Gossip King

Chapter 1312: It's not easy to form an angle

As soon as these words were spoken, the three girls experienced great joy and great sadness. None of them seemed to react. They stared at Gao Leng in a daze, until Gao Leng walked leisurely to the bedroom with a teacup and closed the door. come.

"Brother Fatty..." Several people were overwhelmed with tears. They were in their best condition when Mr. Gao just came out. Why didn't they meet the standards of Starlight artists?

"The boss said one thing is not two." The fat man cut off their thoughts, and couldn't help feeling the cold eyesight in his heart. These three people are indeed at the bottom of the recent comprehensive score.

Too many artists were eliminated during the training period. Entering the Starlight Group is only the first step. The first step in the Long March. Survival of the fittest is a common occurrence, but they did not expect that the young Mr. Gao would be so cruel with a single hand. There is no room for maneuver. .

"Fatty, these three girls have no characteristics. In the end, we can only keep five artists, and then we will eliminate eight." After the fatty arrived in the high-cold room, Gao Leng took the artist profile on the bedside: "The speed of elimination Speed ​​up and listen to the opinions of these teachers."

Artists are trained in all aspects. From the camera's voice to the walking posture, it is difficult for new artists to get ahead. If they want to get ahead, they must have a solid basic skills. Otherwise, how to fight with those with background?

The fat man nodded: "At the moment Starlight Group is short of funds, the artists really need to focus on it and speed up the elimination."

"Add two boys, how come they are all women." Gao Leng stood up: "I have gone to the company, please continue to stare here."

"Okay, I will look for two more male artists. Diba is going to join the filming in the past few days. I have to go to Shaanxi. The crew is over there. I have to meet their directors. I have to go to Taiwan. The twins are on a variety show over there, and they have to meet the big guys over there and ask them to take care of them."

Bringing an artist is not that simple, big and small things. Fatty has become a trapeze during these days, and he is very busy, but his ability has also increased. Except for some important resources that require high cold or small orders, he does everything else. Calling the shots is now considered alone.

"Ooo, ooo." The three girls were eliminated after crying into the circle back to the sixth floor in the living room.

"Don't cry, talk to Fatty Brother for a while, begging for mercy."

"Hey, we don't know if we will be eliminated. I heard that only five were left."

The other girls were also worried, and some of them were so grateful that they also shed tears. Gao Leng had left for almost half an hour, and their emotions had not calmed down.

Mu Qing walked out, her elegant makeup just looked a little tired, no one paid too much attention to her when she walked to the living room, and it was no surprise to the fat sleeping woman.

"What's the use of fat brother interceding? We'll have to get out with Mr. Gao's words. Fatty interceding? Huh, is it useless to sleep with him?" The girl in green who said this was both angry and broke with a broken jar. The appearance of the fall, needless to say, she must have slept with the fat man. When she said this, she flew up and glanced at her eyes.

Mu Qing's face was a little red, and the people all over the room glanced at her. Needless to say, this kind of thing can be thought of, another unspoken rule.

"Yeah, what's the use of Fatty Brother? President Gao didn't ask Fatty Brother when he was about to eliminate us. He didn't ask any comments. What should we do? This is eliminated."

The three girls cried together again.

They are lucky to be signed by Starlight Group as their artists. After all, the artists under the big film and television companies have some reputation to sign. Small companies are all signed live broadcast female anchors, which are too low-grade, and Starlight Group is not inferior and want to come in. All have to squeeze their heads.

"Don't cry. Even if you leave Starlight Group, other companies will sign you."

"Yes, the training that Starlight Group has trained is always different."

Others were comforted and worried. If Gao Leng directly pushed three people in the office to make these girls excited last time, the elimination of a few people in the iron face made them feel that the star group is the master. It's not just handsome, warm, and cold.

"It's not just some companies that have signed live broadcasts of female anchors, how can they compare with Starlight Group!" Several people cried together.

Mu Qing's eyes were a little flustered, she pulled Kaiqi aside: "Brother Fatty can't keep you guys?"

Kaiqi sighed: "I didn't expect Mr. Gao to be so decisive. I think Mr. Gao is still satisfied if he wants to stay. The fat guy can only match the bridge."

A look of regret appeared on Mu Qing's face.

"Don't think about it. There are more people who want to sleep. How old are you? Hold on to the fat guy and tell me more. I have average grades in dance and body classes. I am afraid that the next one to be eliminated is Me." Kaiqi said, her eyes flushed.


Mu Qing returned to the fat man’s presidential suite. She walked to the bookshelf without reading financial magazines but only fashion magazines. After flipping through several financial magazines, she found the one interviewing Gao Leng.

Turn to the page of the column.

Mu Qing's eyes lit up.

"It's so handsome..." Mu Qing's hand gently stroked the cold photo on the page, regretting his face even more.

"Youth talent, starting from paparazzi with bare hands, now holds the Star Group, which contains two magazines, a green agriculture, in the media..." Mu Qing lightly read the content of the interview, the more she looked, her chest The more ups and downs.

Today's Gao Leng status is something that Mu Qing dare not think about, and he can only look up to the gold master after seeing it.

