Gossip King

Chapter 1354: Bad future

"Mr. Sato." Gao Leng said slowly: "I'm afraid you have invested too much and don't understand the animation industry. Don't you remember when Empire Animation was brilliant?"

When Empire Animation had a glorious time, a series of cartoons full of Empire style, such as Calabash Baby and Journey to the West, had a unique style sweeping across Asia. At that time, Japanese animation did not know where to squat.

"I don’t remember. It’s too long. Now the times are different. We have progressed. You have disappeared. This is a fact. The fact is that the empires don’t need high-quality animations and can import animations from our country. You don’t need to make them yourself. Isn't it?" Sato asked Gao Leng proudly.

He did have enough self-confidence, and in this regard, the empire really had no place in it. There is no genuine high-quality cartoon specifically aimed at young children. When a movie is released, it starts with a pot lid. The pleasant goats and big big wolves that sell a lot around make the group go to the sky.

Our education of young children did not start with cartoons.

Our football is not good. We did not immediately publish a large wave of cartoons about football boys and football heroes like Japan back then, which aroused children's strong interest in football. We are educating children with exquisite cartoons and passionate and healthy animation content. In this piece, we are a blank area.

"Is the empire glorious for cartoons? No, it's too long, I don't remember, boy, don't tell me about your grandfather's generation." Sato waved his hand disdainfully. I watched Mr. Bao and reiterated: “I invest in you to make money for you. I invest in Empire Animation not for what the Empire’s children learn. What I want is how much I can earn. Mr. Bao, if the next quarter’s performance Still like this, you can only get round b in venture capital."

One round of venture capital rounds, only getting the B round of investment is undoubtedly a dead end, Mr. Bao smiled awkwardly and nervously, bent slightly to agree, and repeatedly agreed.

This kind of humiliation is something that you can really feel when you reach a high level, deeply and without self-confidence.

"Ink and wash animation, our empire will definitely do it, and we will also make long-length high-quality cartoons." Gao Leng seemed to tell Sato to listen to it, but also seemed to say to the gray-haired Bao who wants to make a boutique but has to listen to investors Listen, it seems to be for yourself.

Hahahaha, Sato laughed loudly, unceremoniously, full of irony, and even thought that Gao Leng was too idiotic and too mentally retarded.

Empire’s unique ink-and-wash animation is an animation that the global animation industry can only look up to. It is the Japanese animation master Hayao Miyazaki who came to the empire with full admiration in his early years, hoping to cooperate, and finally the country declined to protect its technology. State-level technology.

"Ink and wash animations are all over the streets now, but they are all three-legged cat kung fu. The core technology of empire's ink and wash animation is still in the hands of the government. It is indeed very good, but who has the money to invest? It takes at least one billion US dollars to invest. , And the income is likely to be worthy of his blood. Who loses this money? The empire loses money? Ahahahaha." Sato smiled back and forth and shook his head with certainty: "The empire only makes money and counts the turnover every day. Calculating the business growth rate each month, who would lose this money to do this?"

The price of ink and wash animation is extremely expensive, and it is called by the animation industry that only socialist countries can create cartoons. The state has mastered this and almost some experts go to the sea to do business, and part of the technology has been released. Nowadays there is such a little ink on the market. The content of the animation, but not all.

The whole process of ink and wash animation production is extremely expensive.

"Me." Gao Leng said loudly.

It is Gao Leng’s dream to make ink and wash animation. As early as when he was cooperating with Lin Dao, he had a dialogue with Lin Dao about ink and wash animation. Star Group provided Zou Da’s ink and wash animation company free of charge to train cartoonists. Gao Leng is not only It was simply using this to attract Director Lin to come to the Starlight Group to make a film, but deep down he really wanted to do this.

"You?" Sato said with a faint smile: "Excuse me, this gentleman, your surname? Sorry, I don't know him very well. With such a big tone, none of the top three film and television companies in the empire I know has such a big tone. "

Under the words, it is a mockery of the fearlessness of the cold and ignorant.

It is even more contempt for imperial entrepreneurs who only care about income.

These two points are facts. Few imperial companies can spend tens of billions of dollars like Japanese companies, and spend more than ten years for the entire team to research a technology. It will be a loss for more than ten years. No wrinkles. The imperial enterprise counts its monthly turnover every year. If the monthly turnover is not good, it immediately jumps.

This is a shame, but Gao Leng can only face this shame. After all, he has no ability to call on a group of people to research printers and light energy technology for ten years, even if it is to invest one or two good cartoons for the children of the empire. He has no strength now.

But the lack of strength does not mean that he has no ambition, nor does it mean that he cannot do it.

Although the strength is not enough, the bones cannot be softened.

"Star Group, Gao Leng." Gao Leng said firmly, looking at Sato with his eyes like a torch, not humble and humble: "Mr. Sato can remember this name."

Sato's face changed.

He knows the Star Group, but this is a company that has just stepped into the film and television industry. Didn't the boss of a company of this size bow to his knees when he met him, eager to get his venture capital? Sato was unhappy to choke him face to face.

Very upset.

Sato smiled coldly, not smiling.

