Gossip King

Chapter 1353: Shame

Sato stretched out his tongue and licked his lips. It has been a long time since there was a woman who excited him. Diba wore simple clothes in the hot spring area. His rugged figure made Bai Xi seem to see water, and the heroic air between his brows made him Some charms I've seen paled.

It's not excitement, it's chicken movement.

Sato smiled happily, and just looked over coldly, so he raised his glass.

"Wow, such a powerful investor knows you!" Diba looked at Gao Leng with increasing admiration.

"I shouldn't recognize who I am so soon." Gao Leng is obviously more rational. Although he is well-known in the film and television industry, venture capital companies have heard his name more or less, not to mention all venture capital companies. At least everyone in the Feng Projection Horizon should know the Starlight Group, but if you know, you don't necessarily know who he is when you see him.

It’s more common to hear the name but never meet someone.

Gao Leng also raised his glass, and Diba walked past her.

"Mr. Sato, look up for a long time." Gao sneered and stretched out his hand.

"Hello, hello." Sato stretched out his hand, shook his cold hand for at most two seconds before reaching out to Diba: "This beauty, hello."

Diba quickly shook hands politely: "Hello, Mr. Sato."

"Oh, the voice is also very good." Sato gave a thumbs up and sniffed it secretly. The scent of gardenias all over his body made his eyes smile: "It smells very good too!"

Gao Leng's face darkened.

This tone was a bit weird, and it was very arrogant, and he said so in front of the cold.

"Thank you." Diba didn't hear the emotions under Sato's words. She didn't understand the unspeakable thoughts in a man's heart when he said such things, so Luoluo generously held out her hand and held it, just a little strange. Tilted his head.

How did he shake hands for so long? As she thought, she drew her hand back. Sato still held it. Normal girls didn't dare to move anymore at this time, but Diba yanked her hand out with a sharp eyebrow.

Sato was surprised by the infinite beauty.

Gao Leng looked in his eyes and hinted Diba to stand behind him.

"Which film and television company are you an artist?" Sato looked at Diba and asked.

"Yeah." Diba pointed to Gao Leng.

"Oh..." Sato dragged his voice. It seemed that she was just an entertainer. He thought, and looked at him coldly. He saw that he was young, although he was promising, but he faced him. It was obvious that he had no hard power. The bosses of several famous film and television companies are old friends with him.

This is not a top-notch person, Sato judged something in his heart.

A little artist under the banner of someone who is not a top-notch, he saw Sato. What can't be done? How many imperial women lined up to hope to climb on his bed to feel his Japanese male power.

"Mr. Sato!" An industry insider walked over quickly after seeing Sato, with great enthusiasm: "Mr. Sato, I'm about to visit you in Japan."

"Mr. Bao, it’s been a long time since I saw you. Your company is not doing very well recently." Mr. Sato Yu Guang looked at Diba, staring at the approaching old man in his sixties with a serious face. Mr. Bao is the chief executive of a domestic cartoon gh film and television company.

"Hey..." President Bao was pale and haggard. It seems that he has been worrying a lot recently. Sato, who is only in his 30s, has only bowed his head and apologized, saying in a guaranteed tone: "Next quarter meeting Brought back capital."

Mr. Bao’s company got Sato’s venture capital, and it was naturally a low profile in front of Sato.

"To film an empire, you have to use the content of a popular online novel and spend a year to produce it, but you lose money?" Sato's tone is condescending and full of accusations: "It is tight to film an empire. Rely on selling toys, what do you do with such meticulous shooting? Do Imperial Children like to watch detailed cartoons? Do your Imperial Children appreciate it? It is not profitable!"

Sato’s sharp words made Gao Leng feel very uncomfortable. It must have made President Bao very uncomfortable. The imperial people said that the imperial people can. You, a foreigner, especially the Japanese, actually said that in front of you, and it was imperial. The next generation of people, this makes people angry.

But President Bao still squeezed out an awkward smile and nodded in agreement.

Sato said bitterly, but it is the reality today: You spend your energy to make a high-quality cartoon, spend huge financial resources, and finally lose your money. What is the state of Empire animation today? Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf can be regarded as successful cases. The production cost is low, and the sale of toys has made huge profits.

So, which is the most profitable cartoon in the Empire? It's not a good plot, not a good picture, nor any far-reaching content, but selling toys.

Yes, I make cartoons for the sake of selling toys, or import them at low prices, or make them myself. One sells all kinds of speed cars, what burst speed cars, pigman, 1234 dragon fighters, Beastmaster Hegemony, and all kinds of special ultraman It only takes three or four months to make the pictures of toys and other crude pictures. They are all cartoons of fighting and killing. The protagonist races the speed car and sees who runs fast. As soon as it broadcasts, After children watch the cartoon, their parents should buy the speed cars in the cartoon. A speed car can be as little as 40 or 50, and it can move more than 100.