"He protects personal privacy very well, and he doesn't respond to personal questions." Mu Qing put the magazine on his chest and tilted his head for a moment. "Is there no girlfriend?"

I picked up my phone and searched for Gao Leng's gossip. First I searched Lin Zhi. There was such a gossip. Although it was written by some marketing accounts, I took a picture of Gao Leng and Lin Zhi.

"I can't look forward to this kind of man, hey, if I could become his girlfriend, it would be great. This fat man is far below his ability, but I can't look forward to this kind of man either. I feel depressed." Mu Qing said deeply. He sighed, looked at Lin Zhidi's photo with contempt and pouted: "When I become red, I will be able to climb it. Red, it will only take a year or two. As long as I am attracted to Qinghong, then I can climb."

The door opened, and the fat man walked in with a smile: "Where are you reading a magazine?"

Mu Qing quickly turned his head with a shy smile: "Well, I'll turn around when I'm bored here."

"Look at my boss's interview. Here, you have this one." The fat man pointed to the magazine in Mu Qing's hand: "My boss is awesome. If I didn't follow him, I would not be fat today. ."

Mu Qing pursed his lips and put the magazine aside, and continued to turn his back to the fat man without looking at him and said, "I think you are the best."

Seeing Mu Qing's back to him, the fat man couldn't help feeling cute, and approached Mu Qing's side and asked, "Why are you always turning your back to me?"

"I'm not shy!" Mu Qing said, and the fat man laughed in a coquettish tone.

"It turns out to be shy. It's good to be shy, good to be shy." The shy Mu Qing sweetened the fat to his bones. He picked Mu Qing up and sat on the sofa, gently stroking her long hair: "I just sent the boss When I asked him to have a drink tomorrow, I arranged for you to meet him tomorrow."

When Mu Qing heard this, her heart jumped violently. She looked at the fat man in surprise: "So fast! Tomorrow?!"

The fat man smiled shyly, and pointed to the scratch on his neck: "The boss is careful. He saw this scratch. I said I had a girlfriend. I will show it to him tomorrow. I said I would invite He ate, he said that I rarely find a girlfriend, and is the first girlfriend, so he invited us to dinner."

Mu Qing only felt that the blood was rushing to the top of her head, and the excitement made her extremely happy. She threw herself into the fat man's arms and did not notice the phrase "the first girlfriend" the fat man said.

Fatty is bothered. As we all know, he is lustful to be precise, but his heart hasn't moved. It's the first time I've gotten into Mu Qing, so this is his first girlfriend in the true sense.

"Then I have to prepare well." Mu Qing clenched his fist and smiled so that his eyes narrowed.

"The entertainment industry is not easy. Do you really want to be a star?" The fat man couldn't help laughing when he saw Mu Qing was happy. After laughing, he was a little worried: "This circle is more complicated than you think. You will suffer from being so innocent."

When I thought of her taking the initiative to send it to the door, the fat man was scared for a while, thinking that fortunately he climbed on his own bed and was responsible for her. If this is someone else...

"You won't let me suffer, you are so powerful." Mu Qing smiled sweetly.

"Well, I won't let you suffer." The fat man's promised tone was very firm. He lightly kissed Mu Qing's cheek: "It's not easy to be a role model. There are a lot of down-to-earth acting in the entertainment industry, not to gossip. Good actor, if you want to be an actor, you can act well, and leave the rest to me."

Mu Qing nodded.

He has a big tone. Does he have big resources? There must be small resources. I am afraid that large resources will depend on Mr. Gao, right? Mu Qing thought.

"I'm looking for the boss, he can get you big resources if he shoots," said the fat man.


Mu Qing rolled his eyes in his heart.

"Will it affect your work? I don't care, I can start from a small scene." He rolled his eyes, his face looked like a fat man.

"No, I have a very strong relationship with him. My girlfriend, he will definitely help." The fat man patted his chest, and when he talked about the boss, he was proud. This kind of pride penetrated from his bones and could not be blocked. live.


"What?! Fat girlfriend?!" Xiao Shan bounced off the sofa, rarely seeing her gossiping, Gao Leng couldn't help laughing.

"Yes, I told me yesterday, let's have a meal tonight, these are younger siblings." Gao Leng said.

"Fatty is so bothered, would he bring his girlfriend to see us? I heard you right, but don't eat the meal and divide it tomorrow." Xiao Dan went to Gao Leng's side and pulled his sleeve: "Hey Hey, does it look good? What does it look like? What does the family do? How old is it?"

"You are really a elder sister." Gao Leng couldn't help laughing when he saw Xiao Dan's face excited. Although Xiao Dan's mouth mocked the fat man, he knew in his heart that this fat man had never seen a girlfriend with him. They can be brought over, it must be tempting.

Fatty is tempted, it is really rare to see the iron tree blooming.

"I haven't seen it. I don't need to meet together at night." Gao Leng looked at the time: "I'll see you at six o'clock in the evening. This meeting can start. By the way, do you have a meeting?"

"Meeting? Postponed... Walk around and meet, Fatty's girlfriend! It's really rare to see it." Workaholic Xiao Shan was able to push the meeting, showing how happy she is.

Be happy for friends.

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