Gossip King

Chapter 1245: accurate

The role Gao Leng left for Murong Yuyan is not bad. Compared with the scenes that other people flashed by, she has at least ten minutes of play, and this makes too many people in the industry envy and hate.

A ten-minute play, this should be a very easy job for Yu Yan. And the old drama bones that made her acting since she was a child are also so cautious about the drama that shows her face for about ten minutes before and after, and she also came here to look for feelings with makeup, which shows that she is very pressured by this drama.

There must be pressure, this is her rivalry with Ouyang.

The role was played at a certain party. As a rich lady, she writhed her waist in a cheongsam. Her eyes were pure and charming. She fell in love with Ouyang at first sight. Ouyang invited her to dance, and sparks sparked when the two danced together. A concubine, a fake love.

It is simple and simple, but difficult but difficult.

It’s not difficult to twist the waist to dance, and it’s not difficult to deduce the temperament of the rich lady. The kind of sentiment that bursts out of tenderness and fake affection requires acting skills.

Ouyang’s acting skills are unquestionable. Almost every character he has performed is brilliant. Murong Yuyan’s acting skills are also quite good. It is no longer a time or twice to pick the protagonist in a TV series. The level of acting.

Actors, especially capable actors, when you are supporting a play by yourself, you are naturally the soul of the play, and your powerful acting skills will be displayed vividly and exquisitely, comparing other supporting actors. But "Jianguo Diye" is different. It comes from the wrists, some will perform, and some will not. If one shot goes down, whoever is high and who is low is immediately revealed. This is the same as when you are on the red carpet, you are most taboo to hit shirts. Once you hit the shirt, the one who is taller will be compared.

If Murong Yuyan wants to play with Ouyang, her pressure is inevitable. If she doesn't perform well, her reputation of acting school accumulated over the years will be destroyed.

Murong Yuyan got off the caravan wearing the cheongsam in the play, and the paparazzi squatting in the distance patted wildly. She looked in their direction and smiled. The paparazzi immediately splashed and watched her being outlined by the cheongsam. The sultry posture entered the crew in small steps, and the door closed.

Today I was shooting a scene at a banquet. This building is a building resembling an old Shanghai party hall in the film and television city. There are so many scenes in this building, so the crew has carried out a fine decoration, and you can smell it when you enter. A smell of paint.

"Yu Yan." Gao Leng was at the entrance of the party hall. He turned his head and saw Yu Yan standing tall and gracefully at the door. He looked at her deeply and smiled and greeted her, and instinctively looked up and down.

Although I have touched it, the beauty of this figure still makes Gao Leng very excited.

This cheongsam is the sexiest. The front convexity is clearly outlined and not tacky, especially the split thighs that make people want to stop. Yuyan's legs are separated and walked a step, and the split ends show up a little , The white thighs are so unstoppable under the thick windbreaker with the front open, but they are incomplete. I just wanted to see clearly, yes, after this step, her legs closed again.

Before she had time to lose herself, her legs separated again and she took another step.

As soon as he opened and closed, he gritted his teeth so coldly, his hands were tightly held in his pockets.

"Well, Mr. Gao, hello." Murong Yu's face blushed, and his voice softly stretched out his hand towards Gao Leng. Gao Leng quickly held it and gave a smirk. Yu Yan is so polite because there are other people in the crew. She is embarrassed if people can see their concubines.

This crew is the easiest to have a gossip. Yu Yan's personal settings in front of the public are not humanistic. If it is rumored, it will not be good, especially with Gao Leng. After all, he has a girlfriend.

A bunch of people glanced over.

There are more people in the crew than you think, especially the crew of this kind of big drama.

"Murong Yuyan looks better than on TV."

"It's not in vain to call the fairy sister, but she is a little girlier than she looks on TV."

"It's a pity that I can't take a picture, otherwise I really want to take a picture."

Some of the behind-the-scenes workers of the most basic work began to whisper, and some other behind-the-scenes workers who have been on the battlefield have seen Yuyan many times, but they are still amazed to see her wearing a cheongsam. After all, she used to dress strictly in ancient costumes. This is not just a cheongsam, and the **** and charming taste makes everyone unable to look away.

Women can't be old and show off occasionally, which is the most tempting.

"Director Zhang, I'll try the show." Yu Yan didn't dare to watch Gao Leng at all, for fear that she would have missed the stuffing and walked over to Director Zhang with a smile.

