Gossip King

Chapter 1311: High cold iron noodles

At 6 in the morning, the girls on the seventh and eighth floors went out and gathered to the eighth floor. They started dancing at 6:30, and at 6:20, these talents are different. Today, the presidential suite on the eighth floor just opened at 6 o'clock. Gathered at the door and rushed in.

What's more different is that these girls usually just apply a lotion to practice dance. After all, they sweat during dance practice, but today they all wear very delicate makeup, and they are at least transformed at a glance. Nude makeup for more than an hour.

Nude makeup, makeup that makes men think you have no makeup.

To be precise, it is to make Mr. Gao in the bedroom look at it and think you are born with such perfect makeup.

It was a group of beautiful girls who became more and more attractive after putting on their makeup. They were different from chatting as soon as they walked in. The girls stared at the door of the cold bedroom.

As soon as Mr. Gao opened the door, he would see his radiant and beautiful self.

But only one person is different.

"Where's Diba? Why didn't Diba come?" Kimikoy, a dance teacher from Taiwan, has a hot body. After all, she has danced since she was a child. She has a different temperament when she is standing there. She is 32 years old and married. This group of girls was the same as Gao Leng. Training was work. She swept everyone around with majesty.

It's all here, except for Diba.

"You are all so early!" As he said, Diba's voice came over, and she was wearing a sportswear casually, her hand was still piercing her head, and she had just washed her face without even getting water. Clean, there are some toothpaste bubbles standing at the corners of the mouth, so I came to the dance studio.

"It started at half past six, and it's only six o'clock now, you are all here!" Diba was so surprised that his chin was about to fall. He tied a ball head three times and five times, and he pulled his hair twice, and then took a closer look. Seeing everyone, she was even more surprised, her chin had fallen to the upper of the shoe: "Do a dance in the morning and you still put on makeup!"

"Mr Gao is..." A girl reminded in a low voice: "The corner of your mouth..."

"That is, Mr. Gao is in the bedroom, and she doesn't dress up...it doesn't matter too much."

Several girls whispered, jealous and jealous.

"Zongzai Gao, Mr. Gao also dances. You sweat when practicing dance. This will affect the practice!" Diba stretched out his hand and wiped out the toothpaste bubbles from the corners of his mouth without even looking in the mirror. He ran to the side and pressed his leg.

The sound of music rang in the room, and the newcomers started training.

Gao Leng got up a long time ago, and didn't rush to open the door to watch the girls dancing. Compared to this, he was more interested in the financial news at 6:30 in the morning. Fortunately, the soundproofing was good, but it didn't affect it.

The girls jumped hard for half an hour, with an intermission.

"Why doesn't Mr. Gao come out yet?"

"I don't know, I'm exhausted, I was too hard just now, so hot."

"Let's touch up makeup..."

The girls sat aside, although they were a little tired, they still maintained a good-looking posture, taking out cosmetics from their bags to make up.

But Diba walked to the side and took a large glass of water, then went to the side to continue stretching.

"Oh my mom..." Diba pressed his leg stretch to the maximum, grinning in pain.

"Oh, it hurts your father and me!" Diba wailed and looked at the dance teacher: "Teacher, help me press and pull again..."

The whole dance practice room was filled with Diba's howling ghosts and wolves. Fortunately, she was online, otherwise she really couldn't bear to look straight.

After reading the financial news, Gao Leng lay in the room and read the magazine for a while. After hearing the sound of outside music for a while, he slowly opened the bedroom door.

Take a look, he thought.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw a dozen girls in tight dance clothes lying on the ground, raising their legs high and separating them. After all, they had practiced. This was much harder than the splits, each of them was very open and straight.

"Master Gao."

"Good for Mr. Gao."

"President Gao, you are up."

"Mr. Gao, you..."

As Gao Leng's bedroom door opened, the girls immediately changed their positions and stood up, taking out their best posture and looking at Gao Leng with a smile.

"Oh, oh, it hurts your father and me..." Diba was screaming with pain as if he hadn't seen the high cold.

"Hello, Mr. Gao, I’m Kimikoy, their new dance teacher." Seeing Gao Leng opened the door, Kimikoy hurried forward a few steps and stretched out her hand. Gao Leng looked at her up and down. This figure is really amazing. It's the kind of body that is very powerful and lined, and it looks professional.

"You guys are busy." Gao Leng didn't look at the girls very much. He walked out in pajamas with a cup, a drinking fountain next to the dance studio, he just walked there, four or five girls had good eyesight, and immediately went up. The first few steps scrambled to pour him water.

"President Gao, I will help you."

"Do you want warm water, hot water, or cold?"

The girls huddled together.

"Are you not practicing? He will fall when he is thirsty! It's not that he has no hands. The rice grains come quickly and help me press my legs. My tendons are too hard! Too hard!" With his legs grinning, he looked at the direction of these people and said.


