Gossip King

Chapter 1358: Do you still have work tonight

"President Su, what should I do next?" Mr. Li asked.

"Cold." Su Su glanced at President Li with a sneer, "Could it be possible to cooperate with them?"

President Li looked a little hesitant, and took a careful look at President Su. He knew that it is absolutely impossible to cooperate with President Su’s temperament. What she hates most is the two bosses in a project. People in the business district say she has always Just eat alone, this is not groundless.

President Su even cleared his relatives from Huantai, so it is naturally impossible to cooperate with another person on such a project. Cooperate to expand the project line, Zhifu Film and Television? forget it.

"But I think we can actually work together. Let's talk about the bottom of Taiwan variety shows. It's really impossible to kick him out at that time..." President Li still put forward his own suggestions. He is a man of both sides, not the hard-heartedness of President Su. Most people are not as hard as her.

"No need." Su Su shook his head without even thinking about it: "Two billion is the best thing to buy because I think it is convenient and cooperative? It is not convenient. I might as well use two billion to buy another variety show company in Taiwan. The project has to be annexed. Which of the other big film and television companies will cooperate with him? This kind of project still cooperates. That's how small companies play, and it is shameful."

President Li swallowed his saliva, which is true. The other companies didn't cooperate, and Huantai went to cooperate, which seemed to be inferior. It would be better to buy other variety shows with 2 billion.

"Strange, why does this person suddenly want to cooperate? Don't you always want to sell the best fortune?" Su Su shook his head in doubt. There were too many things to worry about, so she turned around and left without thinking about it.


"He never thought about selling Zhifu Film and Television?! How could it be that from the death of President Qi last year to this year, he has been negotiating prices among the major film and television companies." Yang Guanguan counted the days with his fingers: " It's been four months."

"For four months, if he really wanted to sell, he would have sold it. When other film and television companies talked to him, they must have only talked about annexation, and no one talked about cooperation. He is so arrogant that he has never agreed." Gao Leng drew a piece from the information and pointed out: "Also, he came out semi-publicly after his father died. Before that, he even asked Qiaoquan to have a blind date with a woman arranged by his father, in order to fear that others would find him. He has a habit of breaking his sleeves and has never returned to Taiwan overseas. Based on this, he knows that he is a filial son."

Homosexuality is something in the bones. Just like a normal man, seeing a beautiful woman will naturally be hard. A woman will naturally see a majestic man, and a normal man will not want to pick him up when he sees another man. Pants.

Similarly, when a man with broken sleeves meets a woman, he will vomit when he thinks about kissing another man just like a normal man thinks about kissing another man. Qi Zhuangnan was able to hide abroad and accept blind dates until his father died before coming out.

This shows that this person is very concerned about his father's views.

"Will someone who cares about his father's opinion sell his ancestral property? This is the ancestral property his father left him." Gao Leng shook his head with certainty: "What's more, look at the identity of Qi Zhuangnan. It is full of literary spirit, family writers for generations, do you know which kind of person is the most difficult to deal with in this world?"

"Wen Qing." Yang Guanguan answered.

"Yes, Wenqing is the most difficult to deal with. The people with Wenqing to their bones are very proud. The more they use money to suppress them, the more they use power to tempt them, the more they feel insulted."

"However, he took the initiative to come to Zhizhou. It can be seen that he really wants to meet Mr. Su. He is not so caring about the other film and television companies. He is indeed very proud."

Gao Leng nodded, and looked in the direction of Su Su. She stood there thinking about something, and finally raised her head decisively and left, and said: "Qi Zhuangnan will definitely not sell her ancestral property, so he sees President Su definitely wants to talk about cooperation, but although Huantai Film and Television is a newly established film and television company, it is not the same if it is backed by Huantai, plus Su Su's temperament."

"I will definitely reject him." Yang Guanguan understood.

If Gao Leng's judgment is not wrong, Qi Zhuangnan, who doesn't want to sell his ancestral industry, is testing everywhere to see which film and television work is not thinking about directly swallowing the blessing, but can cooperate. After scanning a large circle, I found that these established film and television companies I will definitely not cooperate with you, after all, the resources are not equal. Then only Huantai Film and Television has a slight possibility, after all, Huantai Film and Television was just established.

High is not high, low is not good, the first-line film and television companies just want to swallow him, and the second-line he doesn't want to take care of him.

It's like Gao Leng's approach to Qi Zhuangnan before, Qi Zhuangnan feels like he doesn't want to talk to Gao Leng, in his eyes, Gao Leng is a second-rate film and television company.

