Gossip King

Chapter 1280: Can reach the peak, have the ability

As Ouyang rushed to the next down, the audience was silent and stupefied, even Ouyang's personal assistant was stunned.

"Ah..." Ou Yang's painful voice came over, his body curled more severely, his body was slightly sideways, and his face was pale with sweat and his hands covered his left shoulder.

Gao Leng reacted fastest, and quickly squatted down and stretched out his hand to peek at his shoulder.

"The collarbone is hurt." Gao Leng frowned and said.

"What?!" The assistant's octave high voice came in horror: "No!"

Director Zhang talked abruptly from the chair and shouted: "Doctor! Lao Kai! Lao Kai!" Lao Kai is the doctor of the crew, the old doctor, he prepared it during the play, and fell in Ouyang. He ran back in an instant, and ran out with the medicine box in a short while.

"Hey, manager, it's terrible, Ouyang is hurt!" A young man in a black suit ran to the door with a sad face and called. This is the representative of the insurance company, and the representative of another insurance company also called Got up the phone.

The crew bought insurance.

And Ouyang also bought it separately, from hair to toenails, all with huge insurance.

The insurance company is now going to pay a lot of money. Ouyang is injured. The subsequent impact will be the progress of the entire crew. This is still a trivial matter. He has a lot of ads to shoot, and his ads are expensive, at least The loss was hundreds of millions.

Gao Leng peeked at his shoulder, and when he saw him shaking, his heart shook.

what happened? Am I playing according to his strength? I just added a little bit of strength. He hit me just now and nothing happened. How did he get hurt? And so serious? Gao Leng didn't understand.

The pain on Ou Yang's face was extreme.

Such a person who has always been aloof, such a proud person, can face so many people lying on the ground and crying and howling regardless of their image, it can be seen that the pain is indeed extreme.

For a while, no one was talking, and they looked at Ouyang who fell on the ground very nervously.

"I hurt my collarbone and ribs and called for an ambulance. It's fine, it's pain." Ou Yang's voice came out through tears, but his thoughts were clear.

"You..." Xiao Shan seemed to be frightened. She was almost the last one to run over. She was blocked by the bodyguards and assistants who had run over as soon as she wanted to get close to Ouyang.

"Stand back, please step back." Ouyang's bodyguard trained in an orderly manner.

Everyone was separated, Gao Leng was also taken to the periphery by a bodyguard, only the doctor kneeled on the ground to give Ouyang an examination.

"You... Ouyang." Xiao Dan was full of concern, trying to pull the bodyguard to his side.

"Thank you for trouble." The bodyguard blocked Xiao Shan with a stern face.

"Let Xiaodan..." Ou Yang made another painful voice when he said this. His assistant understood it immediately, and said to the bodyguard quickly: "This girl can come in, only this girl can."

Everyone turned their attention to the simple list.

At first, no one noticed this woman who had been standing quietly next to Gao Leng. Although she was President Jian, she had always been Gao Leng’s helper, and the room was full of gorgeous and beautiful artists with dazzling aura, let alone the relative appearance. Ordinary her.

Now, no one is more noticeable than her.

"Who is she? Isn't she Ouyang's girlfriend?"

"Isn't this person the vice president of Starlight Group?"

"Gossip? Ouyang can't like such an ordinary girl, right?"

For these beautiful artists, the dress in front of them is not fashionable, and the little single with delicate makeup is naturally mediocre, even if she is in charge of half of the Xingsheng Group.

Envy is certain, today's front page headlines will be small ones. These artists did not make a sensation as much as her appearance.

The eyes of several major media reporters lit up, and the lens was locked tightly on Xiao Shan, and she rushed to Ou Yang's side without any hesitation, and squatted down.

"You...you..." Xiao Shan, who was always calm, was a little incoherent.

"I'm not in the way." Ou Yang stretched out her hand and squeezed her hand, with a smile on her face: "Well, it's common to be injured in filming."

Xiao Shan bit her lip. Although her back was facing Gao Leng's direction, Gao Leng could see her trembling shoulders, and she was crying.

The relationship between her and Ouyang is extraordinary, Gao Leng thought.

"As Ouyang said, the collarbone and ribs are slightly injured. The ribs are okay, but the collarbone is more serious." The doctor walked to Zhang Dao and looked serious.

"Can you still film?" Director Zhang asked.

The artists in such a big room are waiting to play against Ouyang. After the scene, the filming is mostly over.

"It needs examination to know the details. If it is broken, it must not be photographed. If it is broken, it is only damaged. It is estimated that it cannot be photographed. The collarbone is very painful and needs to be quiet." The doctor's words made Zhang Dao's face black.

"People are the most important." Director Zhang said.

"Sorry." Gao Leng did feel guilty in his heart. He felt that he might have tried too hard without knowing it, and he didn't even think about knocking him down. He was very guilty for a while.

Ou Yang said something to the assistant. His assistant was a little surprised. Finally, he walked to Director Zhang and said, "Ou Yang said he knew his physical condition. He went to the hospital to deal with the pain. Then he patted his upper body and sat down. Shoot with the chair. Just put the chair higher. He can bear it and don't delay the process."

