Gossip King

Chapter 1279: Three punches to set the match!

A gust of fist wind swept over, this time Ouyang obviously used his full strength, and the fist wind was strong and strong, as expected. I have to say that the punch in the camera is very very beautiful. When the camera is moved to the right position, he punches it. Both the angle and the strength are just right. Even the subtle expressions on the face are handled well. , Whether it is angle or strength, it is perfect.

Interlaced is like a mountain. In the actor's business, Ouyang is indeed the supreme king.

Director Zhang stared at the screen with satisfaction, feeling that if the actors in the play were as professional as Ouyang, the film would be really good.

The fist swung towards the cold face, the target was precise and full of courage.

Gao Leng stretched out his hand when he was about to hit his face with his fist. He only heard the intersecting of his hands and only heard a muffled sound.

The strength is indeed great, much more than just now.

Gao Leng's hand blocked, and in an instant, Ou Yang felt his entire arm numb, as if hitting an iron rod, and the pain came over. Ou Yang frowned instinctively, but Gao Leng's face was There was no slight pain on the face, but a dumbfounded face, still with an expression of "Have you finished?"

This is an insult to Ouyang.

This is like a man and a woman in bed, you have been moving for a long time, and the other person asks if you have come in, almost humiliating.

"General Manager Gao doesn't seem to respond, why does Ouyang feel a bit painful?"

"Yeah, isn't Ouyang playing Mr. Gao? What's the matter?"

The eyes of the people around were staring at the court, watching the battle.

I don't believe it anymore. Are you more resistant than me? ! Ou Yang was shocked and angry in his heart, and when she swept past Xiao Shan, seeing that Xiao Shan's original worried expression became more relaxed, he looked at Gao Leng with admiration, and his heart was tickled with anger.

This punch passed, Gao Leng would block it, and the next three punches passed but made a solid punch. Ou Yang used his strength to make two punches with fierce eyes.


Two muffled noises.

"No fracture..."


Several courageous girls screamed suicide, and everyone could see that Ouyang had come for real this time.

After these two punches went out, Ou Yang's breathing became quick.

His fists trembled, and hitting Gao Leng's body made his hands hurt. He tried hard to control his facial expressions to prevent himself from showing pain, but what made him more embarrassed , Gao Leng still had an expression of "Are you finished?"

This feels too bad.

I'm going to finish with you, but my female partner thinks you haven't started yet...

At this time, Ouyang's face was dull, raging, and there was a final punch. He no longer had any scruples, his muscles were tight and his eyes were fierce.

Ouyang, he has never been so embarrassed since he started his career. He is a son of a wealthy family. In addition, he is extremely talented in acting, and he is strong in sports. The cold expression really offended him.

He has always been the only one who taught others, he let others, and he said to others, "You don't need to care about it". How come you encounter this thorn today? ! After a few hits, he still looked like a kid.

Ouyang squeezed his fists tightly.

With the last punch, with his embarrassment and anger, Yu Guang glanced at Xiao Shan and the people around him. The most watched superstar who has been living in the media center must not lose his fan.

Who do you show this expression to? Who do you pretend to? ! I don't know my strength? I am the Asian Taekwondo Champion for 12 years! For filming scenes, which martial arts instructor doesn’t say it’s a pity that I’m filming? Who do you pretend to be like this! With this punch, I must make you cry and cry! Ou Yang was angrily, and his anger rushed to the top of his head and then to his palm.

He squeezed his hand into a fist shape, and used the Shaolin Temple secret transmission to the internal force.


This time the muffled sound was exceptionally loud.

"This fist is fierce, Ou Yang has taken out his housekeeping skills." After all, he is an expert, got up from his seat after the martial arts instructor, and looked at Gao Leng very nervously.

"Huh?" Hearing what the martial arts instructor said, Director Zhang also got up from his chair nervously. The crew was most taboo to get injured.

They cast their eyes on Gao Leng, ignoring the painful expression on Ou Yang's face after the last punch.

"That's the strength?" Gao Leng stretched out his hand, stretched out his hand and flicked the wrinkled parts of his body, and smiled slightly.


For Gao Leng, he asked normally, if it was this strength, he would use this strength.

For Ouyang, this is naked ridicule.

Just this strength? !

Does he hurt? How can it not hurt? Just now I used all my internal strength and all my strength. It is absolutely impossible to be okay. It must have been pretending, Ou Yang thought, and made this determination.

He inserted his hands into his trouser pockets and hid the red back of his hands. These punches made him hurt, but his face showed a big brother-like smile. He laughed and said loudly, "Of course I don’t use my full strength. I need to use a bit of strength when I hit, at least this strength."

I don't believe that you can have my strength, Ou Yang thought.

