Gossip King

Chapter 1337: Decline

Gao Leng coughed twice and moved to the side. This is not enough. If this goes on, the scene that Mr. Zhang and Mr. Ji saw when they came in will be irritating.

Seeing Gao Leng move aside, Yang Guanguan felt disappointed and shy in his heart, so he didn't dare to lean forward any more, but his heart thumped.

"I'm sorry, I..." Gao Leng didn't know how to explain to Yang Guanguan why his second brother salutes at every turn, hoping that the two males would come in quickly to break this embarrassment, he had to look at the contract: "This The meaning of the sentence is..."

Yang Guanguan didn't entice Gao Leng, and Gao Leng did not want to do anything wrong. They were looking at the contract, working, and being serious.

The breath from Guan Guan stirred Gao Leng's thoughts. He took a deep breath, perhaps it was this breath, or Guan Guan saw Gao Leng's other clenched fist controlling his hand. Or maybe the girl was pregnant for a long time, Yang Guanguan gently put a hand on the cold thigh.

This is a very clear hint. I have encountered various entertainers at many dinner parties, and I have also encountered various hints. I will not understand. At this moment, Yang Guanguan’s hand is on his thigh, although He didn't move, he didn't proactively touch and flirt like other artists, but Gao Leng couldn't help but understand what Yang Guanguan was suggesting.

Gao Leng hesitated for three seconds, gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand to gently remove Yang Guanguan's hand from his leg.

It's not that Liu Xiahui sits still, especially when it is difficult to control the situation. The moment Yang Guanguan's hand was placed on his thigh, the strands in his body became frustrated and gathered together, rushing in his body, desperately eager to whizz out. .

Although Gao Leng took away Yang Guanguan's hand, he had already moved in and out of her body countless times.

But Gao Leng really didn’t want to hurt Yang Guanguan. This is his secretary, a subordinate, and a colleague. He has eaten in Murong’s slumps. The future he cannot give has caused him to hurt others once. Turn over the hole a second time.

Gao Leng has a small cold, Yang Guanguan is responsible for being in bed, he is unable to give to the future, he can only control his desires.

I didn't say it was broken. After all, I still had to work together in the future. I just took her hand away gently, afraid of her embarrassment, and patted her back gently.

Gao Leng was righteous, with a straight face, just in and out of his heart countless times.

"Don't talk about it, Mr. Gao, what if they both want "Lang Bang" or the two gift films?" Yang Guanguan changed the subject, Yu Guang looked at Gao Leng's thigh, she believed What she saw with her eyes showed that the boss was obviously moved by her, and even if he was not. This made Gao Leng's answer to take away her hand and refuse to be less important. He underestimated his energy in the heart of this female secretary. He spent more than half a year with him, watching the high cold battles invincible, and also saw so many artists trying to please the high cold. A man's strong ability can impress a woman's heart. , Let alone the man's appearance is still high.

"They won't fight for a film, don't worry." Gao Leng quickly took the conversation, and finally could talk about something normal, otherwise she would be so tempted to want to rectify the Fa on the spot.

"Why are you so sure that they won't grab the same one?" Yang Guanguan didn't understand.

"Zonghui Ji wants those two gift films, and Zonghui Zhang wants "Lang Bang"." Yang Guanguan didn't understand too many things, Gao Leng didn't have the mind to explain in detail, but gave a final answer he judged.

Yang Guanguan was skeptical. Seeing Gao Leng's affirmation that a man with courage was attractive, he felt another ripple in his heart, raising his eyes to look at Gao Leng.

In the face of women's worship, Gao Leng saw a lot, so he smiled politely. The gentleman didn't look at Yang Guanguan, but his heart entered her body again, in and out countless times.

"President Gao, I've been waiting for a long time." Mr. Ji who entered the door noticed something and swallowed enviously after wandering his eyes on Yang Guanguan's face for a while.

The secretary blushed like this, and Mr. Gao was going to blow it up. It is estimated that Gao Leng had just touched him. How could he find a secretary with such a good body? I really envy him, Mr. Ji thought.

"I've been waiting for a long time." Mr. Zhang also came in. The film and television producers are all old fried dough sticks. As soon as he walked in, Mr. Zhang felt the ambiguity at once. He looked enviously at the high cold and desperately. He looked at the secretary who was not beautiful with him.

"We analyzed it and felt that "Lang Bang" is more suitable for our platform." Mr. Zhang took the lead.

"That's great. We just feel that "The Founding of the Country" and "The Founding of the Party" are suitable for our platform. It happens that we are one and half of us." Mr. Ji answered with a smile.

It's really Mr. Zhang who wants "Lang Bang" and Mr. Ji wants to present a gift film. Why is Mr. Gao so powerful! Yang Guanguan's heart thumped and looked at Gao Leng admiringly.

Although the performance of these two companies is similar, but the focus is different. Aiyi company is not interested in serious dramas. In addition to cooperating with some popular idol films of satellite TV, they have a lot of cooperation with network TV dramas, and they pay more attention to interests; Net cloud company is different. Net cloud company’s general manager Ji spent time in the army and retired to start a business. He was able to do well all the way. He couldn’t get rid of his uncle who had a government official as the background. Therefore, the net cloud company focuses on drama, especially It is historical drama and war film.

