Gossip King

Chapter 1244: Yu Yan came to shoot...

Isn't it the old guy...

Xiao Shan's heart sank and quickly answered the phone.

"Mr. Jian, the old Diao woke up, I woke up!" An extremely excited voice came from the phone: "When Mr. Gao came to see him last night, the doctor said that he was still in a dangerous period, and it would be much better to wake up. , And he woke up today!"

In the past few days, Gao Leng would go to see the old man if he had nothing to do. Although he knew that Xiaowei had rescued him through the glass, he was always worried. The news from the hospital was always good and bad.

The internal organs basically have problems, repaired, and the bones of both legs are extremely severely broken, but because the internal organs surgery needs to be done one by one, so I dare not perform major operations on the legs for the time being. It can only continue temporarily. According to the doctor, life-saving is the most important thing. As for the legs, it is second.

The abdomen of the old hanging is still open, and it has not been sealed. A few days later, several organs have undergone some operations, and the legs are hanging. The old hanging wife is also mentally prepared for the future disability of the old hanging. The doctor is right. It's hard to save your life and return your legs? After all, so many organs have problems and they are repaired.

Going through and through each level.

Sister-in-law's voice swallowed but did not cry, but she could hear her almost uncontrollable rapid breathing: "You can go to the VIP ward."

Xiao Shan breathed a long sigh of relief. Although being able to transfer to the VIP ward does not mean that he has passed the dangerous period absolutely, it is at least within a controllable range. The most important thing is that if you go to the VIP ward, you can hang your wife every day. Keep by your side. The day of anxious work outside the ward is a torment for the sister-in-law.

"Let's come over and have a look." Xiao Shan put down the phone and covered his chest, his eyes were red.

Lao Diao is her friend, one of her few friends. It can be said that the previous Xiaodans had almost no real friends, and some good relationships were just colleague relationships and cooperative relationships. Lao Diao is different. Since doing things with Gao Leng, Lao Diao and Fatty have become her friends.

She walked quickly to Gao Leng's office, and after talking about it to Gao Leng, the two smiled at each other.

"Go, go now." Gao Leng stood up and looked out the window. It was the clearest weather he had seen since the old crane accident, but he felt uncomfortable watching the little witch still haggard. Gao Leng feels a lot more comfortable.

"Mr. Gao, Mr. Jian." As soon as I got out of the elevator in the VIP ward of the hospital, I saw my sister-in-law guarding the door. As soon as I saw Gao Leng and Jian Xiaoshan coming over and plopped, he knelt down, shrugged his shoulders twice, and his eyes circled Red: "Thank you, the old man has passed the dangerous period, passed, and his life is back."

"Sister-in-law, you can't help it." Gao Leng quickly reached out and pulled her up directly: "Lao Hang is my brother, I should save him."

Sister-in-law's tears fell. When Lao Diao had just been involved in a car accident, she heard Gao Leng tell the doctor that this is my brother. At that time, Sister-in-law was very moved. In this vast crowd, a boss told a subordinate. It is rare to be able to do this. If he said such a sentence at the time to make the hospital pay more attention to it, then Gao Leng said it again this time, that is, he really regarded the old man as his own brother.

Sister-in-law's tears flowed down, she didn't speak any more, just stood beside Gao Leng and walked in. She secretly glanced at Gao Leng. When the old lady was fine before, he just thought that the boss was very good. , The salary is high for the old man, and the old man must be sincere to serve Mr. Gao over and over again. It is always the benefactor’s eyes to see Gao Leng, and this time the old hanging accident, the spirit of the sister-in-law is supported by the senior Gao in front of her. No matter how powerful she is a woman, she can’t play in this imperial capital. The hospital is here. They were all taken care of by the cold. Just now, the old hanging was transferred to the VIP ward, and the other family members in the rescue room were envious. Everyone knows that those who can live in the VIP room are rich and expensive.

The people living next to the bed are relatives of military officials and senior officials.

If it weren't for the high temperature, Lao Diao would never be able to live here and receive the best care.

Diao's wife bit her mouth tightly. She was still holding a bag in her hand. All her belongings were in the bag. After the Imperial Capital bought the house, Lao Diao didn’t have much money. I earned the money after Gao Leng, and the remaining money is also a bonus from Gao Leng. The sister-in-law wanted to say something to Gao Leng, but felt that if he took out the money, Gao Leng would not say anything, and it would make people feel a little bit that. What.

The sister-in-law who doesn’t know how to express her gratitude is not at a loss. She looked at Gao Leng’s back into the VIP ward and took a deep breath. Starting today, the boss is no longer a boss, but a boss. His brother is the brother of her sister-in-law, the real brother.

I hope everything goes well for you. If you encounter problems in the future, my sister-in-law will help you. You are my brother. I thought in my heart that I didn't say it, but it was printed in the depths of my soul.

"Lao Hang." Gao Leng walked over quickly and laughed at once. He didn't expect Lao Hang to wake up unexpectedly. Although his face was still pale, he looked popular, and he could live if he was popular.

"Can't die." The old hanging voice was hoarse.

"You rest, rest assured, it will be fine. The children are also fine." Gao Leng quickly held Lao Hang's hand.

Old Hanging was a little collapsed and blinked at Gao Leng. Gao Leng hurriedly approached him. He could only hear his voice low and weak but still clear: "Listen to my mother-in-law saying that you are afraid of my death. I only got into a car accident after following you. If I didn’t follow you, it might be fine."

