Gossip King

Chapter 1283: Now it's for real

It turned out that Su Su took the initiative and established a director department within just one day after the report. It is said that this department only contacts the director and assists the director with more than 20 employees. This number is already a lot, after all, directors have their own team and assistants.

Finance is different.

This Xiang Xingguang Group plus Gao Leng himself, is a film and television department with about 30 people. Na Xiang Susu has established a film and television company, and there are already about 20 employees who are responsible for contacting the director.

This disparity in strength is really shocking.

"Huantai has invested in so many dramas. In terms of quantity, it needs a lot of directors, and they are not necessarily directed at us." Gao Leng seemed to have predicted it a long time ago, and he was not surprised. Instead, he stood up, smiled and filmed the film. The man's shoulder: "Dude, you have worked hard these days."

As soon as this person heard this, he was full of anger and then disappeared. He sighed apologetically: "General Manager Gao, I didn't finish my work well. Hey, it's fine if you are here."

The old man has been in the hospital, and the cold man has one less right arm. Now the old man has a special position in the Star Group, and his work is also very atmospheric. It will not look like the driver of the year. If the old man is there, he is talking about the price. No need to worry about being cold, even if one or two.

This person is also pitiful. Originally, it was difficult to find a director to do this kind of work. It was like finding a target. The director had to look at the script, and the script was suitable for the director, and then he had to spend time to see if the time was right.

"I have found a suitable director. These directors are all very good, and the time is right, so the money is short. I originally said that the money is not much, but I can get a higher rebate. They are fine. I think some of the prices are low, but I should do it, good deed, Mr. Su, all of them are gone."

This person held his head helplessly, and was so angry that he paced back and forth: "There are very few people who have filmed "Lang Bang" and this kind of overhead history. There is no way for people to survive in Huantai. , The directors cooperate freely all the way, and the two go together. I heard that some of the films that the Yunke Film and Television Group wants to start also need to be directed, and it is impossible to fight with Huantai."

Su Su felt a little bit about Gao Leng in his heart, and also targeted him a bit during the business war, but in general, Su Su’s opponent is not Gao Leng, Gao Leng is not worthy of being her opponent, and winning Gao Leng is not hers either. Ambition.

Her ambition is to squeeze out the original film and television giants and dominate the market with such a big deal to gather the director. It's just a market for boutique TV series, and she doesn't want to be cold.

This market has never been tender.

The same is true for Su Su. She has her eyes on the film and television industry, so she has to dominate, and she will never give anyone a face.

"Huantai Group is going to hold a directors party, inviting a dozen first-line directors from both domestic and international to gather together, to ring the grand bell for Huantai Group's entry into the film and television industry. At this dinner, she is expected to include first-line directors in China. "Xiao Shan put a copy of the information on the table.

Gao Leng picked it up and turned it over.

He raised his brows and admired in his heart.

This woman is really amazing, he thought.

Huantai Group invested in nearly 50 films throughout the year, half of which were online TV dramas. The cost was not high, but it was enough to dominate the market for online dramas. It can be said that as soon as Huantai entered, the online TV drama market that had just become popular in China was dominated by her.

Those network TV drama film and television companies that have not had time to grow up, clean up.

Susute is ruthless. Many online film and television companies that have just made progress are willing to be acquired by Huantai at a low price.

Whether you want to go bankrupt or hang yourself or jump off the building is your business. In short, this market is mine. She Su Su has always been so cold-blooded.

If the cake of online film and television dramas is not big, there is no resistance at all for Huantai, then the resistance in the circle of movies and TV shows will be great.

This year, Huantai has mainly entered the film industry. There have been three large film and television companies in this circle for a long time, and they have formed three pillars. In the industry, they are laughing and talking about the modern Romance of the Three Kingdoms. In addition, Huantai Film and Television is the four top film and television companies.

That is, the Huantai Group. Once a film and television company is established, it can directly squeeze into the wave of giants. Gao Leng didn't know that the year of the monkey could climb up. How can Su Su's ambition stop at winning against Gao Leng? But the three bosses are not so easy to deal with. They have had a relationship with the directors for more than ten years. What movie hasn't been made on the market? What hasn't been seen at the box office?

They are all experts, if it weren't for Huantai to be big enough, it would be so horrible at the first shot, I'm afraid the bosses of these three companies would look at the child Su Su coldly.

"This banquet invited more than a dozen well-known associate directors in the world, and will cooperate with Huantai Film and Television for several films. Of course, it is only a technical guidance, but this is as attractive as a drug for domestic first-line directors. !" Xiao Shan exclaimed.

There are many well-known directors in the world. It is not appropriate to invite them to film the Empire. They do not understand the culture of the Empire and cannot make them. But the assistant director has a very big effect.

The assistant director’s provision of technical guidance is just a gimmick. Maybe when the film is finished, the director has taken the money and has not been to the Empire yet, but they have overseas resources enough for the film produced by the Empire to be broadcast internationally. Add a few more games at the time.