"A person who is very proud of his bones knows how many catties he is. In this case, coming to Su Su's side cheeky, it can be regarded as annihilation of his last fantasy, so he can only step back and cooperate with me." Gao Leng drank After tasting a sip of wine, he said affirmatively: "And President Su, he will definitely crush the price thoroughly and tell him that I am going to swallow you in Huantai. Cooperation? Don't even think about it."

Su Su is the final fantasy of Qi Zhuangnan’s delusion of cooperating with first-line film and television. After all, Huantai Film and Television is not a first-line when it just started, but it is destined to become the first-line. With the warmth of the Taiwanese film and television circles, the inland film and television circles are much bloodier.

"Didn't you say that you want to annex too? How could it be cooperation?" The fighting spirit in Gao Leng's eyes made Yang Guanguan afraid to look directly.

"I said, real hunters don't hunt in the spring. They have to wait until the fish are fat and the sheep are strong before they start slaughtering."

The inland film and television circles are far more slaughter than Taiwan. The city of Taiwan is a bit weird, and the economy is prosperous. The people in the film and television circles are also popping up endlessly with golden ideas. But after all, the stalls are small. The TV shows made in recent years are stingy. For real-life shooting, let alone variety shows, the mainland’s variety shows have invested tens of millions and one billion in one episode, and they invested seven or eighty million in one episode, which is not comparable.

Taiwan’s film and television circles are particularly humane. Even two opposing variety shows will be humbly, at least on the surface, you compliment me and I compliment you; while the mainland is different, similar TV shows, similar movies, and similar variety shows , The killing started before it even started. You stepped on me and I crushed you. It was on the table. It was very direct, cruel and without friendship.

It is precisely because of this cruelty that the mainland's film and television industry began to rise.

Gao Leng naturally had slaughter in his heart, and it was even more so in the face of Qi Zhuang Nan. It was just that his sword would end later, and later.

It will be the best time to grab this piece of meat from the mouths of these big film and television companies.

"Cooperate first, then annex, what if Qi Zhuangnan is unwilling to do?" Yang Guanguan asked timidly. If you don't want to, you won't sell this kind of culture.

"He will agree. As long as he cooperates with me on a variety show, he will definitely be willing." Gao Leng stood up and walked to the room where Qi Zhuangnan was drinking: "The prey is in the eyes of the hunter. In addition to killing, there is tame. "


"Mr. Qi, beg for a drink." Gao sneered and walked into Qi Zhuangnan’s door. As soon as he entered the door, he sat down to the seat, picked up the jar and poured a glass, frowning and said: "How to use this kind of tall feet What about the cup? I have to take a bowl to drink my daughter's red wine, waiter, bring some bowls."

Careless, like Qi Zhuangnan, there are no rules on the wine bureau.

Qi Zhuangnan smiled faintly, and took a deep look at Gao Leng. He knew that Gao Leng was here to discuss cooperation, but did not speak, but sighed with a smile.

Qi Zhuangnan didn’t want to socialize, so I didn’t like this, but the inland ethos is to socialize when discussing business, and it’s better to bring a secretary or assistant, so that he looks good. He frowned and went to the countryside to do what Huantai didn’t want to cooperate with. , Other large film and television companies are unwilling to cooperate, so they can only work with some similar film and television companies. The high-cold film and television company is not his favorite, but it is the company that proposed to cooperate before. , You can also talk about it.

He raised his glass.

"Don't, you drink yours, I drink mine, I'm here to drink." Gao Leng reached out his hand to stop him, turned and looked at Yang Guanguan: "Secretary Yang, if you don't like drinking, you can go back to sleep. It’s rare to meet such a good daughter Hong, I am not drunk or go home today."

"Huh?" Yang Guanguan was a little confused, didn't he talk about cooperation? How to get the secretary out? Although puzzled, he turned and left obediently.

Qi Zhuangnan's eyes lit up, and he glanced at his assistant: "You go out too."

When the assistants were all out, the bowl arrived, Gao Leng filled a bowl of wine and drank himself: "Yes, this wine is really good."

He really came to drink, and he didn't mean to discuss cooperation with Qi Zhuangnan.

It's also strange that Gao Leng did this to Qi Zhuangnan's appetite. After a few rounds of drinking, Qi Zhuangnan took the initiative to speak: "Mr. Gao, I'm afraid you didn't come in for a drink, are you talking about cooperation?"