"This dance between you and Ouyang is very important, but it must be no problem depending on your acting skills. It is very good. You are already a corner player and can be so diligent. It is very good." Director Zhang pointed towards Yu Yan. Thumb, the tone is quite fatherly. Speaking of it, Yu Yan has filmed a lot of scenes under his hands. She has been playing tricks in his scenes since she was a child. Director Zhang and Yu Yan's parents are family friends.

"I'm under a lot of pressure, and I'm afraid that I will be dwarfed by Ouyang." Yu Yan was obviously anxious.

"Yeah, you are all old dramas. Are you afraid that your opponent will not be able to play others?" Director Zhang quipped.

"Looking at what you said, I can't match the level of Ouyang." Yu Yan said it very truthfully, and she was right. Although she was a young queen, she was already a double major in acting and acting. There are people outside of this thing, and there are mountains outside of the mountains. She is very handy in acting like girls and fairies, but it must be said that her comprehensive acting skills are not as good as Ouyang. Besides, how many people in this empire can match Ouyang's acting skills?

"That's OK, the lighting is set, you try to feel it." Director Zhang sat down and stared at the screen, and pointed to the set up scene. Although he boasted that his acting skills were good, his courtesy was a good one. If your opponent's play is not played well, others will easily play.

Yu Yan nodded, took off the windbreaker outside and handed it to the assistant. The makeup artist ran over to patch up the makeup, and the lighting engineer waited for her to stand in position and adjusted the lights.

"I'm also worried about your play with Ouyang." The director turned his head to look at Gao Leng, and pointed to Yu Yan on the screen: "A big name like her and Ouyang can come to try the show. She has experience like this, you are inexperienced, and I am even more worried. Ouyang's acting skills are too strong. If you can't control the scene with his opponent, the audience is especially easy to play."

Gao Leng didn't speak, the director was worried that he understood, and Yu Yan was afraid that her acting skills were not enough, and the people next to her felt that she was definitely not as good as Ouyang. Gao Leng wasn’t sure about acting, and couldn’t say anything. She just looked at Yu Yan on the screen and seemed a little nervous. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and raised her emotions so that she could enter the state, while she stood aside. The stand-in for is already in place.

"The hardest scene is the look in your eyes when you hug and dance for the first time. The camera shot from the shoulder of the avatar. When you look at the avatar, the camera will focus on hitting your eyes. It’s the joy and shyness of dancing with him for the first time.” Director Zhang said through Mai: “To put it simply, it was the first time you met Ouyang and you flirted.”

Flirting, Gao Leng muttered in his heart, a little unhappy.

"The lights are in place."

"Pay attention to the camera, and come back a little bit."

"Director, does the camera need to be a little sideways? It feels like Murong's face is a little better on the side."

The audition is to try out the most suitable angle for the actor under the lens. Sometimes it takes a long time to adjust the light from this angle. Generally, the avatar stands there and allows people to debug. Stand in the same position and angle and start shooting.

Murong Yuyan really attached great importance to this scene, and actually went to the battle to adjust the lights.

After Zhang Dao repeatedly guided and adjusted for about five minutes, Yu Yan under the camera was in the luxurious meeting hall of old Shanghai. Her cheongsam looked elegant and sexy. The angle of her face was just right, especially the red lips. The angle is even more sultry.

it has started.

"May I ask Miss Zhao to do a dance?" The voice of the stand-in came over, and he was holding a piece of paper in his hand. It must be a line written on the paper, and he said every word: "Jiang Yang Miss Zhao The hand-painting is extremely good, and it is an honor to meet here this time."

After getting cold, I feel that this acting is really a technical job.

In the camera is the back of a handsome man, but in fact Yu Yan faces an ugly dying stand-in, and she has no emotion in her lines. Ke Yuyan raised her head and looked at the man, her eyes were full of girl's heartbeat.

Gao Leng exclaimed in her heart, and after looking around for a week, she became more and more admired. Dozens of pairs of eyes looked at Yu Yan. She was unaffected. It seemed that the person standing in front of her was the person who first moved her.

"Are you?" Yu Yan asked, a blush on her face.

It's amazing, acting like the real one, Gao Leng thought.

"Ka." Gao Lenggang admired, Director Zhang said coldly, and Yu Yan came out of the play and watched it. Director Zhang frowned and was obviously dissatisfied. He stood up and walked to Murong Yuyan's side. Said: "Your eyes are wrong."

Isn't this look right? I did feel the heartbeat and shyness of her girl just now, Gao Leng thought to himself, but didn't say anything. He was still a newcomer in acting, and he didn't say anything.

