Gossip King

Chapter 1237: Trump protects Xiao Leng

At the end of the online speech, there were already a lot of votes. The school’s forums had already exploded. The previous high-cold sentence "It's worthless" earned enough attention. Many students who didn’t come to listen to the speech online watched it. With an attitude of watching the big guys tearing apart, the number of online people counted by the school information office actually equaled the number of people during the speech by Su Sukai.

And after the end, the number of people still rose sharply, which easily exceeded the number of clicks to watch Su Su's speech.

After a chat with the deputy dean, the students in the lecture hall were almost gone. Gao Leng looked inside, and a small poke hadn't left yet, and a group of people surrounded Mu Xiao Leng.

"Xiao Leng, is this really your boyfriend?!" a student ran over and asked.

"Of course, this is her boyfriend." Several people in Mu Xiaoling's dormitory rushed to answer.

"That's right, he came to our dormitory last time!" It's glorious to be able to get a little relationship with the man in the lecture hall. Those dormitories who used to exclude Xiao Leng held Xiao Leng's hand in words. There is pride in it.

"It's so good, isn't he serious in private? He is so handsome." Another student who was about to leave also squeezed over to ask when he heard, looking at Xiao Leng enviously.

"It's not serious. The others were fine when I came to our dormitory last time."

"Yes, yes, he smiled at me last time."

There was no turn for Xiao Leng to say anything. The girls in their class grabbed the conversation and only hated that they were not Mu Xiao Leng.

"Your fate is really good." A boy glanced at Mu Xiaoleng, but he didn't dare to say anything more. At this time, who else would dare to ridicule Mu Xiaoleng as the daughter of a corrupt official? I dared to think about it, saying that your life is really good.

Xiao Leng raised his eyes to look at Gao Leng.

I saw Gao Leng smiled and shook hands with the deputy dean, but did not look to his side.

"Why doesn't your boyfriend come here?"

"It feels so cold, this speech is over, won't he take you home with you?"

"Go home? Xiao Leng, you wouldn't have...that's it? After I heard about that, this woman is worthless."

Seeing that Gao Leng didn't mean to look at him, as if Xiao Leng didn't exist, several people in other departments mumbled, and looked at Xiao Leng one after another.

"He's busy, let's go back to the dormitory first." Xiao Cooling didn't care, but took a deep look at Gao Leng, and the happiness that emerged from the corner of her mouth could not stop her. She got up, for fear that she would delay Gao Leng instead. Event, got up and walked out the door.

When they reached the door, the other people in her dormitory turned back to look at Gao Leng, only to see Gao Leng only took a light look here, but still didn't mean to come over.

"Xiao Leng, is your relationship with your boyfriend okay?"

"Why doesn't he come over and talk to you."

The few in the dormitory lost their breath, Xiao Leng smiled lightly and said softly: "Let's go, I still have my clothes unwashed." The dorms looked at each other, they were not worried about Xiao Leng and Gao. What is the overall relationship between couples, what is worried about is the internship of Jianguo Diye.


"Mr. Gao, we have a banquet in the school's restaurant, and we will have two drinks in a while." The deputy dean smiled and said, leading the way.

"Thank you." Gao Leng would naturally not shirk it. He came here for Mu Xiao Leng. A speech is just to stop some snobs from looking for Xiao Leng for a period of time, but it cannot solve the fundamental problem.

"By the way, Dean, I have a "Jianguo Diye" in my hand, do you know?"

"I know, of course I know, of course I know the gift film named by the chairman!" The deputy dean said quickly. The School of Media is very sensitive to this kind of thing. After all, their students will be engaged in the media industry in the future. When the film first became popular, the teachers in the school told the students in class.

"I want to recruit some students from your college to enter the Jianguo Diye production crew for internships. I don't know about your college..."

The deputy dean stopped and turned to look at Gao Leng. The film of Jianguo Diye is a masterpiece of history, and the most important thing is that it is a gift film. If this kind of film can recruit students in the college, it is for the college. It is undoubtedly good news.

"We, Jianguo Diye, have never recruited interns from students, but today it seems that the quality of students listening to lectures is very good. Therefore, we are thinking of exclusively recruiting some media college students to participate in the gift film. , What do you think?"

Exclusive recruitment, this is more than good news for the college, this is simply huge good news.

"Okay, great!" The deputy dean stretched out his hand at once. The hand stretched out as fast as his hand was growing from his waist. He grabbed the cold hand and held it vigorously. : "Jianguo Diye is a gift film. It is a gift film named by the chief executive. As long as Mr. Gao wants to recruit interns from us, you can choose our best students!"

Unlike other films, Jianguo Diye has political implications.

