Gossip King

Chapter 1336: Hole cards

Yang Guanguan has long been accustomed to men's salivating gaze. She is very calm. It can be said that apart from the **** surging gaze of Gao Leng before, she has never been afraid.

Both of them sat down.

"Mr. Gao, let's go ahead. You bid 100 million, and I will add a little bit to you. If you think it works, we will sign the contract." Mr. Zhang said while looking at Mr. Ji of NetCloud, and said with a smile. "President Ji, if you increase to 200 million or 300 million to win, you will add it to the local tyrant. I will not stop you. I admire you. In short, I will only count 110 million."

Mr. Zhang raised ten million upwards, and made it clear that he could only pay this price.

They are all top-notch people, and they take the film to make money, and definitely won’t pay sky-high prices for anger. Mr. Ji smiled after listening, glanced at the people around him, and they quickly calculated in his heart. Attached to Mr. Ji's ear and said something.

"That's fine, I will add a little bit to this number, 120 million, not more."

President Ji added another 20 million to the top, and also reported the base number, indicating that he would not increase it again.

Yang Guan Guan opened his eyes wide, and only felt that his heart was beating wildly. Her fingers were breaking one by one underneath: one hundred million...120 million, how many zeros? She counted several times with her fingers, but did not count clearly.

Money is something that you can really feel when the amount is small, and when the amount is large, you feel too far away from yourself. But now Yang Guan's concerns are actually touched and felt.

With such a special effort of two sentences, it has risen by 20 million, 20 million! !

This made Yang Guanguan so excited that he couldn't help trembling.

Will they keep raising prices? My goodness, this money is not money! Yang Guanguan's hands were rubbing underneath, only to feel fine sweat beading from the palms of his hands, but Gao Zong, who looked at him from the side, found that he was calm and slowly drinking tea.

Mr. Gao is really calm. With so much money, he sounds like two hundred yuan, more than one billion! Yang Guanguan wiped the sweat on his skirt, only to feel that his breathing was rapid all the time, and even sweat started on his forehead.

Gao Leng looked at the two people and was very clear about the trend. They would not keep raising the price as Yang Guanguan thought. It would be too naive. After all, one hundred and twenty million is not the top price. But for this drama, it is enough for the novice film and television company. The investment of 100 million yuan, at least two to three billion yuan for the film and television company, they are all clear.

The difference is no more than 10 million, which is a small amount of money.

Gao Leng looked at these two people. Although they weren't extraordinarily true in terms of price, they were obviously rivals. They promised this and offended the other, and promised that they offended this again.

This is a business talk, if you talk about it individually, choose who you didn’t choose and who won’t offend people, face to face...

Everyone needs face, especially in front of the enemy.

"Mr. Gao, you can make the decision now. You can sign whichever one is suitable and go to play together at night."

"Yes, let's hurry up. This is a good show. We love the good show that Manager Ju of the company loves. I want to win it. I believe that working with us will make the show a hit."

The two looked at Gao Leng and waited for Gao Leng's reply.

"Otherwise, let's go back and think about it." Yang Guanguan naturally knew that it was inappropriate to refuse people in person, so he quickly reconciled, and after going back and thinking about it, choosing another one would not be embarrassing.

"No." Gao Cooling interrupted Yang Guanguan's reconciliation.

Yang Guanguan looked at Gao Leng in amazement, and it was a taboo to refuse another one in person. These two are the top three online video companies in the industry.

The two males looked at each other, the fire was shining, and their respective moods were a little nervous. After all, if the choice is not yourself, it is a very shameless matter. In front of each other, it will be reduced to a joke at dinner.

No matter who Gao Leng chooses, the other person will be reduced to a joke. After all, it is a face-to-face matter, which is very different from bidding together and then losing the election.

"Let’s do this, the exclusive broadcasting right of "Langbang" is positioned at a price of 110 million yuan.” Gao Leng said, 110 million is the price quoted by Mr. Zhang from Aiyi Company. Exiting, Mr. Zhang sighed in relief, couldn't help but laugh, and looked at Mr. Ji proudly.