After waiting for Qi Zhuangnan to speak first, Gao Leng put down his wine bowl and shook his head: "No, I am mainly here to drink. If I can talk about cooperation with you by the way, it would be the best. I know, you have been from the beginning. You didn't want to sell Zhifu Film and Television. Not only did you not want to sell Zhifu Film and Television, you also wanted to make Zhifu Film and Television bigger and stronger, and restore the former style of Taiwan's variety shows."

Qi Zhuangnan looked at Gao Leng with some surprise.

"So, we'll drink wine today. You don't need to persuade me to drink. I don't advise you to drink. I guess you must be very depressed today. Our brothers should drink alcohol to relieve boredom. For cooperation, I will only Say something." Gao Leng stretched out his finger: "First of all, I will fully respect your ideas. Your team’s ideas, that is, the collaborative program, are under your full control; second, the host, you can use Your well-known brother Kang in Taiwan."

Qi Zhuangnan opened his eyes wide in disbelief. He put down his wine bowl and looked at Gao Leng seriously and seriously. Obviously, Gao Leng's two points moved him.

"Can the host use Kang Ge?" Qi Zhuangnan confirmed again.

"Yes." Gao Leng smiled and nodded: "We are cooperating with an online variety show. I will be responsible for hiring a famous host on the mainland with a high salary. You can set the host on your side, including Brother Kang. You can come, and I welcome him."

Qi Zhuangnan touched the bowl with some excitement.

Kang is a well-known host in Taiwan, and he is also very famous in the mainland, but he has never been on a mainland TV station. Once, the TV station interviewed him, and the last episode was not broadcast. The reason is that Kang's identity is too sensitive. , Can't pass the TV station's trial.

Although the review of online variety shows is not so strict, there are so many online variety shows, and no one dares to use Kang. What I am afraid of is when a policy will be issued in the future, because Kang’s identity is sensitive. .

The host banned it, it was extremely harmful to the program, and no one wanted to take this risk.

Because Kang Ge is gay, and like Qi Zhuangnan, he has a tendency to break his sleeves.

"Since you are willing to cooperate, I guess that many film and television companies will look for you to cooperate. After all, there are still many film and television companies at the level of Starlight Group. I will say these about cooperation. This is the cooperation information. You can check it if you have time. . I’m too lazy to talk about other things. I pay for the promotion, you are responsible for the planning, and the host on the Taiwan side can ask Kang, it’s that simple." Gao Leng handed him the information, taking care of himself. After drinking, there really is no more talk about cooperation.

After a few rounds of drinking, Gao Leng came out of Qi Zhuangnan's room. As soon as his front foot came out, the chief executive of the film and television company entered on his back foot.

"President Qi, look forward to a long time, this is my assistant, this is my secretary, come, let me do it first." Then came the usual opening remarks in the business field.

One night, the bosses of five film and television companies all went in. Zhifu Film and Television originally wanted to cooperate. That's great. Old-brand film and television companies can't appreciate Zhifu, while second-rate film and television companies are eager to cooperate.

"Mr. Su, Mr. Gao has been chatting with Zhifu's for a long time." At night, after Su Su had been busy for a while, the assistant hurriedly came over to report: "The Mr. Qi of Zhifu and Mr. Gao talked recently. I think they will cooperate. "

"I won't cooperate anyway. The high-cold stall is small, and the two stalls are small. Taiwan's variety shows are not so easy to settle in. What big things can the two Ronaldo do? Those old brands have not won the best, right? It’s a good thing for us. Our competitors are those old-brand, not high-cold, small film and television companies. What are you making a fuss about? We just want to enter Taiwan’s variety shows.” Su Su smiled disapprovingly. He waved his hand: "Go out, I will read the information."

As night fell, the high-cold drunk felt a little anxious again, paced back and forth, his eyes began to linger on the woman.

Xiao Leng left, Yu Zhibei was stabbed and abolished by him on the bed. He breathed deeply and scratched his hair a little irritably.

The moon came out, round and bright.

"General Manager Gao, do you still have work tonight? If not, I am full and ready to go to sleep." Diba's voice came from behind. She changed into an evening gown with a faint fragrance of gardenia.

The taste of home in Gao Leng's memory, the fragrance of gardenia.

Turning his head to see, he was well dressed, not showing his chest, and showing off his legs. Compared with the female artist on the same stage, Diba looked a little rounder. In reality, it was just right. The round flesh was soft. Even the photogenic may be fatter.

"Is there still work tonight?" Diba asked again, tilting his head.

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