Gossip King

Chapter 1236: Fate's slippery fish

But it is indeed the truth after careful consideration. The success of the rich second generation is based on the assets of the parents. This kind of success cannot be replicated. At most, it is a bowl of chicken soup. Are you really going to learn?

It will only get worse as you learn.

But even so, if you can really say that about President Su, I'm afraid it will be too cold. Other entrepreneurs who come to give speeches are all praised. Who would offend the president of the Huantai Group?

But Gao Leng dares, not only does he dare, but he also likes to crush Su Su. Gao Leng almost laughed at the thought of her furious appearance after knowing the evaluation of these four words.

The students were full of spirits, and after shocked, they admired Gao Leng's courage. They were admired for not fearing power and self-confidence.

There was applause in the field.

Yes, Su Su's identity is different from ordinary people. With Huantai in her hand, she can lightly say that she should only do what she likes to do, but most people are ordinary people, and it is impossible to have a life as wanton as her.

At least, in their opinion of a wanton life, only the housekeeper beside Gao Leng and Su Su knows that her life is not wanton, only doing what she wants to do? What Su Su wants to do is not to run Huantai.

Even what she did by herself was not what she wanted to do, but what others thought she wanted to do. This kind of speech was just a spectacle.

"Yes, Mr. Gao is right, Mr. Su's speech is not bad, but it is too ungrounded."

"Yes, she can only do what she likes, we can't, we have to keep our feet on the ground step by step."

"This kind of chicken soup is piled on WeChat. I think, this Gao's ability is no worse than Su's."

"Then what about our counterattack? Where is our counterattack?! Is it possible that we can only survive slowly?" the student asked.

Gao Leng looked around for a week and shook his head: "Students, why do you use the word'boil'? The process of counterattack, those difficult processes are difficult in the eyes of others, but in my opinion, this The struggle process is joyful! Hearty! I enjoy this process, this process is not only now that I am the boss of the Star Group, I also enjoy the life of the paparazzi that I secretly photographed the big star, it is bitter and tiring, but wonderful enough You play your upper three teachers, but I play both the upper three teachers and the lower nine!"

The eyes of the students got brighter.

Yes, Gao Leng's paparazzi career has actually made the paparazzi work so desirable. What is it called? That's the fake fighter of the entertainment industry!

The upper three teachings and the lower nines are integrated, and this kind of life is no worse than those born with the golden key.

"Besides, if you can sit in this lecture hall, it can be seen that you have already jumped out of the cold gate, and the carp has jumped through the dragon gate, and has been halfway through the counterattack." There was a trace of envy in Gao Leng's eyes.

He stood here, everyone thought he was also from a prestigious university, but he knew in his heart that this was the identity of the former master. I was admitted to a prestigious university but didn't have the money to study. I just wanted to pool the money to study. My parents died unexpectedly. After burying them, my parents even had no money. Later, I died in a car accident.

If it hadn't been for Xiaowei to give him a new life, his counterattack would never appear. The people sitting in the audience were in the same situation as when he was reborn: high school, young, and reprimanded Fang Qiu.

Where is this group of people's counterattack?

"Where is our counter-attack? Our counter-attack is that you become the most prestigious professor in your ten miles and eight villages, the most indomitable golden collar of your family, a scientist struggling in the front line of scientific research, and an entrepreneur of a famous enterprise. Don’t compare with others, compare with yourself, don’t blame your parents for not giving you better conditions. When you work overtime in the company, some qualified people have already inherited your company. When you live in the basement, some People who have the conditions have already bought a house near the company. You can’t complain or cry out about unfairness. Life itself is unequal. In my opinion, since God makes you start lower than others, it must be a feeling Your tenacity is stronger than others. As a fighter, the life of a fighter who has been fighting forever is our counterattack!"

The high cold voice echoed in this two-story century-old lecture hall, vigorous, full of confidence and wisdom.

"Yes, to be a fighter who has been fighting is our counterattack."

"It's a good summary. We don't necessarily have to be a boss like President Su. It's also a success if we have a glorious lintel."

"Yes, as long as we have been struggling and keeping our feet on the ground, even if we just rush to a well-off society, we are still successful. After all, the others in our village are still below the poverty line."

"My ambition is not just to be well-off, I want to start a business, but Mr. Gao is right. To realize his dream in his life as a fighter, not only do what he likes, but in order to finally be able to do what he likes. Keep fighting for everything."

The students nodded.

Born to be different, winning to be different, Gao Lengding's tone is indeed appropriate.

"For me, where is my counterattack? My counterattack is that President Su, who owns the entire Huantai, personally helms and competes with me for the next year's box office, and I am crushed by the Jianguo Emperor's business! Even if my economic strength is far less than President Su, but in this matter, I counterattacked President Su who'only do what I like to do'. I went from being a paparazzi to today!"