"You are just shy and pleasantly surprised, but you don't have that cunning energy, just that..." Zhang Dao squinted slightly and said after thinking about it: "You think, you saw him before and knew his identity. But I asked, "Who are you?" You didn't show this cunning energy. It was so shy, surprised, and cunning, just that smell."


Gao Leng stood aside and felt a lot of pressure.

A shot came over, but within a few seconds it would take a few seconds to show the girl's shyness of the beginning of love, the surprise to find that the other party actually invited herself to dance, and the cunning of being a little careful...

Isn't this eye show too much?

Being an actor is really not easy, Gao Leng once again paid tribute to the difficulty of the actor career.

Some people have acted for a whole life, and there is still no show in their eyes. The eye-catching scenes are the hardest and most difficult. The eyes of the real acting school are all talking and smart.

"Well, let me figure it out." Murong Yuyan bit her lip and frowned. She glanced at the avatar and didn't say more.

"This stand-in...it's hard to get her into the play, right?" The assistant director next to him said softly after sitting back and forth on the screen again.

"What can I do? Ask Ouyang to try it out? Isn't that a joke? Ouyang is called Ouyang in the industry. He rarely does it, especially in such a drama where so many stars come to come to guest appearances. There are not many scenes."

Ouyi is the nickname given to Ouyang in the industry, which means that one can pass. Nowadays, there are very few hard work that can be done just by one, but the reputation of Ouyi is very good.

The deputy director looked at Gao Leng: "The back figure is someone I pulled casually. It looks too ugly. It's easier for a handsome guy like Mr. Gao to stand and enter the play."

"Hey, yes, Gao Leng, you have to practice acting anyway, so you just have to try it as a stand-in." The assistant director's suggestion won the heart of Dao Zhang. He patted his thigh and pointed to Yuyan's direction: "Go , Just to practice."

Gao Leng was stunned. He looked at this circle and saw dozens of people watching. Some were working, playing lights or pushing the camera, and some were just on standby, looking at the words in the field with their hips akimbo. Yan.

Flirting with Yuyan in full view, and it's still a fake flirt. Maybe someone called her to stop as soon as she opened the first sentence. It's really easier to watch a play than to act. You know that Gao Leng just watched Yu Yan's performance and found it wonderful, but Director Zhang was still dissatisfied.

"Okay, I will practice." Although I am a little embarrassed, but since I have to play a role, I will listen to the director when I arrive, and practice with the attitude of a newcomer. Gao Leng thought, and walked quickly to Yu Yan. In front of him, he smiled at her: "I'll be a stand-in, you should be easier to enter the scene."

With that, Gao Leng moved his stance a little bit to make himself stand more natural.

"Mr. Gao, your back is wrong."

"President Gao, look at the camera."

"Mr. Gao, you stay still, I can't turn on the lights anymore."

Unexpectedly, just after moving a little bit, the voice of the staff came from all directions.

"Don't move, this is for a close-up shot. The angles are very subtle. They just adjusted it, and you need to adjust it again." Yu Yan reminded quickly.


This is embarrassing, and I made a common sense mistake when I first played.

After adjusting for a while, it finally started.

action! With a hit of the board, the camera began to move from a distance, and then shot from Gao Leng's shoulder.

"Could you ask Miss Zhao to do... a dance?" Gao Leng got stuck in his first sentence.

Acting is indeed much more difficult than Gao Leng imagined. He is developing a good mood. As soon as he looked up, he saw three people standing not far from his right hand picking their noses at the same time...

Distracted, his mouth stuck.

"Come over." Director Zhang's cold voice came over. As soon as the camera was turned on, Director Zhang became selfless, acting well is good, acting bad is not good, and there is no face left for you here. .

Gao Leng was a little embarrassed, Yu Yan raised her head and looked at him and said in a low voice: "Don't be nervous, don't look at the staff around you, otherwise it will be difficult to enter the show."

"I'll try it. After all, Mr. Gao has never acted." There was a sound of people walking behind him, and one of them said loudly. Everyone turned their heads to see that it was Ouyang.

"Oh hello, why are you here?" Director Zhang smiled in surprise when he saw Ouyang, haha ​​quickly stood up and stretched out his hand.

"I'm passing by, just thinking of coming over and taking a look." Ou Yang took the board and looked at it: "This scene, okay, I will practice with Murong."

As he said, he walked to Gao Leng's side and smiled: "Xiao Gao, you take a break and learn first."

Gao Leng's mood is even more upset.

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