Although President Ji kept his smile, his smile was full of face and sweeping the floor.

You don’t need to think about it. In the future, Mr. Zhang and others will come to this section when they eat: Oh, you don’t know. Back then, I was with NetCloud and Mr. Gao. Gao Leng said that we would cooperate with Aiyi, not with him. When network cloud cooperation, ah ha ha ha ha, President Ji's face suddenly collapsed into a donkey face! Hey, poor, he met Mr. Gao one step earlier than me. This is strength, we are strong!

Mr. Ji's eyes revealed that the knife was killing Gao Leng.

"But whoever wants this exclusive broadcasting right is up to you." Unexpectedly, Gao Leng took this sentence again.

The face of President Zhang, who had just smiled into a flower, changed, and the face of President Ji, who had just turned black, also eased.

What do these mean? Hearing this, Gao Leng just set the price, but didn't decide which company to cooperate with.

Gao Leng's words turned a little faster, and the expression on the two males' faces became a little faster, feeling as if he had been slid around, a little dizzy.

"Yes, both of you are top companies in the industry. I can sell this movie to either of you. Aiyi's new registered user growth quota is the strongest in the industry. It is thriving, and several of them are popular. TV dramas are now exclusively broadcast on your platform, and the network cloud company’s TV drama exclusive broadcasting rights are the most in your hand, with an unshakable number of old customers. You two can watch my dramas, it’s mine Fortunately, how could I pick and choose." Gao Leng said with a smile, very humble.

These words made Mr. Zhang and Mr. Ji's expressions lighter.

"I still have two exclusive broadcasting rights in my hand that have not been sold. If the two of you have the intention, who bought the exclusive broadcasting rights of "Lang Bang", then the other one can consider whether they want those two exclusive broadcasting rights. Quan." As soon as Gao Leng's words came out, Manager Ju's eyes lit up and took the lead.

"The platform for "The Founding of the Kingdom" and "The Founding of the Party" has not been decided yet?" Manager Ju asked, staring at Gao Leng with bright eyes: "I heard that Director Zhang asked Mr. Zhao and the others, not intending to stay with Mr. Zhao. Put it on the platform?"

Jianguo Diye is about to be released, and which platform to broadcast on the Internet has not been officially decided. And Jianguo Weiye has not started shooting, naturally, it has not been decided. Gao Leng has always kept these two hole cards and waited for the right time come out.

Right now is the most suitable time.

"It's not yet decided, which network platform Jianguo Diye and Jianguo Weiye will cooperate with, I have the final say. Let's see, who wants "Langbang"? Who wants "Langbang", then Jianguo and Jianguo are in another one. Let go, what do you think?"

The ball was kicked to President Zhang and President Ji.

This kind of gift film brings not only benefits, but also status. Which platform can this kind of gift film be on, which platform is magnificent, it can't be linked to the country, the grade is much higher, at least one can get: Depends on the reputation of the **** platform on the main drama, the two dramas can be on the platform, is to make an advertisement for "my home platform is more positive drama".

Although video playback platforms are all integrated platforms, they will be subdivided. Some platforms have more Korean dramas than other platforms. This will attract some loyal users who like to watch Korean dramas, and some platforms will attract more users who like to watch foreign movies. Some platforms There are many bubble love idol dramas, and some platforms have more dramas.

Regardless of the platform, films like Jianguo Diye and Jianguo Weiye are particularly good if they can win the exclusive broadcast rights. This drama has political characters and so many stars appear on the stage, and its influence is not ordinary.

Influence is influence, but the price you can buy is not necessarily. The movie box office of this kind of film is definitely good. After all, many state-owned enterprises will organize to watch it together with so many artists. Their fans will also top the box office, but how many clicks there will be on the Internet must be carefully considered. How much money is appropriate for the exclusive broadcasting rights of the two films combined? It needs to be analyzed.

"This... Let's discuss it, Mr. Gao, if you have time, let us discuss it. If it works, we will make it today."