There are also other films that come to the academy to recruit interns, but the grades are different. The idol films, commercial films, and New Year’s films can nod their heads with the director, and the entire entertainment circle has been smashed by the Jianguo Diye that is going to be photographed. Compare? !

"Jianguo Diye, we need to recruit 20 interns, and our Starlight Group needs to recruit 50 interns." Gao Leng said slowly. The speech was just a bridge. He wanted to ensure that Xiao Leng would no longer be excluded from the school. It's the hole card he played.

This is a welfare for the students, a reputation for the college, and a real achievement for the deputy dean.

"Great, Mr. Gao, welcome, welcome, our college is fully cooperating! So, I called the director of the employment office to have a meal together. The specific operation is that they are doing it. Let’s see how to promote it next. You also tell them how we need our college to cooperate.” As the vice president said, he picked up the phone and called several other leaders in the college.

Fifty internship places in Starlight Group are nothing but 20 internship places in Jianguo Diye are the top priority.

"I won't eat the meal." Gao Leng stopped the vice president who wanted to call: "My secretary will contact them. The students in your college are very hardworking and motivated. I have no other requirements, but... "

Gao Leng paused.

"You said." The vice president approached Gao Leng.

"However, if these interns are being screened in the college, I hope that this process will be done by the teacher with Mu Xiaoleng." Gao Leng blinked.

The deputy dean was stunned.

He immediately remembered in the college that he had heard rumors that Mu Xiaolen’s boyfriend was Gao Leng before, and people from the Star Group also came to say hello to the upper echelons repeatedly, hoping to treat Xiao Leng well, now it seems that this Gao Zong and Mu’s classmates are indeed the same. Loved.

"Oh..." The vice president dragged his voice.

"Of course, it's not up to Mu Xiaoling to decide who will do the internship, just help the teacher in charge of this matter to register."

"Oh..." the vice president dragged his voice ambiguously.

"I'm just asking for this small request, and everything else is subject to the academy. Anyway, these internship places are here, so you can do whatever you want."

"Oh..." The deputy dean stretched out a finger and shook his head. After an ambiguous smile, he approached Gao Leng and asked, "I heard that Mu Xiao Leng of journalism is your girlfriend?"

Gao Leng smiled ambiguously, and instead of answering directly, he said nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter if it's a girlfriend. She just needs to run errands behind the teacher who is in charge of recruiting interns. Of course, it's better. She runs errands alone."

There is no need to explain, all know that this must be his girlfriend.

If Xiao Leng decides who to recruit, it is not appropriate. After all, she is a student, but if the recruitment of interns is decided by the teacher, but only her student participates in it, other students know it well. What Gao Leng wants is this knowing.

The total number of internships is 70, which is enough so that the discerning people of the entire media school will no longer ridicule Xiao Leng.

"Go, let's have dinner together." The deputy dean said with a smile without saying anything.

"No, you have a lot of entertainment. Just a few interns will not cost the college. I will have something to do in a while." Gao Leng shook his head.

"Hey, hey, you must drink alcohol. An important film such as Jianguo Diye recruits students from our college. How can you not drink alcohol!" The vice president grabbed Gao Leng.

"No need to drink, it's a trivial matter." Gao Leng continued to shirk.

"No, you don’t need to drink wine, you have to eat rice, and Mu Xiao is cold, she is the representative of the intern of "Jianguo Diye"! Call the two presidents of the student union, we are talking about work, so If you have more internship positions, they have to report to you. Which positions are assigned to which students, right?" The deputy dean is really a matter of time, and I understand what Gao Leng means.

When talking about official affairs, I had a meal and talked about the official affairs of the interns, and also added a position to Mu Xiaoleng. The representative of the intern of "Jianguo Diye", and called the two presidents of the student union, this meal is indeed edible .

This meal is not to invite Gao Leng to drink, it is a working meal, we must discuss the interns together.

"If you have students participating, you can't drink anything, students can't drink." Gao Leng said sternly: "We are talking about work."

"Students don’t drink, of course, what do they drink when talking about official business? So who, Xiao Yang, call Xiao Leng, and several vice presidents of the student union, the employment office and office director, and several other college leaders will come, you Prepare the list of outstanding students, and report to President Gao later, and Mu Xiaolen, the intern representative, will report." The deputy dean turned his head and directed to the president of the student union.

After two steps, he stopped and remembered something: "By the way, ask the person in charge of the college website to update a piece of the latest news. It is said that Starlight Group recruited 70 interns from our college, and Jianguo Diye exclusively recruited interns. Twenty people, this news should be put on the headline of the college website, do it now."

The president of the student union brightened his eyes. He was so excited when he heard the words "Jianguo Diye", he nodded quickly and left.

The 20 places of Jianguo Diye are the first-class honors of the college. After all, it is an exclusive recruitment. The competition is not only for undergraduates, but also for graduate students.

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