Everyone was a little speechless.

"Dibba is young, speak..." Kimikoy quickly relieved.

"She's right, you practice yours, I will do it myself." Gao Leng didn't think that Diba was wrong, but instead thought that the chick was quite real, smiled and looked at Diba again. Look at everyone.

A few people sweat a little while practicing, some keep their makeup, and Diba sweats profusely.

The legs are slender, lying there, the legs can't be separated, the head of the ball is a little messy, and his face is sweaty.

"Dibba performed well, and he practiced seriously at first sight." Gao Leng pointed to Diba casually and boasted.

The girls glanced at each other, expressions of regret appeared on their faces. They all lay flat on the ground and lifted their legs and worked hard to separate them. This is a basic skill. The teacher's body was pressed against the legs, and the face was so painful. Changed.

Gao Leng took a teacup and slowly drank his tea, walked to his bedroom and sat on the bed, watching the girls in the dance studio practice dancing, and saw them lowering their waists or cheating, with enchanting figures.

It's a group of beautiful girls, and the fat man's vision is very good, but a few of them Gao Leng feels inferior. He got up from the bed and walked to the girls.

Every time you approach a girl, that girl is extremely nervous and hardworking. This is the general manager of Starlight Group. As long as he thinks you are a plastic talent, it will be red.

Gao Leng watched while holding a teacup in front of these girls, sometimes smiling and sometimes frowning. The girl who made a slight smile when he saw it was extremely happy, but when he saw a certain girl, she frowned. , Is particularly nervous and sad.

Fatty controls their signing, and Gao Leng is the one who really controls their future.

"Boss, how is this group of people?" The fat man hurried up. At this time, he had been dancing for almost an hour, and it was almost over. He originally wanted to come up early, but he was really obsessed with Mu Qing's beauty. In the lust, I did not hold back, and undressed again...

Gao Leng glanced at him: "What did you do tonight? His complexion is not very good."

Can you look good? In Mu Qing's body, all his energy was almost exhausted, and he was so happy that he didn't sleep all night, his face was a little pale.

"I've been working a little longer." The fat man dared not look at Gao Leng when he lied. He quickly turned his head to the girls and pointed: "Boss, what do you think of them?"

Gao Leng glanced around.

The fat man reached out and waved.

"Stop it all and stand facing Gao Leng in three rows." Kimikoy clapped his hands, and the girls immediately stood in line in the direction of Gao Leng. They were out of breath after dancing.

They were very nervous, and some of them were trembling with nervous legs.

This is the second time I have faced the general manager of Starlight Group. The first time Gao Leng pointed out that he would push the twins, Diba. These three people received more than a dozen resources within a few days, especially Diba, three women in the TV series. When you get it, you can start shooting next month.

With these resources alone, artists without backgrounds sometimes struggle for a lifetime and cannot beat Diba these days.

Gao Leng is their gold master, and the person who can make them soar is the biggest leader of the Star Group. If the first opportunity is missed, then the second time must not be missed. If you miss it, you will have to be so close in the future. It is difficult to get in touch with Mr. Gao.

That is to say, Fatty’s work has just started for half a year, and Gao Leng will only come into contact with these newcomers. I am afraid that the people who will be pushed are the ones who will be able to contact in the future.

The girls' makeup was exquisite, their eyes flashed with longing and thirst, and even deep begging. They looked at Gao Leng together, standing straight, showing their most beautiful posture.

Gao Leng stretched out his hand and pointed to a girl in green.

The girl in the green tight-fitting dance suit suddenly burst into tears with excitement, and her tall chest fell together, her eyes flashing with dazzling light looking at Gao Leng.

Gao Leng stretched out his hand and pointed to a girl in flesh-colored clothes.

This girl knows men very well, and the flesh-colored tight-fitting sportswear she chose is extremely attractive. The flesh-colored tight-fitting sportswear is already tempting and her figure is ready to appear, it is even more charming.

The girl in flesh-colored clothes covered her chest with her hands in excitement, and her legs trembled involuntarily.

The other girls were extremely nervous with envy, and stood up straight one by one, and the high cold swept across their faces. When they reached Dibana, she yawned...

Gao Leng frowned. She quickly took back the half-struck yawn, and stood up straight with her **** clamped just like the others, with a well-behaved look. Those eyes looking at the gate can't deceive anyone. She touched her belly, Xu was hungry, as if she wanted to go out to eat immediately.

tension? Didn't see it on Diba at all.

"And you." Gao Leng pointed to a girl again with a serious expression: "Fatty."

"Boss, order." The fat man responded immediately.

"These three girls, weed out." Gao Lengtie grinned, and his cold voice faintly sounded in the dance studio: "If it doesn't meet the standards of the artists under the Starlight Group, immediately terminate the contract."

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