To put it in layman's terms: Invite some American associate directors with certain names to cooperate with the imperial directors. Su Su provided huge sums of money to this associate director, so that after the filming, the film can be shown in the United States for a few more shows. The assistant director hired for this money is not for the technical support, but for his personal connections.

Empire’s films have always been difficult to cause a sensation in the international arena. Su Su’s trick is so attractive to the first-line directors of the Empire. The wealthy Huantai will pay for your film to buy into the international screening relationship.

"This move has caused the three film and television companies to have trouble. I heard that Director Zhang was very happy after listening to it. He hopes that his film can win international awards. If there is an American associate director who cooperates , The chance of winning is much higher."

"Yeah, those three companies definitely don't have that much money to invite. As soon as Su Su raised his hand, he invited more than a dozen of them, which would cost more than a billion!"

If the wealth is big, the cards played are big, and the stakes are naturally big.

"Here is the list of directors she invited. Look, directors who have won awards in the past five years and have performed well in the market have invited them. The directors of TV dramas I have followed are also listed."

Gao Leng looked at the list carefully, the densely packed list had nearly a hundred people.

There are about 20 or 30 famous directors, almost including the first-class directors in China. The second and third line directors have also invited dozens of them. Among them, dozens of well-qualified young directors have signed director agreements with Huantai and entered the ring. Prepared by the director of Thai Group.

For a time, the international director banquet of Huantai Film and Television Group spread all over the country, and Huantai Group’s new method of setting private-enterprise directors also attracted a lot of admiration. Various commentators also said that Huantai Group’s first director’s organization, let Young directors have a place to stay.

For a time, no one remembered that the concept of this organization system was proposed by Gao Leng, who initiated it.

"Obviously you created it." Xiao Shan was a little depressed.

"It's okay." Gao smiled coldly.

"The directors she signed are all signed network directors. They are cheap and large in quantity. They are all young directors. Boss, why are the four directors you signed are all old-school directors?" Xiao Shan was puzzled.

"Yes, they are all those old directors who followed Director Lin. They are all so old, and the cost for us is so high."

Gao sneered and did not speak, but took out a pen and drew on the list of directors, tapping his fingers on the table.

"President Su also invited you to participate in her international director feast." Xiao Shan handed the invitation letter to Gao Leng.

International directors sounded very tall and tall, adding a few international associate directors, and adding the word international is different. The directors who went to, apart from the gang of network TV drama directors, were indeed experts among the directors and top-notch characters among the empire directors.

Gao Leng's fingers continued to tap on the table, his eyes still fixed on the names of these directors.

"What to do, boss." At this moment, the fat man ran in. During this period of time, he was busy and tired, and he lost a lot of weight, but his stomach was still quite big and he was sweaty.

"Our several production directors who have signed the agreement have all received the International Directors Banquet Invitation Letter from Huantai Group, and I have heard from Director Li that people from Huantai Group told him that as long as he is willing to join the Huantai Group , They will pay the penalty." The fat man flushed with anger, and slapped the table with trembling noises: "Manager Su is too disgusting! Even headhunters are not invited, and the Huantai Group directly called. Such blatant digging!"

Usually, people are digging through headhunting. There are too few companies to dig people directly. It is always necessary to dig a little bit obscurely? That's fine, Su Su made it clear that I was going to kill you.

If Gao Leng had just said that Su Su did not target him, then this action shows that Su Su’s ambition is not limited to Gao Leng. Her ambition is to occupy this market, and Gao Leng is a stumbling block to her occupation of this market. Small stumbling block, one that she can kick away with a little effort.

She was so blatant that she told Gao Leng: You have beaten me twice. It was just a small game, and now it's real.

"I want to dig into the directors in our establishment? These directors have long since retired. If it weren't for the boss and I to invite them, I am afraid that they would not be able to film in the future. What did she dig for? Her bunch of directors." Xiao Shan, who had always been calm, was very angry when he heard the news, and his face turned red.

The fat man was red and red, Xiao Dan was slightly red, and his teeth were itchy with anger.

"Other actions are understandable. She wants to occupy the market. High-priced digging directors can understand. But the directors who dig high-priced past are all going to film. What does she do with old directors like us? It is clear that we want to play. Don't go down." The fat man was so angry that he chuckles.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the directors in Su Suwa's Gao Leng establishment are just because Gao Leng has won her twice before, and she wants to exhale. There was liquidated damages when the agreement was signed. After all, "Weiwei" is about to enter the preparatory stage, and Director Lin is about to start joining the group. The director is gone, who will be filming? This loss is great.

The liquidated damages are naturally large, and the price is in the industry.

And Su Su is willing to lose this money, high salaries to poach your director to film, and then pay the liquidated damages, this Su Su in the hands of the directors in Gao Leng's hands is a money-losing business.

This attitude is very clear: even if I lose money, I have to let you play without a license and no director to use.

I used to hear people say that Su Su was cold-blooded, but now Starlight Group has truly experienced her cold-blooded and ruthlessness.

Sure enough, now is the real game.

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