Japan’s venture capital is well-known in the Empire and South Korea. Sato invests in the Empire’s media circle. 80% of the artist companies have investments. What is this concept? Monopolizes the concept of the packaging direction of imperial artists.

Not to mention other industries. Even Taobao is a Japanese venture capitalist. If it is not the excellent forward-looking power of Japanese venture capital, there is no Taobao. Today, when I invested in e-commerce, I felt that I was at a loss. The company took the shot and made venture capital, which lasted 15 years and the return on investment was about 3440 times.

At the beginning, Jack Ma went everywhere looking for venture capital and bank loans, but in the early stage of the e-commerce, he had to lose money for several years, and the amount of loss was huge. He went around begging grandpa to tell her that the **** was worn out, and no one took care of him. The investor only chatted with him for 6 minutes, and then immediately decided to invest 30 million US dollars in 6 minutes.

The 30 million US dollars at the time was not a small amount. In fact, Mr. Ma only needed 5 million US dollars at that time. At that time, there were few domestic investors and local tyrants who appreciated Ma Yun. They were willing to grab gold, and did not invest in real estate.

It takes so many years to lose money before it is possible to make a profit. What if it is not profitable?

But the Japanese venture capitalist took the initiative, not only did it, but also proactively invested several times more than Jack Ma needed to control the absolute equity.

Nowadays, although Ma Yun later paid a high price through share repurchase, fortunately he finally gained the control of Taobao, but the Japanese company's venture capital has also obtained super high returns, with a return rate of 3440 times. Thousands of times!

Realized myth investment.

This is why Japanese investors laugh at the imperial people's short-sightedness and only love money.

It is also a pillar of shame that domestic entrepreneurs have to face: since you only want to make money, don't blame Sato for using turnover to suppress you and humiliate you.

Sato didn't expect such a novice film company to choke him. He sneered and looked at Gao Leng: "I can't remember your name."

"It will make you remember it." Gao Leng said, not humble and fearless.

"Young man, don't you need venture capital?" Sato's eyes were angry. He counted on Mr. Bao for so long, and Mr. Bao didn't dare to put one. He invested in so many companies. Which company boss didn't hesitate to thank him? He was choked by such a young man, which made him very upset.

"I need." Gao sneered: "But you don't need you, because like-minded people can be like-minded. After all, my purpose is not just to make money, but my vision is different from yours."

You laugh at the eyes of the empires, and I also despise your eyes with the empires.

"Two bosses, come here, let's drink and drink, Mr. Gao, you see, you see, you must have drunk too much." The executives of Huantai Group who accompanied Sato throughout the process quickly eased the atmosphere, and he moved towards Mr. Gao. Winked.

Don't offend anyone who offends you.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Gao, you drank too much." Mr. Bao also hurriedly finished when he saw the situation. Although he felt that Gao Leng's remarks expressed the ambition of the empire, after all, people have more dishes than himself. It is necessary to offend such a large investor.

Sato's face was dark and gave a high cold look. Suddenly, he laughed and stretched out his hand to fiddle with his hair, Yang Chang's voice twisted his neck, his neck chuckled twice, his voice seemed to be someone Squeezing his nose is full of irony, the kind of irony that the strong are dismissive of the mentally retarded: "Some people insist on hitting the blade."

"It's fun to live on the blade." Gao Leng finished speaking, turned and left. Diba hurriedly followed. When she left, she could also pick up a tissue on the table and wipe her hand, and then in front of Sato's. The noodles were thrown on the table.

Hahahaha, Sato twisted his neck again and smiled with dark eyes.

"Mr. Sato, Mr. Gao must have drunk too much. Don't mind if you drank too much." Mr. Bao quickly raised a glass to ease the embarrassment. Although he admired Gao's approach, he did not have the strength to confront his investors.

"Yes, yeah, Mr. Gao drank too much." The executives of Huantai Group sweated on their foreheads, and he sighed with a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, Gao was cold and left. It was so sparkling, it was so noisy. When he got up, he, the president, didn't accompany Sato well.

"Do you people in the empire know the law of the dark jungle?" Sato glanced at Bao Zonghe and Huantai executives.

The law of the dark jungle, if the entire universe wants a dark jungle, then we will never make a sound in the vast universe. The ethnic group that made the sound first will always be besieged and extinct by other higher-level ethnic groups.

Sato’s words are self-evident. A group of entrepreneurs in the empire begged in this dark jungle, eager to get venture capital from Sato, but pretended not to hear his cynicism, and resisted the slightest retort. After all, retorted. It would cause trouble. Gao Cooling was the first person who jumped out and choked him directly. He was the first person to speak so fiercely against his words since he invested in the empire for so many years.

There have been entrepreneurs who declined because they invested too many shares or other reasons, and the word "wan" shows that the other party is very polite, but you are not polite.

"Mr. Gao, what should you do if you offend this kind of boss?" Diba asked tremblingly. Although she had just thrown away the paper towel and was happy, but after she finished she was scared and felt deep in her heart. Terrified.

When you are so weak, making a sound is taking up your self-esteem, but it attracts Sato's anger and a black face from overseas investment forces.

The future is not good.

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