Gossip King

Chapter 1282: Tensions!

Gao Leng listened to it and frowned slightly. He had no affection for Koreans.

Yu Yan finally came, followed by her best friend.

"That's him? He looks pretty, you're a little colder, and I'm most afraid of dog skin plasters." The girlfriend said softly, and her eyes looked at Gao Leng's body.

"Don't say that." Yu Yan sighed softly, looked at Gao Leng, squeezed a blunt smile, and turned her head aside.

Gao Leng knew in his heart that he respected her choice. Although he felt that the woman in front of him was his adolescent dream, he would not force it. This is not a moment of irritation. It has been so many days before the Chinese New Year, and it must be her deliberate consideration.

He smiled lightly and stood in the field.

The filming went smoothly. Gao Leng and Murong Yuyan's scenes were originally side-by-side scenes. The scenes were just a face-to-face. Although Gao Leng felt a little uncomfortable, business affairs were business affairs. She should keep her distance, Gao Leng She didn't pester Yuyan as the best friend was worried about, but Yuyan secretly glanced at Gao Leng a few times.

Soon the scene was completed.

"Happy cooperation." Gao Lengluo walked to Yu Yan's side generously and stretched out his hand.

"Happy and happy, let's go Yuyan." Murong Yuyan's best friend took her and left.

"Happy cooperation." Yu Yan broke away from her hand. After hesitating for a while, she stretched out her hand. She didn't seem to dare to look at Gao Leng. Instead, her lips trembled and added a low voice: "I hope you are well."

This is determined, and she still wants to leave after the two have not seen each other for so long.

Follow up again, it is entangled.

"I hope you are well." Gao Leng stretched out his hand, and after thinking about it, he added: "When you need my help, just speak up."

"Let's go." The best friend heard Gao Leng say this, frowned and dragged Murong Yuyan around and left. In her opinion, how could Yuyan need Gao Leng's help one day?

Gao Leng looked at her back, and didn't really look back.

The first time for a woman is certainly important.

Gao Leng took Yu Yan's first time, but he couldn't grow old with Zi.

Perhaps, she didn't know what love was, and she gave it in a silly way, but after thinking about it, it was still unacceptable.

Without true love, it is difficult to survive the winter.

Gao Leng saw the white eyes of her best friend beside Yu Yan, those who despised, those who looked down, Gao Leng felt it, and also felt Yu Yan's uncertainty, uncertain love. But Gao Leng still watched her leave, fearing that this was the last time she stared affectionately.

In the final analysis, after all, Yu Yan was too cold to give her what she wanted.


Ouyang went to heal after the filming, and Xiao Shan also took a few days off. I heard that Ou Yang's parents met Xiao Shan and they were very familiar with each other.

A few days later, when she returned to the Starlight Group to work, she wore a small sapphire necklace around her neck. The gems were small but delicate, and they were made by famous artists.

I don't know if it was from Ouyang or his parents.

It took Gao Leng a long time to endure the mind-reading technique. He didn't want to spy on Xiao Shan's life by spying on privacy in this way.

"Is Ouyang better?" Gao Leng asked.

"He is in good health, plus medical conditions, it's much better." Xiao Shan said while standing next to the cold table with the information.

"What is your relationship with him?" Gao Leng asked again.

"Friends." Xiao Dan smiled slightly and shook his head: "A lot more than friends, a very important person to me."

Gao Leng didn't ask any more, but looked at the information quietly, only feeling that he was panicked.

Is the important person a boyfriend? Why don’t you admit it if you are a boyfriend? If you are not a boyfriend, what is the concept of a very important person? Gao Leng thought to himself, a little anxious in his heart.

During this period, Gao Leng's mood is not very good. Since the crew came over after the filming, even the employees below knew that Mr. Gao was very angry recently.

Xiao Shan asked Gao Leng for a few days off, and some things went directly to Gao Leng to sign. Some middle and high-level employees were trembling every time they came to his office. Gao Leng would not get angry at will, but would control his work more carefully than before. .

An invisible pressure enveloped near the cold office.

Jian Xiaodan finally returned to work from Ouyang, letting a group of people breathe a sigh of relief.

"What's the matter with you? Absent-minded." Xiao Shan, who knows Xiao Shan very well, looked at Gao Leng.

"No, it's nothing." Gao Leng was surprised when she saw her inwardly. When she raised her head, she met Xiao Shan's face, and the sun shone on her face.

For some reason, Gao Leng suddenly felt that she was very feminine, the kind of woman who stood beside him and gave her the back with peace of mind. He suddenly felt like he didn't want Xiaodan to follow someone else.

"Then why have you used this page for so long?" Xiao Dan glared, "What are you doing so looking at me?"

Gao Leng quickly looked away, becoming more and more confused in his heart.

He never thought about Xiao Shan's heart, and never did.

Rubbing his temples, and looking up again, Xiao Shan recovered the Xiao Shan he had seen before, just like a reassuring assistant standing next to him, like a friend.

It has nothing to do with Fengyue, no heartbeat.

"It's okay." Gao Leng took it perfunctorily, and Yu Yan appeared in his mind. What it feels like to like a woman is the feeling after seeing Yu Yan. And when I watched the small list, I didn't feel that way at all.