"Well, we also have to discuss, then let's go to the next door first. We don't need a lot of time, just half an hour."

"Well, the two of you will go to the next room for a meeting first. I will drink tea slowly. Let's get this done in one go and have a drink together in the evening." Gao sneered, and the two quickly got up and left, and Yang Guanguan sent it to Yang Guanguan. She closed the door behind the door, and when the door closed, she jumped up excitedly.

"Awesome! Mr. Gao, you are great! One hundred and ten million! My God! And Mr. Gao, how did you think that Jianguo and Jianguo were sold like this? How good are they selling like this! It is not a crime to pull the price, and the platform is done all at once! You are great! Great!” Yang Guanguan tried his best to control the low voice, jumped up high, and jumped several times uncontrollably.

Gao Leng's eyes followed her bumps up and down several times.

"President Gao, what price do you think they will give Jianguo and Jianguo? You said..." Yang Guanguan was excited to return to the tea-drinking position, looking at Gao Leng's eyes gleaming, with the light of worship from the heart .

Compared with the colleagues around you who have an annual salary of 300,000 yuan, an annual salary of 500,000, and an annual salary of 1 million and 2 million, what are those in front of Gao Leng?

A comparison is simply scum.

Yang Guanguan’s salary is 15,000 per month, which is already a relatively high salary in the civil service category. In addition, the year-end bonus is more than 40,000. It is a good quality white-collar worker in the eyes of others, and her classmates and friends , Even if it is the most capable male ticket among the people I know, I have tossed for a lifetime, and I haven't made much money from the time of drinking a cup of tea here.

I usually hear from others that Mr. Gao talks about the invincibility of cooperation, and he is very happy to win, but hearing that and really participating are two different things. Really participating and directly experiencing success, the excitement made Yang Guanguan extremely excited and excited.

"When I heard them say 110 million, 120 million, my heart is about to jump out!" Yang Guanguan covered his chest, his hot eyes looked at Gao Leng, and people instinctively depended on him. Closer.

"The price is expected, the play is good." Gao Leng's tone was very calm, his eyes deliberately did not look at Yang Guanguan, and somehow, when he saw her, he felt like thinking about it.

"Mr. Gao, you are so amazing!" Yang Guanguan praised him sincerely, poured tea over Gao Leng, and raised his mouth when he saw Gao Leng couldn't help but said, "It's really amazing."

"Normal business talk." Gao Leng took a sip of tea and glanced at her, just in time to meet her admiring gaze. The gaze was too hot, and Gao Leng looked a little ticklish, so he quickly looked away, even though it was dinner. People often say jokes about secretary work and secretary work, but Gao Leng doesn't want to touch his work partner.

At least his reason is that he doesn't want to touch Yang Guanguan, but the second brother is not very obedient at the moment, and it makes him very helpless.

"I'm really lucky to be your secretary, can I... can I..." After Yang Guanguan finished this sentence, he seemed to hesitate.

"You said." Gao Leng put down his teacup.

"Can I take a photo with you?" Yang Guanguan asked blushingly.

"Yes." Gao Leng thought it was something important, but he didn't expect to take a group photo, so he readily agreed.

Yang Guanguan quickly turned on the phone camera and approached Gao Leng. With this approach, Gao Leng felt a warmth and soft elasticity from his elbow.

Perhaps Gao Leng is surging and uncompressible now, or perhaps the temptation of Yang Guanguan is really great. The touch of this big breast is unusual just on the elbow, and my heart is numb.

"Can you get closer?" Yang Guanguan said, blushing and getting closer to Gao Leng.

It feels stronger...

"Can I take more pictures?" Yang Guanguan asked.

"Yes." Gao Leng nodded.

So the elbows on the left and right, the back felt this gentle pressure...

I just felt that there was a surge up, Gao Leng lowered his head helplessly and glanced down at himself, yes, the team is not easy to bring, these two brothers betrayed again... He hastily covered slightly with the tablecloth, but fortunately Yang Guanguan was busy watching I didn't see the pictures I took.