Sure enough, as expected, they all got what they needed, and they all rejoiced.

Yang Guanguan pursed his mouth and raised his head proudly. The man sitting next to her was amazing and charming. A scene appeared in her mind. Gao Leng entered and exited her body countless times. This scene made her feel ashamed. Blushing, she moved her waist uncomfortably, and her bottom was a little wet.

"Well, Mr. Gao, you can quote a price for these two gift films." Mr. Ji raised his glass and made a toast with tea instead of wine.

"Two gift films..." Gao Leng turned the teacup in his hand, thinking about it: "What price can you offer?"

"Hmm..." President Ji blinked and stretched out two fingers: "Two hundred million?"

"Mr. Ji, there are 170 celebrities participating in the performance of the Jianguo Emperor's industry alone, and the traffic it brings can be imagined, and the Jianguo Emperor's industry will only be more or less, is it a bit of two hundred million..." Gao Leng wanted to say Stop again.

"Mr. Gao, you will make less money. Everyone knows that you have invested very little in these two films. Jianguo Diye also invested 50 million yuan and earned 200 million yuan at the box office. Then the video rights will make less money. Moreover, the investment in the establishment of the party and the Diye is also very low. These stars are all starring at zero pay, and the radio and television are pushing hard. You don't even need to pay the box office. You can make less. You can sell it to me in a package of 200 million." Mr. Ji smiled. Open hand.

This is true. The two films are blockbuster films. Good policies can’t be better. The artists are all starring at zero pay. They are very low investment and extremely high income. What Ji does not know is that the income of Jianguo Diye is high. It was given to the public welfare fund under the radio and television, but the income of Jiandang Diye can be taken all, and if the box office of a movie is removed, the 200 million box office of Guangjian Party will definitely be earned.

As for the copyright of online video, earn more and earn less.

"Mr. Ji, you are too stingy to give two hundred million yuan. If you don't want it, we will take the Aiyi Company." Mr. Zhang of Aiyi Company can see the excitement in his words. This gift film is expensive or expensive. , But it represents status. The price of two hundred million is actually quite good, but since it is a deadly opponent, if you can lose a few sentences, you can lose a few sentences.

"You..." When Mr. Ji heard that he was a little angry, he glared at Mr. Zhang: "250 million, the copyrights of the two films are sold to me, at least ten years of copyrights, okay?"

With that, Mr. Ji stretched out his hand.

"Deal." Gao Leng also stretched out his hand.

Yang Guanguan broke his fingers under the table and counted: 250 million plus 110 million, and he made 360 ​​million in an instant...

"It's an honor for Starlight Group to be able to cooperate with the two of you. In this way, I will be the host tonight, so please drink freely." Gao Leng laughed and looked at Yang Guanguan: "My secretary can't drink enough, she can't drink too much. , I drink with you!"

After talking and drinking, this is for sure. The two nodded again and again, especially after hearing that Secretary Yang Guanguan was not drinking enough, their eyes brightened.

"That's OK, it happened that Mr. Su set up a bureau in Zhizhou Winery. By the way, Mr. Gao, you will also attend the government's k65 media worker meeting tomorrow. Let's go together."

"Yes, Mr. Su is heroic. The place not far from the meeting address is a high-end wine garden of Huantai Group. She emptied the place for guests and settled down for all the big guys who came to the meeting. Anyway, there will be a meeting tomorrow. , Otherwise we will go to Zhizhou Wine Garden to drink, and just sleep there when we drink too much."

Mr. Zhang and Mr. Ji reached a consensus on this point.

Tomorrow, the government will hold a meeting for the bosses of nearly a hundred well-known media companies in China. This is a regular annual meeting. There is nothing important, but the government meeting must come. The former Huantai did not play media, and it opened today. Film and television companies are also invited.

President Su has always been domineering, and he directly gave his wine garden to the meeting bigwigs who came to live for a few days, and he has also been in the wine garden to entertain guests from all over the past few days. Of course, he can come to live in the wine garden of Su Su. They all have a certain level, Gao Leng, President Ji, and President Zhang are naturally within the range of the level.

"Mr. Su is smart. I play media by myself. Please go to them for a drink. She has a charisma and everyone will go. It is a business opportunity for so many colleagues to gather together. I think the Huantai Group is going to make a big push into the film and television industry. Mr. Gao, I went there for a while to find a few more projects, and we all worked together after the discussion.” Several people walked along to the Zhizhou Winery.

"Miss Yang, let's have a few drinks in a while." President Ji looked at Yang Guanguan in a puzzled manner.

"Yes, let's drink a few glasses in a while." Mr. Zhang agreed and swallowed his saliva.

"Okay, Mr. Gao, let's drink together for a while." Yang Guanguan followed Gao Leng closely, and almost turned her high heels without paying attention. She quickly reached out and took Gao Leng's arm.

A soft touch came from his arm.

"Girls drink less, I can drink it myself for a while. Be careful that the two of them are pouring you wine. They are unkind." Gao Leng lowered his voice and reminded his subordinates with a righteous expression. He just looked down and saw the gully. The joy of being pressed on his arm made him couldn't help but enter and exit Yang Guanguan's body again, countless times.

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