Gao Leng's gaze fell on the information again.

"The girl from the shipping group hopes to treat you to a meal. She may want to have a role in the film "Building the Party", which is Yanyan, who is currently holding the red. She seems to like you very privately. After your class, she is a pretty cute little girl." Xiao Shan put an invitation letter on the cold table.

Yanyan is a stage name, and is now a fast-growing singer. She is only seventeen years old. She has become popular when she participates in that kind of singer show. However, her dad is the boss of the shipping group. It is simple to be popular, and that kind of show is also good, as long as he has a background. It is enough to enter the top five, all of which are set by default. Nowadays, singers are also very normal in acting. The current showbiz does not need acting skills. It stands to reason that this kind of dinner will go away. After all, the shipping group is a big group, and this face must be given.

But when Gao Leng heard Xiao Shan said that the girl liked herself very much.

In the past, he was always happy when he listened. Well, this person, it is a good thing that someone likes it naturally, not to mention that Yanyan's youthful and beautiful family conditions are good. But since Murong Yuyan left, Gao Leng suddenly seemed to have no idea about female sex.

There are very few that really make him tempted.

Murong Yuyan is one, she was the whole adolescence. But so what? Will the two sides be divided? After all, women cannot accept the existence of other people. This made Gao Leng feel that the love in his heart has become cheap, and it can't give people the future he wants, so he shouldn't touch it.

As for those who act on the spot, there are always some. It's just that Gao Leng is also very annoying for those now, and seems to have entered a state of fatigue for women.

"Forget it, you go on behalf of me." Gao Leng tiredly threw the invitation letter aside: "Other entertainers' entertainment will be given to you, or let the fat man go, especially the female artist, he Surely happy."

Fatty is really happy, to be precise, he can't ask for it...

Xiao Shan took out a thick stack of invitation letters...

"There are quite a lot of entertainment in the film and television industry. You see, this bunch of invitations are all handed over by the agents of domestic artists. This party and the dinner are all related."

Since investing in film and television, it is good to have a good relationship with these artists, this circle is so big.

"Don't go." Gao Leng frowned even more.

No matter what kind of dinner, the atmosphere of the show business circle is destined to be sent to the door by women. The higher your status and status, the higher the status of the artist who wants to build a relationship with you. Sometimes you don’t dive into her, people still play with their hearts. , But offend people. This is almost the same as persuading to drink, which is the prevailing trend.

Some of them are not necessarily seeking potential, and admiration is also a troublesome thing. One of Lin Zhi's sticky ones is enough, and a few more are too troublesome.

Gao Leng further frowned.

The current high cold, when I hear of a woman, I feel a little irritable. It is estimated that this is the so-called sequelae of a broken relationship.

"Okay." Xiao Shan sighed, and took out two pieces from the invitation: "This is KIKI's, this is Uzhi, this..."

"I can't go. Go for the necessary entertainment. It is not very important and needs to be arranged for the fat man." Gao Leng waved his hand impatiently: "All my energy is devoted to the selection."

Now the script for the second film "Lang Bang" has been written. The writer is the author himself. A few veteran screenwriters have been arranged to write together. The speed is much faster. Now there are half of the scripts. These scripts are added. The novel that has been published can go to the director to take over.

Choosing people is very important.

"Wei Wei" has been handed over to Director Lin, and Gao Leng has basically let go. The drama "Lang Bang" requires more careful selection of directors than the drama "Wei Wei".

This is an ancient costume drama, which is the most difficult to shoot and the least thankful.

Nowadays, the high ratings are idol pink films, and falling in love is a big fire. Although the drama "Wei Wei" is a youth campus, it is actually a love story. It is hard to say whether it will be a big fire or not. Pounce.

TV dramas are mainly based on the perspective that women love, so most of the novels written for girls are easily sold out of film and television rights and were filmed, while most of the novels written for boys have been filmed into web dramas: The cost is low. It’s easy to make money if you show it to girls, and most of it loses money if you show it to boys.

But "Lang Bang" is different. This kind of conspiracy is a waste of brains. Nowadays, the main force of watching TV dramas is housewives, girls, or rural women, mostly women. This woman likes to watch intrigues, such as Gong Dou, but she doesn't like to watch tricks.

It is extremely demanding for the director to make a film that makes people like it without losing quality.

The director is very demanding, and I can't give the director too much money...

What's more, Su can be intensively recruiting directors on a large scale. According to the film and television department, President Su has a bit of intention to do it to himself. The directors he fancyed were poached by Huantai at a high price when they just went to talk. Filming their scene.

Gao Leng's second play entered the emergency preparation stage, and Su Su had already opened up his crossbow and sharpened his sword.

"Mr. Gao, this Huantai is working against us. Look at their director's production of promotional videos. Under this circumstance, who is going to shoot our film! I just contacted a director who is capable enough to shoot "Lang Bang". Her mother was pryed by Huantai again!" A senior executive who was in charge of connecting with the director ran in with red eyes and put a piece of information on the table.

"Fuck it! This is the fourth time. I contacted a director and they pried, and when they contacted one, they pried!" It is rare that the person in charge exploded in front of Gao Leng, and it seemed that he was really angry. .

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