Burst Speed ​​1, Burst Speed ​​2, and Burst Speed ​​n. As soon as a cartoon comes out, the children all hold the toys in this cartoon in their hands.

What you earn is the peripheral money. How good is it to make a cartoon that makes the peripheral money? In many cartoons, even a person is holding a toy to introduce the toy, and it still sells well and earns a lot of bells.

How good is a cartoon created to sell toys? This is the current status of Empire animation: good content is not as good as selling things.

"You said, you can make 30 or 40 cartoon episodes in three months, sell hundreds of millions of toys, and then shoot a garbage cartoon in three or four months, and get a turnover of several hundred million. How great is it? A turnover of more than one billion yuan a year. How about you? Is it worth it to spend tens of millions to make a cartoon? Does the empire need to watch this kind of boutique cartoon? The empire does not need it Sato waved his hand with contempt: "Can you be a little bit investment-minded? Can high-quality cartoons make money in the empire? The empire kids have this ability to appreciate?"

Long-form cartoons can affect children very much. This is different from movies. Many children watch this stuff every day and buy toys when they watch it. The simple profit model is very popular in the empire.

"Yes, yes, yes." Mr. Bao squeezed out a smile with a dark face and nodded, stretched out his hand and flicked his gray hair. It's no good to be pointed at by a young man. Sato is an investor and a payer. You have to listen. Besides, what he said is the truth.

Empire, a full-length cartoon for the conscience of three to six years old, is currently a blank area, even if there are one or two, it is a loss of underwear.

"Why do you speak so badly?" Diba lost her breath and opened her mouth. She slanted her eyes and looked at Sato: "Your Japanese cartoons are amazing. That doesn't mean that our imperial children are It’s worse than your kids’ aesthetics. We can’t appreciate any fine cartoons. What are you talking about.”

Sato looked at Diba with a grin, and said after a few chucks, "I have a temper, not bad."

Diba's chest rose and fell sharply, and Sato swallowed as he watched.

"Tell me, what cartoon did you watch when you were young?" he asked.

"Baseball hero, Guannan master, football kid..." Dibba tilted his head and thought for a while: "I don't like to watch the little demon fairy, I like to watch boys."

"Look, these are all cartoons produced by us in Japan." Sato laughed, and then glanced at everyone proudly: "Do you know why we make so many sports cartoons in Japan for people to watch? From a young age From toddlers to high school students, we in Japan have produced almost any animation for the sports industry, but only these few have been introduced, baseball, basketball, football, yes, your empires are good at playing table tennis. In the past few years, we are Japan. I made a cartoon of table tennis specifically for young children."

Diba suddenly felt admired and scared.

Indeed, Japan, a country with such a small land area, has produced a large number of sports cartoons in more than ten years. These few movies alone have made the children of the entire empire fascinated by basketball and football.

"Twenty years ago, the average height of us in Japan was not high. In order to strengthen our entire nation, our investors invested a lot of money to produce athlete-type cartoons. At the same time, various major schools from elementary school to high school have established their own This is a sports club, so we Japanese are now physically strong and sports are popular." Sato raised his head and said of this brow.

Japan’s animation industry is very developed. In addition to anime masters like Hayao Miyazaki, there are a large number of cartoons made for young children. In recent years, cartoons and cartoons of table tennis have been specially produced, so that children can find boiling in the cartoons. The feeling of falling in love with this sport.

Falling in love deeply from the bottom of my heart has nothing to do with winning or not winning the Olympic Games, but with the physique of the entire nation.

Sato’s arrogance is based on facts. In this area, the empire is indeed ashamed. Let’s take a look at the feature-length cartoons we made for young children, click on the cartoons that are responsible for various traffic, this speed car, that special Man has the upper hand. Although there have been one or two high-quality movies in recent years, can movies last for the next generation?

Obviously not.

It is a long-form animation that can influence the next generation, specially set for young children.

"So we have to make this cartoon too." Diba clenched his fists.


Sato laughed haha: "You, too young, what do the imperial people pursue? The imperial people don't pursue the next generation, they pursue money, money!" Sato stretched out his hand and made a gesture of counting money, with a smile full of contempt. .

Diba's fists clenched tighter.

She was so angry that she couldn't find words to refute her.

Shame, this is shame, she thought, looking at Gao Leng, she saw Gao Leng's face black and still smiling, but her fist was secretly clenched in her pocket.

Sato patted Mr. Bao on the shoulder: "Mr. Bao, I have invested in so many domestic film and television companies. If you can see you, you have to work hard. Remember, the empires don’t need high-quality cartoons. Making money from junk movies is the kingly way. After so many years, who has so many film and television companies made fine cartoons for the empire’s young children? No, why not? Money, money is what your empire wants most. This concept is great. You love money, and I can make a profit. This is also the purpose of my investment. Imperial children don’t need high-quality goods, and they won’t appreciate it anyway."

"Mr. Sato." Gao Leng spoke slowly, with humiliation in his eyes, but more fighting spirit.

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