Seeing that he said so many things, Gao Leng just wanted to stop him from continuing, but Old Hang moved his finger and Gao Leng quickly held it.

"I have such a glorious life today because I have done things with you. Even if you die, it is worth it. Don't think too much about it. I died once. If you don't die, you will have luck. The wind blows him in the past, there are still dreams that have not been realized, no harm, no harm, and there is a future! Wait for me...

Lao Diao coughed twice, and Sister-in-law Diao hurried over to wipe his saliva.

"Wait for me, even if my legs are broken, don’t worry, I can definitely do what you leave to my old man." The old man looked at Gao Leng, although his eyes were swollen and swollen. At the eyeballs, he can still feel his excitement.

He coughed again violently.

"Okay, needless to say, you all understand, you take good care of your illness." Gao Leng quickly refused to let him continue.

"No, I have to say it." Old Diao shook his head and tried to hold Gao Leng's hand with a slight effort, but he didn't have much strength. Gao Leng quickly held it tightly, and Old Diao took a deep breath as if he was controlling. Following his emotions, he closed his eyes a long time later and slowly said, "When I'm done, we two brothers will fight together, fearlessly, we...we...we are brothers."

Having said that, Lao Diao closed his eyes and turned his head to the side, two lines of tears flowed down.

Between life and death, one sentence that is my brother is better than a thousand words. How can there be a comparison between being a brother and being a brother and being a brother?

Every time I heard Gao Leng say that you are my brother, the old man would always be a little embarrassed with a silly smile. He always felt that he was too far behind Gao Leng, saying that his brother was a bit cheaper, but now he doesn’t think so .

This is my brother, who went up and down the fire for him, and is also the brother who is not hesitating!

"Go ahead." Lao Hang tried his best to control his excitement, waved his hand, quite a elder brother posture, Gao Leng liked his elder brother posture that he no longer felt a little unworthy of calling him a brother, afraid He was too agitated to treat his condition badly, and quickly left according to his wishes.

"Look at you, why are you crying?" Sister-in-law Diao came back after sending the high cold, and saw Lao Diao shed tears with her neck on her side, and quickly wiped him.

"I can recognize such a brother, it’s worth it in my life." The old lady cried humbly. He didn’t know what he was crying. Maybe the ward of this strong northern man was fragile, maybe so. For many years, there was little pressure on the old and the younger, and after the car accident, he suddenly seemed calm and breezy. Perhaps it was the discovery that Gao Leng's heart really regarded himself as a brother.

No matter what the reason, the old man who was almost dead at this time was deeply grateful that he knew Gao Leng and was worth his life.


The filming of Jianguo Diye's crew has started, and it is indeed a big battle. Any small character is a famous artist to perform. Therefore, the luxury car near the crew is called more than one, and one is more luxurious. Even entertainers who obviously don't need to bring a RV will come in a RV.

Also, dozens of paparazzi are nested outside the crew, and any small role is filmed by a corner, and the crew may be able to dig out the material. Good guys, dozens of companies are here, and the guns and guns are directed at the group of people who are filming, which also seems too miserable for the crew next door.

"In Jianguo Diye filming a tea-serving servant, and then running the next-door crew to be the male lead, this Jianguo Diye is really awesome." A paparazzi looked in the binoculars and said.

"This is enough to write an article. X star is in Jianguo Diye in the morning, and in the afternoon as the male lead in the next-door crew, and then filming this scene, surely many of his fans have come to see it, and it is also topical." Another paparazzi is really topical. A knowledgeable.

Now, who doesn't know that the stars of Jianguo Emperor's industry have become piles? Soon, similar articles were circulated on the Weibo of major paparazzi companies, which attracted passers-by amazed and praised the Star Group.

The domestic first-class paparazzi are here to guard, and the stars who come to film are about to start fighting. This RV is a car, so naturally you can't lose your share, and you have to rent a good one.

Naturally, Murong Yuyan doesn't need to rent an RV. She has it herself. The makeup artist in the RV will give her meticulous makeup. Everyone knows that she will be photographed from the moment of the RV, and she will naturally be beautiful. What role Yu Yan plays in the play is kept secret, and the paparazzi's shots will never let her go. Naturally, a separate article must be written.

This is Murong Yuyan, the fairy elder sister who is unattainable by others. With her manuscript, she can read it.

"Come down, take a shot!" a paparazzi said excitedly, pulling the camera to the bottom, and shivering like urinating: "Oh my mother, this Murong Yuyan is really innocent and tempting to be sexy. what."

"This butt...Oh, this breast is really unexpected. She used to go the pure route and didn't think she was so sexy! Cheongsam really suits her."

Under the camera, Yu Yan wore a light blue cheongsam and walked off the RV. The jade bi was exposed in the mid-winter of the Chinese New Year, white and flawless.

"The New Year is about to come. Why are these artists coming to rush to shoot the scene? I think the crew next door will be closed." A paparazzi swallowed his saliva: "Today there is a Yu Yan, my dear, this look makes my heart feel drunk."

"The more the big names, the better at this time. There are fewer people. I heard that Mr. Gao will also come over and come to the show. I don't know if it is against Yuyan.

"Is that Mr. Gao who invested in the filming? I really envy him. He invested in this movie and played a role. You said, can he subtly rule Murong?"

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