The applause was thunderous.

"And next, where is my counter-attack? My counter-attack surpassed President Su's speech in this speech. My counter-attack is that everyone thinks that I am hitting a rock with a pebble!" Gao Leng patted heavily. He picked up the microphone and walked forward a few steps.

The audience was silent.

"Everyone thinks that when I hit a rock with an egg, I still used the courage to stand on this podium to boldly express my views, and let Jun comment! My counterattack is not to be afraid, watching the crowds, I do it from a paparazzi Today, I can stand on the podium where the main station of Su has been and laugh and talk about the situation! My counterattack lies in my speech hitting the stone with the pebbles, which can touch everyone! Even I can win President Su! I believe that there is a fish in the palm of fate. Yes, among the many speakers, I will be the one that missed the net who won President Su who is absolutely impossible to win!"

Gao Leng is not such a person who insists on taking the first place. He wants to crush Su Su with himself this time. He tells his classmates that there are fish that slip through the net in the palm of fate. As long as you fight like a fighter, everything It's all possible.

Poor people can rise, and winning against Su is an example.

The audience was silent for a few seconds.

Papa, papa, thunderous applause rang out, Gao Leng stretched out his hand and pressed it down to indicate that his speech was not finished yet, but the applause continued.

The students found resonance.

Finally the applause faded, Gao Leng smiled and finished the last sentence, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it: "Everyone, even if our parents are not as good as others, even if we are out of society and look at the crowds, we can only rely on ourselves. But don’t think that Mr. Su’s life can never be reached by himself. You must be convinced that fate is a fish that slips through the net. In our poor family, some will rise! And rise high! I hope that the students will be down-to-earth, for what they want most. Do things for that dream, do things that I don’t like very much, accumulate experience, accumulate contacts, and sprint for our last dream!"

The students in the audience stood up and applauded to Gao Leng, very envious of Gao Leng's life of climbing step by step, and Gao Leng's heart was very emotional. He felt that destiny gave him a new life for the fish that slipped through the net.

And destiny may be gratified, Gao Leng has made a raid all the way to today, and this life is not wasted.

After the speech, the students came out of the lecture hall talking about it, and the deputy dean sighed and said: "General Manager Gao, this lecture hall has not had such a wonderful and grounded speech for many years. Eight speakers were invited this year. The four are from the entertainment industry, you know, many people from the entertainment industry come to give lectures these days."

Gao Leng smiled knowingly.

Star benefits. Stars do not come to the university to give speeches these years. They are not called stars. Stars come to the university to give speeches. They have an identity. After all, they are like literati, and universities invite celebrities to give speeches. The most important thing is that students like it. . However, celebrities' speeches are often not voted high, which means they are finished in a happy time.

"There are also four entrepreneurs and media people. Their speeches received mediocre response. You can see how excited the students went out to know how enthusiastic they discussed after your speech!" The deputy dean enthusiastically reached out to Gao Leng. : "Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for giving such a wonderful speech."

The enthusiasm of the deputy dean came from the heart. He listened to the speech all the way and applauded several times. The high-cold speech said to his heart that he himself was born as a farmer, and now he can be the deputy dean of the College of Communication. His status is already the highest height he can reach.

He is also a representative of the poor counterattack.

"I especially like your affirmation to the poor family in your speech. The poor family is the birth of a peasant. I am particularly dissatisfied that many young people now think that farmers are worthless, and the offspring of farmers are still farmers. If the offspring of farmers are promising, what can you do? The word? "Phoenix man", in those online novels, every time a farmer is written about, it is either brainless or honest, but in fact most of the professors in our college were born farmers, and the top 100 entrepreneurs in the society Here, at least 60% of them are farmers born. The way out of the poor is to struggle. This is a good point!"

The deputy dean’s comments seemed excited, and he held Gao Leng’s hand tightly: "I believe that your score in this speech will definitely be a horrible counterattack. If you win President Su, you should also win President Su. What do you say? Good!"


"What? Gao Leng said in his speech that my speech was worthless?" President Su looked at his assistant and couldn't help laughing.

"It's a joke, I just heard it. Now that he has just finished his speech, I don't think his score will be as high as that." The assistant smiled and said, and asked curiously: "Mr. Su, after your speech I haven't mentioned it again. Why do you suddenly want me to inquire today?"

This speech really didn't worry about Su, but Gao Leng's topic was actually the opposite of herself, which attracted her attention.

"Okay, you can go out. I will have time to check his vote. I hope he won't lose too badly, or lose face, really..." Su Su waved his hand and said confidently.

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