"I see, it's a little harder than yours, right?" Gao Leng felt a sense of relief, and nodded: "That's OK, let's start shooting."

"Are you okay!" Xiao Shan ran over, looking at Gao Leng with tears in his eyes, and reached out to the place where he hit his last punch.

"It's okay, Ouyang played very lightly, and he didn't really come to play." Gao sneered, "It doesn't feel much."


Ou Yang's face changed slightly, and he immediately pulled back his full smile.

"Let's start shooting, let's fight for one?" Knowing the intensity of the high cold, he seemed a lot easier, he walked to the few numbers that Ouyang had just marked and reviewed it again, feeling confident.

"It's okay? He's okay?" The martial arts instructor had doubts in his eyes, but he couldn't speak any more, but he was muttering in his heart. When Gao Leng was learning martial arts with him these days, he knew about Gao Leng's physique. Strong, you can tell at a glance that he has never systematically practiced fighting.

With so many punches down, do you frown?

Ouyang watched Gao Leng walk past with the same posture as a okay person. He didn't know why there was a chill in his heart, but after the chill he didn't believe it.

It's impossible for him to play the strength I just did. It doesn't hurt to hold it hard, right? When I play with this strength in Thailand, the boxing champion over there has to respect three points. He is absolutely strong, and it is impossible to hit my strength. Ouyang's brows moved, and he touched his nose subconsciously.

"Xiao Gao, have you learned it?" He walked to Gao Leng's elder brother and patted him on the shoulder: "Let's start."

"Learned." Gao Leng nodded humbly, and looked at the place where he moved again: "Is it a bit more powerful than you just hit?"


The chill appeared again.

Ouyang gritted his teeth, laughed, and nodded: "Of course, play with me, you have to work harder."

"Yeah." Gao Leng took a deep breath, striving for one, thought.

Start! As soon as a crisp hitting sound fell, Ouyang and Gao Leng instantly entered the state.

"It feels good this time." Director Zhang looked at the two people on the screen, and he was full of firepower at the beginning of the dialogue.

"President Gao has a very high savvy. This time he has also entered the role. I think he will not move in position before and affect his performance. This time he will know how to move, and the acting is much easier." The deputy director also applauded.


The first muffled sound, Gao Leng stretched out his hand to hit Ou Yang, and Ou Yang reached out to block it.

"Ouyang is an acting school after all." Director Zhang stared at the screen tightly, and saw that the lens c was pulling a close-up shot. The moment Ouyang in the lens blocked the punch, his face showed a painful expression.

"The acting school." The deputy director also said.

It would be Ouyang to be able to act the painful expression so realistically. His mother's red blood was coming out.

Pounce, pounce, pounce.

The next three punches were done in one go, cleanly.

The whole process took about one and a half minutes, Gao Leng punched down to make a few styles, then another punch, and then made a few styles.

Wouldn't it be like this in real fights?

For this movie, which drama is not a lot of fisting? It was really punch after punch. It was too dry, and it didn't look good in the shot. This is why the martial arts instructor adjusted the movement time and time again according to the cold body shape.

And in this one and a half minutes, it is one and a half minutes for everyone to appreciate Ouyang's excellent acting skills.

"It's amazing, you see, with every punch, Ouyang pinched the painful expression too precise." Director Zhang couldn't help but repeatedly praised.

"Yes, a punch is more red than a punch..." The deputy director was also shocked by Ou Yang's acting skills: "It's great to be able to work with such actors."

"Wow, if I didn't watch it live, I really didn't know that Ouyang's acting was so good. Look, the pain on his face is increasing, as if it really hurts."

"It doesn't really hurt, right? I look so realistic! I feel distressed."

"Of course not. He played President Gao just now, and President Gao is okay. How could Ouyang be really painful? It must have come from the show. It's really into the play. It's so entertaining."

Although the surrounding compliments are low, but one after another.

After the last punch, Ou Yang's body trembled.

"The last five seconds, mirror c and mirror d are ready!" The assistant director controlled it through the headset. Both of these lenses were aimed at Ouyang's close-up shots, one to his face and the other to his eyes.

The muscles on Ou Yang's face under the camera shook involuntarily, his face was blue, his lips also shook, and the heroic forbearance in his eyes.

"I will make you three punches." Ou Yang's voice trembled.

five four three two one!


There was thunderous applause.

"The acting is great! How do the muscles on the face shake!"

"It seems that he is really a household name."

"Yeah, if you didn't see it with your own eyes, you would think he did this shot, did you just see it, his painful eyes, tsk..."

Everyone was amazed and looked up at this acting genius in admiration.


As soon as Ou Yang bent over, he plunged his head directly to the ground, curling up together in pain.

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