched most of her body into the cabinet, extending her hand to continue cleaning the ground. Dirty blood, although there are no tears, his face is full of sadness.

"Originally, my tail was the most beautiful. I was the most beautiful. Now it is the ugliest." After the blood was not easily cleaned up, Xiaowei became a prototype again, turning his head and looking at his bone-exposed tail: " I also laughed at the look of the poodle, what kind of teddy, the tail is so short and ugly, now I am like them."

The squirrel turned his head and continued to lick his exposed bones, crying in a low voice, and muttering, "I'm the ugliest, the ugliest, and I won't have that strong ability anymore. Waste..."

There is only the last point of the tail docking. If the tail is gone, the life is gone. There is still a little tail now, and it is not a tail anymore. At most, it is a small bone exposed. A large loss of energy is a small matter, and the loss of life in the future is the most heartbreaking.

"It's cold, why is it so cold."

The heating is so sufficient, but Xiaowei is still trembling with the cold, the originally bright and healthy hair is gradually dimming, a cloud of black mist is gradually turning gray, and the eyes of the incomparable youth of the past have lost.


The joint consultation meeting lasted for a full hour. Experts from various departments said that the situation was not optimistic. To put it simply, except for the head and heart, other internal organs were damaged.

"The abdominal cavity is temporarily not closed. There will be several operations within a month. It is not good to open the cavity back and forth."

"The leg can only be handled simply now, to see its self-healing ability, and to protect the internal organs."

"Whether you can survive, it's hard to say, half the chance."

Hearing this, the sister-in-law was very distressed, she whispered softly: "There are so many operations in a month, this belly has been opened, this anesthetic can't be on all the time, how painful?"

"It doesn't matter if the leg is broken, it's good for the person to live."

"Half the chance is not bad, half the chance is to live."

The sister-in-law said in a low voice. She didn't understand most of the meeting, but she could probably hear one or two. That is, the old woman only had a breath. Fortunately, the heart and brain were not injured, otherwise she would die. . This can be considered a blessing in misfortune.

"The strange thing is that the various commands suddenly picked up today. I have been in medicine for so many years and I have never seen such a phenomenon."

"It's very strange. It stands to reason that these indicators cannot return to normal at once, strange."

Several experts continued to discuss, and Gao Leng, who was sitting by the side, shook his heart after listening. He quickly stood up and nodded with Dr. Li: "You guys, I'll go out for a while, something is wrong."

He turned and left in a rush, and simply greeted the fat man and rushed down with his car key.

Suddenly reversing the vital signs, I am afraid it is the little witch, but the last time I only protected Xiao Shan on the night of the full moon, I was wounded all over, and now I am rescued from the line of life and death, I am afraid that the injury is even worse.

"How are you." Gao Leng started mind reading.

After waiting for a long time, there was no answer.

In the past, she often started mind reading and Xiaowei did not respond. Most of the time, she was asleep, and she heard it, but was too lazy to reply. This time was different. Gao Leng couldn't tell the difference. It's as if my mind reading skills suddenly weakened.

He picked up the phone and called back. After learning that Xiaowei was in his room, the speed of the car was faster. Passing by the mall, the car stopped on the side of the road without paying attention to the traffic rules. Gao Leng rushed in and went straight to the jewelry area. I slapped the bank card on it, and after a while, I swept around a pile of onlookers where the eyeballs of the clerk were about to fall, and returned to the car with a pile of jewelry.

"Local tyrant, bought twenty diamond rings in one go."

"Don't even need packaging. Don't pack such a good ring and just stuff it in a plastic bag. I really don't use jewelry as jewelry."

"This person comes once and our counter is empty once. What do you say he buys so many jewelry for?"

The tellers looked at Gao Leng's hurried back and began to discuss again. This is not the first time Gao Leng has come here to wipe out. He has already become famous in this mall.

Entering the room and heading straight to Xiaowei's room, she found that she had locked the door behind her. Gao Leng started his mind reading technique again: "Open the door, I'm here, and I brought you healing things."

After waiting for a full minute, there was no feedback.

At such a close distance, she should have heard back from mind reading, why is there no movement?

"She's inside, saying it's uncomfortable, the one in my daughter's house is uncomfortable, so fall asleep." Aunt Zhao knocked on the door and said.

"What about the key." Gao Leng stretched out her hand, and Sister Zhao quickly took out the spare key to open the door. Gao Leng waved her hand: "You avoid it. Don't let anyone in for a while."

Although Zhao Sao didn't know the reason, she didn't ask much, she hurried back to the kitchen, Gao Leng opened the door, a strong **** smell filled the room, but she didn't see Gao Xiaowei. He looked around and found a trace of blood near the cabinet.

There was a sudden pain in my heart.

I still remember the last time she docked her tail and hid in the cabinet. She said that if she was on the bed, she would get blood everywhere and would be found by others, but hiding in the cabinet would not be spotted and would not cause you trouble.

He walked quickly to the cabinet and opened the cabinet. The situation in front of him made Gao Leng take a breath.

"Don't look at me." Xiaowei pulled over his clothes to cover his prototype: "I am different from before, ugly, and useless. It's better than the past, don't look at me, don't look at me."

If, the one you love is not as good as before.

Gao Leng only felt that his heart seemed to be being pulled by someone with a knife, to the point where the whole body was unbearable, and his tears flowed down. Although he saw only half of the squirrel's body, it was still the upper half without seeing the tail docked. That part of the high cold, but for the first time left a man's tears.

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