"Wow, so dedicated."

"It's all hurt like this, and I'm still shooting. I have such a big wrist and there is no shelf at all."

"No wonder he was able to reach the top. It seems that he was holding on just now. The first punch was near the collarbone. That was when he was injured in the first punch. He actually carried it for more than a minute and didn't fall until the end of the shooting. !"

Ouyang's professionalism conquered everyone in an instant, and made Gao Leng admire and admire him truly.

The previous Gao Leng always looked a little unhappy with Ouyang. This man was close to Xiaodan, which made him instinctively disgusted. In addition, Ouyang always put on the posture of the big brother, always feeling that he was acting forcefully.

Perhaps it was Gao Leng who came out from the bottom, and he couldn't understand Ouyang who came out with a golden key. Perhaps he felt that the actor business was nothing more than that. For Ouyang, he could have so many companies. , It is the invisible rich man in China who thinks that it is just because he is stepping on his parents.

In short, the previous Gao Leng never felt that Ouyang was a person worth admiring.

This time, Gao Leng's concept has changed.

Those people’s arguments are correct. He was injured in the first punch. The collarbone is a very painful position. In such a position, he can control the facial expression without instant distortion, if it is not for the uncontrollable red blood covering the eye sockets. No one knew he was so painful. The punch after punch was indeed painful, but he was able to control the pain to fit the plot and sublimate the plot.

Just like what he said: if you use a little force, you have to hit it really, it doesn't matter if it hurts, it hurts.

At first, the words he thought he pretended to be compelling became the motto why he would be the pinnacle of his career as an actor.

"He cooperated with Hollywood, an Indian director's play. I heard that he didn't need a substitute for injury for several months."

"Yes, even for those fantasy movies that follow the idol route, he personally hangs on Via, and each one is on his own."

Other people's comments reveal admiration, as well as unattainable worship.

"This, this can't be taken, let's take a day off." The doctor was anxious when he heard it.

"Our family, Ouyang, knows about his body. Now go to the hospital first. If the bone is not broken, or if it can bear it, then continue to shoot. However, I have to trouble the props team to make new props and let him sit and shoot."

Gao Leng stepped forward and said, "People are the most important thing. Heal his wounds first. We can delay this scene. I can afford it. It won't get in the way."

When she said this, Xiao Shan turned her head and saw tears in her eyes, looking at Gao Leng gratefully.

"Go to the hospital first." Xiao Shan said softly.

"You stay with me."

"Okay." Xiao Dan nodded.

The morning shooting passed through chaos. After Ou Yang was sent to the hospital, these artists walked away one after another, and some had been surrounding Gao Leng, especially the assistants of the artists, who were extremely enthusiastic about Gao Leng.

No matter how people in the circle laugh at the high-cold Starlight Group, it is the truth for artists not to blame these investors.

Don’t say anything else, let’s not talk about the future of the high-cold Starlight Group. Anyway, the founding of the country and the founding of the party can be seen in the cold.

"Mr Gao, I am Xiaomei's agent, this is our Xiaomei."

"President Gao, look up for a long time."

Gao Leng still has some shots to be shot. There will always be some people around during the filming. There are popular artists and artists who are not very popular.

Only Murong did not say anything.

Gao Leng looked around, and she returned to her RV early.

Looking for her in the past? No, since the girl is not willing to continue, why bother struggling.

Some depression in my heart is for sure.


Unknowingly, the filming went into the afternoon, Gao Leng also found feelings, always thinking about the situation on Ouyang's side, calling from time to time to ask, every time Xiaodan answered the phone, the situation was mixed.

Although the bones were not broken, they were badly damaged and had to be recuperated.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Xixi got up outside the door, and Director Zhang ran out to meet: Ou Yang returned to the crew.

"Let's continue shooting. Use a stand-in for the camera that needs to stand up. I personally come for the frontal shots, and I'm not playing anymore." Ou Yang's face was not very good, but he smiled slightly.

"You rest for two days." Director Zhang frowned.

Such a big-name coffee, let alone being injured, will dominate the show if he is in a bad mood, let alone being an invisible rich man, there is no need to be wronged.

This is supported by professionalism. Nowadays, there are not many people with such professionalism in the showbiz.

"So many friends are here waiting to play against me, everyone has a lot of things, it's okay, I can't bear it." Ou Yang frowned in pain when he said this: "Just playing with Gao Leng, it's okay. ?"

"Very perfect." Director Zhang gave a thumbs up: "Too perfect."

Really, it really is good.

"Xiao Gao, don't be guilty. It's normal to get injured in the play. It's right to hit harder, very good." Ou Yang, as before, posing like a big brother, trying to raise his hand to pat Gao Leng's shoulder Lifting it a little bit makes his teeth grin in pain.

Gao Leng stretched out his hand to support Ou Yang, Yu Guang looked at Xiao Shan, and saw Xiao Dan looking at Ou Yang with distress and admiration. For some reason, although he looked at Ou Yang with Xiao Shan's eyes, he felt a little uncomfortable. But he didn't feel that Ouyang was acting as if he was pretending, but he found that the man in front of him was an opponent.

And is a very powerful opponent.

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