Yang Guanguan used the fastest speed to post to Moments. The picture is Gao Leng and her picture of the Nine Palaces, and the text is concise and concise: this is the boss of Starlight Group...

Her friends had known that she worked in Starlight Group, and had heard her show off Gao's ability. Besides, Wenkai was exploded, the carrion case was on TV, and the financial circle interviewed, Yang Guanguan’s friends did not need her to go. To show off, most of them have seen Gao Leng on the screen or in the news.

Seeing in the circle of friends is another matter.

In just one minute of effort, Yang Guanguan was surprised to find that at most five or six replies were sent to Moments for a long time before, but now, in less than one minute, dozens of replies have flowed in.

Guan Guan, your boss is so handsome! You are so close to him...

Say, are you dating him? So close! So many group photos, so ambiguous!

Wow, you are lucky, the boss is so handsome! Does he have billions?

I envy you so much! This looks like a couple, wow, the domineering president threw down the **** female secretary...

Yang Guanguan blushed and watched the replies. The woman's vanity was greatly satisfied at this moment. She shyly looked at the cold tea while her eyes suddenly fell on his thigh. At that moment , Her heart jumped sharply.

Mr. Gao was impulsive again... Yang Guanguan bit his lip, blinked his eyes, and involuntarily pushed his chest taller, proud and stunned.

If he is impulsive, he should like me? Would such a good man like me? Or is it just impulse? Yang Guanguan's heart jumped violently.

The sound of Ding Ding Ding interrupted Yang Guanguan's thoughts. She looked at her mobile phone and was startled when she saw that it was her mother's call, so she quickly connected.

"Hey, Guan Guan, is your boss the one sent by your friends? Did you fall in love with him? This young man looks so handsome!" Guan Guan's mother's voice was filled with joy, and she spread it quite loudly. Coming out, Gao Leng who was sitting aside heard it.

"No...no..." Yang Guanguan blushed terribly and stood up quickly. She couldn't find her balance, her body crooked, and she quickly pushed her hand to the side...

This is embarrassing...

I pressed my hand on a hard, long, thick thing...

"Ah!!" Yang Guanguan screamed and bounced off.

This is dying...

Gao Leng's inner desire shook her little hand so firmly, soaring.

"I won't tell you, I'll have a meeting!" Yang Guanguan hung up the phone blushingly, and sat beside Gao Leng shyly, wanting to say sorry, a little weird, let's not say anything, the atmosphere is even stranger .

So big, he is so big? ! What did I see before? Toothpicks? ! Yang Guanguan's heart seemed to jump out of her throat, although she was still a virgin, she could have been in love before, and felt the approximate size of each other when she hugged each other.

In an instant, her ex-boyfriend, who was not in love so deeply, and who had never had a relationship, was compared to him, even worse than scum. Just like other golden-collar friends with an annual salary of hundreds of thousands of millions of dollars, and boyfriends with super capable girlfriends, they are not as scumbags in the face of high cold.

It’s not as good as making money, and this is not as good. Yang Guanguan’s heart beats even harder. She raised her eyes to look at Gao Leng, and an idea flashed in her mind. She sat on the side of Gao Leng, leaning a little. Nearly, Gao Leng felt a soft fatal temptation coming from his arm.

A woman with a big breast is really easy to coax a man, no matter how big her anger is, she walks around with a man's arm, and feels the softness of the arm and all her anger disappears.

Gao Leng looked at the time, took a deep breath, and moved his arm to the side.

"Mr. Gao, do you want to revise the sentence in this contract?" Yang Guanguan opened the topic to cover up the embarrassment, but she moved her body and approached again, and her chest became more and more attached to the cold arm and took it. A contract pointed to one place, raised his eyes and looked at Gao Leng deeply, and asked.

The Emperor Jianguo and the great cause of the founding of the Party are the trump cards of high coldness, and the chest is the trump cards of Guanguan, and also the most powerful weapon of Guanguan. She knows this very well. Although the blushing face is shy, she leans against the high coldness.

The embarrassment was gone, and the ambiguity spread.

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